HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/03/1964
Minutes of the rogulAr meeting of the Port ftn~eles Plnnnl1g
Co~~is~ion, March 3, 19640
Member~ present wern Jriscoll, HAnkins, IIunt, McGee, Heiners
and Strnnp;e.
..\1so pre::lent Her.e C.ollno.tlr:tan Dal ton Thorne, Direc tor of P ubIle
,'lorks John Bo ;inrderp ~Vater 56'pf~ Paul Reed and Ass't City
E~gineer Robert Willson.
Mtnutes or the previous meeting were read Bnn approvedo
This date hF.ld been set for the hearing on the application of the
ClallR~ County Health listrlct for a variance from the zoning
ordinance on the hospital proIl(j~ty at dRce and :::tp'oline Streetso
There wor0 no objections on filop nor wv~ anyono prosent from the
rlea1th District to further explgin their position in 9s~ing for
a verianceo f', sketch of the Inlout wbich hod bfJsn promi~€Id !wd
not been submitted. Chairman rleclared hearlng postponed until
next regular meetingo
'~r. '1a'1.aneyp prcperty 0'Nn9r at 2nd and Laurel was pr9l,ent and
explained to the COl1Lllission ~lis problem 1n off street parKing,
inRsmuch os it was nis Intent to build a trlrlex npartment on
the flropertyo It was agreed that accordin~ to the present zoning
ordinance, and the arAS beln~ ~ned as first class busLness, it was
permissablB for MrQ ~ah8ney to proceed with his plans and he was
so advisede
A lettor fro~ Attorney Co H. Fidler protR3tln~ thfl proposed
ImprovemAnt to th9 Hi-way 101 east of the City was read and pIeced
on fileo
Last orcler of business was flnol study of pro~losed off street
parking ord inanCBo This st1ldy- hat. benn beforo our CommisSIOi1 for
some time. After p;01ng over the proposal, item hy i tern, and
making two minor chan~ss~ n notion was made Ann unanimously nssqed
stating thnt the Planning Commission, reco~nizing the ur,'ent neod
for suc h con trol due to its e fect on pllblic B afe ty etc 0' recomMend
to the City Council their adoption of Sllch an ordlnanc8o
No furthor business appeartngp meeting adjourned at 9g00 P.~o
Respectfully submltted~
IfQ H~ Hankins, SecI'stary