HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/01/1966
~inuto8 ot tb~ ro~uler Doetinq of the Port AngeloD Plcnnlc9
CODalsllon, FGbru~r, latD 19660
~oDbora proaont aero And~racn~ Dilli~9o Hunt end Straftg.o
Also present aere Director of Public Worta John Bo Wardor end
Building Inapoctor Robert liAlaono
Ulnut.. of.prevlous a.oting ~oro road And approvodo
first ordor of busin... a.. tho scheduled bearing on tho
.ppllcatlon 01 Seldon Portor for. yarlenco troD the ZoniD;
r'9ul~tlon. that would ptrait tho operation of a .~cting yard
In a Firat Reaidontlal Zone, on property identified ca ono ccro
In tho ndrthaost cornor of Suburban Lot 134 locatod on "o.t 18th
Stroot opp081to Oc.an Vie. CODoteryo Thero .or. no protoata
filod on thl. cpplicationo The Datter .8~ thoroughly dlaculDed
with Mr. Portor aho ~aD preaonto A Dotion wa. p.sood rocoCBonda
In; to the City Council tho application bo .pproved with tho
tollowln9 proYlalonaD a 20 toot "ld. .creen of brush and treoD
bo left .long 18th Streot, tho permit bo noftetrensferable end
granted for c poriod of thro. (3) yoara on1yo
next in ordor a.a tho ~ppllcDtlon of Prod Jo Jew.ll tor
. yarianco frea the zoning regulation. that ~ould peralt tho
..tabllahaent, operation ond DGlntenanco of D Trallor Park
conll1t1n9 at approxialtoly 25 Dobito hoa! altos on property
identified al Suburban Lata 6~ and 85 Townllt.~ located at 14th
and MacDonald Streotlo Thla application had boon held over for
one meetlnq in ordor to chock tho layout, which ha. D.t alth
lpprovalo A Dotlon ... poaDed reco~.ndlng to the City Council
tho application b. epproyed, provldin9i aro Jowoll c03pllol with
tho W..hington Stato Dopartaent of Health rlqulatlonDo
A gonaral diacuaalon on the propoaed Zonlnq ordinanca
no furthor bUlinesa appearing Dooting adjourned at g PoUo
Rospoctfully aubaittedg
Pre~ Co Stranqoo Chairean
Acting Seer.tar1