HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/21/1967
Minutes of the meeting of the Port Angel" Plannlng Comml.slon
February 21st, 1967.
Members present were Anderson, Dilling, Driscoll, Hunt,
Treat and Stran~e. Absent Hankins. Also present were Director
of Public Works John B. Warder and Building In.pector Robert
Minutes of thl previous meeting were read and approved.
There was 1ust one hearing scheduled for this ~eetin9.
That of the \)e11uzzi Construction Co.pany askin1 for p8rtial
relief from off-street parking requirements, on property
identified as Lata 1, 2, ) Block 54 Townsite, commonly reter-
red to as the Audett Block. Notic.. hid been properly pOlted
and no ob~ftctlon. ere on fill. The request stat,. that it
18 proposed to construct a new office bdl1din~ to houle
professional service type of occupancy. Tha plans a. .ubmitted
with the application .how off-.treet parking provided for 40
cars. A J~neral discussion of the matter revealed the feeling
of the Commission that while the number at off-.treet parking
spaces do not .eet requirements it is tar better than the
.ituation with which we have had in the pa.t and further the
building as propo.~d will be a decided improve.ent to the ar.a.
A motion was unanimously par-sed recommendln~ to the City Council
the application be approved.
Next matter under conlideration was the variance that
had been granted at a prior .eetln~ to jerald Staudenrau8 for
the operation of a real estate officft in a buildlnQ located
near the alley between 4th and 5th streets on the east .lde
ot Race street. This had been referred back to the Plannlnq
Commission by the Council tor further clarification. On a
motion the Commissi~n reafirm. their previous action and a
recomaendation wlth the limitations a. follows: The variance
is Jranted for occupancy of the present 24'x 30' building to b.
used as a Rpal Estate Oftice only. The permit to be non-tran.-
ferable. SiQn li.ited to I' x 2' sq. feet and inqress and
egre.. to the proposed off-street parking be via alley only.
After 1.n.ral dileue.lon of various .attere meeting
ad10urned at 8:.5 P.M.
Re.pecttully .ub.itted,
Fred C. Stranq., Chair..n
ActlnQ S'crptary