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February 16, 1968
TO: 'Members of Port Angeles Planning Commission
RE: Meeting scheduled for February 20, 1968
I have received one variance request which has been properly posted
for hearing at this',.' meeting.
Mr. John S. Key has requested a variance from the rear property line,
setback requirements for a single family residence in an RS-7 Zone.
This is dictated by the topography and location of adjacent houses
to enable him to take advantage of a view. This property is located
at 3111 South Maple Street. (The "Maple" Street is in Grants .Addition
south of the Senior High School.)
The City Council took the following action on the Planning Commission's
recommendations of the February 6th meeting:
Mr. Harold H. Butler, 3010 South Laurel, double carport - approved as
Mr. Warren E..Merrill Brush packing in CAD Zone - approved as recom~
Mr. V. A. Rambo - Angeles Millwork - lumbershed - approved as recom-
, mended.
Mrs. "Eva Miller - Rummage storage in M-l Zone - approved as recommended.
Change of street names - referred back to Planning Commission for detailed
study and recommendation of 'over-all city-wide revision of street names
to conform to some logical pattern which woulq make it easier to locate
any given street.
No other business has been presented as of this date for presentation
at this meeting.
R. P. Willson, Recording Secretary
~ -1~~
February 20, 1968
Minutes of Port Angeles Planning Commission
Present: Hunt, McHone, Anderson, Treat, Dilling, Director of
Public works Warder, Building Inspector Willson
Hankins, Driscoll
Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting held February 6th,1968
were approved as published.
Old Business:
The problem of Mr Robert Hurford.tabled at the February 6th meet-
ing was brought up. Mr. Fidler, attorney for Mr. Hurford, had
telephoned the secretary and suggested that the matter could be
tabled until the March 5th meeting to allow more time for investi-
gation. The matter was therefore tabled again.
New Business
A variance requested by John S. Key for relief from the rear yard
setback requirement of an RS-7 zone was then discussed. It was
recommended that a variance be granted to allow construction of
this single family residence to 12 feet from the rear property line
instead of the 25 feet required.
Other Business
Mr. Willis McClure, owner of the motorcycle sales on west Boule-
vard across from Lincoln Park was present to discuss questions
pertinent to his operation in the event the area were to be
annexed to the City. Mr. McClure was informed that construction
begun on a county permit could be completed as per such authority,
but future expansion or enlarement in an RS-7 zone would not be
possible after annexation. Further, a chanJe at ownership
continuing a similar pre-existing, non-conforming use was per-
missible after annex3tion, but a change to a dissimilar non-
conforming use was not permissible. The Planning Commission
therefore recommended that Mr. McClure be allowed city water
service on the basis of an out-at-city customer.
Mr. Ed Ranta appeared to discuss the possibility of constructing
a parking garage for logging trucks on the west side of Tumwat~r
Access Road between 6th and 7th Streets. Mr. Ranta explained
his proposed operation and asked the Planning Commission to study
the proposed proi~ct. No action is to be taken for the present.
Mrs. Eva Miller had telephone th~ chairman of the Planning Com-
mission and requested that th8 approval qiven for her rummage
building at 6th and Tumwater be transfered to property she owns
between 5th and 6th Streets on the east side of Valley Street, as
her lot on Tumwater lies in Tumwater Creek. The new location is
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Minutes; Planning Commission
Fe b . 20, 1 968
P ag e 2.
in an RMF zone and will require a formal variance request. The
matter was referred to the Director of Public Works and Building
Inspector. Mr. Miller is to be contacted and the matter discus-
sed with her.
The proposed street name changes, which the City Council had
referred hack to the Planning Commission for a city-wide renaming
progra~ carne up for discussion next. It was strongly felt that
a proqram of this type would be undesirable since the maiority
of the streets are too well established and the ramifications of
an overall re-designation would work too great a hardship on
residents, businesses, public records, postal services and other
facilities, in addition to the expense involved with re-signing
the streets. It was recommended therefore that the renaming be
limited to those streets previously considered because of
duplication, etc.
It was brought up that this would be the last meeting for Mr.
Rennie Anderson since his term expires on March 1. 1968. The
chairman recommended that Mr. Anderson be reappointed to another
term if he is available for the appointment.
No oth~r business was presented and the meeting adlourned at
8:30 P.M.
Harry -unt, Chairman
rding Secretary