HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/16/1991
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles, W A 98362
Special Meeting
January 16, 1991
7:00 P.M.
m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting of January 9, 1991
INC.. Del Guzzi Drive: Proposal to aUow a Planned Residential Development
on property located south of SR 101, along Del Guzzi Drive, west of Ennis
All correspondence pertaining to a hearing item received by the Planning Department at least one day prior to the
scheduled hearing will be provided to Commission members before the hearing.
Planning Commission: Larry Leonard, Chair; RllY Grover, Vice-chair; Bill Anabel; Roger CAns; Cindy Souders; 1im Hulett; Bob Philpott.
Planning Staff: Brad Collins, Plsnning Director: Sue Roberds, Planning Office Spccia\iBt.
Planning Commission Agenda
Page 2
Spokesmen for .the proponents and opponents will be given an opportunity to speak to the
request. Information submitted should be factual, relevant and not merely duplication of a
previous presentation. A reasonable time (10 minutes) shall be allowed the spokesman; others
shall be limited to short supporting remarks (5 minutes). Other interested parties will be allowed
to comment briefly (5 minutes each) or make inquiries. The Chairman may allow additional
public testimony if the issue warrants it. Brief rebuttal (5 minutes) for proponents and opponents
heard separately and consecutively with presentation limited to their spokesman. Rebuttal shall
be limited to factual statements pertaining to previous testimony. Comments should be directed
to the Planing Commission, not the City Staff representatives present, unless directed to do so
by the Chairman.
Port Angeles, Washington
January 16, 1991
Chairman Leonard called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M.
Members Present:
Ray Gruver, Roger Catts, Jim Hulett, Larry
Leonard, Bob Philpott, Bill Anabel.
Members Excused:
cindy Souders.
Staff Present:
Brad Collins, Sue Roberds, Gary Kenworthy,
Bruce Becker.
Mr. Philpott moved to approve the minutes of the January 9,
1991, meeting as written. Mr. Anabel seconded the motion,
which passed unanimously.
INC., DeIGuzzi Drive: Proposal to allow a Planned
Residential Development on property located south of SR
101, along DelGuzzi Drive. west of Ennis Creek.
Chairman Leonard reviewed the public hearing procedure and
requested those present to try to adhere to those guidelines
as closely as possible.
Mr. Collins referenced the Department Memo prepared for the
meeting. Mr. Collins noted that the memo included comparisons
of items such as site area, unit densities, building types,
parking, lot sizes and widths, common open space, and noted
that Plan C combines some of the elements of Plans A and B
with a slight reduction in units and re-introduction of the
trail (submittal of January 8, 1991). Mr. Collins further
noted the information distributed concerning changes in site
areas as well as findings .and.conclusiDns_prepared to assist
.the-commission~ in a decision to either deny or approve Plan
C, as submitted.
Chairman Leonard opened the public hearing.
Bill Wilbert, 13850 Bel-Red Road, Bellevue, Washington, stated
that the Ennis Creek Planned Residential Development subdivi-
sion, as proposed, offers answers to different problems
concerning housing needs which are present in the Port Angeles
area, complete with recreational amenities, close to services,
January 16, 1991
Page 2
and offering condominiums, mUlti-family units, and single-
family housing, as well as affordable housing units. The
design meets or exceeds City standards, in most cases.
Eighty-three percent of the site is designed and specified for
common open space areas. The design is wi thin the Growth
Management Act requirements due to its development within the
urban core. Port Angeles has, these past months, experienced
the worst storms since 1954, but none of the fears spoken of
at previous public hearings concerning slippage, erosion, and
other hazards, have transpired. The pristine environment of
Ennis Creek will be preserved in perpetuity, and this Planned
Residential Development would be one that the citizens of Port
Angeles could be proud of for many years to come. Mr. wilbert
concluded by noting that the site plan, as proposed for
development, addresses present and future needs for develop-
ment in this area.
In response to a question from Chairman Leonard, Mr. wilbert
noted that the current site plan (Plan C) is only 34 units
more than the opponents' proposal presented earlier in the
In further response to questions from Commissioners as to the
appearance of the buildings, whether they will be rentals or
privately owned, Mr. Wilbert answered that all of the units
west of DelGuzzi Drive would be condominiums, not rentals.
The units will all be aesthetically similar, whether they are
rentals or privately owned, for the entire PRD area.
commiss ioner Hulett questioned Mr. Wilbert as to the re-
introduction of the trail in the submittal of January 8, 1991.
Mr. wilbert answered that he truly felt the trail was a good
idea, and some of the testimony given at recent meetings was
in support of re-introduction of the trail system. Potential
purchasers also indicated that the trail would be a good idea.
The Department of Fisheries had no objection to the trail, and
testimony given was in regard to the safety of children rather
than the use of the trail. Therefore, access to the school
site was eliminated to help deter the use of the trail by
children. The decision was made by the developer to re-
introduce the trail because, in his opinion, enough testimony
was not found to eliminate it.
Chairman Leonard questioned the applicant as to where the
affordable housing ~would",be.. ..Mr.._Nilber.t_answeredthat the
'~dupl~x-un{ts-proposed for the south edge of the property would
qualify for Section 8, or subsidized housing.
In response to questions from Commissioner Gruver, the appli-
cant answered that the trail averages 150 feet from the Creek,
as directed by the Department of Fisheries. A five-strand
wire fencing is proposed around the trail (east side of Ennis
Creek) in order to restrict access to the Creek, but to allow
for vegetation to fill in the fencing area. Playground
facilities will be constructed on lots when the buildings
January 16, 1991
Page 3
which the uses are intended to serve are constructed; i.e.,
the recreational building with the first condominium; the
cabana when the condos near the Golf Course are built; etc.
Mr. wilbert further answered questions regarding fencing south
of the duplexes and the retaining wall shown west of Ennis
Richard Terrill, 3123 Old olympic Highway, stated that the
current Plan C is only approximately 10 units less than the
previous plan; there are too many units for the site. The
City should require the developers to design the buildings
around the large groupings of trees present on the site and
not allow removal of the trees for placement of the buildings.
Four-story structures are more imposing, and the view from
those structures is largely of parking lots. He recommended
that a more aesthetically pleasing slatted fence be required
for the cyclone fence proposed along the western side of the
trail; that care be used in grading; as well as RV parking be
completely screened, not partially screened, as proposed.
Linda May, 29 Golf Course Road, expressed anger at the Plan
C submittal in that, in her opinion, the community does not
want this project.
Thelma Durham, 673 Reservoir Road, said the feelings of the
real estate community are that there is a dire need for
housing and those feelings are based on actual dealings with
people looking for housing who cannot find such. Ennis Creek
is a fragile environment and a bonus to the community which
should be protected, but the need for housing is great. There
would be a considerable number of jobs created from the
development to local residents.
Kent Brauninger, 903 East Park Avenue, referred to the Soil
Survey of Clallam County Washinqton and indicated the three
different areas of soil composition found at the site on a
map. He also noted areas where building would not be a
problem, but stated that south, along DelGuzzi Drive, the
soils deteriorate rapidly and between the Creek and DelGuzzi
Drive the hazard of erosion is severe. A road could fail, and
landslides are likely to occur in that area. The area evi-
dences slippage already, while vegetation is still intact.
Jerry Newlin, 717 South Peabody, NTI Associates, stated he is
the engineer responsible for the engineering studies prepared
for the site. An inspection of the site prior to this even-
ing I s meeting indicated no evidence of undue erosion. The cut
banks have healed well. Soil conditions have been inspected
and evaluated by engineering specialists. Additional geologi-
cal investigations will be done for each building site. The
work done so far has been done responsibly and professionally.
Foundation designs will be based on intensive, sound, geologi-
cal reports. The need for rentals is high in the area, and
this development would satisfy that need.
January 16, 1991
Page 4
Bill Williams, 1308 East Front, *7, stated he is convinced the
construction will contaminate Ennis Creek and that the Creek
is not safe for children.
John Ward, 922 Georgiana, Olympic Outdoor Sportsmen's Club,
stated that Ennis Creek is the last remaining Creek in the
City with a significant fish run. The fish ladder north of
the site has been plugged with material from the site, which
has been cleaned by the Olympic Outdoor Sportsmen's Group.
The Group has maintained the Creek area for many years and
feels that the dense population resulting from the development
will destroy the stream habitat.
Marie Greubel, 315 West 15th Street, noted that soil experts,
Dr. Pat winnekins and Allen Busenbark, pointed out the
instability of the soils in the area and the danger of this
development. This testimony is in opposition to that of the
applicant. Fish experts have pointed out the danger of
pollution to Ennis Creek and its pristine environment. She
questioned what type of housing is needed in Port Angeles and
that perhaps this development is too dense for this site.
There should be no development on the east side of DelGuzzi
Drive, and the proposal should be returned to 112 single-
family units.
Linda Nutter, 1701 East Third Street / stated that in her
opinion there is other developable land within the City which
could be developed and would serve the need for housing, which
is evident in the city. Who will care for the trail once it
is developed? The developer was told by the Planning Commis-
sion to remove the trail from the proposal, and yet the trail
is now back, as proposed in the January 8th submittal. The
Plan does not comply with the Comprehensive Plan; nor is it
an answer to all the housing needs. She wondered if this
proposal would overload the sewage treatment capacity, thereby
restricting further development in the City. In closing, Ms.
Nutter stated her concern that the city could be liable for
litigation which may result from use of the trail at this
Tim Rymer, 2735 Cedar Park Drive, Department of Wildlife,
noted that in his opinion there is a high likelihood of
impacts due to sedimentation and human intrusion to the Creek
area which will cause habitat change. The development is too
close to the sensitive r,eE;ourc.es _..o.f._..the_creek .Ravine. He
added this may be a site where there should be no development
within the confines of the Ravine. There will be impacts to
wildlife. This nature preserve will be very limited with a
trail going through it. He applauded the efforts of the
developer to keep as much open space as possible in his
proposal, but stated that a trail in this area significantly
reduces the protection of the habitat. Mr. Rymer answered
detailed questions from the Commission concerning habitat
preservation, management, and human intrusion, as well as
violations of wildlife regulations and fines.
January 16, 1991
Page 5
Mr. Gruver asked if Mr. Rymer felt the Department of
Fisheries' evaluation and acceptance of the 150-foot buffer
was wrong.
Mr. Rymer answered that he commended the efforts of Randy
Johnson, Department of FiSheries, who spent many hours working
with the developer on this proposa, and that Mr. Johnson had
done a good job on this project.
Dr. Jim Walton, Director of Fisheries Technology at Peninsula
College and member of the State Wildlife Commission, noted
serious reservations about the development in an area as
sensitive as this. He stated the only real run of anandromous
fish, steelhead, coho and jump salmon, in the City exists in
Ennis Creek.
In response to Chairman Leonard, Dr. Walton stated the west
side of DelGuzzi Drive is the only buildable area on the site,
and possibly some areas east of DelGuzzi Drive may be suitable
for single-family residential development only. In closing,
he stated that the City does not owe a developer anything for
purchasing environmentally sensitive property. There are
areas which are appropriate for development and there are
areas which are not appropriate for development. This is a
sensitive area. It is not appropriate for development.
Ron Richards, East 12th Street, opposed the project. The
current proposal is not significantly different from the last
plan submitted by the applicant. The Ennis Creek environment
will be destroyed by intrusion of this type of development.
Don Rudolph, 1013 East Second Street, representing the Olympic
Peninsula Economic Research Development Association, empha-
sized the need for housing in the area. He urged approval of
the proposal.
Jan Hare, 2136 East Lindberg Road, expressed concern about
the proposed five-story buildings; however, she was pleased
to see that the developer had placed the playgrounds in an
area that would be easily accessible to those buildings which
the playgrounds would serve.
Jim Mantooth, 2238 East Lindberg Road, said his family has
lived in this area for twen~y.years an4 is_concerned about a
"development that would affect Ennis Creek. The density, as
proposed, is far too great for this environmentally sensitive
area. The only reason this development is being proposed for
this site is that the developer owns this property and not
some other property. If this area is developed, it should be
single-family, as was originally intended, with very large
lots and no development near the Creek; however, the
neighborhood proposed a compromise earlier, which is still
worth considering, with 96 multi-family units to the west of
DelGuzzi Drive and single-family homes along the south edge.
January 16, 1991
Page 6
There were 84 elderly units proposed at the north portion of
the project (which the applicant has removed), west of the
Super 8 Motel. The neighborhood proposal designated the
entire area east of DelGuzzi Drive as an open space area large
enough to be usable by people residing in the apartments. The
applicant's current plan has nothing that is really usable of
any size. Most of the proponents of the PRD say that this
compromise is still too dense. It well may be: however, it
is a distinct compromise that appears workable. At an earlier
meeting of the Planning Commission, an RS-9 Single-Family
buffer was proposed at the south end of DelGuzzi Drive (now
called Lots 5 through 9) to provide a buffer between this
exceptionally dense PRD and the existing residential homes on
Lindberg Road. The buffer is now proposed to consist of five
duplexes, which defeats the purpose of the buffer. Dr.
Mantooth requested this be returned to single-family homes
only if any development is allowed there. Furthermore, if it
is to be meaningful to keep people from the Creek and
neighboring undeveloped property, a boundary fence needs to
be extended along the entire south edge of the project. Dr.
Mantooth would grant an easement to continue the boundary
fence on the property that is presently not owned by the
developer in order to obtain the end result. Dr. Mantooth
thanked the Commissioners for considering this complex and
unprecedented development proposal.
In response to a question from Commissioner Catts, Dr.
Mantooth indicated that a proposal of this type needs to be
nearer an arterial than this proposal is presently located.
The Commission took a 12-minute break at 9 P.M. The meeting
reconvened at 9:12 P.M.
Robbie Mantooth, 2238 East Lindberg Road, stated that the
development is still far too dense for this property. The
change in zoning for this property from single-family to
mUlti-family was conditioned on an appropriate PRD proposal
for the area which would allow a better development than would
single-family in this site. She indicated her feeling that
the City is not in approval of the PRD that is being proposed
at this site. A majority of Commission members have indicated
that permitting access to the Ravine's steep slopes and stream
would harm the stream in a way the pUblic and their repre-
sentatives find totally unacceptable: yet Mr. Wilbert1s latest
plan shows not one but. two.crossings of the. stream, and.the
trail has been re-introduced with no significant fencing,
despi te the Planning Commission I s direction to remove the
trail from the development site plan. Mrs. Mantooth felt the
latest plan flies in the face of concerns stated by a majority
of the Planning Commission following hours of patient study
- of documents and consideration of public testimony. Mrs.
Mantooth requested that the Commission follow through with
their decision in November to deny Plans A and B, before
considering Plan C, as well as taking into account the request
to require a single-family buffer at the south edge of the
January 16, 1991
Page 7
proposal, the fencing and a barrier in the Creek area,
development on the west side of DelGuzzi Drive only, and about
requiring open space areas that are large enough for the
residents to actually use in place of traditional yards. In
closing, Mrs. Mantooth requested that all traffic except
emergency vehicles be restricted to DelGuzzi Drive unless the
development is restricted to residential single-family only.
Clay Rennie, 401 East vista View, felt this is the type of
development that the recent Growth Management legislation,
passed by the state, would prohibit. This is the wrong place
and the wrong time for a development of this nature.
Bob Dalton, 812 East Seventh Street, said to approve this
development would set a precedent for further development of
a similar nature. He is in opposition to this development,
as proposed.
Ed Johnson, 312 East 12th street, stated the question is not
the need for housing in Port Angeles, but is this the right
development for this site. There should be no development
east of DelGuzzi Drive.
Mike Doherty, 612 South "B" street, noted that regulations
have changed drastically in the State's policy in the past
seven years. This proj ect should require another full
environmental impact statement. He requested the Commission
reject this development until it is properly designed.
Ingrid Nixon, 1115 East Ninth street, requested the Commission
help preserve the fish habitat by denying this project
approval. She stated this is no place for children and a
development of this size would destroy the pristine
environment of Ennis Creek.
K h e.r : 1\..+ v
George -ea-r~,l-, 1721 South "N" street, noted that the growth
of the City requires development of this type. Growth will
occur and needs to be planned for and guided.
viola Nixon, 1115 East Ninth street, moved to the area because
of the environmental qualities present here and requested the
Commission deny this project, indicating to the developer that
a project of this type in this environmentally sensitive area
is not acceptable.
Edward Hammer;" 927 East Scribner Road, a Port Angeles native,
who played in Ennis Creek from the mouth to Horsemen's Mine,
has observed the Port Angeles area growing beyond its
boundaries for many years. He requested the Commission face
the issue of the need for a project of this type, curb the
emotional appeal, and decide how to house people who are
moving into the area, as well as the people who are here
without adequate housing. We have to have housing.
January 16, 1991
Page 8
David Nixon, 1115 East Ninth Street, who also played in Ennis
Creek as a youth, drew comparisons between the lifestyle in
Port Angeles and other places he has lived where environ-
mentally sensitive areas have been developed with devestation
following. The Peninsula is a paradise needing protection and
Pat Willits, 3241 East Greentree Lane, noted that growth is
inevitable for the area but should be planned and channeled.
She hoped the Commission would continue to listen to those
speakers whose only interest is the preservation of the Creek
and the Port Angeles environment. She hoped the Commission
would see fit to deny the project as proposed.
Joe Melton, 717 South Peabody, grew up in the Ennis Creek area
and knows the neighborhood very well. Growth is inevitable,
and the city needs to plan for appropriate housing for that
growth. He felt the habitat could be protected, although it
is inevitable that it will be impacted. He urged the Commis-
sion to care for the environment but make room for planned
Allen Middleton, 1501 Fourth Avenue, Seattle, Washington, was
present as the applicant's attorney. Mr. Middleton reviewed
past actions of the City Council on the rezone, which was
based on a successful PRD for this property. He noted plans
have been changed in response to items addressed by the
Commission and the city's concerns. The developer is giving
up use of the eastern plateau property to add to the open
space area; has reduced the density; has redesigned the
development to allow parking under the buildings in order to
decrease the amount of impervious surfaces. Due to the
natural inclines of the site, the building heights are not
anticipated to far exceed 35 feet. Storm water drainage will
accommodate the present and previous drainage problems
resulting from the Golf Course. Further geotechnical review
will be done as construction progresses.
Ron Richards wished to make it a matter of record that it is
unfair to ask questions of the applicant after the close of
the public hearing and not allow others to speak.
Don Rudolph questioned how the city could prevent a property
. <:)wn~r_ !:r'om buildi~g~ on. his own,. property. ._.
Harris Sindon, 3131 East Sixth Street, stated this is not the
proper project location; and although the city is in need of
housing, this is not the place for humanitarian reasons.
Robbie Mantooth again expressed her concern that the plan
submitted in December of 1990 for the Commission's review for
this meeting, did not have a trail and this one does. Mrs.
Mantooth felt there was a definite problem in procedure.
January 16, 1991
Page 9
commissioner Catts questioned Mrs. Mantooth in regard to a
letter she had written to the Planning Department dated
November 23, 1990, involving a question from commissioner
Catts to the applicant after the close of the public hearing.
commissioner Catts wished to clear up the procedural question
surrounding the incident, and restated the question of how far
her residence is from the proposed tennis court at the south
end of the property. Al though Mrs. Mantooth could not answer,
her husband, sitting in the audience, answered it is 400 feet.
Commissioner Catts asked Mrs. Mantooth about her concern
stated in her letter with the development potential of her own
land, being adj acent to this development. Mrs. Mantooth
answered that any time a change is made to an individual's
land, consideration should be given to the adjoining
properties as well, al though they have no intentions to
develop their property at this time.
Chairman Leonard asked if there was anyone in the audience
wishing to speak further. There being no one, he closed the
public hearing.
Mr. Gruver indicated that due to the crlS1S in the Middle
East, further consideration and decision on this request
should be tabled to a later date, and stated his opinion as
a motion. Mr. Catts seconded the motion.
Chairman Leonard asked Mr. Gruver if he had a date in mind.
Following discussion, Mr. Gruver amended his motion to
continue the meeting to the January 23rd meeting of the
Planning Commission. Mr. Catts concurred. The motion passed
The meeting adjourned at 10:35 P.M.
ins, secretary
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