HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/15/1966 (2)
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Minute. ot the reqular aeeting of the Port Angele. Planning
Co..is.ion larch l.t, 1ge6.
Me.ber. pr..ent .ere Ander.on, Hankin., Hunt and Strange.
AI.o present ..re Director ot Public Work. John B. Warder and
Building In.p.ctor Robert Willlon.
linut.. of preYiou. aeeting were read and approved.
Th.re w.r. no .chedul.d hearing. at thi. ...ting, there-
tore the entire ..eting was given over to the Itudy of the
propo..d zoning ordinanc. with aeab.rl aaking note. on variou.
..pect. ot the propo.al which are to b. tak.n up iater for
revi.ion or cAatitle.tion. During the ..eting, the resignation
of Herb McGee tr~ the Co..i..ion was di.cu..ed, ...b.r.
..pr..slng their appreciation ot Herbs .ffort. in the palt
and that hi. 11,1stancI .ill be aillld in the futur.. A
aotion ... palsed authorizing the Chairaan to writl to Mr.
McGee and ..pr... to hi. the teeling of the Co..i..ion.
No turther bu.ine.. appearing ae.ting adjourned at 9 P.M.
Re.pecttully ,ubaitted,
Fred C.Strange, Chairaan
H.gh Hankin., Secretary
TO THE RON. CITY C01I,aSSIC)H R~Hl the HOH. PL!..Hid.l'~G counCIt,
'WtI, ~he u.n~ersiel1ec:l, residents nnd t~Ji' payc;s of
Port Angeles, Washington, respectfully petition as follows:
1. That the City Commission immediately enA~t
an Ordinance providing that the construetion of any building
or buildings or other propertjes 0ther than a single res-
idence and garage 00 a lot, be required to submit plans
and speoifications with the apFlication for building per~it,
and that the City Commission have authority to reject such
building permit in the event ans substantial objection is
made in the immediate vicinity.
2.. That thp Planning Co~rnission ~1ake 11 thorough
study of a suitable zoning ordinance for the City of Port
Ange lee and make ree omrnendc tions to the C it y C of!\Miss ion
for a zoning of all of the Cjty of Port Angeles, and thnt
a zoning ordinance be enacted in accordance with such
study and reco~endations. wrereupon the first ordinance
above mentioned rhould probably be repealed.
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TO THE ROU. er 1LY CO:!:U SSIOH and the Hm; . PLA1mII~C COUNCIl.,
We, the undersigned, residents nno tax payers of
Port Angeles, Washineton, respectfully petition as follov.s:
1. That the City Commission imnediately enact
an Ordinance providing tha~ the construction of any buildiDf
or huildinfs or other propertieD other than 8 single res-
idence and garsC0 on a lot, be required to 8ubmjt ~1~ns
and s~ec1fications ~ith thA &pplication for bujldin~ per~it,
end that the C1 ty Commission have authority to rej ect such
building permit in the event any substantial objection is
made in the immediate vicinity.
. 2. That the Planning Commi.Bsion make a thtJrongh
stud.v of e suitable zoninrr ordinance for the City of Port
Angeles and make recommendnti om:J to the Cj t;~1 COr!Ir.' 168 ion' .
for a zoning of all of the City of Port Angeles. and that
a zonine- ordinanc e he enacted in occordance with such
study and recor.1mendati0ns, whereupon the first ordinance
above mentioned should probably be repealed.
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TO THE HON. CIs.'Y cO:.r.nSSIOn and the HOl:. PLANNn~G COnNCIL.
~e, the undersigned, residents and tax payers of
Port Angeles. Washington. respectfullY petition as follovs:
" 1. That the City COITh'T,ission immediately enact
an Ordinance providjng that the construction of any building
or buildings or othe~ properties other than a ~inele residence
and garare on a lot, be required to s~b~it plans and
specifications ~ith the application for buil~ine per~it. and
that tle City COMmjssion have authority to re~ect such
building pernit in the event any substantial objection is
made in the immediate vicini+'3.
2. That the Planning Co~missi~n Make a thoroneh
study of a suitable zoning ordjnance for the City of Port
Angeles and mav.e recommendations to"t~e Cjty C0~~issjon
for a zoning of all of the City of Port Anreles. Rod that
a zoning ordi oanee be enacted in aecordanc e wi 1-h B uch
study and reco~Mendations, ~hereupon the first ordinance
above Mentioned should probably be repeal.ed.
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TO TIE RON. CITY co:rn 881 OH and the HOl1. PLAIWnrG c.our;c IL.
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':ie. the nndersif'nerl.. resin.ents Rnd ta;,: paYArs of
Port Anfeles. ~ashineton. respectfully ~etition HS follows:
1. That the City Co~mission imMediately en~ct
an Ordjnance provic1ine- that the construction of ans hnjId.inE'
or buildin[s or other properties othnr than a sinrIe res-
idence nnd Garage on n lot. be required to SUbMit pinns
and specifications ~ith the application for bujldin[ rernit,
and that the City Co~mission have authority to re~ect such
buildinE permit in the event any substAntial oh:ection is
nade in the j~mediate vicinity.
2. That the Pianni of' ComMissi on I!iflke a thorOUfh
study of A suitable zonine ordinance for the City of Port
Angeles and ~~~e reco~mendations to the City Cormission
for e zoning-ot bll of the City of Port Anfeles. and that
a zoninf ordinnnce be enactej in accordRnce ~ith such
study and ree ommendations. v;herenpon tl:e first ordlnanc e
Rbove mentioned should probably he repealed.
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PO:~T ANG ZLE"S, '.'/ASHI:rc ?D:i :
We, the und1rsirned,rAsidents and tax payers of
Fort Anreles, WAshinfton. respectfully petition as follo~s:
1. That the City CO~Mission immediately enact
an Ordinance providine thnt the constrnction of any building
or buildinEs or other properties other than a sinrle res~
iJence End ear8E€ on a lot, be requjred to suh~it plans
and specificati~ns ~ith the applieation for buildine perr-it,
and that the City Corunission hAve A.uthority to re~ect such
hGildinr per~it in the event any Eubstantial oh:ection is
made in the imrneJiate vicinity.
2. That the Plannin"g Commission Make a thorou[h
study of a suitable zoninr ordinance for the City of Port
Aneeles and Make recoMmendations to the City C"~mission
for a zoninf of all of the City of Port .Angetes, and that
a zoninf ordinance he enacted in aC'cordance v;ith such
study and reco~~endations. v;hereupon the first orjinance
above rren ti. oned should probably be rey'ealed.
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