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'. Ii
Minutes of the regular meeting of the City of Port Angeles Planning
Commission, March 3rd, 1953.
Members present were Lamoureux, Reiners, Gort, Rodda, Hampton and
Strange. Present also were Mayor Smith and City Engineer Ahlvers.
Minutes of the meeting of February jrd. 1953 were read and approved.
The chairman declared the meeting opened for general discussion and
suggested the most important topic before us at this time was the
enlarged improvement district, consisting of the Tumwater Road,
paving of' Marine Drive and the C1 ty' s portion of the Front Street
fill, which our Planning Commission was going to propose to the City
Council at their meeting on Thursday next.
The chairman reported to the CommisSion of his visit with Mr.
Thorgrimson with relation to the legal procedure in approaching an
enlarged improvement district and gave a complete resume of Mr.
Thorgrimson's suggestions on the proper manner that the project be
A general discussion of the entire project followed. Each member
ofrering various suggestions and it was generally agreed that all
the members of the Planning Commission be present at a meeting of
the City Council on Thursday next in order that our group may advise
with them and offer our support to expedite the project as rapidly
as possible.
The only change suggested in the project as we have discussed it so
far was the terminus of the Marine Drive paving be extended from the
point near the Crown Zellerbach garages to a point near the easterly
side of their "oil tank farm~ This suggestion."was adopted.
No further business appearing, meeting was adjourned at 9:jO P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
pc: ;J}7) ~
cc to G. S. Vergeer
tIIa Minutos of the regular mgeting of the City of Port Angeles Planning
Commission, March 3rd, 1953.
Members prosent were Lamoureux, Hoiners, Gort, ROdda, Hampton and
Strange. Present al so were ~,laY'or 8mi th and C1 tJ Enginoer Ahlvers.
Minut~n of the meeting of February 3rd, 1953 wore road and approved.
The chairman declared the meettng opened for general discussion and
sugges tad ttlO mOB t important topic before us at this time was the
enlarged improvement district, consisting of tho Tumwater Road,
paving or Marine Drive and the City's portion of the Front Street
fill, which our Planning Commission was going to propose to the City
Council at their moeting on Thursday next.
The chairman reported to the Commission of his visit with Mr.
Thorgrimson with relation to the lagal pronedure in approaching an
enlarged improvement district and gave n co~~lete resume of Mr.
Tnorgrimson's suggoCltions on the prop or manner that the projoct be
A general discussion of the entire project followed. Each memher
offerIng various suggestions and it was generally agreed that all
"the members of the Planning Commission be prosent at a m~3ting of
the City Council on Thursday next in order that our group may advise
wIth them and offer our support to expedite the project as rapidly
as possible.
The only chango Bug ested in tho projoct as we have discussed it so
far was the terminus of the Marine Drive paving be extended from the
point near the Crown Zellerbach garages to a point near the oasterly
side of their "oil tank: fl1rmt~ This s'-lg~es tion was adopted.
No further business appe ring, meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P~M.
Respectfully submitted,
t.d/~ -------
cc to G. S. VergeeI'
February 19, 1953
Notes from conversation with Mr. Thorgrimaon with reference to
proposed enlarged LID.
Taken 1n order of their listings, Mr. Thorgrimson gave general approval
to the enlarged LID program for items A, B, & 0, with, however, some
mOd.ifications or suggestions as to procedure. Equal benefits for
residence lots on these three projects would probably be pretty well
recognized. Assessments for business establishments, however, should
be surveyed at some length. Statement was made that "courts have
heJ.d increase 01' ouslness due to improvement 01' street is not to be
construed as special. bene!'i ts as !'ar as LID is concerned. .l::!;ven tho
projects are not physically connected with each other, they may be
included in one LID providing seperate costs are kept and assessment
roll calculated accordingly.
Refering to item ~Dn, namely the fill. to be done in conjunction with
the Port District and Milwaukee Railroad, Mr. Thorgrimson says entity
must remain with the City, they being responsible for completion of
entire project in order to be included in an LID. They may, however,
have agreement with other parties for payment of part of the cost.
Wo difficulty should be experienced in setting up fixed amount for the
Cities share of project "0" an d hOlding same until time for construction
and, if ne~d be, closing assessment roll in the meantime. The only
hazard being, shou~d costs not equal amount set aside and charged to
the assessment roll, it would be necessary to refund to the property
owners their portion of the overcharge. This of course would be
quite some clerical undertaking.
On item3 D, ~~ ~, Mr. Thorgrimson feels they may be included,
however, the zoning of costs would have to be entirely different from
other three projects as he feels we would experience considerable
difficulty in showing equal benefit, especially as far as residential
property is concerned. That is to say, according to him it would be
practically impossible for us to show the same benefit to a man on
16th & "CR Streets as one at 5th & Peabody Streets when we are taking
about item "n.D.
Mr. Thorgrimson suggested that inasmuch as spreading assessments on
an enlarged improvement district of this kind involves considerable
technical. difl'iculties, it would be prudent on the part of the City
to retain an engineer well versed in that procedure. He suggested the
names of two men who have retired from active work, but are available
for survey and consultation. Names suggested -- Mr. Ed Hughes and
Mr. Ed Duffey. Betp men being well qualified for this type of work.
. '
February 1~, 1~53
,otos from convcI'l:Iatlcm ,Jlti) ~r. !"lorgri"1st:n ~'''ith r .for tnce to
,roposed a ia ~ed LLD.
l'll.{EHl in orner of tneir 1l :It..illf;s, Mr. fhorgrlmson' ~8.VA coner'.l approval
to tne onlal'ged f"It' proi:;.t'9ffi. for It..PIS A, ~, ~ C, wlttl, 1H.'tIovor, SC'':'le
'1J0c1U'!cetluns or sU.,Le tlGns os to proceduro. ,oun,l bo I~rlto for
r691dence lots L'n the~,A threo proJocts .iOl,lld ~n'obaoly bn or1ety ,oIl
racu ~nized. A"'ses'm;;!nt;j rOl' U,JSintlS3 o..tnt)ltsh.'Ilont~l, ~ :iovvr, should
be surv lyed nt 3(,:nO .Lonl~th.. St'.:,. te'1lent was 1!US ttl1t "courts au lIO
tlO.Ld lnCl'IH}:,W or 015 lne sa dll:j to lrnprovemont <.. l' 8r.r~Jet IB 'HA, to 00
construod a~ ~.pec ial bU:10f1. ts as t'ur as LIO is ccnceC'ned. ,von tno
proj3cts 0.'6 net physlcolly ccrlHocted with each othar, ttl.y may Do
included 1n ono LI) prtvidln~ sepornto costs ape ~e~t and u3sess~ent
roll c~ lculj. tad 8.CCOl~ Hn,!;l].
!i.fort : to it."!} "C", ns'n,J.y thu fill to oe J ne in con.}unctio,. .vith
th!l Port Jtol..rtct and ~tlwaukoe i{allroud, ;lr. ..:not'r;r>1'18on ~ai8 Qlltltj'
;lUst r ,'1ain with the vito'l, tU6i bein~ l':Js,)ollsibl<l Cor CO"!lI,lntloo vi'
. until'!! PL'OJoct in O."J01' to /)0 Included in an LIO. ThOY :t18Y, IO.....llV.;jl',
'lOVU aC~I"'a,.lOnt ..ith ,thuI." ~HH'ti.01i for payment of ourt G.f tHe cost.
Uo d 1 :i'1c.ll ty 13ilOulej be OXp81'iunced in saLt in..... Llp fixed b. 'llOunt .:'or the
~tt.ie<J S.lar.J of Ol'cJoct licIt an d holdlng Sllmo until. timo for COrlstl'I.H.:th,n
~n...:., if (bud bo, clostn andtjsa :1unt. roll Lt. tuo 'LJDntlmc. The only
186.SrO bo in?" should cos ts not equal amount set asLh) and charged to
thf;! asuO~:J lent roll, L t ~iOlJld bl'j nfjC6SSal'J to r_ t"und to tno pl'O})lJrty
O.JUtH'S tilJlr portion of tho CV..:l'Cfll):rgo. Puis c..r co Irso ~:o .Id be
,ulto norhJ clu....lcal t.lndertflldng.
(ill ltumH D, """ ~ F, ~r. 'L'l1or'61'L'1'Ison foel:; thoy may bH included,
ao./uv,r, too zl..nlol.. of coats "vdld 118"0 to bo entll',tly dtffar~nt rr "
otllO!' car.u pn Ject~ a~ he fe"jln '016 ,10u11 Oxptu'tence Ct fl:~11eI'uble
dlf1'lcul t,f in ~moo11n ~ e, 'unl anof 1 t, uSiJec tallJ afl far RS I' .side..t LAl
JroportJ l~'cncernod. .a.hnt.. in to ~w,y, aceol'dn'~ to ,11. Lt flOUld be
pt'ac t leull impossible for us to AnO',1 tau sum Don!)t'i t to n '"1on on
lotn . "c" ~treot!> as OOd at Sth ~ ~; .J.body $tr~ots .mfsn ~V() n.'<oJ trlklng
Rbout ltc''!! "D".
11'. 7tlol'grll"lsc..n fhl~ Isted tunt lnam:'lUch as spr Bdtn'~ a$SO!HI;lont:3 (,,'1
a~', tiuloi\:;ed l"n~}r vucnant jLtrlct of thiD dnd invc:..lvot1d nc..'lsido~'uble
technical Hrl'':c'Jltio~, it .iUIJ1.j bo p.-udellt 0."1 t.1.rJ part 0:' tno c,ty
tc ('.jtaln an o. ~ln')Jr .1Jll versed i.n that !Jl'vCed':.lI'o. .1' 9'.l!'~ "ated ttle
name9 uf tuo en ,Jac have I'-ltlrud fr'...tn flt.:tive i/'Io.'.t, but B!'e avalln<Jle
fOl' survJ! and ccaaultatlc,ll. Ham'Js lit! ~ ~t~ted -- '.r. ~d Hutihes and
~r. r~d Duffa,f. .ot.j:,\ man ba1n;.; ~dll qualifLod for tHis tJPtl or \&lark.
I ~bruQPY 19, 19531
,.oto, frt... "'3 co' .vor Q Lon tJ. th .J'. '" ,or.7 ',.;jOC.1 ",1 ta f", rot" dCO to
..ropo9od uu.Lur :od ;I~~.
',111.ton 1n 0 'dor or t:lolr 11 .t.l \,:0, . t-. "'.lOrCr" 't:"rn ';'.vo ~ tl'l..~: 1 .,;:>provol
,to t!l\J u,llr..rGod flI ;)Ni!;r..:.:) for It...1a l, l, .: C, .Jlt.l, tlh/tOV'.I., 001'10
fIl;..dltl ~ct1. 0 Ot" 0 -1,. ltl~n3 no tl. ..r! c da.'Oe ~^..o.l b;.,drlt~ ("or
r .031;10..00 lot,' on t i~...O t.....,., ."r j'!cto uOilJl,; :~r~ h~b11 bo ~H' .ttJ 17:,11
roo,- ,:;nl~8d. · 800S'1UOt tur busln -8 oatt~bl':':J 4.'~:'mt9, ilC -~"I'or, should
:">0 cl.lrv()1o j at t~O~ Ion ~th. .it....o 1 nt fi'UO ~. Jo t..hut. "..0. rt - .l'3VO
.lold t ,C 1..... tdO \. t' bUD t 0.3 tUG t. i ~ 'rove~~ ~nt ' t 9tr'.J"t to .... l. tc. t.:J
CC~8trJGd 0:) speetal banl.;~"lt:.:J Q: L'l.r ns r.,I'19 c, ~c'rnt)J. ~li01 t~jO
roJcctn a.' n.t o11010B11y cc...:uaoctod \lith JUCHl t. tn.Jr, t~l'JJ ''''OJ bo
1 ..:l...J;d 1n '.,n6 Lr~ prt..v L J .; DOpO "ut.. coat1 are 0' to. end 0;30 JBB ';:Jnt
roll co OLllut~J BCCd'd 1,~lJ.
.. fOl'.:.n.; to it.., "en, nu~Jly tll. rill to bo dc..no t... cC~1JJnct.l I. gltfl
tuo r'o~t ~lot,'\ct e.nj 'UJa...,too a~~ lroud.:r. ":(lo.'arl~:o(.n ~JUlo .mtlt:!
m1.4jt 6._,,,....110 r,tt., t.hJ wIt,. td tY 00', ..j l'...s.;o~~nlbltJ ('ot' cc t ....tlL'n of
u..tl1'O ;.r(.J1...ot 1.1 U.dclt t bJ '!...olll';,ed in '3n t,lJ. ~'ao~' :0'1, ,u.....:;)"or.
.w\'. QtL'(~e.l,lDt .Iit I l.:.t.}vl" W'l.t ~08 for .D/C .n1; or p~rt of tlm coat.
'\ d~1' '\0 .ILI oho..rlJ bu OXk)or~Onco~ In sott n; I rl~ea O_K...mt fof' tL~
"ltL~J atlUl" :...... Pl'(JJlJot ltC"~ on..1 clol,li).: sa Ij until tl~ tor or,notr .ctl n
0;1., if n .od wy, clonin. Qnsos~~nt roll . 'l thJ --,Jcnt1."Jo. ~h) '11J
c13znrJ '0 t. ,.:, choul ~ con too.' Hut o"1ual Ur:(..1l1t. Dot on lde and ell" ,rt;.Jd to
tut,,; 0080no ,ont :-0.11, it ~o'-.ll~ bo nocoooary to ro1\mJ to t~lO '.ro'') rtl
. ..nor tllolr ,ol.tll~ :- tn'.. o\loroh:::.r'f;'. ~h1n of CC> Jrao ~/('lllj f)O
. to OtJ ~ clcrlcu.1 'Jfi,.ertn -1 ~a.
l.l 1 tt:J~9 D, " ~..., ..~.. .. .Je-rete os(..n rOl~l:l t.101 .....lJ ~ included.
.....~ov .r, tn.,; zCil1nn 01' Cl.Jts C'lo~ld n~vo to b o'1tlr 11J di; ';r ~nt Crt......,
otllO.... tl~IjO l>roJooto an ~l' I r. 10 uo t1:~t,ld oJt:lor' cnoo 01 ,',f] 1,.ior..blt3
d~trlc .~.!.tl 1 i ~bc.Jll1 0 'unl berh.tl t, 08i..JOC '.011/ 00 i"ar 9~1 roold..:-~tlal
.-l'o:t)oz-tJ 10 ct-nca."nod. A'hot In to ou;, nccor::I1n-...; t" 11 , 1 t \1(, llt bo
.,reatteal!] 1 r,oDolblo for 'AD to SI~V.J tbiJ G~O!J bon fit to , Jt.Jn on
1 ,t.l . '\;" Htruot:t 00 ",ao D.. 5t;1 ' ~ oa..Jc y ..tr'J It~ .mun \10 ara taJ.kl ,~
t.i.:x>ut. it, ,,1 "0".
""r. '. ..or6rlosLn Oi.JG ....'...ooJ tl1t1~ ~,:a. ~.1Ct1 aD D~1r ,"l'Alfl ~ n~ao'o 1ont" (..n
a, enl ....;,HJ 1 ~,rovol:~:)nt d l ,t.:lc t of tala ' lnu 1-,'/ ~ J. v .. eflU lela 'uble
tccnn\col Jift:c ~ltLw, lt iJould ~ ~a.....dent on t~e n..rt vi' tuo u1tJ
tu 1'0 i;.il ,n W1 ODntnJO!' \1011 J1orsod I-A L.\U,- t>rt.eOd,lro. .Ii .JUC;' ..to..! t.l0
0Il'.:01' or t_JO ~n 11' lO .!OVO 1". tlred fI' 1 U rtlVI.. ,,{,(",t, but 01.0 uvnl1~'b16
for ourvuJ nnd c -uultot. n. jCl:"~'JO SJt;.o ,tod -- '.1~. J .U(;u'..o nod
.... : j .......J.rruJ. otl'l'J.11 bo tn: cell "Uall tiod fur' ttll~J t7PO or vQrk.
Grading from Marine Drive near Cedar Street to Lauridsen Boulevard
between Tumwater Street and "An Street connecting with SSH #9-A
at Boulevard and lie" Streets, also with proposed County Road
connecting with PSH #9 (U.s. 101), .giving access to the City from west.
Filling, grading, draining and paving Marine Drive from "AU Street
to point near Crown Zellerbach garage near Second and nK" Streets.
. c.
City's share or expense ~illing area from Valley Street to Oak Street
and from alley between Front and First Streets to Milwaukee Railroad
trestle and extending Valley Creek Culvert.
Concrete culvert on Peabody Creek for Fifth Street crosslng.
Concrete culvert on White's Creek for Front Street crossing.
Concrete culvert on White's Creek for Third Street crossing.
r .
Olympic National PlIl"k
On The Straits
Of Juan De fuca
Shortest Route
To British Columbia
~.,-_., ..'
y-;..r-:\. ,~ ..
"2nJ National City"
Olli"e or TI.c
Planning Commission Proposal
Enlarged Improvement District
Grading from Marine Drive near Cedar Street to Laul"ldsen Boulevard
between Tumwater Street and "A" Street connecting with SSB #9-A
at Boulevard and. "Cn Streets, also with proposed County Road
connecting with PSH #9 (u.s. 101), giving access to City from West.
Filling, grading, draining and paving Marine Drive from HAlf Street
to point near Crown Zellerbach garage near Second and "K" Streets.
City's share of expense filling area from Valley Street to Oak Street
and trom alley between Front and First Streets to Milwaukee Railroad
trestle and extending Valley Creek Culvert.
Concrete culvert on peabody Creek for Fifth Street crossing.
Concrete culvert on White's Creek for Front Street crossing.
Conorete culvert on White's Creek for Third Street orossing.
....- -
7YldL..Py -n~L, A-~_*- ~
J"I"-' ~ ...... --I 4.::;i- ~ .......
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Frr--<-- f ~J 7 (, r Lj- .
'lH", z) [) 4r
/}fJ~ o. ~ I r
---:rCAN ~L
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~.v( R,.ft h~
. f ~l .
0I)"IIlric Notional Park
On The Straits
or Juan De fuca
S~orte~t Route
To Briti~~ Colom1ia
"2nd National Citv"
Office or The
Planning Commission Proposal
Enlarged Improvement District
Grading from Marine Drive near Cedar Street to Lauridsen Boulevard
between Tumwater Street and "AIf Street connecting with SSE tf'7-A
at Boulevard and "CtT Streets, also with proposed County Road
connecting wit~ PSH #9 (U.S. 101), giving access to City from West.
Filling, grading, draining and paving Harine Drive from tfAn Street
to point near crown Zellerbach garage near Second and uK" Streets.
City's share of expense filling area from Valley Street to Oak Street
anj from alley between Front and First Streets to ~ilwaukee Railroad
trestle and extending Valley Creek Culvert.
Concrete culvert on Peabody Creek for Fifth Street crossing.
Concrete culvert on White's Creek for Front Street crossing.
Concrete culvert en White1s Creek for Third Street cressing.