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February 1, 1968
TO: Members of 'Port Angeles Planning Commission
; :RE: Meeting scheduled for February 6, 1968
I have received 2 requests for variances which have been
properly posted for hearing at this meeting.
The first is a request from Mr. Harold H. Butler of 3010
South Laurel street. Mr. Butler requests relief from the 25'
setback requirement from the street right-at-way in an RS-7
zone so that he may construct a double carport. This location
for the carport was contempl3ted by the architect wh~,prepared
Mr. Butlers house plans.' At that time}' this area was in the
county and this restriction did not exist during the construc-
tion of the house and developement of the site. Consequently
there is no other location available for this structure.
The second request is trom Mr. Vic Rambo of ~ngeles Millwork.
Mr. Rambo proposes to construct a lumber shed on the southeast
corner of his property, paralleling the alley. Unless he can
construct this on both the south and east property lines, he ~
does not hav~ sufficient space in which to build it. The ~
property overlaps both the CSD-Cl and RS-7 zones.
I have received a request from a Mr. Warren E. Merrill of 421
North Liberty Street 'for- approvel to operate a wholesale brush
(evergreens) baling and collection center at 819 East First
Street. Nothing in the zoning ordinance pertains to this type
of, an, operation in the CAD zone and I recommended that Mr.
Merrill submit his request to the Planning Commission.
Enclosed you will find a list of streets with proposed name
changes. These primarily represent cases where more than one
street has the same name, or one which sounds the same as
anGther street, and also instances where ore street has different
names in abuttinq subdivisions. All of these are a source of
confusion ,and action should be taken to correct the situation.
The City Council concurred with the recommendations of the Plan-
ning Commission January 16, 1968, and denied the request of Mr.
Cecil R. Bailey and approved the request of Mr. W. S. Holgate.
No other business has been presented for this meeting as of this
R. P. Willson, Recording Secretary
February 6, 1968
Minutes of Port Angeles Planning Commission
Present - Hunt, McHone. Anderson, Tre~t. Driscoll, Dilling,
Hankins. Director of Public Works Warder and Building
Inspector Willson
Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting held January 16, 1968
were approved as published.
New Business - Two requests for variances had been received and
properly posted for hearing at this meeting.
The first request, from Mr. Harold H. Butler of ~OIO South
Laurel Street. was for relief from the 25 foot front set-back
requirement. After considerable discussion it was voted to
recommend that Mr. Butler be granted a variance' which would
permit him to construct his double carport 15 feet from the
property line ot a 70 foot wide right-at-way, centered on the
platted 60 foot right of way. A further restrict~on was made
that the carport is to remain open and not be converted to a
closed garage or incorporated as another room of the house at
some future date.
The second request for a variance was from Mr. V. A. Rambo
'of ,Ange 1 es Mi 11 work. Thi s reque st was for a waive r of the set
back requirements from' the alley and side property lines. Much
discussion occurred of possible alternatives. It was voted to
recommend that the request be granted but a restriction added
that no access be provided to the proposed lumber shed from the
alley side now or in the future. Mr. Rambo is also to be advised
that the roof overhang of this structure must be confined to his
own prope rty.
Other Business
Mr. Warren E. Merrill had requested approval of an ever-
green brush packing operation on the property at 819 East First
St. The zoning ordinance covers no operation of comparable nature
in its list of approved uses, and the Building Inspector had
recommended that approval be sought before makinq any investment
in the operation. The Planning Commission felt there would be
nothing objectionable to this type of business in the CAD zone.
and recommended approval.
A list of approximately 20 street names was submitted to
the members by the City Manager for their consideration of re-
vising the flames. Discussion following centered around problems
and confusion arising from existing designations. It was
unanimously agreed that the name changes should have been accom-
plished sometime in the past and it was strongly recommended that
the new designations be approved. ,
Mrs. Eva Miller requested permission to erect a small build-'
ing and use it for storing donated materials for her benefit rummage
sales. The property is in Block 160 Lot 8 Townsite at 6th and
Tumwater and is an M-l zoned areao After a brief discussion. Mrso
Minutes, Planning Commission
February 6, 1968
page 2.
Miller operation was recommended for approval.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Stepp had inquired about operating a
small automotive-electrical repair service from either of two
different locations. One was located at 1112 East Front or the
alternate at Marine Drive and "I" Street Hill intersection. After
a hrief disoussion the Planning Commissioh members directed the
Building Inspector to advise Mr. and Mrs. Stepp that either place
was acceptable as long as all other requirements were satisfactorily
met. such as parking, signs, etco
A brief discussion came up regarding the motorcycle sales on
west Boulevard across the street from Lincoln Park. Mr. Willis
McClure, the owner, had inquired what effects annexation would
have on the future developement of his business. and the Building
Inspector had referred him to the Planning Commission. Mr.
McClure was not present and the matter was tabled.
A letter was received from Mr. Clarence Fidler, attorney
for Robert R. Hurford, pertaining to the right of way width of
East Street as designated in the mapped streets ordinance. The
matter was referred to the Director of Public Works for investiga-
tion and recommendation.
No other business was introduced and the meeting adjourned at 0:40