HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/12/1992
. IV.
City Council Chambers
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles, W A 98362
February 12, 1992
7:00 P.M.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting of January 22, 1992.
Peabody and Chase and 5th and 7th Streets: Proposed rezone of approximately
9.3 acres from RMF, Residential Multi-Family, to OC, Office Commercial, and
an amendment including property to be rezoned from CSD-C, Community
Shopping District and RMF to PBP, Public Buildings and Parks. (Continued
from December 11, 1991.)
Street: Request for rezone of property currently designated LI, Light Industrial
District, to PBP, Public Buildings and Parks District.
ANGELES. 326 East Seventh Street: Request for vacation of a portion of the 7/8
alley between Chase and Peabody and Seventh and Eighth Streets.
INDUSTRIES. Vine Street. between Lauridsen Boulevard and Oreas:
All correspondence pertaining to a hearing item received by the Planning Department at least
one day prior to the scheduled hearing will be provided to Commission members before the
Planning Commission: Ray Grover, Chair; Cindy Souders, Vice-Chair; Jim Hulen; Roger Catts; Larry Leonard; Bob Philpott; Bill Anabel.
Planning Staff: Brad Collins, Planning Director; Sue Roberds, Planning Office Specialist; John Jimerson, Associale Planner; David Sawyer,
Senior Planner.
Planning Commission Agenda
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Spokesmen for the proponents and opponents will be given an opportunity to speak to the
request. Information submitted should be factual, relevant and not merely duplication of a
previous presentation. A reasonable time (10 minutes) shall be allowed the spokesman; others
shall be limited to short supporting remarks (5 minutes). Other interested parties will be allowed
to comment briefly (5 minutes each) or make inquiries. The Chairman may allow additional
public testimony if the issue warrants it. Brief rebuttal (5 minutes) for proponents and opponents
heard separately and consecutively with presentation limited to their spokesman. Rebuttal shall
be limited to factual statements pertaining to previous testimony. Comments should be directed
to the Planning Commission, not the City Staff representatives present, unless directed to do so
by the Chairman.
All correspondence penaining to a hearing item received by the Planning Depanment at least
one day prior to the scheduled hearing will be provided to Commission members before the
Planning Commission: Ray Gruver, Chair; Cindy Souders, Vice-Chair; Jim Hulett; Roger Calls; Larry Leonard; Bob Philpon; Bill Anabel.
Planning Staff: Brad Collins, Planning Direclor; Sue Roberds, Planning Office SpedaIist; John Jimerson, Associale Planner; David Sawyer,
Senior Planner.
Port Angeles, Washington
February 12, 1992
Chairman Gruver called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Members Present: Ray Gruver, Bob Philpott, Bill Anabel, Larry Leonard, Jim Hulett,
and Cindy Souders
Members Excused: Roger Catts
Staff Present: Brad Collins, John Jimerson, Bruce Becker
Commissioner Philpott moved to approve the minutes of the January 22, 1992, meeting
of the Commission as submitted. Commissioner Anabel seconded the motion, which
passed 4-0, with Commissioners Souders and Hulett abstaining.
and Chase and 5th and 8th Streets: Proposed rezone of approximately 9.3 acres from
RMF, Residential Multi-Family, to DC, Office Commercial, and an amendment including
property to be rezoned from CSD-C, Community Shopping District and RMF to PBP,
Public Buildings and Parks.
Chainnan Gruver stepped down from the dais for reasons of conflict of interest. Ms. Souders
assumed the Chair.
John Jimerson reviewed the Department Report. Brad Collins explained the history of the
proposal; it has been on the Commission's long term agenda for several years. It was originally
placed on the, agenda as. a. result of review conducted .by . the. Planning Commission and City
. Council after construction of City Hall. Commissioner Leonard added that several years ago the
City Council decided to wait to see what the traffic impacts would be once the new City Hall
was open. The PBP portion of the rezone was recently added to address the Senior Center site.
. Chairman Souders opened the public hearing at 7: 15 P.M.
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. Robbie Mantooth, 2238 East Lindberg Road, expressed concern over rezoning 6% of the
City's RMF zoned property to OC. Although OC allows residential development, the property
would most likely be developed with commercial uses. The area provides a unique opportunity
to maintain housing close to amenities, services, government and commercial districts. Housing
in the center of town is good for downtown business and reduces miles driven in automobiles,
thus improving air quality and traffic congestion. She would like to see incentives created for
residential development to occur in the center of town.
There being no further public testimony, Chairman Souders closed the public hearing at 7:20
Commissioner Leonard asked how the PBP zoning would affect the use of the skating rink
property. Brad Collins responded that the skating rink is non-conforming under the RMF district
and would be non-conforming in the DC. It may not be non-conforming in PBP, as PBP allows
recreational facilities as a permitted use. The Planning Commission may have to make an
interpretation of recreational facilities as to whether PBP includes commercial as well as public
Commissioner Leonard asked Parks Director Scott Brodhun if he has discussed the PBP rezone
with the owner of the skating rink. Mr. Brodhun responded that he didn't discuss the rezone
with the property owner, but the owner had indicated that he was aware the rezone was being
considered by the City.
Commissioner Leonard asked why a Zoning Code Amendment was not pursued for the Senior
Center site instead of a rezone. Mr, Collins responded that there are several factors that may
have been given consideration: the Planning Commission was already considering rezone of the
property; the PBP district may make it easier to design public buildings; and the PBP zoning
would be consistent with having a public building on the site.
Commissioner Leonard asked Rex Bond, architect for the Senior Center, why they pursued a
rezone. Mr. Bond responded that setback standards were a key factor. He also noted the Senior
Center is located in two different zone districts, and it is difficult to design the building to meet
the requirements of both.
Commissioner Philpott noted that the Office Commercial zone allows residential development
at the same densities and type as the RMF lone.
Commissioner Leonard moved to forward a favorable recommendation to the City Council,
as recommended by staff, with the exception that the skating rink site (Lots 5-9, Block 229)
be rezoned to Office Commercial (OC) instead of Public Buildings and Parks (PBP). This
motion was made subject to the City Attorney concurring that the Planning Commission
does not need any additional public hearing notice for the proposed change to OC. The
motion was made citing the following findings and conclusions which amended Finding No.
. 3 and deleted Conclusion C of tbe staff report:
February 12, 1992
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. Findings:
1. The site is generally bounded to the south and west by commercially zoned property; PBP
and OC (City Hall) to the north; and RMF and DC to the east.
2. The rezone area is contiguous to two existing areas of DC-zoned land on Peabody Street.
3. Single-family homes on OC-zoned lands are assessed at the same value as single-family
homes on RS-7 zoned property.
4. The RMF District and the OC District allow the same residential uses at the same
densities. No residential use will become non-conforming by this action.
5. The Port Angeles SEPA Responsible Official originally issued a Detennination of Non-
Significance for the proposal on October 28, 1991 and issued a DNS for the revised
proposal on January 17, 1992.
The Comprehensive Plan has been reviewed with respect to the proposal and the
following Goals, Policies and Objectives have been found to be most applicable: Goals
Nos. 2,3,4 and 5; Residential Policies Nos. 15-17; Commercial Policies Nos. 1,2 and 3;
Social Policy No.4; Social Objectives Nos. 2 and 3; and land Use Objectives Nos. 1,2,
and 3.
7. The rezone affects 56 dwelling units, which represents 0.7% of the City's existing
housing stock.
8. The rezone area would reduce the RMF zoned land by 6.2%.
9. The OC designation allows the same residential development at the same densities as the
RMF District.
10, The Senior Center is not a permitted use in the RMF and CSD-C 1 zones, but is permitted
in the PBP zone.
11. The skating rink is a non-conforming use in the RMF zone district and would be similar
to recreational facilities and structures which are permitted in the PBP.
A. The rezone request is in the public use and interest and will not cause adverse impacts
to the adjacent properties.
Circumstances have changed since the property was zoned RMF by the City of Port
Angeles. A new City Hall and expanded county offices have been constructed in the
immediate vicinity, thereby creating demand for ancillary office space. The increasing
senior population and inadequate Senior Center facility has created a need for a new
Senior Center.
February 12, 1992
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The rezone is consistent with the Goals, Policies and Objectives of the Port Angeles
Comprehensive Plan.
D. The rezone results in a slight reduction of land that !TIay be developed at RMF densities.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Philpott and carried unanimously.
The Planning Commission took a break at 8:00 P.M. and reconvened at 8:10 P.M.
REZONE REQUEST - REZ 92(02)02 - Clallam County, 1914 West 18th Street: Request
for rezone of property currently designated LI, Light Industrial District, to PBP, Public
Buildings and Parks District.
John Jimerson reviewed the Department report. Commissioner Philpott asked why the County
is pursuing a rezone at this time instead of a conditional use permit. Mr. Jimerson responded
that it may be because the County would not want its conditional use permit to be contested on
the basis of land use conflicts with light industrial uses.
Chairman Gruver opened the public hearing at 8:15 P.M.
Jim Rumpeltes, 223 East 4th Street, County Administrator, stated the rezone is appropriate
with the new ballfields constructed to the west. He has had direct discussions with the Port
regarding the rezone, and the Port does not object.
There being no further public testimony, Chairman Gruver closed the public hearing at 8:20
Commissioner Hulett moved to forward a favorable recommendation to the City Council
for rezone of the site from LI, Light Industrial to PBP, Public Buildings and Parks, citing
the following fmdings and conclusions:
1. The proposal is to rezone approximately 3.46 acres from Light Industrial (LI) to Public
Buildings and Parks (PBP).
2. The site is currently developed with a legal non-conforming juvenile detention facility
. _which is a permitted use in the PBPZone'District. The existing facility appears to meet
the setback requirements of the PBP Zone District.
3. Surrounding zoning and land uses include single-family residential, parks, and light
industrial. The site is adjacent to a large PBP-zoned area.
The Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan has been reviewed with respect to the proposal.
Several Goals, Policies, and Objectives have been found to be most pertinent, including
Goals Nos. 2,3, and 4; Industrial Policies Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6; Community Facilities
February 12, 1992
Page 5
and Service Policies Nos. I, 2" and 4; Community Facilities Objectives Nos. 1 and 2;
and Land Use Objectives nos. 1 and 2.
The Clallam County SEPA Responsible Official, acting as lead agency, issued a
Determination of Non-Significance on January 27, 1992.
A. The rezone is in the public use and interest and is compatible with the surrounding
B. The rezone is consistent with the Goals, Policies, and Objectives of the Comprehensive
C. Circumstances have changes since the property was zoned Light Industrial. The need for
the detention center has outgrown the existing facility. New recreational facilities
(baseball fields) have recently been constructed adjacent to the site.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Philpott and carried unanimously.
STREET VACATION REQUEST - STY 92(02)01 - City of Port Angeles, 326 East
Seventh Street: Request for vacation of a portion of the 7/8 alley between Chase and
Peabody and Seventh and Eighth Streets.
John Jimerson reviewed the Department Report.
Chairman Gruver opened the public hearing at 8:35 P.M.
Scott Brodhun, 321 E. Fifth Street, City Parks Director, stated the City intends to purchase
any of the vacated alley not wanted by the three other abutting property owners. Those property
owners would not be required to purchase the vacated alley against their will.
Commissioner Leonard asked why the Parks Department is requesting a street vacation. Mr.
Brodhun explained that access and automobile safety were the major issues. The vacation would
accommodate on-site circulation and would eliminate the need for Senior Center users to cross
the open alley.
,Rex Bond, 1201. East Howell, Seattle, Project Architect, displayed an overhead depicting the
preliminary site plan. He explained the interior circulation and pointed out that the primary
entrance and exit would be on 7th street, and a one way, right turn, exit only driveway would
be provided on 8th Street.
Commissioner Philpott asked if an entrance could be provided on Peabody Street, where the alley
presently is. Mr. Bond responded that if the traffic on Peabody Street allows, a driveway could
be provided there.
February 12, 1992
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. Commissioner Leonard asked if the City considered purchasing the Skating Rink. Scott Brodhun
responded the City took a long look at that option but the price was too high; the City did not
want to operate the skate rink, nor did they want to shut it down, as it provides valuable
recreation to the youth of the community.
There being no further public testimony, Chairman Gruver closed the public hearing at 8:45
Commissioner Leonard stated that he thinks the City has managed the Senior Center project in
a poor manner. The City should have bought the skating rink and should have resolved all the
issues before holding the bond election,
Chairman Gruver responded that the City's approach has been identical to the approach taken
by most private interests engaged in development. Like a private developer, the City is seeking
approval from the Planning Commission and City Council after investing time and effort into
making the project work. The City does not deserve to be criticized.
After discussion of previous alley vacations in the City, Commissioner Philpott moved to
forward a favorable recommendation to the City Council to approve the proposed street
vacation, subject to four conditions, citing the following fmdings and conclusions:
A. A to-foot wide easement on the south side of the vacated alley to cover the existing
power lines shall be provided.
B. A utility easement within the vacated alley to provide Public Works access to the existing
sewer lines shall be provided.
C. A turn-around acceptable to the Fire Department shall be provided.
D. A reciprocal access easement which benefits Lots 5 and 14 shall be provided for that
portion of vacated alley abutting said lots.
1. The proposal is to vacate 250 feet of the 7/8 alley between Chase and Peabody Streets,
abutting Lots 1-5 and 14-18, Block 229 of the Townsite of Port Angeles.
2. Land uses on the ten lots abutting the alley include the Senior Center site (7 lots), the
barber shop building, counseling center and skating rink one lot each.
Circulation is provided in the vicinity on fully developed streets including Seventh,
Eighth, Chase, and Peabody Streets.
4. City Light has noted there are existing power lines and an easement is required to access
those lines.
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Public Works has noted there is an existing sewer line in the alley which needs an
easement to provide access.
6. The Fire Department has commented that an adequate turn-around must be provided in
the alley.
7. The Senior Center site encompasses lots on both sides of the alley.
8. There is an existing curb-cut on Peabody Street which can serve Lot 18.
A. Vacation of this portion of the 7/8 alley is in the public use and interest and would be a
public benefit.
B. The proposal would not adversely impact access to the individual lots nor will it
significantly alter the circulation pattern in the vicinity.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Anabel and carried unanimously.
The Commission took a break at 9:00 P.M. and reconvened at 9:15 P.M.
Street. between Lauridsen Boulevard and Orcas Avenue.
John Jimerson reviewed the department report.
Chairman Gruver opened the public hearing at 9:20 P.M.
Rob Campbell, 430 East Lauridsen Boulevard, representing Diversified Industries, stated
it is their intent to use their half of the vacated street to provide parking. He understood the
reason Public Works has indicated that there would be no fee is because the Street had been
vacated by statute.
There being no further public testimony, Chairman Gruver closed the public hearing at 9:25
After a brief discussion, Commissioner Philpott moved to forward a favorable
recommendation to the City Council for approval of the street vacation, subject to one
condition and citing the rmdings and conclusions below:
An easement to provide access for maintenance of the existing eight-inch storm drain
shall be granted in favor of the City of Port Angeles.
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. Findings:
1. The proposal is to vacate a portion of the Vine Street right-of-way located between Oreas
Avenue and Lauridsen Boulevard.
2. Abutting the portion of right-of-way proposed for vacation is the Diversified Industries
residential units to the west, Orcas Avenue to the south, Lauridsen Boulevard to the
north, and the improved Vine Street connector to the east.
3. The Department of Public Works has commented that an easement needs to be provided
to allow access for maintenance of the existing eight-inch storm drain.
4. Lauridsen Boulevard has been considered as a potential Highway 101 bypass route. The
Department of Public Works has commented that they do not believe the portion of the
Vine Street right-of-way proposed for vacation would be needed if the bypass were to be
A. Vacation of this portion of the Vine Street right-of-way is in the public use and interest
and would be a public benefit.
The motion was seconded by Connnissioner Anabel and carried unanimously.
The Planning Commission noted that they would like to have Public Works present to the City
Council the reasoning for charging no fee for the street vacation.
Brad Collins presented two copies of the Highlands Communities application package
noting the Planning Commission will be reviewing the proposal on March 11, 1992. He
stated additional packages will be available in the future, but with the amount of material
involved, he wanted to give the Commissioners the opportunity to begin their review
early. He also noted that members of the Commission should become familiar with the
original" Draft-and Final EIS" prepared "for' the development of the site and the
Supplemental EIS prepared for the revised project. Mr. Collins noted the applicant has
already conducted the required neighborhood meeting and that minutes of that meeting
will be provided to the Commissioners.
Mr. Collins indicated that none of the Commissioners have yet commented on the draft
Comprehensive Plan policies and that a second draft is now available for review.
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Mr. Collins presented a plaque to Jim Hulett in honor of his ten years of service on the
Planning Commission. The City is appreciative of the commitment and quality of service
that Jim provided.
Commissioner Leonard asked if another public hearing will be held for the proposed
clearing and grading ordinance. After some discussion, the Planning Commission
decided to review the ordinance on February 26, 1992, and another public hearing would
not be conducted.
There being no additional business, the Planning Commission adjourned at 9:50 P.M.
Bra Collins, Planning Director
Prepared by: John Jimerson
Attendance Roster
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