HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/15/1992
City Council Chambers
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles, WA 98362
January 15, 1992
7:00 P.M.
(Continued from January 8, 1992.)
1. Request for Interpretation of Massage Therapy as a Professional
Office in the Community Shopping Districts (CSD).
All correspondence penaining to a hearing item received by the Planning DepanmenJ at least
one day prior to the scheduled hearing will be provided to Commission members before the
Planning Commission: Ray Gruver. Chair; Cindy Souders, Vice-Chair; Jim Hulett; Roger Catl8; Larry Leonard; Bob Philpott; Bill Anabel.
Planning Staff: Brad Collins, Planning Director; Sue Roberds, Planning Office Specialist; John Jimerson, Associate Planner; David Sawyer.
Senior Planner.
Planning Commission Agenda
Page 2
Spokesmen for the proponents and opponents will be given an opportunity to speak to the
request. Information submitted should be factual, relevant and not merely duplication of a
previous presentation. A reasonable time (10 minutes) shall be allowed the spokesman; others
shall be limited to short supporting remarks (5 minutes). Other interested parties will be allowed
to comment briefly (5 minutes each) or make inquiries. The Chairman may allow additional
public testimony if the issue warrants it. Brief rebuttal (5 minutes) for proponents and opponents
heard separately and consecutively with presentation limited to their spokesman. Rebuttal shall
be limited to factual statements pertaining to previous testimony. Comments should be directed
to the Planning Commission, not the City Staff representatives present, unless directed to do so
by the Chainnan.
Port Angeles, Washington
Special Meeting
January 15, 1992
Chairman Gruver called the meeting to order at 7: 05 P. M.
Members Present: Ray Gruver, Bob Philpott, Bill Anabel, Larry Leonard, Jim Hulett,
Roger Catts and Cindy Souders
Staff Present: Brad Collins, Sue Roberds, Jack Pittis and Gary Kenworthy
Mr. Philpott moved to continue review and approval of the January 8, 1992, minutes to
the January 22, 1992, meeting of the Commission. Larry Leonard seconded the motion,
which passed unanimously.
Proposed regulations pertaining to clearing, grading, filling and drainage in the
City of Port Angeles. (Continued from January 8, 1992.)
Chairman Gruver opened the meeting and explained that this discussion is a result of a
public hearing conducted January 8, 1992, and is not a public hearing. Chairman Gruver
directed that a recommendation to the City Council could be made on the proposed
ordinance as presented, or make an attempt to modify the proposed ordinance before
passing on a recommendation to Council.
Following extensive discussion, it was the general opinion of Commission members that
the present ordinance is not acceptable as it is presently written. The need for an
ordinance or its type was discussed in detail as well as the additional costs implementation
would result in to the general public and the additional staffing requirements which would
be a result of the regulations.
Mr. Leonard asked staff about the state regulations which are forthcoming that may
overlap with the proposed ordinance.
Jack Pittis, Public Works Director, noted that the proposed ordinance before the
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Commission for consideration is a condensed version of the initial ordinance. The
Planning Department went through the original ordinance refining it by removing a good
deal of confusing terminology in an effort to make the ordinance more readable and
tailoring it to the Port Angeles area. The document complies with the principles, scope
and purpose of what is being reviewed to comply with the Puget Sound Water Quality's
stormwater management requirements. Each city and unincorporated urbanized area shall
develop and implement a storm water management program consistent with the guidelines
that are contained in the Puget Sound Water Quality Authority rules which means clearing
and grading ordinances, stormwater ordinances, etc., by May 1, 1994. The proposed
clearing, grading and drainage ordinance is a good start toward compliance with those
state standards. The more specific we can be now, the easier it will be later down the
line to comply with state and federal requirements.
In response to a question from Commissioner Hulett, Brad Collins, Planning Director,
answered that the City's current interim environmentally sensitive areas ordinance would
be applied only if a permit such as a building permit or clearing and grading permit were
required for the underlying activity. The environmentally sensitive areas ordinances
(ESA) cannot be enforced without development permit activity such as a clearing and
grading permit or a building permit. A hydraulics permit from the Department of
Fisheries would only be required if the DOF knew about a project, but without a
development proposal or permit there would be no enforcement.
Commissioner Hulett asked if the Council was aware that adoption of such an ordinance
would present a need to hire an additional engineer. Would that position enforce only
this ordinance? Jack Pittis responded that when this particular issue was discussed with
Council, it was mentioned that additional manpower would be involved. Council will
have to respond to that need when they consider the issue. If approved, a utilities
engineer could be hired to be responsible for administration of the ordinance requirements
as well as stormwater work, sewer work, water work. Council has directed that there
will be no additional manpower this year.
Commissioner Souders stated that she has some concerns about the proposed ordinance,
but a regulation of this nature is needed. It would be helpful to know upfront some of
the additional costs that adoption of these regulations would create. An exemption should
be added for single-family homeowners.
Chairman Gruver concurred that an ordinance is needed but not necessarily the proposed
ordinance. These types of ordinances should be preventative in nature. Failure to adopt
similar types of ordinances create significant costs to the public in general at some point
in time. Clearing and grading is a function of changes of land, not a function of what
is going to be built there. There isn't a lot of difference between clearing for a single-
family residence than there is for a small commercial use. Lot sizes can be used as a
factor in deciding whether a use should be regulated easier than regulating by a particular
use (i.e., single-family). The present draft ordinance does not cover penalties for
disruption of areas without regard to clean-up provisions.
Commissioner Leonard objected to the substance of the ordinance which requires anyone
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developing land to hire an engineer in order to provide the application material required
for review by the City. This increases the costs of development very quickly. There
should be revision to allow an applicant to submit the required information unless the
project becomes involved. Additionally, he objected to the restriction that a private
property owner would not be able to remove mature trees from his property. What is the
definition of a "mature" tree.
Brad Collins stated that the intent of this ordinance is not to require anything additional
than what would be required under a building permit process. Those applying for
building permits have to indicate erosion control measures, delineation of the site, etc.
This ordinance comes into effect when changes occurs to a site prior to a building permit.
In response to a question from the Commission as to the need for an engineer to submit
material for the application process involved in a clearing and grading permit, Jack Pittis
responded that those developments which would require an engineer would be in areas
where retention of storm water is required. This ordinance would set about a logical
approach to adopt some standards. If an ordinance is not adopted, the Public Works
Department would have to suggest what standards should be used when dealing with
storm drain problems. The goal is to have something setting forth those standards for
developers and engineers.
Commissioner Anabel agreed with other members of the Commission that an ordinance
is needed, but this one is not it, yet. He suggested that staff work on rewriting the
ordinance to make it more concise and easier to understand.
Jack Pittis suggested that if the City adopts a local plan such as is proposed, the
Department of Ecology will see that and realize that we are working toward compliance
with their regulations and tend to allow more local control than setting standards for local
Brad Collins noted that, if there is no support for this ordinance, the Commission could
recommend denial of the ordinance, listing concerns as noted, or direct areas to be
reworded before recommendation of approval. Redrafting of an entirely new ordinance
by the Commission probably cannot be done over the course of the next two months.
The Commission took a break at 8:40 P.M. and reconvened the meeting at 8:50 P.M.
Commissioner Leonard moved to recommend the City Council deny the draft
proposed ordinance directing staff to redraft the ordinance with emphasis on: (1)
Large pieces Ph to 1 block or more) in undeveloped areas in order to require
permitting; (2) information on cost of permitting procedure; (3) ensure that
regulated activities trigger environmentally sensitive areas ordinances; (4) clean up
provision with penalties for nonaction; and (5) making it clear that if another pennit
for construction activity is required, a clearing and grading permit is not required
as long as the intent is met. Roger Catts seconded the motion.
Following discussion dealing with concerns in the present draft and the possibility of the
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Commission and staff reworking the wording, Commissioner Leonard withdrew his
motion, Commissioner Catts concurred.
It was generally decided to and Commissioner Leonard moved to direct staff to rework
the proposed ordinance with regard to the items of concern listed in the previous
motion. Roger Catts seconded the motion. Following further discussion as to the
downfalls of the present draft and Commission concemsJ Commissioner Leonard
withdrew his motion, Commissioner Catts agreed.
Larry Leonard recommended the Commission skip to STAFF REPORTS on the
evening's agenda in order to dispense with the item and allow for continued discussion
on CLEARING AND GRADING. BiD Anabel seconded tbe motion which passed
STAFF REPORTS: Request that massage therapy be considered a professional
office and pennitted in districts that allow professional offices.
Brad Collins reviewed a Department Memorandum explaining that members of the
community, including Dr. Tom McCurdy, requested that licensed massage therapists be
allowed to operate in those districts that allow professional offices such as medical and
dental uses. Following review of the material presented, including licensing and
operational standards, the Planning Department recommended that massage therapy uses
be conditionally permitted in any district that allows medical and dental offices and clinics
in order to distinguish massage parlor uses from licensed massage therapy practice uses.
Responding to a direct question from Chairman Gruver, Dr. Tom McCurdy, 504 East
Eighth Street, stated that therapists have been required to be licensed in the past, but the
licensing requirements have been significantly improved and refined since 1988. Over
the past ten years, licensing massage therapists have been more closely associated with
the healing arts than more recreational massage parlor activity.
Brad Collins indicated the Planning Department would prefer the use be a conditional use
so that illegal activities can be more easily policed than if the use is permitted outright.
After discussion, Commissioner Leonard moved to interpret tbat licensed massage
therapists be considered the same as medical and dental offices and clinics.
Commissioner Souders seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
The Commission then returned to the CLEARING AND GRADING discussion:
It was decided to go through the draft ordinance page by page directing staff to rework
certain areas for further discussion at a future meeting. Items directed to be changed
included the following:
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(page LA.) - include wording to assure protection of private property rights in
the purpose section.
2. Page 3.3.B.) - remove the wording "&Ad that they ha....epa:ie the transfer fee as set
by r..esohlt1oR of the City Coofteil. "
Section 4. - revise to read "The following shall be exempt from the provisions of
this Ordinance except for those properties in environmentally sensitive areas.
Section 4. - add wording similar to UBC Chapter 70 giving the City Engineer
discretion in exemptions and directed the Public Works Department to provide
guidance standards for those exemptions.
3. Page 4. Go:- - should be lettered B
Page 4.b - should be lettered E and should be amended to read "Clearing,
grading. and/or filling of only one parcel of land. that is 9,000 squar-e feet one
acre or less by its OVlfter far the ~ol'f*)se of siftgle family residc8tia:l use. exe~t
6ft e8'{iro8f1'1cfttRlly sensitive lanes or where the 8ejaee8t par-eel is a:lsa beiftg
similarly exempted. .
Page 4. - add G. If you have a building permit. no additional clearing and
grading fee or permit will be required.
Page 4. - add H. Developments in improved areas served by curbs. ~utters and
stonn drainage systems.
Page 4. Section 6. - Revise third sentence to read "The plans and specifications
shaH, at a minimum may include where feasible:"
Page 4.2. - Revise to read "Contours at not more than five-foot intervals over the
entire site (other t';/8 foot intervals may be required in specific circumstances);
4. Page 5. 7. - remove the word "capacity".
5. Page 6. 6. - remove item 6: Lafldseape plem; and renumber following numbers
accordingl y.
Page 6. 11. - delete existing paragraph and add wording to allow permissive
discretion on part of City Engineer that all requirements have been met.
6. Page 7. Section 8 - delete paragraph
Page 10. Section 13 - change wording of last sentence to read "Upon a showing
of good cause, a permit may be extended for a one $ year (6) moata period
\:Ip08 ~aYfl'le8t of t'.venty five pcrecftt (25 %) ae the origiftal permit foo. (fee, if
any, to be included in separate fee resolution)
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Page 10. Section 14. - revise the last sentence by adding "The amount of the
Page 11. Section 16. - remove the last sentence (with the City Attorney's
approval) .
Page 11. Section 17.B. - add the words where ap.plicable to the end of item B.
9. Page 13. 3. - redefine what an "engineering geologist" is.
10. Page 15. Section 26. - add wording allowing for penalties for those who disrupt
public usage of right-of-way, etc.
It was agreed that the above changes would be drafted and brought back to the Planning
Commission at the earliest available opportunity for review and further direction or
Art Dunker, Diamond liD" ConstructiODJ 2114 West Sixth Street, wished to commend
the Commission and staff for listening to the comments of the contractors and in many
instances incorporating suggestions into the draft ordinance. There needs to be a working
relationship between contractors and City officials and working documents that are readily
understood. He stated that he was always in favor of some type of clearing/grading
ordinance, just not this one, and added that Chapter 29 of the UBC (Uniform Building
Code) adopted by the City addresses some of the problems the clearing and grading
ordinance does. We should lean on those regulations as well. He added that the
Homebuilders Association is very opposed to the requirement of insurance to any public
body or the City of Port Angeles by individuals.
Joe Melton, 1503 West Seventh Street, also wished to compliment the Planning
Commission and staff. He added that Page 7, Item 7, Letters of Permission, may be
difficult to obtain in many situations, especially where abutting neighbors do not wish for
a project to proceed, or are not local. Further clarification should be given to diversion
of water flow downstream. There are methods available which can assure that water flow
does not exceed pre-development levels or courses.
ST AFF REPORTS (Continued)
Jack Pittis thanked the Planning Commission for their efforts and the time and thought
put into the draft clearing, grading and drainage ordinance thus far. It is very important
for the Commission to express the varying views that make regulations of this type
workable and administratively possible. Some of the changes suggested by the
Commission may result in making administration of the proposed ordinance more
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workable and easier, for now, to administrate with the current work force.
Commissioner Leonard wished to thank staff for their efforts and patience. He added that
regulations are not easy to create and he appreciated the professional input and exchange
of suggestions and experience.
Jim Hulett suggested the Commission members view the lighting situation on Eighth
Street, for the new dental clinic (Dr. Shaltry). The lighting is a good example of how
lighting can be designed and function in a manner which is considerate of surrounding
uses, lighting only the area intended to be lit, which has been a goal of the Commission
in developing development standards.
The proliferation of used cars for sale in the Pay n' Save parking lot was discussed as a
possible violation of the Zoning Ordinance. Staff will follow
Brad Collins, Planning Director
Prepared by: Sue Roberds
Attendance Roster
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