HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/28/2009W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A.
321 East Fifth Street
January 28, 2009
6 p.m.
Pledge Of Allegiance Led by the Chair
III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular meeting of January 14, 2009
Presentation by City of Port Angeles Archaeologist Derek Beery
PLANNING COMMISSIONERS John Matthews (Chair), Doc Reiss (Vice Chair),Werner Beier, Mike Caudill, Tim Boyle, Carla Sue, One vacancy
PLANNING STAFF Nathan West, Director, Sue Roberds, Planning Manager, Scott Johns, Associate Planner, Dan Bialzik, Assistant Planner
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
January 28, 2009
6:00 p.m.
Members Present: John Matthews, Mike Caudill, Carla Sue, Doc Reiss, Tim
Members Excused. Werner Beier, One vacancy
Staff Present: Sue Roberds, Nathan West, Derek Beery, Kent Myers, Dan
Bialzik, Heidi Greenwood
Public Present: None
Chair Matthews led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Community Economic Development Director Nathan West introduced new
City Manager Kent Myers most recently from Hot Springs, Arkansas. Mr Myers said
that and his wife are very excited to be here in Port Angeles. The City has a lot of
challenges but also presents a lot of opportunities. He looks forward to working with and
providing support to the Planning Commission, and said that his door is open at all
Review of the minutes was moved to later in the meeting.
Presentation by City of Port Angeles Archaeologist Derek Beery
Director West introduced Derek Beery, the City of Port Angeles Archaeologist. Mr
West will present a predictive model, which is a work in progress that stems from the August,
2006, Settlement Agreement reached as part of the Graving Yard incident. The Agreement is
significant to the City in that the City has to ensure the protection of cultural resources within the
City, but most specifically, within the shoreline area north of the marine bluff line. Derek will
provide a clear picture of how a predictive model is put together The City has become very
innovative as to how cultural resources are addressed and is in a leadership position in
Washington State with regard to cultural resource planning.
Derek Beery, City of Port Angeles Archaeologist provided a definition of a predictive
model. In a nutshell, humans use the environment around them to make a living, and when they
do that, they leave things behind. A predictive model is an attempt to consider the environment,
Planning Comnussron Al
January 28, 2009
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and the idea of past human behavior, and from this information, predict where certain activities
may have occurred. Computer modeling can correlate the location of known artifacts and given
certain environmental and human habit information, can identify (predict) the limitations of areas
where artifacts may be found. This information can be a very helpful tool in the planning
process to predict where archaeological resources may be found. Predictive models work best
used early in the planning process to provide an idea if, and what type of, resources one may be
dealing with when breaking ground. Mr. Beery provided a lengthy, detailed description of the
various aspects of developing a predictive model, the equipment, data, and knowledge of the
history and geology of the area such that a dependable, updated model is the result. The intent is
to aid in land development such that surprises that restrict an intended development in specific
areas are reduced or eliminated.
Chair Matthews asked if all of the information used in creating the predictive model
would be available to the public, and, if not, who would be privy to the information. Mr Beery
answered that State law prevents archaeological information from being released to the general
public. The Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) maintains the data
base. DAHP allows archaeological information to be reviewed but security dictates that it may
only be reviewed by professionals. For instance, a professional (lawyer, etc.) representing a
client who is intending to develop a property where cultural resources may be an issue, may
obtain such information in order to competently conduct an environmental review or like report.
The predictive model will help people make decisions during a planning process. The City has
an agreement with DAHP for specific individual access to the archaeological data.
Mr Beery closed by saying that the model is predictive but certainly not absolute. The
model will take what is known about the environment and past cultures of the area and relating
that information to the present by display on a map The model will assist people who develop
properties to assess risks for developing properties where archaeological resources are present.
The model is going to reduce the high probability areas of development on the waterfront. The
model is not meant to instill fear, but is meant to calm fear that development can occur on the
waterfront. Based on a little more knowledge, and with some foresight and planning,
development will move forward in a smart manner
Director West commended Archaeologist Beery's work and stated that the City
appreciates his efforts in developing the predictive model. He reiterated that if a development is
proposed in a high probability area, that does not mean that no development can occur, it just
means that extra caution must be observed.
Commissioners Sue and Reiss corrected their attendance records for the November 12,
and December 10, 2008 meetings. Commissioner Boyle moved to approve the January 14,
2009, regular meeting with corrections to attendance as noted. The motion was seconded
by Commissioner Caudill, and passed 5 0.
Planning Comm:ssmn Minutes
January 28, 2009
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Director West reported that representatives of the American Institute of Architects
(AIA) made a preliminary visit to Port Angeles to gather field notes in association with a grant
presented to the City, sponsored by the Port Angeles Forward Committee. That grant will focus
on the First/Front Street corridors, as well as the Downtown area. A team of individuals from
varying professions will be developing an area plan for what Port Angeles Forward has identified
as an "International Corridor" The team will be returning on March 16 to begin an intensive 3-
day planning session. The end result will be to get a number of implementation steps and funding
mechanisms associated with those steps that can actually be implemented to improve the
First/Front Street corridors as well as the Downtown area. He encouraged Commissioners to
participate in the planning efforts, but to be cognizant that it does not appear that a quorum is
present. The 2011 Comprehensive Plan update will be beginning soon. He hoped that this
corridor plan would be incorporated as the first phase of that Plan update.
The City has been working diligently to recruit the NOAA Marine Operations Center for
Port Angeles, and has been working to assist consultants to prepare a final proposal for that
possibility Although the City only received the solicitation in December, staff and the
consultant, along with other members of the community, have been working diligently on the
issue and is very competitive in this matter Competitors are Bellingham and Seattle. He was
hopeful that the City would be short listed for the move.
Commissioner Boyle asked that Director West identify the subject areas for the AIA
grant. Director West said that generally the areas are (1) streetscaped; (2) how second floor and
above spaces that are presently underutilized can be utilized; (3) signage; (4) landscaping; and
(5) building design. More than anything, looking at ways to revitalize the corridor areas by
incentives rather than regulations. A waterfront promenade improvement has long been a desire
of the City
Director West provided an update on the Gateway development. The City is very excited
about completing the development. The Farmer's Market group is interested in locating in the
Gateway, and that may happen. The City has been waiting for answers from engineers regarding
some building concerns. Progress is definitely being made. Temporary occupancy has been
issued for the west garage.
The City Council unanimously approved a resolution in support of the Port Angeles
Harborworks Development Authority (PDA). This is a critically important project for the City
as it is an opportunity actually see the Rayonier site developed. The redevelopment of the
Rayonier property and the success of the PDA is not going to be possible without full community
support. Any way that better communication can be had is important. He encouraged
Commissioners to contact staff whenever questions arise that staff can answer. The PDA is a
tool that allows the City to move forward in partnership with other entities to speed clean up of
the site and development within the next few years. There is funding out there that will go to
another community if not Port Angeles. He would prefer to see those funds spent in Port
Angeles, and to see positive change at the site. His door is always open for questions, and he
encouraged Commissioners to become involved.
Director West answered Commissioner Caudill that yes, Rayonier does own the property
It is likely that 50% of the clean up costs would be paid for by the state or federal government
rather than Rayonier, but the alternative is that it would sit unimproved for many years to come
in its current state. Through the PDA, the timeline will be more definitive and assured as to
cleanup of the site and its redevelopment.
Planning Commission Minutes
January 28, 2009
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Mr. West informed Commissioners that he will be attending a meeting in Olympia next
week where results of the dioxin study recently conducted in Port Angeles will be available. He
will report on that meeting at a later date.
The Port Angeles Forward Committee Minutes of January 8, 2009, prepared by
Commissioner Boyle, were distributed.
The meeting adjourned at 7 p.m.
Sue Roberd /Secretary John Matthews, Chair