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321 East Fifth Street
February 28, 2001
7 p.m.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting ofPebruary 14,2001.
PARKING VARIANCE - PKV 01-01 - DARROW - 814 South "C" Street:
Request for a reduction from 11 spaces to 8 spaces for the operation of a take-out
restaurant in the CSD, Conununity Shopping District.
PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Fred Hewins (Chair,), Linda Nutter (Viee Chair); Fred Norton, Bob Philpott, Charles Sehramrn, Mary Craver
PLANNING STAFF: Brad Collins, Planning Direetor; Debra Barnes, Associate Planner; Sue Roberds, Planning Specialist.
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
February 28, 2001
7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Bob Philpott, Fred Norton, Linda Nutter, Fred Hewins,
Mary Craver, Chuck Schramm
Members Excused:
(One vacancy)
Staff Present:
Brad Collins, Debra Barnes
Public Present:
Clint, Darrow, Sharest Darrow, Chase Darrow, Jay Darrow,
Ron Johanson, Marie Bond, Alan Bond, Cherr Crosby
Commissioner Philpott moved to approve the February 14,2001, meeting minutes as
corrected. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Norton and passed 5--0 with
Commissioner Craver abstaining due to absence at the meeting.
Continued- Parkine Variance PKV 01-01 - DARROW - 814 South "C" Street: Request
for a reduction from 1 0 spaces to 8 spaces for the operation of a take-out restaurant in the
CSD, Community Shopping District.
Planner Debra Barnes gave an update of the staff report, including copies of revised findings
of fact which included corrections noted at the February 14, 2001 meeting, as well as changes
proposed in Finding #2 that include proposed modifications by the applicant. Staff provided
a copy of the letter from the Historical Society received in December that stated 4-5 spaces
could be allocated to the business. Chair Hewins provided an overview of the letters
received from the applicant and property owner. Chair Hewins asked for clarification ifthe
variance request has been in fact, changed. Staff responded that the request is still a reduction
from 1 O-spaces to 8-spaces; however, the original application intended that 8 spaces on site
would be utilized. The applicant has amended the request such that 3 spaces would be
provided on site and would be shared with the other restaurant. The other 5 spaces would
be provided at the Museum site. Commissioner Norton asked if there could actually be 10
spaces in the on-site parking lot. Staff answered that it would be difficult, adding that if the
propane tank and bulkhead were removed, they could have an additional parking spot. After
several questions and subsequent discussion, Chair Hewins opened the public hearing.
Planning Commission Minutes
Feburary 28, 200l
Page 2
Clint Darrow, 201 West Ninth Street, provided an overview ofthe letter submitted, adding
that he has had discussions with the property owner to promote voluntary shared use of the
parking areas, that educational signage will be implemented so that patrons park
responsibility, and that the three parking spaces that his business will share have not been
designated but estimates that it will include the two new spaces that are being created, and
possibly one more by his building. He added that the hours of operation when he and
Coburn's business would overlap would be at low-volume times around the lunch hour on
week-ends, and should not be a concern. Mr. Darrow responded to several questions ofthe
Conunissioners, including clarification of crosswalk locations, proposed parking areas at the
Museum, location of ingress/egress to parking areas at the Museum, and that assigned
parking for the residential tenants has not been made because the landowner recently
purchased the property. He added that the new owner plans to work with the various tenants
to promote more cooperation and shared use of the parking area..
There being no further testimony, Chair Hewins closed the public hearing.
Chair Hewins opened discussion with a previous question by Commissioner Craver on the
history of the Coburn's restaurant that was deferred. Staff explained that when Coburn's
proposed locating their restaurant at 9th/C Streets, the City required review for certificate of
occupancy approval. The Coburns submitted a site plan and showed where parking existing.
The site plan included 10 spaces to the rear of the building which the City Engineer approved
as to its layout. Staff added that because the proposed restaurant was locating where a
previous restaurant was located, it was considered to be a 'grandfathered' use and did not
need to comply with current parking standards - meaning that they did not have to provide
10 parking spaces for its use alone, as is required for the change of use proposed by the
Darrows. Commissioner Nutter added that if 4-5 spaces can be provided at the Museum, we
should err on the conservative side, adding that during a site visit, three taxis were parked
on the street and that pedestrian crossing of C Street is a safety concern. Commissioner
Schramm added that during a site visit when the businesses were not open, he assumed that
most of the parking lot was utilized by the residents with several cars parked on 9th Street and
in the alley. Commissioner Schramm concluded that there is no parking area to share. Chair
Hewins reiterated the variance criteria that are required to be met. The Commission
expressed its desire to find a solution so that the business plan could be undertaken by the
Commissioner Nutter moved to deny PKVOI-01 based on the revised findings and
conclusions listed below. Commissioner Schramm seconded the motion which passed
4-2 with Commissioners Philpott and Norton voting against. Commissioner Norton
noted that he understood that the variance criteria are difficult to meet, that he had
hoped that the applicant and property owner could find a resolution to the parking
problem, especially addressing pedestrian safety crossing "C" Street. Commissioner
Philpott stated that he is a frequent patron to this site and has not experienced
difficulty parking nor safety by crossing the street. He added that the City of Port
Angeles needs to promote new business development and expansion more than it
currently does, including necessary code revisions to the Parking Ordinance to
Planning Commission Minutes
Feburar)' 28. 2001
Page 3
accomplish this.
1. The applicant, Clint Darrow, applied for a parking variance on January 3, 2001. The
application was determined to be complete on January 12,2001. The application is
identified as Attachment A to the Staff Report.
2. The interior square footage of the establishment is estimated at 700-1000 square feet
which would require a total of 10 spaces according to the P AMC. This estimate
does not include possible deductions for interior walls and hallways. The applicant's
request for a variance to allow 8 spaces to serve the new business with those spaces
shared with other building uses was amended to 3 shared spaces on site. The
. applicant noted that because of its size, only 6 spaces will be needed by the proposed
use due to the small square footage and type ofbusiness-,- In addition, 4-5 spaces may
be available across "C" Street at the Museum in two different locations, one which
is paved and the other would require improvements. Crosswalks at the intersections
of C/8th and C/9th are available.
The site is located at 814 South "C" Street on the southwest comer of"C" Street and
the 8/9 alley in a portion of Lots 18 and 19, Block 258, Townsite of Port Angeles.
The two buildings on the subject properties are partially connected by a covered
walkway. One building is single story; the other is 2-story. Combined, their
approximate total footprint is 9000 square feet resulting in 64% lot coverage. Other
uses within the complex include a restaurant, a taxi business office, other office,
vacant office/retail space, and 7 apartment units which are located on the 151 and 2nd
floors and behind the proposed restaurant along the 8/9 alley.
4. The City's Parking Ordinance requires one space per 125 square feet of restaurant
space, with a minimum of 10 spaces.
5. The site plan submitted by the applicant shows 12 parking spaces. The spaces are
located behind the building with an entrance to the parking area off of9(h Street and
an exit onto the 8/9 alley.
6. The site and surrounding properties are located in the Conunercial [C] or transitional
areas of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and are zoned CSD or RS7.
Adjacent land uses include a gas station/convenient storelcaf6 to the north, Lincoln
SchoollMuseum to the east, mixed commercial and residential to the south, and
residential uses to the west.
7. The use of the site as a restaurant is a permitted use in the CSD zone.
One similar reduction has been approved for a bakery under PKV97-01 which
allowed a reduction of 11 spaces.
9. A field check of these facilities in February, 2001, showed the parking Jot had 4-6
cars with 5 spaces marked as reserved.
Planning Commission Minutes
Febl/rary 28,2001
Page 4
The Public Works Department has indicated that sight distance problems exist at the
parking lot exit onto the 8/9 alley which could be mitigated by the installation of
mirrors in order to eliminate transportation impacts by the new development. The
Fire Department commented that cars blocking the alley would be a concern for
emergency access.
11. Several Mitten conunents were received from the public in support of the
Based on the infonnation provided in the February 14,2001 Staff Report for PKV 01-01,
including all of its attachments, comments and information presented during the public
hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed
findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that:
A. Because of the size and location of the existing structures, increasing the onsite
parking is restricted;
B. The proposed parking is not adequate to meet the need generated by the proposed
The variance cannot be conditioned to alleviate detrimental impacts to surrounding
D. The variance could be conditioned so that it will not create increased congestion or
traffic hazards along adjacent streets and alleys;
E. The variance cannot be conditioned to make it consistent with the intent of the Off.
Street Parking Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan.
Director Collins mentioned the flyer that was distributed announcing the Planning short
course which was scheduled for March 22, 200 I, in Sequim. He reported the upcoming City
Council interview of Mr. Wayne Doty to fill Commissioner King's position on Tuesday,
March 6th at 6 pm. He announced the annual appreciation night for the City's boards and
commissioner to be held later in March with an emphasis on those who have completed their
Commissioner Schramm asked for an update on a recent article the Oak Street property swap
which was provided by staff. In addition, he asked for the status of Pilot House permit which
staff provided. Commissioner Hewins asked for an update on the telecommunications
Planning Commission Minutes
February 28, 2001
Page 5
ordinance which was distributed to the Conunission adding that the public hearing is
scheduled for March 14, 2001 and that the City Council is planning for a public hearing in
Commissioner Philpott stated that he wishes that the City would make more efforts to
promote and not impede business growth in the City, including regulatory improvements.
Discussion followed, Commissioner Norton concurred with the previous comments adding
his support to make improvements to promote business growth in the City.
Commissioner Nutter supported attendance at the short course and a Planning law seminar.
In addition, she found a recent article about improved telecommunications tower design that
are more compatible to adjacent buildings. She added that we should promote a joint
Planning Commission meeting with the County and City ofSequim. Commissioner Craver
requested that any joint planning commission meeting have an agenda.
Chair Hewins announced that this is his last meeting as Chair. Director Collins was joined
by everyone in thanking Chair Hewins for a job well done.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Fred Hewins, Chair