HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/12/1994
. IV.
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles, W A 98362
Special Meeting
January 12, 1994
7:00 P.M.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meetings of December 8, and 15, 1993
First Street: A conditional use permit to allow expansion of a building which
currently houses a vehicle body and paint shop located in the Arterial Commercial
(ACD) District.
between 15/16 alley and 16th Street.
COMl\RJNITY SERVICES. 531 East Fifth Street: Request for a permit to
allow a group home to be located in the RS- 7, Residential Single- Famil y District.
ANGELES. City wide: Minor amendments to development regulations of the
City's Municipal Code to clarify provisions and make minor changes which are
considered housekeeping in nature.
Planning Commission: Bob Winters, Chair; Cindy Souders, Vice Chair; Roger Catts; Bob Philpott; Orville Campbell; Carl Alexander and Linda Nutter.
Planning Staff: Brad Collins, Planning Director; Sue Roberds, Office Specialist; David Sawyer, Senior Planner; John Jimerson, Associate Planner.
Port Angeles~ Washington 98362
January U, 1994
7:00 P.M.
Chair Winters called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Members Present: Linda Nutter, Cindy Souders, Bob Philpott, Orville Campbell, Carl
Alexander, Roger Catts and Bob Winters.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: John Jimerson, Brad Collins, Ken Ridout and Bruce Becker.
Don Clayton, Curt Register,. Jack Andis, Mike Stenger, Jim
Register, Lori Cates, Kendra Waggoner, David Waggoner, Carl
Richmond, Donna Richmond, Terry LaDuran, David Logan, Paul
Collins, Win Slota, Valerie Jester, Bill Rinehart, Cate Rinehart,
Dave Milligan, Warner Balch, Sheri Balch, Denise Heassler,
Laurey Hansen-Carl, Miriam Krause, Dr. Phillip Lavek.
Commissioner Philpott moved to approve the minutes of December 8, 1993, with the
following additions:
On Page 4, for the zoning code amendment proposed by Tim German, add the following
after the public hearing was closed:
Brad Collins clarified the recommendation and options of the Planning Commission.
Commissioner Alexander stated the PRD has historically been primarily for multi-family
projects. The 30% open space requirement allows for flexibility in other standards.
Commissioner Nutter expressed concern with tinkering with the ordinance, perhaps a
comprehensive review would be better. She wasn't sure it's better to have common
usable open space instead of private yard open space. Commissioner Catts stated the
requirement for common usable open space does not preclude the opportunity for private
yards. The 30% open space standard should be applied to multi-family developments,
but that allowing open space in the exterior setbacks be counted to meet requirements is
acceptable for single family PRD's. The Planning Commission discussed whether a more
Planning Commission Minutes
January ] 2, ] 994
Page 2
comprehensive review of the PRD should occur, as opposed to making piecemeal
changes. It was the consensus that a more comprehensive review would be appropriate,
but that they should take an action on the proposal at this time, rather than continuing it
On page 5, after the second of the motion by Commissioner Catts, prior to the comment
from Commissioner Nutter, add the following:
Commissioner Alexander spoke to his motion. He believes that to eliminate the 30 %
open space requirement would alter the intent of the PRD ordinance beyond what is
reasonable. Allowing buffer open space to be counted toward meeting the common
usable open space requirement is acceptable, but only for single family PRD's, as they
don't have the same high densities as multi-family PRD's. To allow setback lines
instead of specific building footprints would in effect do away with the site specific
approval of the PRD, which would not be consistent with the intent of the PRD.
Tbe motion was seconded by Commissioner Nutter and passed 5-0, with
Commissioners Souders and Campbell abstaining.
Commissioner Souders moved to approve the minutes of December 15, 1994, as
submitted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Campbell and passed 5-0,
with Commissioners Catts and Philpott abstaining.
Chairman Winters announced that the third scheduled public hearing for the evening for
Umbrella Services will be continued to correct a public notice posting error. He
indicated there would still be a public hearing tonight, but there will also he an
opportunity for testimony on the date to which the item is continued. Commissioner
Souders moved to continue the public hearing to January 26, 1994, at 7:00 P.M. in
the Council Chambers. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Campbell and
passed 7-0.
First Street: A conditional use permit to allow expansion of a building which
currently houses a vehicle body and paint shop located in the Arterial Commercial
District (ACD).
John Jimerson reviewed the Department Report. Brad Collins indicated the staff
recommendation for approving the C.D.P. included either option proposed by the
applicant. Chairman Winters opened the public hearing.
Carl Richmond, 507 E. First Street, said the project will better contain particulates
from escaping the facility than what currently exists. He is not required to make the
improvements, but as a resident, believes it is important to protect the air quality.
Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority (OAPCA) is likely to require this type of
facility in the next two to three years. In response to a question from the Commission,
Planning Commission Minutes
January 12. 1994
Page 3
the odors are likely to be the same after the project, but will be better filtered. He
submitted two letters from persons that live or work near the site who have indicated they
have never smelled any odors.
Miriam Krause, 511 E. First Street, owner of The Spa, explained she had been
poisoned from boric acid in the past. She is concerned the applicant has not stated what
emissions will occur. He should have submitted an application to OAPCA prior to
applying for the C.D.P. Her building is not just commercial, there has been a hostel
located on the second floor, therefore it is a residential building. She has invested
$615,000 in buying the building, the applicant is just a renter. Either the auto body and
paint shop or The Spa will have to leave, and it isn't going to be The Spa. She has been
at this location for 2 months and has never seen, heard or smelled any evidence that work
was occurring at the garage. She does not believe any cars are being repaired. The paint
booth will intensify the use of the facility out of necessity, as it's $45,000 price tag will
have to be paid for.
Dr. Phillip Leveque, Moalla, Oregon, explained his qualifications as a toxicologist.
Ms. Krause was a patient of his eight years ago and he would be testifying on her behalf.
He stated that paint vapors can be very dangerous, citing a case in Oregon where the
painters at Freightliners Trucking did not wear masks while painting. As a result, 30
painters suffered organic brain damage. The proposed booth does not trap paint fumes.
He noted that paints are also explosive.
Carl Richmond, in rebuttal, stated he has been working on the site, citing the fact that
he generated $10,500 in sales tax revenue last year, and deposited $16,000 in the bank
for Decembef. He estimates he has used the paint booth about half of the last sixty days.
He stated the booth will cost a total of $10,000. In response to questions, he stated the
booth is not likely to increase the amount of painting, although he would like to hire two
Of 3 employees in the future. The previous operator of the business had two or three
employees in this building. Most of his work is related to body work. He completed
only four or five paint jobs all of last year. The majority of his work is spot repair. The
auto body and paint shop has been continually used, there was no stoppage of work when
he replaced the previous operator. The paint booth will not necessarily increase the
number of cars painted, however, he could increase the number of cars painted, with or
without the booth, there is plenty of room in the building.
Thefe being no further public testimony, Chairman Winters closed the public hearing.
Brad Collins stated that staff s understanding of the application is the same as that stated
by the Planning Commission Chairman. If the C. U.P. for the building expansion is not
approved, then the existing use may continue as is. On January 10, 1994, Ms. Krause
filed an appeal to the SEPA determination, therefore", the Planning Commission should
continue this public hearing pending completion of the SEP A appeal review, which can
be scheduled for the February 9th meeting.
Commissioner Souders moved to re-open and continue the public hearing to
February 9, 1994. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Alexander and
Planning Commission Minutes
January 12, 1994
Page 4
passed 7-0.
The Commission took a break at 8:25 p.m. and reconvened at 8:40 p.m.
between 15/16 alley and 16th Street.
John Jimerson reviewed the Department Report. Chairman Winters opened the public
Curt Register, 1801 W. 16th Street, stated he would like the street to be vacated. He
received a right-of-way use permit to install a fence and landscaping between his and his
father's property. He understood that the permit could be revoked and the road installed
at any time. He doesn't see any reason to push the street through, it terminates at 16th
Street anyway, and 16th Street is only one lane. Most properties in the area are already
developed. Undeveloped properties include land owned by the County to the south,
Merrill Ring property to the northwest and to the north. He thinks flM" Street is a more
appropriate location for a street. The neighborhood consensus is that they don't want a
street located there. There are a lot of kids in the area, putting a street in would
eliminate a safe play area and create traffic hazards. The only utility that is missing is
a street light.
Dave Logan, 1738 W. 14th Street, stated the failure to approve the vacation could open
it up for use. There may be problems with the landfill, which may create a faulty
foundation for a roadway. He's already gone through an L.l.D. process and does not
want to go through another one. "M" Street will better serve north-south traffic.
Mike Stenger, 1735 W. 13th Street, stated he owns severa1lots in the vicinity and
doesn't want to see "L" Street improved. The right-of-way is steep at points and may
require a lot of excavation.
Jack Andis, 3435 S. Mt. Angeles Road, representing Merrill and Ring, stated the
landfill is not located under the right-of-way, it is confined within their property. They
are required to monitor the site for gasses and ground water, the results of which are
available at the County Health Department. Merrill Ring owns the half block along 15th
Street and would like to develop it. They may also look at the possibility of reclaiming
the landfill for development. In either case, vacating ilL" Street could hinder their ability
to develop these properties. Therefore, they oppose the vacation.
Don Clayton, 1738 W. 15th Street, stated he doesn't want flL" Street developed. He
likes the wooded atmosphere the trees provide. Improving the street would allow for
teenagers to drive up and down the road.
There being no further testimony, Chairman Winters closed the public hearing.
In response to questions, Ken Ridout stated that there are utilities in 16th Street and the
Planning Commission Minutes
January 12, 1994
Page 5
alley. Water is in all the streets, up to "L", but not beyond. As the area develops, fire
hydrants with looped water lines may be needed. The right-of-way would be needed for
those looped lines. He has not received any requests to open the street. In order for a
home to be developed on the vacated property, a short plat must be completed. He
explained what a right-of-way use permit is and provided a history of the street
improvements in the area.
Several Commissioners stated it is premature to be vacating a street that may be needed
to serve the undeveloped land in the area.
Commissioner Philpott moved to recommend the City Council deny the street
vacation request, citing the following fmdings and conclusions:
1. The request is to vacate 9,800 square feet of the "L" Street right-of-way located
between the 15/16 alley and Sixteenth Street.
2. The property is zoned Residential Single Family (RS-7).
3. The "L" Street right-of-way is part of the Townsite grid pattern and is the only
north-south right-of-way located between "K" and "M" Streets.
Public Works has commented that the right-of-way should be maintained for
future road and utilities. City Light commented the right-of-way should be
maintained for electrical facilities.
5. Comprehensive Plan Goal No. I and Circulation Objective No. 1 express the
importance of maintaining an adequate circulation system. Land Use Objective
No.6 expresses the importance of coordinating decisions with future development
in mind.
A. Vacation of this portion of "L" Street right-of-way is not in the public use and
interest as it would eliminate right-of-way needed for roads and utilities.
B. The street vacation is not consistent with the Goals, Policies and Objectives of the
Comprehensive Plan listed in Finding No.5.
Commissioner Souders seconded the motion, which passed 7-0.
The Commission took a break at 9:40 P.M. and reconvened at 9:45 P.M.
Planning Conunission Minutes
January 12, 1994
Page 6
COMMUNITY SERVICES. 531 East Fifth Street:
John Jimerson reviewed the Department Report. Chairman Winters opened the public
Laurey Hanson-Carl, 2755 Town Road, SeqUlln, stated that since most of the
neighbors did not remain for tonight's hearing, she would not make her presentation until
the next hearing when they are present. In response to questions, she explained the need
for this type of facility, noting there is no such facility in the community at this time.
Women have a difficult time finding housing, and too often they return to an abusive
situation. This transition housing offers an alternative place to live while they develop
thei,r independence. She has not experienced problems with the abusive husband or friend
coming to the safehomes and causing problems. First, they typically have a protection
order to stay away. Should they show up, they would be subject to arrest and thrown in
jail. Second, domestic violence works in isolation. It is a control issue, whereby the
abuser isolates the victim by not allowing her to have friends or jobs, keeping her in the
home and so on. Once the victim is out in the open and no longer isolated, thus
eliminating the abuser's control, he will typically disappear. The reason there is no staff
at the house is because they are trying to develop a sense of independence and self
reliance among the persons living there.
There being no further testimony, Chairman Winters stated the public hearing has been
continued to January 26, 1994.
Commissioner Alexander moved to continue the meeting beyond 10:00 P.M.
provided they conclude no later than 11:00 P.M. The motion was seconded by
Commissioner Nutter and passed 7-0.
ANGELES. City wide: Minor amendments to development regulations of the
City's Municipal Code to clarify provisions and make minor changes which are
considered housekeeping in nature.
John Jimerson reviewed the Department Report. Chairman Winters opened the public
Dave Milligan, 1735 W. 6th Street, asked for clarification that the PRD would be more
thoroughly reviewed in the future and that the primary changes to the CSD-C I and C2
zones were change of names. He was answered in the affirmative for both questions.
There being no further testimony, Chairman Winters closed the public hearing.
The Commission discussed each of the ordinance provisions point by point. Several
minor changes were made. The most significant change was the elimination of the
proposed definitions regarding signs. The Commission felt that sign regulation should
be reviewed more thoroughly at a later date.
Planning Commission Minutes
January 12, 1994
Page 7
Commissioner Souders moved to forward a recommendation of approval of the
housekeeping ordinances as modified by the Planning Commission, citing the
following findings and conclusions:
1. Consistent with recent practice, the City has periodically reviewed its development
codes for housekeeping purposes.
2. The Planning Department has identified several minor amendments to the zoning,
subdivision, short plat and parking ordinances which serve to clarify, reorganize,
eliminate duplication, or otherwise improve specific sections of these ordinances.
3. On January 12, 1994, the Planning Commission conducted a duly notified public
hearing in conformance with the requirements of the Port Angeles Municipal
A. The amendments are in the public use and interest.
The amendments are minor in nature and are consistent with existing policy
direction, and therefore, are not inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
c. The amendments improve and clarify ordinance provisions.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Alexander and passed 7-0.
Brad Collins noted the by-laws amended in June, 1993, were on the dais. He also
indicated Commissioner Alexander's proposed amendment to the by-laws have also been
distributed. The changes would result in Section 7 being modified to read as follows:
B. All requests and applications will be tabled if all essential information is not
provided to the Planning Department staff by Wednesday at the close of business one
week prior to the regular Wednesday meetings of the Planning Commission for timely
analysis and inclusion into the Commissioners' information packets.
Following review of the proposed amendment, Commissioner Nutter moved to approve
the modified version. The motion was seconded by Commi~ioner Souders
Planning Commission Minules
January 12, 1994
Page 8
and passed 7-0.
Commissioner Alexander stated the GMAC will be meeting a few more times over the
next week or so. They will be bringing the draft Comprehensive Plan and Capital
Facilities Plan to the Planning Commission on January 26, 1994.
Commissioner Philpott stated the importance of maintaining flexibility m the
Comprehensive Plan to allow adjustment for changing circumstances.
The meeting adjourned at 11:15 pm.
1ZA ~ LA--
Bob Winters, Chair
Br d Collins, Executive Secretary
PREPARED BY: John Jimerson
Attendance Roster
Type of Meeting Planning Commission
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