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Minutes of the regular meeting of the eity of Port Angeles Planning
Commission, January 15th, 1952.
The regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held at the City Hall
at Front & Oak Streets. Members present were Reiners, Lamoureux, Smith
and Strange. Also present were City Engineer Ahlvers, Commissioner Taylor,
Mayor Feeley and James Zahrobsky, City building inspector.
~ '
The main portion of this meeting was devoted to exploring the advisability
of bringing before the voters of the City, at the regular election to be
held on March 11th next, the proposition of a general obligation bond issue
amounting to some four hundred to four hundred twenty-five thousand dollars;
the moneys to be used in aiding the construction of permanent pavement upon
certain arterial streets within our City. The thought being to again submit
to the voters the same proposition that had been submitted in July of 1950.
It was pointed out, the origination anj destination survey as completed by
the Washington State Highway Department of the traffic conditions in our
City, bore out in every respect the importance of the streets we had
proposed for improvement in our original proposition indicated that no change
should be made in our proposal at this time as far as designated streets are
It was further pointed out during the discussion that on the March 11th
election, the final run off of candidates for council on the new City
Manager Plan of Government will be determined and assuming the vote on the
bond issue is succesful, the City would be in the position of not only
having a favorable bond issue, but at the same time, the identity of the
future councilmen will become known, it then naturally follows that the
seven ne~ councilmen, while not officially taking office until June, would
then be in a position to sit in and advise with the present City Commision
in working out the details of the proposed arterial improvement so that
when the time came for a change of administration, the projects could carry
right on to their succesful conclusion.
It was determined that as soon as we had been advised by the City Attorney
of the proper procedure, time element etc., pertaining to the ordinance
setting the above proposition oh the ballot, that the Planning Commission
should address a letter to the City Co~ission of Port Angeles urging them
to take the necessary steps to place the proposition on the ballot.
Considerable time was then given to the discussion of the improvement of the
highway up Tumwater Gulch connecting with St~te Highway 9-A and U.S. Highway
101, together with the reconstruction of the bridge on Marine Drive adjacent
to the Boat Haven and the improvement of Marine Drive West in front of the
Fibreboard Plant to the railroad crossing by the Crown Zellerbach garage
sites and it was determined that both of these projects were in urgent need
and that their importance and necessity were of the first magnitude and that
the matter of finance for their construction be identical with the method
used in the original construction of Marine Drive, namely an enlarged local
improvement district with the cost to be spread pretty generally over the
entire City, assessing business property, industrial property, abutting
property and residential property. This method had proved successful in the
past and it is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that it again
be used.
The matter of the application of the DelGuzzi Brothers ror permission to, build
..~ doctors clihical offices across the street from the Olympic Memorial Hospital
. . was again discussed and inasmuch as the Planning Commission had approved the
application in their December 18th meeting, the chairman was authorized to
write the City Commission advising them of the Planning Commission approval.
llinutes of the regular meetIng of the City of Port Angeles Planning
Commission, January 15th, 1952.
The rJ[;ular meeting of the Planning Commission was h:31d at tho City Hall
at Front & Oak Streets. lle~bers present were Reiners, Lamoureux, Smith
and Strange. ^lso present were City Engineer Ahlvevs, Commissioner Taylor,
Mayor Feeley and Janco Zahrobsky, City building inspector.
The main portion of this meetinG was devoted to exploring the advisability
of brinGing befol"e the votors of tho City, at the regular election to be
held on March lIth next, the proposition of a general obligation bond issue
Q!Ilounting to aO!:1e four hundred to four hundred twent"r-five thousand dolla.rs;
the moneys to be used in aidinG the construction of permanent pavoment upon
certain artorial streets within our City. The thought being to again submit
to tho voters the same proposition that had beon submitted in July of 1950.
It was pointod out; the origination and destination survey as comploted by
the Washington State Highway Depart~ent of the traffic condltions in our
City, bora out in every respect the importance of the streets we had
proposed for improvoment in ou~ original proposition indicated that no change
should be made in our proposal at this time as far as desi~nated streets are
It was further pointed out during the discussion that on the March 11th
election, the final run off of candidates for council on the new City
Manager Plan of Government will be determined and assuming the vote on the
bond issue is saccesful, the City would be in tho position of not only
having a favorable bond issue, but at the same time, the idontity of the
future councilmen will become known, it then naturally follows that the
seven now councilmen, while not officially taking office until June, would
thon be in a position to sIt in and advise wIth the present City COI'!1.-nision
in working out ths details of the proposed arterial improvement 90 that
when the time came for a chango of aiministration, the projects could carry
right on to thoir succesful conclusion.
It was deternIned that as soon us ~e had boen advised by the elty Attorney
of the proper procodure, time olamant etct; pertaining to the ordinance
setting tile above proposition on t:10 ballot, that the Planning Com'niasion
should addraos a letter to the City Con3ission of Port Angelos urging the~
to take the necessary steps to place the proposition on the ballot.
Considerable time was then given to the diocussion of the Improve'Tlent of the
highway up Tumwater Gulch connectfng with Stete Highway 9-A and U.S. Highway
101, together with the reconstruction of the bridge on Marine Drive adjacent
to the Boat Haven and the improvement of }Jl1rine Drive West 1n front' of the
Fibroboard Plant to the railroad crosslng by the Crown Zellerbach garage
sitos and it was detormined that both of t~ose projects were in urgent need
and that their importance and necessity wer..Df the first rTltl,;nitude and that
the matter of finance for their constructlon~ be identical with the mothod
used in the original construction of Marine Drive, namely an enlurgod local
improvement district with the cost to be spread pretty generally over the
entire City, assessing business property, industrial property, abutting
property and residential property. This method had proved succossful in the
past and it is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that it again
be used.
The matter of the ap 11cation of th0 DelGuzzl Brothers for per~ission to bui11
doctors clinical offices across the street from the Olympic Momorial Hospital
was aGain discussed and inasmuch as the Planning Co~lssion had approved the
application in their Dece:nber 18th meetinG, the chairman YIllS authorizod to
write the City Commio31on advising them of the Planning Commission approval.
The application of Mr. & Mrs. G. Feola, G. E. Waldron and Ruby O. Yaldron
for the vacation of an alley in block-129 of the D. W. Morse Subdivision
of the Townsite of Port Angeles was read and after some discussion was
ordered placed on file.
No further business appearing, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
/p e/2ft::j)
The application of Mr. & Mrs. G. Feola. G. E. Waldron and Ruby o. .Valdron
for the vacation of an alley in block-129 of the D. W. Morse Subdivision
of the Townsite of Port Angeles was read and after some discussion was
ordered placed on file.
No further business apponring, the meeting was adjourned.
Respoctfully submitted,
:p- e k~