HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/07/1967
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'tinut~!s of He fIl~et1nl of tLe Port AnJel"s ,lannin, Com"ission
rellru8ry 7th, 19tH.
Membp.rs pre~ent were ~nderson, Dilling, Hankins, Hunt, Treat
anl'1 :itr n1e. J\bst'nt Jriscoll. Also pre<;ent were .'lrp.ctor of
Puhlic "orks John u. ,larder and Uuildin I Inspector Robert ..i1150n.
Minute!> of the ~rev1ouG meetinl were read and approved.
Thp.re were thr~p. applications for variances from the zoning
r~]ulations on fil~, dl had been posted and no protests had been
First consi Jered was the l!Ippl1cation of Russell s. He~selman
for r..r~15ston fOT A 15 foot setback inst~ad of the 25 f....-t requfrpd
in '1 ~lr5t 'p.5irlentil!ll lone. This involvps prore tv identified 8'
Lnt~ 17 dnd 10 in Block 145 located on t~e north side of rourth
1t r e e tie t wee nUL" and II M n 8 t r e .. t 8 , prop e r t y 5 i t lJ ate don the ul u ff
1!I n d Yf' d u c e rt i n 1 f! n J t h by the rail road ri 1 h t - 0 f -way . Such a va r i an c.
had previ0uslv heen ,ranted on thls property but Ilr. Hess!"lman e101
a ne~ owner has alain applied. Aft~r di.cussion a motion was
pa!Jsed rf!comm...ndinl to the rity r:ouncil the application be approved
with the proviso UP two lots be ded}nated as one oul1dinl site.
N e J( t \If I! S the ill p lie a t 1 0 n 0 f Robe r t E. I'll I kin. 0 f 706 Sou t h II A "
Stre~t. Owner of the north half of Lots 1 and 2 ~lock 239. Mr.
~ilkln8 requests permission to construct a carport closer to the
property line than permitted. An inspection of the property
reveals there would be no si,nlficant chan Jf' in the pre<;ent use of
entrance etc. and 1n addition a letter approvinl the request oy the
owner of the adiacent pro!,~rty is attached. Aftpr discussion wl,th
Mr. ~ilkins a motion was passed recommendinJ to the City Council
the ~rplication be approved.
Th~ 8pplication of 'ierald Staudenraus for fermiBsion to operate
1!I H...al Sstate office at il~ ~outh Race Strpet. an arel presently
zoned as Second R!"sidence was next considered. The arpa is
desi1n8ted as the north one half of lots 10 and 11 Block 176,
\ ~ "'::fAY- across Rllee Strpf'!t from Campbell HouBe. There 15 a small hous!" on
\\\J "~ \ thf' prooerty 24' x 30' in size in which it is proposed to establish
'\,. ~{.l f-L"' tr.e office, provi!ion is made for off-strpet parkin,. Htf"r a
/':' '\ t,a~ discussion witl ~'r. Staudenraus, in which were pointerl out the
\~~C ~1 li~lt~tiong nn th~ ~ctivity allowed, a motion WdS p8ssed recommend-
\~ \J - inJ to th.. ':ity Council the l!Ipplicatlon be approved.
Last on the ~qenda Was an aopeal of Clara Blount owner and
occupant of Ii r:lohtle r.Or'le located at 711 East 5th Stn'et. In l)t54
Mr~. Rlount ,,119 ranted a "hardshipfl permission to occupy ~ mobile
home at this location. Her pre~ent requ..st is for p...rmission to
lell the mobile home, transferin J her pre 'ent p!'!'rmi 55 ion to "occupy"
to the new owner, ~tatinJ she needs the finances which she would
obtain from the sale. An effort, WJ~ made to explain to Mrs. Blount
t hat w h i le she h a 5 the ~ Y!:l pat h y 0 f the Co mm is s ion, i two u l.~ be
impos::;ible to .Jnnt her request for transfer, that the ori ,1n81
permission was lranted to her only and not transferable. Mrs.
kjlount appeolrl'"d to ne quite concerned and upset by the ;j~cislon
of the Commission which under the circumstances could see no other
course of action.
After Jeneral oiscussion meetin I ad10urned at 9 I.M.
f1ulh Hankins
Frpd C. Strange