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Minutes of Port Angeles Planning Commission meeting of March 4, 1969.
Present: Hunt, McHone, Hankins, Treat, Dilling, Anderson and Building
Inspector Willson.
Absent: Driscoll
Meeting was opened at 7~30 PM in Council Chambers. Minutes of previous
meeting were approved as received.
Old Business - There was no old business to be considered.
New Business - Three variance requests had been received and properly
posted for hearing at this time.
Mr..Charles E. Gilliland, 824 East Caroline had requested a variance
which would permit him to enlarge an existing, non-conforming, single-
family residence. The existing structure has insufficient front yard
setback for an RS-7 zone and Mr. Gilliland wfishes to construct an additiona.
four feet across the front of the building and an additional six feet along
part of the east side. No one was present to discuss this request and the
matter was tabled until the following meeting.
Mr. E. A. Trierweiler of the Jehovah's Witnesses congregation at
1018 West 16th Street had requested a variance from the regulations of an
RS-7 zone to enable them to install a mobile home behind the church.
Recent acts of vandalism to the property prompted the request. One of
the members of the congregation and his family propose~ to live on the
premises and serve as caretakers. After due consideration, the members
voted to recommend the request be denied.
Mr. Gary Mennot, 1109 Craig Avenue, had requested a variance from
the regulations of an RS-9 zone to permit him to enlarge an existing,
non-conforming, single-family residence. The building, as it now exists,
does not have sufficient front-yard setback from the north rJ.~gli,t,':'.ofrtway
line of Craig Ave. Mr. ~~nnot was present and a short discussion
followed. It is Mr. Monnot's intention to add to the west side at the
house in a straight line with the present south wall - or front of the
house. Since the addition would not aggrevate the existing situation,
it was voted to recommend the request be approved.
Other Business
Mr. David Stephens, 404 Viewcrest, appeared with a request concerning
the location of traveled Grace Street as opposed to the platted right-of-way.
Mr. Stephen's request was for clarification Of, or remedy o~ the situation
jo make his property usuable as a building site. Since this problem is a
portion of the overall right-ot-way difficulty south of the Boulevard, the
Planning Commission recommended the matter be referred to the City Council
and City Attorney.
Mr. E. L. McWilliams was present with the revised platting of his
proposed"Seamount Estates" in Suburban Lot 48. A preliminary plat prepared
by a licensed land surveyor had been submitted to the various city utility
departments (light, water, public works, etc.) for comment. Memos from
these departments indicated several problems remained and the plat was
referred back to be various depar~ments. Mr. McWilliams was directed to
contact the various departments and make satisfactory arrangements for
meeting their requirements. When all requirements have been satisfactorily
complied with, memos from the departments should so indicate and a time and
place for a public hearing on acceptance of the plat will be established.
The general sentiment was that a time limit >>E for completionb~stablished
and a performance bond deposited in sufficient amount to cover all necessary
development (water, power etc.) of public services.
A short discussion followed pertaining to various planning and zoning regu-
Minutes - Planning Commission - March 4, 1969
page 2
lations. The members of the Planning Commission unanimously reelected
Harry Hunt to be Chairman of the Commission.
No further business was presented and the meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM.
MEMO: February 28, 1969
. TO: Port Angeles Planning Commission
RE: Meeting scheduled for March 4, 1969
Old Business None
New Business
Mr. E. A. Trierweiler of Jehovah's Witnesses congregation
has requested a variance from the zoning regulations of an RS-7
zone to permit the installation of a mobile home at the south
end of their church, 1018 West 16th Street, to serve as a resident
watchmans quarters for Mr. Alfred Fossum and his family. This
desire tor a resident watchman is prompted by an increasing
amount of vandalism.
Mr. Charles E. Gilliland, 824 East Caroline, has requested
a variance to permit enlargement of a pre-existing, non-conforming
single family residence by adding 4 feet across the north side of
his house and 6 feet along the east side. The present structure
does not have sufficient front yard setback to meet the require-
ments of the RS-7 zone in which it is located.
Mr. Gary Monnot, 1109 Craig Avenue, has requested a variance
to permit enlargement of a pre-existing, non-conforming single
family residence by adding 10' x 16' to the southwest corner of
the existing house. The present structure does not have
sufficient front yard set-back to meet the requirements of the
RS-9 zone in which it is located.
Other Business
Mr Pat Hense appeared after the February 18th meeting had
adjourned to the City Managers office. He will probably attend
this meeting to discuss possible uses of his rental property
next to the Grandview Heights grocery.
Council Action
At its meeting of February 20th, the City Council took the
following action on items referred to it by the Planning Commission.
Richard Correia - approved as recommended
Nebert Brothers - approved as recommended
Timothy J. Swegle - approved as recommended
Mrs. M. A. Brandland - approved as recommended
City Sign Co.- approved for three years. Renewal contingent
upon satisfactory maintenance of sign and premises.
Mr. Floyd McRevey - approved as recommended.
As of this date I know of nothing else to be presented at this
meeting. Possibly another short study session on the zoning
ordinance revision might be feasible following this meeting.
R. P. Willson
Recording Secretary