HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/27/2002
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321 East Fifth Street
February 27, 2002
7 p.m.
III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting of January 23,2002, and February 13,2002
Street: Request for rezone of approximately 4.31 acres from RS-9 Residential Single
Family to RMD Residential Medium Density. This decision was continued from the
February 13, 2002, regular meeting in order to adopt findings and conclusions in
support of denial ofthe proposed rezone.
OF PORT ANGELES, City-Wide: Public review of major projects proposed City-
wide for the next five years. This discussion was continued from the January 23,
2002, regular meeting.
PORT ANGELES. City-Wide: Suggested changes to the City's sign, parking,
environmental, subdivision, and zoning regulations (Titles 14-17). The changes were
largely reconunended by the Citizens Code Advisory Committee appointed by the
City Council in 2001. This discussion was continued from a special work session on
January 30, 2002.
PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Linda Nutter (Chair), Chuck Schramm (Vice), Fred Hewins, Fred Norton, Bob Philpott, Mary Craver, Rick Porter
PLANNING STAFF: Brad Collins, Community Development Director; Sue Roberds, Assistant Planner.
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
February 27 , 2002
7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Bob Philpott, Fred Hewins, Fred Norton, Linda Nutter,
Rick Porter, Chuck Schramm
Members Excused:
Mary Craver
Staff Present:
Brad Collins, Sue Roberds, Jim Mahlum
Public Present:
Dan Jacobs, Pat Walker, Randal Ehm, Jack Anderson, ArIa
Holzschuh, Dan Kari, Roy Gotham
Commissioner Philpott moved to approve tbe January 23, 2002, minutes. The motion
was seconded by Commissioner Norton and passed 4 - 2 with Commissioners Hewins and
Porter abstaining due to absence at that meeting.
Amended wording was suggested to the discussion dealing with the Serenity House rezone
clarifying Conunissioner Hewins intent with regard to a school walking route discussion (page 8 of
the minutes), Commissioner Nutter recusing herself from the discussion for the DR YKE Conditional
Use Permit, Commissioner Schramm's intent in asking a question to dealing with the SERENITY
HOUSE Rezone (page 9 of the minutes). Adoption of the minutes was continued to the March 13,
2002 meeting to allow those corrections and amendments to be made.
Street: Request for rezone of approximately 4.31 acres from RS-9 Residential Single
Family to RMD Residential Medium Density. This decision was continued from the
February 13, 2002, regular meeting in order to adopt findings and conclusions in
support of denial of the proposed rezone.
Chair Nutter opened the meeting and referenced staffs February 27, 2002 memorandum transmitting
the requested findings and conclusions in support of the Commission's recommendation of denial
of the rezone application. Following brief discussion, Commissioner Hewins moved to forward
a recommendation of denial of Rezone Application REZ 02-01 for Serenity House to the City
Council citing the following 25 findings and 8 conclusions:
Planning Commission Minules - Febnwry 27.2002
Page 2
Based on the infonnation provided in the public record and any written comments received during
the public comment period, and the Planning Commission's deliberation, the City of Port Angeles
Planning Commission makes a recommendation of denial ofREZ 02-01 based on the following 25
findings and 8 conclusions:
1. The applicant requests a change in the Zoning map designation of a 4.3 1 acre rectangular
parcel located on north of 18th Street and the William R. Fairchild International Airport from
Residential, Single Family (RS-9) to Residential, Medium Density (RMD).
2. The proposal consists of two lots that are 188,074.28 square feet in size and undeveloped at
this time.
3. The site is located in the Northwest Planning Area of the City, and the Northwest Planning
Area has the largest segment of undeveloped residential land in the City.
4. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designates the area as a margin between Low
Density Residential (LAR) and Medium Density Residential (MDR).
The properties to the east of the subject site are designated, zoned, and developed for
medium density multiple family residential uses, including Serenity House family housing.
6. The properties to the west and north ofthe subject site are designated, zoned, but sparsely
developed for low density single family residential uses.
7. The properties to the south across 18th Street are designated, zoned, and developed for
industrial uses as the William R. Fairchild International Airport and industrial park.
8. The Comprehensive Plan has been reviewed with respect to the proposed rezone, and the
most relevant are as follows: Growth Management Element Goal A, Land Use Element Goal
A, Policies Al and A2, Objective AI, Goal B, Goal C, Policies C.I-C.4, Transportation
Element Goal A, Goal B, Policies B.9 and B.l 0, Objective B.8, Housing Element Goal A,
Policies Al and A.7, Goal B, Policies B.1, B.2, B.6, B.9, Objectives B.l and B.2, Capital
Facilities Element Goal A, Policies AI, A2, A-3, A6, A9, and A-13, Goal B, Policies B.l
and B-2.
9. The subject site is served by 18th Street, which is a designated arterial and is only partially
improved to City arterial street standards with sidewalks serving the multi-family housing
developments east of the subject property to "N" Street.
Clallam Transit provides bus service along 18th Street with bus stops in the near vicinity.
The Port Angeles School District No. 121 provides scheduled school bus service in the near
vicinity to all its schools.
Planning Commission Minutes - February 27. 2002
Page 3
The location adjacent to the airport is a concern due to potential noise conflicts with
residential activities, and new residential development is subject to noise limitations.
12. Transitional housing for the homeless is a special housing need that is given specific
attention in the Comprehensive Plan but requires a conditional use permit in the Zoning
13. A residential neighborhood is not established along 18th St., since the area is still in the
process of being developed with a mix of housing types and densities.
14. The purpose of the RMD zone is to allow for a mix of single family, duplexes, and
apartments at a density of greater than single family neighborhoods but less than the RHD
15. If approved to RMD zoning, a total of 53 dwelling units compared to 20 dwelling units under
RS-9 zoning could be permitted on the 188,074.28 square feet of area.
Per Port Angeles Municipal Code 17.96.1 00, "In determining if an amendment to these
regulations is needed, the City Council shall give due consideration to the proper relationship
of such amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and the entire Zoning Regulations; it being
the intent to retain the integrity and validity of the zones herein described and to avoid any
isolated spot zoning changes in the Zoning Map."
17. In the area west of"N" Street there are approximately 209 acres ofRS-9 and 87 acres of
R1vlD or a 2.3: 1 ratio of single family to multiple family zoned land.
18. In 1995, the lower density residential zoning comprised approximately 46% of the total land
base within the City limits, as compared to 4% of the higher density residential zoning.
Based on this analysis the Zoning Map was changed to add 139 acres of mostly buildable
Medium Density Residential (RMD) zoning to the available acreage and to subtract the same
139 acres from RS-9 Residential Single Family. This additional RMD zoned land increase
the higher density residential acreage from 4 to 6.3% and similarly decreased the lower
density residential acreage from 46 to 43.6%. Annexations to the City since 1995 have
added more RS-9 zoned lands to the total. Considering only the vacant buildable lands
(approximately 400 acres ofRS to 100 acres ofRMD), the availability ofland remains in
favor oflower density residential zones by about a 4 to 1 ratio.
There have been minimal changes in the City's development trends or patterns in the second
half of the decade of the 1990's. The Clallam County Housing Needs Assessment (1999)
indicated that there were 1,878 multi-family rental units in 1998. According to the
Washington State Office of Financial Management, the City's April 2000, official population
estimates were based on 78% single family and 22% multi-family housing units with a
declining household size. The trend in single family and multi-family housing percentages
in other communities also indicates increasing needs for multi-family zoned land.
Planning Commission Minutes - February 27, 2002
Page 4
The Public Works and Fire Departments and the Building Division have made no comments
on the proposed rezone.
21. The City's State Environmental Policy Act Responsible Official adopted the Environmental
Impact Statement, Addendum, and Supplemental EIS issued for the City of Port Angeles
Comprehensive Plan adopted in 1993-1995 and issued a Determination of NonSignificance
(#965) for the proposal per WAC 197-11-355 on October 9, 2001. There are no
environmentally sensitive areas located on or adjacent to the subject property. Subsequent
development of the properties would require compliance with various chapters of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code, as it applies.
22. Public Notice was given on January 18,2002, identifying a written conunent deadline of
February 7, 2002, for consideration in the staff report to the Planning Commission for a
meeting date of February 13,2002, on the proposed. The City received a written comment
letter from William and Jeanie Sallee on February 7, 2002 (Attachment C to the staffreport
dated February 13, 2002).
This site specific rezone application is limited to one "open record" public hearing before the
City Council. The meeting before the Planning Commission is not a public hearing, and oral
public testimony cannot be taken. According to R.C.W. 36. 70B, Local Project Review ("The
Regulatory Reform Act"), the Planning Commission shall hold a public meeting, which may
include an informal hearing, and make a recommendation to the City Council. The
recommendation is to be based solely on the information contained in the official file which
includes any written public testimony that was received by February 7, 2002.
24. The Planning Conunission determined that the City's 6-Year Capital Facilities Plan has no
planned improvements for 18th Street or westside circulation as called for in the
Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element Policies B.9 and B.I0 and Objective B.8.
25. The Planning Conunission conducted a public meeting in consideration of Rezone
Application REZ 02-01 on February 13,2002, and continued that discussion to the meeting
of February 27,2002.
Con elusions:
1. The application is for a rezone only which addresses all potential land uses allowed within
that zone and not approval for any specific, subsequent development that may be an allowed
larJd use according to the Zoning Code.
The map's larJd use designations are intended to show areas where generalland use types are
allowed. The area between land use designations should be considered an imprecise margin
in order to provide flexibility in determining the boundary of such areas. When determining
appropriate zoning designations for an area near a margin, the goals, policies, and objectives
of the Land Use Element should take precedence. Therefore, in this case where the Comp
Planning Commission Minutes - Febrnary 27, 2002
Page 5
Plan Land Use Map is not clear, analysis of the rezone must specifically rely on the most
relevant Comp Plan goals, policies, and objectives.
Rezone REZ 02-01 for Serenity House is not consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan
Transportation and Capital Facilities Elements described in Finding #8. In particular, the
lack of sidewalks on 18th and 16th Streets from Stevens Middle School and County
fairgrounds to the City landfill does not meet the urban street standards concurrency
requirements for increased density in the 18th Street District. A rezone to Residential
Medium Density will exacerbate the current poor roadway conditions and threaten the safety
of people, particularly children, living in the area. Adequate infrastructure must be planned
and improvements made to make it safe for the people who will be living there before
allowing rezones for higher density.
The Comp Plan accepts that districts may be composed primarily of residential uses of a
uniform density and that a healthy, viable district should be composed of residential uses of
varying densities which may be augmented by subordinate and compatible uses. Since the
surrounding existing development includes airport/industrial and multiple family land uses
as well as single family residential uses, 18th Street is a district within the Northwest
Planning Area ofthe City.
The infrastructure in the 18th Street area is not sufficient to support development to a higher
density and intensity of use, and there are no planned improvements in the 6- Year Capital
Facilities Plan for improvements to 18th Street.
6. There is other medium density zoned land available, and a rezone without appropriate
infrastructure nor need to increase the land supply for medium density housing is not
7. The City's action on Rezone REZ 02-01 is consistent with the established procedures for
amending the Zoning Code as specified in PAMC 17.96.100.
8. Rezone REZ 02-01 is not in the public use and interest, due to the lack of concurrency for
sidewalk improvements that are needed along 18th and 16th Streets, which are too narrow for
safe vehicular and pedestrian traffic increases.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Schramm.
In speaking to the motion, Commissioner Philpott did not favor denial and feared that denial of the
rezone would set a precedent that future development in the City will be dependent on curbs, gutters,
and sidewalks all the way to a school. Such a precedent is not fair or reasonable, and is not in the
best interest of the City
Commissioner Porter stated that without any empirical data confirming that additional medium
density housing is needed in the City, a rezone to medium density cannot be justified. He will be
abstaining from the vote because, while there is nothing in the record that would indicate that such
a rezone is not warranted, there is nothing that indicates such a change is justified.
Planning Commission Minutes - February 27.2002
Commissioner Schramm agreed and pointed out that there is nothing in the record indicating a need
for additional medium density land which is a primary factor in support of a rezone. Due to the lack
of infrastructure in the area, a rezone to higher density is not in the public interest. Information has
not been submitted that supports the need for the requested rezone.
Commissioner Norton does not support denial of the rezone as it shuts the door on a needed
development. The organization that is requesting the rezone is a competent, trustworthy,
organization that will carry through on the development ofa facility that is needed in the community.
The motion to deny was called for and carried 3 - 2 with Commissioners Philpott and Norton
voting in the negative and Commissioner Porter abstaining.
Director Collins indicated that the matter is scheduled for a public hearing before the City Council
on Tuesday, March 5,2002, at approximately 7 p.m.
Commissioner Schramm noted that the Commission's earlier discussion regarding issues of concern
about the increased use at the City's landfill, and the fact that trucks weighing 105,000 pounds will
travel along Eighteenth Street to the landfill with the conversion to a transfer station has not really
been reported in the minutes. Some 30,000 additional vehicle trips per year have been generated on
Eighteenth Street just from the City's operations without any additional improvements to the
roadway. That is pertinent information that needs to be passed along to the City Council. If the
City's operations are going to impact the infrastructure in the area that severely, the City really needs
to give some consideration to the impact to residents along Eighteenth Street as well as future
development. Thirty thousand (30,000) additional vehicle trips a year from one use is a huge traffic
impact. Mr. Collins noted that the information would be passed along to the Council through the
minutes. He added that at the time the landfill is converted to another use, an environmental review
will need to be done for the conversion.
Commissioner Philpott asked that the minutes reflect the importance of added infrastructure
development outside of the central portion of the City if development is desired.
Mr. Collins noted that a memorandum was distributed from the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce
identifying fifteen projects or programs that they would like to see support for in the City's review
of the Comprehensive Plan that are particularly oriented to the Downtown area.
Mr. Randal Ehm was present and was prepared to provide a short presentation regarding the
proposed convention center proposed at Railroad and Front Streets. Randal Ehm, 1707 California
Avenue Southwest, Seattle, WA stated that a public design workshop scheduled for February 28th
is intended to solicit public conunents and input on the proposed convention center including
aesthetics or any other concerns or suggestions. He provided working drawings of the building
layout, elevations, and a copy of the site plan. Local Tribal artisans and local artists have been
contacted and asked for their input as well as to provide carvings and local historical artwork for the
final building. Mr. Ehm provided a detailed portrayal of his vision for the center, uses that would
be contained therein such as restaurant and entertainment areas, and how the use would blend into
and complement other uses in the Downtown and general Port Angeles area. Approximately 10,000
Planning Commission Minutes - February 27. 2002
Page 7
square feet of conference space is presently planned. Use of certain building materials are intended
to be reflections of the history of Port Angeles. Discussion with the Department of Natural
Resources, the Port, and the City of Port Angeles early on is intended to effect progress toward
smooth completion ofthe project.
The site is split into two pieces. The southerly portion of the proposed site is owned by the Port.
It is believed that an agreement to purchase that property from the Port is near. DNR bedlands north
ofthe property are under negotiation as well.
Mr. Ehm stated that 150 guest rooms are planned for the proposed four-story structure. A float plane
shuttle to and from Victoria is also planned. Limited short tenn moorage could be available for
visitors to the convention center. It is not intended that long term moorage would be available. The
primary intention is for transient vessel use. The existing pier would be partitioned off such that the
current working use of the pier could continue. Banquet facilities will be designed to support 400
to 450 diners. Facilities are planned for collapsible kiosks that could offer amenities such as bicycles
and other rentals that could be utilized on the Waterfront Trail, which is a significant amenity to the
proposed convention center. Accommodations fornonmotorized travelers, such as bike lockers, will
be worked into the development. Large bus parking or recreational vehicle parking is being planned,
however, there is a limit to available parking areas. City staff is working on parking requirements
at this time.
Commissioner Nutter noted that the proposed architecture is a departure from other established
development in the Downtown. Mr. Ehm answered that he recognizes that fact, however, the
convention center market is very competitive and typically offers something that is very dramatic.
Part of the reason for conducting a public forum is to ask the conununity for this type of comment
and to use those comments to finalize the design. Design of the convention center and the changes
in the Downtown itself should respond to new trends while supporting historically significant uses
as well.
OF PORT ANGELES. City-Wide: Public review of major projects proposed City-
wide for the next five years. (This discussion is continued from the January 23,2002,
regular meeting.)
Chair Nutter asked Jack Anderson if he wished to make a report on plans for redevelopment of the
Rayonier site.
Jack Anderson, Manager of Environmental Engineering for Rayonier, 700 North Ennis Street,
Port Angeles, indicated that he was present to address questions regarding redevelopment of the
Rayonier site. He stated for the record that Rayonier would like the zoning for the mill site to remain
as industrial. Once a buyer is available, the buyer, Rayonier, and the City would work together to
develop a plan for the site and, at that time" if rezoning is necessary it would be requested. Mr.
Anderson answered that there would be a significant increase both in price and in time if the site
were to be rezoned without a potential buyer. Significant clean up could be done in areas that
ultimately do not require more intensive clean up given a specific design. More intensive cleanup
is required only in areas that will be developed with certain uses. Those areas cannot be adequately
Planning Commission Minutes - February 27. 2002
Page 8
identified without a potential use in mind. Based on the EP A study, very little contamination on the
site that would exceed industrial clean up standards. The main reason the property has not been
marketed at this time is that potential buyers want to know when the property will be available.
Because of detailed procedures that have had to be worked out, that has taken a significant amount
oftime. With the plans that are being put together, the known contamination sites are planned for
clean up later this year. A sampling plan will be put into place that will test those areas not earlier
tested by EPA. By spring of2003 those additional areas that need to be cleaned up will be known
and should be taken care of by the summer of 2003. The property should become available for
marketing during late 2003.
Mr. Anderson responded that a temporary trail has been approved through the site for continuation
of the City's Waterfront Trail. A permanent trail would need to be approved by the potential buyer.
In response to Commissioner Hewins, Mr Anderson answered that Rayonier is definitely opposed
to a change in the designation of the site on the City's Comprehensive Plan at this time.
Mr. Anderson answered Commissioner Schranun that the State Department of Fish and Wildlife
denied a permit to repair the dock That denial was appealed and the appeal upheld. The revised
permit is under consideration at this time by Rayonier. He expected that maintenance on the dock
would be done during 2002. Chair Nutter thanked Mr. Anderson for his update.
Mr. Collins stated that a number of the items listed by the Chamber of Commerce as potential
projects will be worked into the Comprehensive Plan as objectives.
ArIa Holzschuh, Port Angeles Downtown Association, 105 1/2 East First Street, stated that the
Downtown Association has begun work on the Downtown Streetscape Plan which includes the
waterfront and Central Business District. She estimated that it will be a while before the plan is
finalized but that it is in the final stages. The plan will address infill development and new
construction elements that will tie the Downtown together design wise.
In response to Chair Nutter, Mr. Collins answered that the next step in review of the Comprehensive
Plan is for staff or interested individuals to prepare recommended Comp Plan amendments and have
them submitted by March 31,2002. Following March 31st, public hearings will be scheduled for
consideration of the proposed amendments with a schedule to present the proposals to the City
Council by mid May, 2002.
PORT ANGELES. City-Wide: Suggested changes to the City's sign, parking,
environmental, subdivision, and zoning regulations (Titles 14-17). The changes were
largely recommended by the Citizens Code Advisory Committee appointed by the
City Council in 2001. (This discussion was continued from a special work session
on January 30,2002.)
. A public hearing has been scheduled for discussion of the more detailed amendments proposed to
be made to the Port Angeles Municipal Code which resulted from a review by an advisory
committee in 2001.
Planning Commission Minutes - February 27.2002
Page 9
Mr. Collins provided a detailed review ofthe proposed changes intended to update various Chapters
in the MWlicipal Code proposed by the Code Advisory Committee.
Jim Mahlum, Engineer, City of Port Angeles, indicated that the Public Works and Utilities
Department would like to amend wording found in Chapters 16.04 and 16.08 from "that assure safe
walking conditions" to read "to improve walking conditions..." . The original wording came from
the RCWs. That RCW standards have changed somewhat over the past years and the
recommendation is proposed because the wording has been changed in the RCWS. The wording is
intended to indicate that the City has some difficulty in assuring "safe".
Discussion continued in detail regarding wording found in the City's Parking Ordinance (Chapter
14.40) identifYing terms that are no longer used, updated wording, and activities that were previously
not identified or that have come about over past years. The analysis used to base certain parking
requirements on was discussed. It was decided that commercial recreational facility parking should
be determined by Planning Commission review rather than a predetermined requirement. It was
determined that minimum requirements for specific uses, such as specialty shops, should be
eliminated, and that the ultimate requirement should be based on the standard square foot
requirement for the type of use. Commissioner Hewins asked that the determination of two parking
spaces for each trailer space in a trailer park should be further reviewed. Commissioner Nutter
provided information that a recent count of Hospital employees was 234 employees with 78 beds.
The current method of determining parking needs for hospitals is at a calculation of 1 space for each
bed which does not come near meeting the needs of employees. This should be analyzed further.
Ms. Nutter also indicated that the minimum class size at today's standards is 12. The standard
requirement for determining parking for colleges is 8 parking spaces per classroom, which again
does not meet the actual demand. Mr. Collins pointed out that people could be encouraged to seek
other forms of transportation rather than developing parking for the ultimate number of potential
users. Parking requirements require a minimum of parking. Providers are not restricted to the
minimum standard and can always provide more. Commissioner Schramm suggested that uses
should be required to accommodate employees as well as customers.
Mr. Collins will review suggested changes and provide further analysis at the scheduled March 13th
public hearing.
Brad Collins lamented that the meeting would be Commissioner Linda Nutter's last as she has
served for 8+ years. He heartily thanked Ms. Nutter for her service to the community as did the
other Commission members.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 27. 2002
Page 10
Commissioner Schramm noted that activity occurring on the property located on the west side of
Race Street between 5th and 6th Street is under going construction activity and the alley is being used
as a parking area. It is very difficult to pass through the alley and the use is disruptive to neighbors
who have nowhere else to park.
Commissioner Nutter thanked staff and the other Commission members for support during the past
8+ years. She has been proud of the service of the Commission as a whole.
The meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m.
Brad Collins, Secretary
L nda Nutter, aIr
. PREPARED BY: S. Roberds
WAS H r N G TON. U. S. A.
Meeting Agenda Of:~ k<U.<jd 0O:J.2
PLEASE NOTE: IE you plan to testify, by signature below, you certify that the testimony
given is true and correct under penalty of perjury by the laws of the State of Washington.
Signature below DOES NOT REQUIRE you to testi - it on acknowled es our resence.
NAME: ADDRESS: Agenda Item No.
LZSe. j<{'5T -
A.M59';J ~