HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/25/1989
Port Angeles, Washington
January 25, 1989
Mayor McPhee called the meeting to order at 7:15 P.M.
City Council: Mayor McPhee, Councilmen stamon, Sargent,
Hallett, Lemon, Gabriel, Hordyk
Planninq Commission:
Bob Philpott, Larry Leonard, Jerry
Cornell, Jim Hulett, Richard Wight,
Jerry Glass
Commission Members Absent:
Donna Davison-Ness
staff Present: Scott Brodhun, Bruce Becker, Duane Wolfe,
Sheila Hardy, Craig Knutson, otto Miller,
Dave Flodstrom, Sue Roberds, Jack Pittis
commissioner Cornell suggested that due to the length of the
agenda and the time available for discussion, the Planning
Commission and city Council members limit their discussion
to item 1, Adult Congregate Care Ordinance, Item 3, Discus-
sion on MUlti-Family Zoning, and Item 7, Public Notifica-
tion and Posting, with discussion of the remaining items as
time permits.
1. Adult Congreqate Care Ordinance
Planning commission Chairman wight gave an overview of the
discussion and hearings held by the Planning Commission
prior to recommendation of the Adult Congregate Care
Ordinance, sent to Council in August, 1988. Chairman wight
said that at the direction of the City Council, the Com-
mission had taken a hard look at the issue of adult congre-
gate care and after eight months of meetings and public
hearings had recommended action in the form of the ordi-
nance. The Planning Department staff investigated licens-
ing and state requirements extensively. The Commission
concluded that the citizenry is best protected by the
Condi tional Use Permit process, rather than by a rezone
process for congregate care facilities because Conditional
Use Permits can be conditioned to ensure compatiblility with
the neighborhood in which the use is proposed; whereas,
rezones are not conditioned by the City at present.
Commissioner Philpott noted that the Commission's action was
based on City-wide legislation, not tailored for a specific
Commissioner Hulett discussed the densities considered by
the Planning Commission.
councilman Hordyk stated his objection to the congregate
Care Ordinance, saying property owners in single-family
developed neighborhoods should have the protection of
zoning, to protect their investments. He said, in his
opinion, a rezone would be more appropriate for congregate
care proposals, rather than Conditional Use Permits and that
large areas should be considered, rather than small areas,
which could be considered spot rezones.
Councilman stamon said the Ordinance, as written,
have greater ability to control negative impacts.
suggested integration of congregate care facilities
residential areas.
councilman Lemon said that these types of proposals should
be in the Residential Multi-Family District, or conditioned
rezones rather than Conditional Uses.
councilman Hallett noted that there are already a number of
Conditional Uses allowed, including nursing homes and
boarding homes in the Residential Single-Family and Resi-
dential MUlti-Family neighborhoods. He suggested the
Planning Commission and Council look at the overall Compre-
hensive Plan and make changes as necessary for the growing
Mayor McPhee indicated he did not feel that congregate care
facilities belong everywhere; these facilities belong in
Residential Multi-Family Districts if possible. He sug-
gested the Commission look at the west end of the City
where little development has occurred and consider possibly
rezoning some of that residentially zoned property to allow
multi-family uses.
There was further discussion on the Congregate Care Ordi-
nance as it relates to restrictions placed in the Ordinance
and conditions which may be placed on a proposal. The
general consensus of the Commission and Council members was
to take an in-depth look at the Comprehensive Plan with
regard to residential mUlti-family zoning, as well as the
Plan itself for update.
The Council and Commission took a 15-minute recess.
The meeting reconvened at 8:59 P.M.
3. Discussion on MUlti-Familv Zonina
Commissioner Cornell requested that the Council give the
Planning Commission a firm indication of council's intent
with regard to Residential Multi-Family zoning or rezoning.
There was discussion over annexation of County property,
both east and west of the City, as well as creation of a new
Residential MUlti-Family type zone which will be more
restrictive than the current Zone.
Commissioner Cornell suggested that both the Council and
commission consider the impacts occurring throughout the
City where residential mUlti-family-zoned areas have become
developed to capacity, as compared to those areas where
Residential MUlti-Family uses have been blended in with the
residential neighborhoods.
Speaking for the Commission, commissioner Cornell said that
in order to accomplish the Planning Commission's long-range
goals, a strict agenda must be observed. The Commission
would appreciate clear direction from the Council when
referring long-range issues to the Commission for consid-
7. Public Notification and Postinq
Councilman stamon noted her observations from other commu-
nities regarding posting procedures. She suggested several
different posting methods, as well as requiring the appli-
cant to post the property with re-usable posting material.
Staff will investigate the matter further and forward
recommendations to the Planning Commission and Council.
The general consensus was that the Commission members would
review the Adult Entertainment Ordinance and the Comprehen-
sive Plan at the earliest available time. It was agreed
that the Commission and Council would meet again after the
Comprehensive Plan review has begun.
The meeting adjourned at 10:12 P.M.
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January 25, 1989
7:00 P.M.
Chairman Wight called the meeting to order at 6:33 P.M.
Members Present:
Jerry Glass, _~erry Cornell, James Hulett,
Bob Philpott," Larry Leonard a-nd Richard Wight
Members Absent:
Donna Davison-Ness
Staff Present: Otto J. Miller, Sue Roberds
- Williams:
Chairman Wight opened discussion on staff's request for inter-
pretation of the Home Occupation Section of the City's Zoning
Ordinance, #1709, as amended, specifically, Section 17.86.040
"Development Standards", as applied to Conditional Use Permit,
CUP 88(09)19 HO, for Colleen Williams, 350 Viewcrest.
Mr. Miller said that the Planning Department has received
complaints from neighbors that the Home Occupation may be
in violation of the conditional use permit approved for the
site. Mr. Miller provided background on the complaints,
as well as noted that he had visited the site with the Build-
ing Official. Mr. Miller indicated that the applicant had
requested an amendment to the permit to place the beauty
shop in its present location.
Mr. Miller further noted that the directional sign for ingress
and egress to the shop is not allowed by the Building Code,
and that would have to be removed. Colleen Williams said
she would remove the sign.
Mr. Cornell suggested staff place wording on the notification
of action to applicants stating that the conditions must
be complied with without change. In the event of the need
Planning Commission Minutes
January 25, 1989
Page 2 of
for a change, the applicant should contact the Planning
Department prior to work being done.
location of the
not in violation
or the Home Occu-
Section 17.86.040.
Mr. Leonard moved to interpret that the
present facility within the residence is
of the original permit, CUP 89 ( 09 ) 19 HO t
pat ion Chapter of the Zoning Ordinance,
Mr. Cornell seconded, motion passed 6-0.
'Chairman Wight opened discussion on the Shoreline Management
Permit for Clarence Fidler, to pave a commercial parking
lot within the shoreline, west of the intersection of
Railroad/Oak Streets.
Chairman Wight said
Act prohibits parking
line areas, except
f acili ties, this use
is water-related.
that although the Shoreline Management
lots to be constructed within the shore-
those developed with water-related
appears to be related to a use which
Mr. Cornell moved to approve the shoreline permit with the
following conditions:
1. That an oil separator be placed in the drain to prevent
storm drain discharge from directly entering the Harbor.
2. The slope of the parking lot surface should drain into
the catch basin and parking pattern and access points need
to be shown.
3. The applicant shall install barriers to protect an
existing guy wire at Railroad Avenue and North Oak Street;
and citing the following finding of fact:
A. The use does not conflict with the Shoreline Management
Act because it is a water-associated use, due to the fact
that the ferry traffic is a water use and people using the
ferry need a place to park their vehicles.
Larry Leonard seconded the motion which passed 5-1, with
Messrs. Cornell, Hulett, Philpott, Leonard and Wight voting
"aye", and Mr. Glass, "no".
Meeting adjourned at 7:09 P.M.
Tape condition: poor