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321 East Fifth Street
January 26,2000
7 p.m.
III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting of January 12,2000.
00-01 - PUGET SOUND PILOTS - 305 Ediz Hook Road: A proposal
to expand the current facility to allow berthing of larger vessels and to
accommodate future staff. The proposal includes replacement of unsound
creosote piling. (Continued from January 12,2000.)
ANGELES - Portions of 8th Street. 9th Street. the 8/9 alley. and Jones
Street in the area of the Esther Webster Fine Arts Center: A proposal to
vacate portions of right -of-way.
portion of"H" Street south of Third Street: A proposal to vacate a portion
APPLICATION - SMA 00-03 - 1034 Marine Drive #46: Proposal to
allow an increase in height from 20' to 29' to allow the reconstruction of
a damaged boathouse in the Port Angeles Boathaven.
PLANNING COMMISSION: Fred Hewins (Chair) Dean Reed (Viee),Bob King, LindaNutter,Dean Reed,Fred Norton, Bob Philpott, Chuck Schramm
PLANNING STAFF: Brad Collins, Planning Director, David Sawyer,Senior Planner, Sue RoberdS,Planning Specialist
. VI.
PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Mary Craver (Chair);Fred Hewins{Vice);Bob King,Linda Nutter,Dean Reed,Fred Nlrton,Jason Robotkay
PLANNING STAFF: Brad Collins, Planning Director; David Sawyer, Senior Planner; Sue Roberds, Planning Specialist.
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
January 26,2000
7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Bob Philpott, Linda Nutter, Fred Norton, Fred Hewins,
Dean Reed, Bob King, Chuck Schramm
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Brad Collins, Sue Roberds, David Sawyer, Dan McKeen,
Gary Kenworthy
Public Present:
Jim Butler, Wil Possinger, Carol Knebes, Jake Seniuk,
Stephanie Lund, Jim Sweet, Steve Eikum, Bob Wolcott, Bill
Commissioner Philpott moved to approve the January 12,2000, meeting minutes as
presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Norton and passed unanimously.
SMA 00-01 - PUGET SOUND PILOTS ~ 305 Ediz Hook Road: A proposal to
expand the current facility to allow berthing of larger boats and to accommodate
future staff. The proposal includes replacement of unsound creosote piling.
Senior Planner David Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's report recommending
approval of the proposa1. The Commission discussed the parking requirements for this type of use
as it is not particularly defined in the City's Parking Ordinance. A 1985 administrative interpretation
of the parking requirements for the Pilot's activity at that time was referred to. Planning Director
Collins noted that the number of parking spaces required for the residential use of the facility does
not need to be addressed in the shoreline permit except as the Commission is concerned about what
type of development occurs in the shoreline area. Chair Hewins opened the public hearing and
explained that those who testify must take an oath to provide truthful testimony under penalty of
Stephanie Lund, 608 39th Street, Puyal/up, Washington 98373, from Parametrix
Consultants and Engineers represented the applicant. She indicated a correction to the application
information that there would never be more than 19 persons at the facility at one time. There is
currently space for 7 cars. The Pilots lease a 100' strip of property from the City in the area which
Planning Commission Minutes - January 26, 2000
Page 2
is used for parking. Personnel arrive and depart by boat, no pilots drive to the site unless it is an
unusual emergency situation. Nine pilots work at the facility.
The first phase of the project will not involve lodging improvements That phase will occur
in a year or two. The Pilots are aware of the need to plan for adequate parking and acknowledge the
later phases involving expansion of the lodging use will require an approved parking plan.
The preference is to pull damaged and old creosote piling when possible with the exception
of those piling that are located beneath the existing facility that will be cut off and removed.
Resource agencies are being consulted for requirements and impact to eelgrass is being analyzed.
In response to Commissioner Nutter, Ms. Lund stated that rather than having a solid concrete
trestle structure to the barge, a grated structure will be provided to provide light penetration to
benefit aquatic organisms in the area.
Commissioner Schramm asked if it is intended that vehicles will be driven waterward along
the trestle, and how will the new crane located at the end of the dock be used. He asked if the Pilots'
usage is intended to be expanded. Ms. Lund responded that the crane is intended for repair of the
larger Pilot vessels.
Jim Sweet, Business Manager, Puget Sound Pilots, 101 Stewart Street Suite 900, Seattle,
Washington, added that there are three additional parking spaces leased from the City located across
Ediz Hook Road from the site that have not been accounted for. Two employees are at the site 24
hours a day with from 3 to 5 visitor vehicles a day. Rarely are all parking spaces in use. The spaces
are signed and reserved only for the Pilots use. There are not currently any pilots who live in Port
Angeles and drive to the site daily. The Pilots Association will have staff review the parking
requirements Cl!ld provision prior to the proposed improvement to the residential use of the facility.
There being no further testimony, Chair Hewins closed the public hearing.
Considerable discussion as to the interpretation of parking needs and to the provision of
parking at the site began. The current parking ratio was established in 1985 by the Planning Director
for such uses. Planner Sawyer explained that staff will work with the applicants to detennine the
appropriate parking ratio for thelodging aspect of the use during the building permit process. If the
required parking is not available a variance may need to be requested by the applicant.
Commissioner Schramm was not certain that the issue of the increase of the size of the
docking facility and picr were adequately addressed or analyzed including the capability of vehicular
travel on the pier.
In response to Commissioner Schramm, Planner Sawyer noted that City staff are not resource
experts. The State Department ofFish and Wildlife (DFW) will monitor and address the habitat
issues and impacts. A hydraulics permit from Fish and Wildlife has not been received as yet by the
applicant but would be a condition of approval of a shoreline permit. Thc DFW will thoroughly
review the proposal and have the ultimate authority in that area,
Planning Commission Minutes - January 26, 2000
Page 3
. Commissioner Reed moved to approve the shoreline substantial development permit
with the following conditions, findings and conclusions:
1. Approval is for the project identified as Attachment B to the January 26, 2000,
Planning Department Staff Report for SMA 00.01 and as hereby conditioned.
2 If, during any excavation, phenomena of possible archaeological interest are
uncovered, the developer shall immediately stop such work and provide for a site
inspection and evaluation by a professional archaeologist approved by the Elwha
Klallam Tribe to ensure that all possible archaeological data is properly salvaged.
3. The project shall comply with all regulations of the City's Shoreline Master Program,
specifically those of Chapters 4,5,6 and 7.
4. The proposed project shall meet all federal, state, and local requirements, including
the City's Environmentally Sensitive Areas Protection Ordinance.
The applicant shall obtain an Hydraulics Project Approval (HP A) permit for this
project from the Washington State Department ofFish and Wildlife (WDFW). The
concerns of the WDFW expressed in their letter dated November 23, 1999 shall be
addressed to WDFW's satisfaction.
6. Prior to the issuance of any building permits for phase II or III, a detailed siteplan
showing the location, area, and height of the proposed pilot house expansion shall be
submitted to the Planning Department and shall be consistent with the plans
approved by the WFDW.
7. The property's eastern lease line shall be adjusted as shown on the site plan
submitted as part of Attachment B.
Based on the information provided in the January 26, 2000 Staff Report for SMA-OO-Ol
(including all of its attachments), comments and information presented during the public
hearing, and the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, the City of Port
Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds that:
The applicant, Puget Sound Pilots, applied for a Shoreline Substantial
Development Permit on October 29, 1999. The application was determined to be
complete on November 15, 1999. The application is identified as Attachment B to
the January 26, 2000, Planning Department Staff Report for SMA 00-01.
Planning Commission Minutes - JaJfuary 26, 2000
Page 4
A Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance was issued by the City of Port
Angeles SEP A Responsible Official for the proposal on January 6, 2000.
3. In accordance with legal requirements of the City of Port Angeles and the State of
Washington, the notice of application and subsequent hearing process was advertised
in the Peninsula Daily News' legal section on November 24, 1999.
4. The public comment period for this application ran from November 24, 1999 to
December 24, 1999.
5. The applicant is proposing to replace unsound pilings, expand the berthing capacity
ofthe dock to handle up to 80' vessels and increase the housing capacity ofthe pilot
house up to 19 employees/pilots.
6. The first phase of the project replaces the existing 5' x 230' wooden trestle pier with
a 12' x 240' concrete trestle pier. This includes the installation of 16 concrete piles
and cutting off at the mud line 44 existing creosote piles, the removal of a small tool
shed and the replacement of the existing floating dock and gangway with a new 6'
x 40' steel gangway and 35' x 110' steel barge. Twelve new steel piles will anchor
the new barge replacing three clusters of creosote piles which will be cut off at the
mud line.
Phases two and three include expanding the pilot house deck, replacing the deck's
creosote piling with concrete piles and enlarging the pilot house. Phase II is the
expansion of the deck and replacement of piling in preparation of enlarging the pilot
house which is phase III.
8. In 1985, the City approved a Shoreline Permit (SMA(I)66) that expanded the
housing capacity of the facility from eight to fifteen pilots. The approval included
an agreement to accept ten parking spaces as the number of spaces required by the
facility after the proposed expansion.
9. Currently, there are seven parking spaces serving the facility with no additional
spaces proposed.
10. The applicant indicated that the area identified on the site plan for parking is 100'
long and is leased from the City of Port Angeles, and that the lease includes an option
for an additional three spaces on the north side of Ediz Hook Road.
Neither the City's Fire Department or Public Works Department recommended any
conditions of approval specific to this application.
One letter of comment was received from the Washington State Department of Fish
and Wildlife (WDFW). The WDFW responded to the initial SEPA checklist with
Plallniltg Commission Minutes - January 26, 2000
Page 5
the following requests: 1) the project's impact on eelgrass habitat be avoided~ 2) all
creosote pilings to be removed, be pulled (not cut off at the mud line) and resulting
holes filled with pea gravel/sand; and 3) the new barge be located waterward of -1 0
feet MLL W.
The aquatic shoreline is defined by the City's Environmentally Sensitive Areas
(ESA) Ordinance as a ''beach and associated coastal drift process area" and an
administrative ESA approval is required for this project.
The Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program, Comprehensive Plan, Zoning
Ordinance were reviewed with respect to this application.
The site is located in the un-designated area of the City's Comprehensive Plan Land
Use Map between the Commercial [C] and Industrial [I] designations. It is zoned
Industrial Heavy [IH], and its Shoreline Designation is Aquatic-Harbor [AH].
Related Comprehensive Plan and Shoreline Master Program policies are included in
Attacmnent C to the January 26,2000 Staff Report for SMA 00-01.
The City's waterfront trail runs east and west along Ediz Hook Drive and terminates
north of the subject property.
The aquatic shoreline is defined by the City's Environmentally Sensitive Areas
(ESA) Ordinance (Section 15.20 P AMC) as a "beach and associated coastal drift
process area." Chapter 15.20 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code defines and
provides procedures which must be followed when development is proposed within
environmentally sensitive areas.
19. The following Agencies and Tribes were notified of the application on November 16,
1999: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Washington Department of
Ecology, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Lower Elwha Klallam
Tribal Council. No comments were received other than from the WDFW as noted.
20. An Eelgrass, Macroalgae, and Macrofauna Habitat Survey Report dated June, 1999,
was prepared for the project by Parametrix, Inc. and is included as part of Attachment
Based on the information provided in the January 26,2000, Staff Report for SMA 00-01,
including all of its attachments, comments and information presented during the public
hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed
findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that:
Plamting Commission Minutes - January 26, 1000
Page 6
As conditioned, the project is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, Zoning
Ordinance, and Shoreline Master Program. The use of the pier as a pilot house
facility is part of a freight terminal use and is a permitted use in the ill and AH
B. The Washington State Department ofFish and Wildlife has the opportunity to satisfy
their concerns expressed in their letter dated November 23, 1999 through their
issuance of an Hydraulics Proj ect Approval (HP A) permit required for this project.
C. As conditioned, the project will not be detrimental to the shoreline and aquatic
D. The proposed project is a reinvestment in the harbor's freight terminal facilities and
reemphasizes the role of marine traffic in the community's economy.
E. As conditioned, the proposed project will enhance the public health, safety and
F. As conditioned, the project will not interfere with public use of or access to public
lands or waters.
The State Environmental Policy Act requirements have been fulfilled.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner King, and passed unanimously.
ANGELES - Portions of 8th Street. 9th Street. the 8/9 alley. and Jones Street
in the area of the Esther Webster Fine Arts Center: A proposal to vacate
portions of right-of-way.
Planning Specialist Sue Roberds reviewed the Planning Department's staff report
recommending approval of the requested vacation of right-of-way. Planning Director Collins
clarified that it would be up to the Community Players to work out the parking situation with the
Esther Webster Fine Arts group. He asked whether an access easement is adequate for the 8/9 alley
or if it would be preferred that the alley not be vacated.
Deputy Director of Utilities Gary Kenworthy stated that the City must maintain access in the
8/9 alley, 9th Street, and Jones Street for utilities. He did not object to vacation ofthe rights-of-way
with the retention of utility easements.
Acting Fire Chief Dan McKeen responded that the Fire Department's concerns mirrored the
Public Works Department's issues regarding access to the water utility in the 8/9 alley.
In response to Commissioner Philpott, Planning Specialist Roberds answered that Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Ruddell are a party to the vacation proposal in that they wish to obtain 15 feet of the
Jones Street right-of-way abutting their property.
Planning Commission Minutes. January 26;2000
Page 7
. Jim Butler, Chairman, Port Angeles Fine Arts Center, 711 Milwaukee Drive indicated
properties in the area that are proposed for purchase by the Fine Arts Center that will result in a more
viable site when combined with the proposed rights.of.way. He responded that the Fine Arts Center
will certainly work with the Community Players as to their parking needs as they are an important
group that is considered part of the Fine Arts Center redevelopment team.
Planning Director Collins noted that the 8/9 alley should not be vacated as in so doing, access
to the Community Players property would be eliminated. Until that issue is resolved, the 8/9 alley
should be retained to provide access to the Community Players' property as Liberty Street has been
There being no further testimony, Chair Hewins closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Nutter moved to recommend that the City Council approve vacation of
those portions of 9th Street and Jones Street as proposed citing the following conditions,
findings, and conclusions:
I. The 8/9 alley shall be retained as public right-of-way.
Utility easements shall be retained in the Jones Street and 9th Street vacated rights-of-
way for service of existing utilities.
1. The petitioners are the Esther Webster Fine Arts Center/City of Port Angeles,
Community Players, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ruddell, Mr. Duncan McKiernan, Ms.
Mary Johnson. The application/petition was submitted on November I, 1999, and
is attached as Attachment B of the January 26, 2000, Planning Department Staff
Report for STY 99-03
2. The requested vacation is for those portions of Jones Street abutting Lots 9, Block
279, Lots 9 and 10, Block 220, Lots 1 and 18, Block 221, and Lot 1, Block 278; 8th
Street abutting Lots 1 - 9, Block 279, and Lots 10. 18, Block 220; 9th Street abutting
Lots 10 - 13, Block 279; and the 8/9 alley abutting Lots 1 - 18, Block 279, Townsite
of Port Angeles, shown as Attachment B of the January 26, 2000, Planning
Department Staff Report for STY 99.03.
The Esther Webster Fine Arts Center is the primary petitioner for the vacation. Other
surrounding property owners, while not objecting to the vacation, do not wish to
participate in the action with the exception of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ruddell, who
wish to obtain a 15' of the right-of.way abutting their property (Lot 1, Block 278,
Planning Commission Minutes - January 26, 2000
Page 8
The topography of the unopened rights-of-way and abutting heavily treed properties
slopes mainly north and west such that development of the rights-of-way has not
been desirable.
5. The vacation of right-of-way is categorically exempt from environmental review per
Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code which states "(2)
Other minor new construction. The following types of construction shall be exempt
. .. (h) The vacation of streets or roads."
6. The City's Fire Department expressed concern that the 8/9 alley should be retained
for public access to ensure adequate circulation in the event of an emergency. The
City's Public Works and Light Departments will require that 20' easements be
retained for access to existing underground and overhead utilities.
7. The subject property is zoned PBP, Public Buildings and Parks, and is designated as
Open Space on the City's Comprehensive Plan.
8. Utilities and Public Services Element of the Comprehensive Plan Goals A, B, and C,
and Policy B.3. support the proposed vacation for public use.
The site was posted and notification of the proposal was placed in the Peninsula
Daily News on January 5, 2000. No comments were received during that time
A. The vacation is in compliance with the goals and policies of the City's
Comprehensive Plan.
B. As conditioned, the vacation is in the public interest.
Commissioner Reed seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
of"H" Street south of Third Street: A proposal to vacate a portion ofright-of-
Planning Director Collins reviewed the Planning Department's staff report recommending
approval of the proposal.
Deputy Director of Utilities Gary Kenworthy responded to questions regarding the City's
stormwater utilities in the area and the need for rights-of-way/easement to protect that utility. Chair
Hewins opened the public hearing.
Wil Possinger, 3215 McDougal, stated that his desire in renovation ofthe site is for use as
a field support office for work done in the Harbor. He has read and agrees to the proposed
conditions of approval. In response to Commissioner Hewins, he answered that the street vacation
Planning Commission Minutes - January 26, 2000
Page 9
. is needed to obtain a building permit as at present the structure straddles the property line.
There being no further testimony, Chair Hewins closed the public hearing.
Commissioner King moved to recommend that the City Council approve the vacation
as proposed citing the following conditions, findings, and conclusions:
1. The vacation is for only the easterly 25 feet 0 f "H" Street and does not include a 10
foot' x 10 foot section of the northwest comer ofthe easterly 25 feet ofthe "H" Street
right of way. No portion ofthe "H" Street right-of-way which contains Hill Street
improvements for storm drainage, pedestrian use, traffic safety (such as guard rails)
and signage, street, and other utility facilities or which may be needed for such future
Hill Street improvements shall be vacated.
2. Relocation of the existing storm drain from under the existing building is required.
A petition for vacation of right-of-way was submitted by Will Possinger, a
representative of Mr. and Mrs. Heerschap, on December 10, 1999. The application
materials are provided in Attachment B.
2. The proposed street vacation is for a portion of"H'" Street abutting Lot 7, Block 123,
and abutting a small portion (south of Hill Street and north of Milwaukee Railroad
rights-of-way) of Lot 1, Block 125, TPA, as shown on the map in Attachment C.
3. The subject property abuts not only the "H" Street right-of-way but also the Hill and
3rd Street rights-of-way.
4. "H" Street and 3rd Street are not improved streets, except where Hill Street ("H"
Street right-of-way) and Marine Drive (3rd Street right-of-way) are improved.
5. Hill Street and Marine Drive are arterial streets on the City's Circulation Plan Map.
6. The intersection of Hill Street ("H" Street) and Marine Drive (3rd Street) is not
properly situated within the rights-of-way; in similar fashion to the location of the
Briclde's Tavern building, each is across their respective western property lines.
The Brickie's Tavern building is a nonconforming structure because of inadequate
setbacks from these rights-of-way. Approval of this street vacation will not correct
the nonconforming setback problem, and the building would remain a
nonconforming structure.
Planning Commission Milfutes - January 16, 2000
Page} 0
The vacating of a street is categorically exempt from a SEP A threshold determination
and Environmental Impact Statement requirements per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of
the Washington Administrative Code which states "(2) Other minor new construction.
The following types of construction shall be exempt. . . (h) The vacation of streets or
9. The Public Works Department had the following conunents: 1) Per our utility
records, there appears to be a storm drain catch basin in that portion of the proposed
'H' street vacation area. It also appears that the storm drain main crosses diagonally
under a portion of the existing building. 2) Due to the environmentally sensitive
steep sloped hillside area immediately south of the existing structure, a proposed
storm water drainage plan and erosion control with re-vegetation plan will be
required as requested in the clearing and grading permit application (C&G99-19).
3) Relocation of the existing storm drain from under the existing building will be
required. and 4) Only vacate the easterly 251 of 'H' Street and retain a (lO' x 10')
section of the northwest comer of the right of way.
10. The Fire Department had no objection provided that the vacation will not interfere
with the ability to provide needed modifications now, or in the future, to the
intersection at Marine Drive and Hill Street.
The Planning Department commented that some portions of the rights-of-way should
not be vacated as proposed, because they are needed for existing facilities such as
storm drainage and guard rails and may be needed in the future for intersection
improvements at Marine Drive and Hill Street, which are arterial streets serving
circulation to the Port Angeles Harbor industrial area and to the westside ofthe City.
12. The topography of the unopened "H" Street right-of-way and the abutting properties,
which are heavily treed, slopes mainly north and west such that development of the
rights-of-way has not been desirable.
13. The subject area is at or on the lower portion of the historical marine bluff, which is
a geological hazard area and where a landslide in 1997 killed a person and destroyed
a portion of the Brickie's Tavern building.
14. The northern portion ofthe subject property as well as the property north of subject
property are designated as Industrial Heavy (IH), and the southern portion of the
subject property as well as the property south of the subject property are designated
as Public Buildings and Parks (PBP) on the City's Zoning Map. These same areas
are designated as Industrial (I) and Open Space (OS) respectively on the
Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map.
The proposed street vacation was reviewed for consistency with the Port Angeles
Comprehensive Plan.
16. Per the required publication and notification procedures, the site was posted, and
notice of the action was published in the Peninsula Daily News on January 7, 2000.
No comments were received during the publication and posting period.
Planning Commissioll Minutes - January 26, 2000
Page 11
17. This action constitutes a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council has
scheduled a public hearing for consideration ofthe petition at its February 15,2000,
regular meeting.
A. Some portions ofthe rights-of-way should not be vacated as proposed, because they
serve the public interest where they are needed for existing facilities such as storm
drainage and guard rails and may be needed in the future for intersection
improvements at Marine Drive and Hill Street, which are arterial streets serving
circulation to the Port Angeles Harbor industrial area and to the westside ofthe City.
B. The street vacation will correct a problem created years ago when the Brickie's
Tavern building was constructed in the "H" Street right-of-way.
C. As conditioned, traffic patterns in the area will not be affected by this vacation.
The vacation of the proposed rights-of-way will not interfere with the public's health,
safety or welfare so long as conditions retaining necessary rights-of-way and utility
easements and relocating storm drainage facilities are required.
As conditioned, development patterns in the area will not be affected by the proposed
F. The proposal complies with the goals and policies ofthe City's Comprehensive Plan,
specifically the following Comprehensive Plan policies have been found to be most
relevant to the proposal: Transportation Goal B, Policy 9, Policy 10, and Objective
8, Utilities and Public Services Goal D, Policy 1, Policy 5, and Policy 6, and Capital
Facilities Goal B, Policy 1, and Policy 2.
G. As conditioned, the partial street vacation is in the public interest.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nutter, and passed unauimously.
APPLICATION - SMA 00-03 - 1034 Marine Drive #46: Proposal to allow
an increase in height from 20' to 29' to allow the reconstruction of a damaged
boathouse in the Port Angeles Boathaven.
PlatUling Director Collins noted that, because the environmental review indicated that other
agencies have jurisdiction in this matter (the Department ofFish and Wildlife and Army Corps of
Engineers), an additional IS-day SEPA review period, which ends on February 9,2000, is required.
Chair Hewins opened the public hearing.
Commissioner Reed moved to continue the public hearing to February 9, 2000, 7 p.m.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nutter, and passed unanimously.
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Page 12
Director Collins informed the Commissioners that Commissioner King had been appointed
to serve a second term (March 2000 - 2004) and that Mary Craver had been appointed to serve a new
term (March 2000-2004) filling Commissioner Reed's position as he did not seek reappointment.
He noted that the Boards and Commission Appreciation Night is planned for the end of February,
and hoped that all Commission members would be able to attend.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Fred Hewins, Chair