HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/15/1995
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles, W A 98362
February 15, 1995
7:00 p.m.
. m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting of February 8, 1995
1. Zonin& Code includin2 Forest Lands Zone
All correspondence penaining to a hearing item received by the Planning Departmem at least
one day prior to the scheduled hearing will be provided to Commission members before the
PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURE: Spokesmen for the proponents and opponents will be given an opportunity to
speak to the request. Information submitted should be factual, relevant and not merely duplication of a previous
presentation. A reasonable time (10 minutes) shall be allowed the spokesman; others shall be limited to short
supporting remarks (5 minutes). Other interested parties will be allowed to comment briefly (5 minutes each) or
make inquiries. The Chairman may allow additional public testimony if the issue warrants it. Brief rebuttal (5
minutes) for proponents and opponents will be heard seParately and consecutively with presentation limited to their
spokesman. Rebuttal shall be limited to factual statements pertaining to previous testimony. Comments should be
directed to the Board, not the City Staff representatives present, unless directed to do so by the Chairman.
PLANNING COMMISSION: Orville Campbell, Chair, Cindy Soudetll, Bob Wintetll, Bob Philpott, Bob King, Tim Gennan, and Linda Nutlcr.
STAFF: Brad Collins, Director, Sue Roberds Office Specialist, and David Sawyer, Senior Planner.
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
February 15, 1995
7:00 p.m.
Special Meeting
Members Present:
Orville Campbell, Bob King, Linda Nutter, Bob
Winters, Tim German, Cindy Souders, Bob Philpott
Staff Present:
Brad Collins, Sue Roberds
Public Present:
No minutes were presented for approval.
ZONE and Title 17 of the PORT ANGELES MUNICIPAL CODE: Review
of the City's current zoning regulations for compliance with the current
Comprehensive Plan. (Continued from January 25, 1995.)
Chair Campbell opened discussion on the continued public hearing item. Following a
brief interchange with staff, Chair Campbell opened the public hearing. There being no
one present, the hearing was closed.
Commissioner German expressed concern in the wording of Section 17.03.020 regarding
required compliance between the Zoning Map and the Comprehensive Plan Map. He
provided examples of situations where a property owner might not understand the
ramifications of the Comprehensive Plan's designation for his property until perhaps
requesting a right he felt was permitted under the Zoning Map designation only to find
that since the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map don't match he may not be permitted
to do something allowed under the zoning regulations. The wording of Section
17.03.020 is not clear and should be rewritten. He expressed some concern as to the
manner in which properties were designated in the Comprehensive Plan and did not feel
that all property owners in areas that are affected are aware that their properties can be
rezoned without their notification.
Planning Director Collins provided further explanation of the wording of Section
17.03.020 on the question of whether the proposed wording says what it was intended to
say. Mr, Collins noted that the wording was revised by the City Attorney and did not
feel that it would be wise to amend the wording without consultation with the City
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Feb114ary 15, 1995
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Attorney on this matter. The wording is to provide direction in the event there should
be a conflict between the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Map.
Lengthy discussion occurred between the staff and Commission members concerning the
possible outcome in situations where property is zoned in a manner not consistent with
the new Comprehensive Plan Map. Planning Director Collins reminded the Commission
members that the issue of accord between the two documents has been discussed in great
detail over the past several months as the City has tried to bring it's regulations into
compliance with the State's Growth Management Act. The January 1st deadline for
compliance with the new Comprehensive Plan has passed and at this time the
Comprehensive Plan Map designations prevail over the Zoning Map designations in the
event of a conflict between the two documents.
Commissioner German asked if it would be possible to change the Comprehensive Plan
Map to match the Zoning Map for now and work on bringing the two into compliance
at a later time.
Director Collins indicated such a move would set the City back as the new
Comprehensive Plan Map is part of a document and work that has been on-going now for
more than four years by many citizens who donated their time and energies into the
formulation and adoption of the current document. The current Plan and Map were not
decisions reached lightly but were the result of many neighborhood meetings, a City-wide
survey, and countless meetings and public hearings where the Commission, citizen
groups, and staff tried diligently to inform the public of the importance of being informed
and the need to be involved. It is a fact that most people don't get involved until it's too
late, but the City has tried its best to bring citizen involvement into the adoption of its
Comprehensive Plan and Map from the very beginning and to step backward now would
be a waste of that tremendous effort.
Commissioner German stated that the general public doesn't know the importance of
Comprehensive Plan and zoning concurrency. He held to the objection that to change the
designation of property even in an areawide rezone process without notification of each
and every property owner prior to that action is unacceptable,
Director Collins noted that although State law does not view areawide rezones in the same
manner for notification procedures as it does for case by case rezones, staff attempted to
do a mailing to property owners within three hundred feet of the sites under discussion
for change in order to be in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Methods to
accomplish more thorough notification for areawide rezone cases were discussed. It was
determined that the budget for such a notification effort would be great and even new
methods would not be totally foolproof. Mr. Collins assured the Commission that staff
is open to suggestions as far as the budget would allow, but there will always be the one
person who for some reason did not get notified.
Commissioner Souders moved to recommend approval of the staff's proposed
wording in Section 17.23.020. Commission Nutter seconded the motion which passed
Planning Commis$ion
February 15,1995
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The Commission then began a detailed discussion on the interpretation of how large a
shopping center should be before a conditional use permit is required for the use.
Commissioner Souders did not see the need to conditionally approve only shopping
centers as well as list them as permitted uses in zones they are encouraged.
Director Collins provided background as to why it is a good idea to use conditional use
permits for very large shopping centers. As past Planning Director of the City of
Tukwila which houses the largest shopping center in Washington, he indicated the City
of Tukwila manages its larger shopping centers by conditional use permit due to the
variety of uses and resulting activities that are associated with large shopping centers,
although in larger cities a threshold of 300,000 square feet would not be out of line.
Given the size and nature of the Port Angeles community, he suggested a threshold
between 65,000 - 150,000 square feet for conditionally permitting shopping centers.
Commissioner Philpott favored a recommendation to set a threshold size for a shopping
center by conditional use permit in zones where they are otherwise permitted at 100,000
square feet of building floor area. It was generally agreed that although a site size may
far exceed 100,000 square feet for parking and other amenities, the main issue would be
with the building. Commissioner Philpott moved to recommend the threshold size for
permitted or conditionally permitted shopping centers in Section 17.23.040(A)(14),
17.23.160(K), 17.24.041(A)(6), and 17.24.160(G) be set at 100,000 square feet of
building floor area rather than 63,000 square feet of land area. Commissioner
Winters seconded the motion which passed 6 - 1, with Commissioner Souders'
negative vote due to her position that shopping centers should not be the only use
to be required to have conditional use permits if they are already permitted in a
At this point discussion turned to the proposed new Forest Lands Zone. Director Collins
noted that Commissioners Souders and King had been representatives in attendance at the
Growth Management Advisory Committee's (GMAC) meetings at which the Forest Lands
Zone proposal was discussed and recommended. He explained that the new designation
deals with properties that are not intended for development in a typical urban manner.
The Forest Lands Zone would be more compatible with timber farming and harvesting
situations than would the City's Public Buildings and Parks Zone (PBP) which is the
closest designation currently in place to deal with such situations. It allows more
flexibility for the property owner in the few instances where property is intended for
timber farming/harvesting instead of clearing for conversion to urban uses.
Commissioner Souders moved to recommend adoption of the revised Zoning
Ordinance (text dated January 25, 1995) with the changes directed during the
meetings of January 25, and February 15, 1995, including the Forest Lands Zone
as proposed by staff, citing the following findings and conclusions:
1, The Growth Management Act of 1990 required that the City of Port Angeles
adopt a Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulations consistent with the Act
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F~bruary 15, 1995
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and its goals.
Over four years ago the City of Port Angeles formed a citizens' Growth
Management Advisory Committee to recommend a Comprehensive Plan and
Development Regulations based on community involvement with early and
continuous public participation in the planning process.
The Growth Management Advisory Committee has met weekly for many of the
months during this long planning process, and the City has held numerous public
meetings and public hearings on each step in this process.
On June 28, 1994, the City of Port Angeles adopted a Comprehensive Plan in
compliance with the Act and the legislative deadline of July 1, 1994.
The City was granted a six month extension of the legislative deadline for
adoption of Development Regulations to January 1, 1995.
The Development Regulations including the Zoning Code and Map must be
consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map.
All properties throughout the City were reviewed for land use designation
differences between the adopted Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and the
Zoning Map.
8. All differences between the Comp Plan and Zoning land use designations were
considered by the Growth Management Advisory Committee and the Planning
Department staff, and areawide zoning reclassifications were recommended by the
GMAC to the Planning Commission and the City Council for resolution of these
9. All Comprehensive Plan goals, policies, and objectives were considered by the
GMAC in making recommended changes to the Zoning Regulations.
10. Notices for Zoning Code Amendments, including a new Forest Lands Zone, and
Mapping Rezones were given per the City and State legal requirements for area-
wide zoning amendments and reclassifications.
11. Notices of the area-wide zoning reclassifications and amendments were mailed to
132 different property owners of 180 properties affected by reclassifications and
to 5 citizens requesting notification of changes in the Zoning Regulations.
12. Zoning classifications that permit the same uses or uses of less intensity than
Comprehensive Plan land use designations are considered by the City to be
consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
The Environmental Impact Statement on the Comprehensive Plan was adopted for
the proposed changes in the Zoning Code Regulations.
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February 15,1995
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The State Forest Practices Act preempts City zoning and other land use
regulations in cases where commercial timber production is the long term
proposed use of the land. The Forest Practices Act does not recognize the same
critical areas that the City's Critical Area Ordinances do.
1. The Zoning Code Amendments and Reclassifications are consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan and the Land Use Map designations.
2. The Zoning Regulation changes do not intentionally create nonconforming uses.
3. The Zoning Regulation changes do not intentionally diminish the existing
development rights for undeveloped properties, except where environmentally
sensitive areas are identified.
4. The Zoning Regulation changes intentionally recognize existing and planned uses
in those areas of the City where the uses do not conform to the existing zoning
and Comprehensive Plan.
The Forest Lands Zone permits coordination between the State Forest Practices
Act and the City Comprehensive Plan and its development regulations.
The Zoning Regulation changes are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan,
7. The Zoning Regulation changes are in the public use and interest.
8. The Zoning Regulation changes reflect changes in circumstances that have
occurred since the 1976 Comprehensive Plan was first adopted and has now been
replaced with the 1994 Comprehensive Plan.
Commissioner Winters seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Director Collins commended the Commission for its long hard hours working on this
amendment process and the work of the Growth Management Advisory Committee and
noted that this item will be under consideration at a public hearing by the City Council
at its February 21, 1995, meeting.
Director Collins informed the Planning Commission that in the matter of the dead-locked
recommendation concerning the Serenity House rezone application following the meeting
of February 8. 1995, the City Attorney indicated that it would be appropriate to send the
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Febrnary 15, 1995
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matter to the City Council in its dead-locked state and that it would not be appropriate
for Commissioners, who stepped down due to Appearance of Fairness, to act on this
matter since a quorum was present.
It was noted that election of officers for the new terms of office would be held at the
February 22, 1995, meeting.
Commissioner Winters asked if the City is aware of the Sparks vs Chelan case where the
Appeals Court decided that the requirement of a dedication of property must be the result
of direct impact from on-site development. He noted that it is a good object lesson for
tight findings and conclusions in these types of actions.
The meeting stood adjourned at 9: 10 p. m.
Bra Collins, Secretary
Orville Campbell, Chair