HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/04/1964
Ulnutes ot the regular meeting ot the Port Angeles ,Planning Co~s8ion
Pebruary 4, 1964.
Uember, present were Anderson, Driscoll. Hankins, Hunt, UcGee, Reiners
and Strange.
Alao present were Councilmen Ivn~ Smith, DIrector ot Public Works
John B. ,./arder, Poter Supt. Paul Reed and Ass' t. Cl t,. EngIneer Robert
Uinutes of the provious meetlngwere read. and approved.
First order ot business was a letter tram the Olympic Health DIstrIct
signed by Donald A. JJorrlaon" Dlntrlct. SanItarfan, requesting a .
variance from tbB Zoning ordinance In loeating a proposed health
facIlitios building at the corner of ltace and caroline Streets on the
Hospital property. l1r. l!orrlson being present, explained the lim.ited
area alloted ror tho building duo to :f'uturc plans for the Hospital
proper, such as driveways etc.. mado it dirfloult tor them to comply
with the nocessary hold baok regulatIons as per tho Zoning ord1nance.
During a discussion of the matter, it waft suggested to Mr. "orrison
that he bave a sketch ot tho building area pr8pared ror our next
meeting in order that he meQbers could be better Intorced on the
request. ThIs Hr. Uorrlson agread to do.
that they studf the
The Com:l1881on then gave over tbo balance at their meet1ng to the
continuing study ot the proposed ort street parkln~ ordInanoe.
no turther buslne88~'appeorlng, aeetlng adjourned a.t 9:,30 P.U.
Rsspeotrully submitted,
H. H. Hankins. Socretary
eo to Donald D. Herrman
John \'larder
Robert nl11son