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Minutes of Port Angeles Planning Commission
M~eting of March 5, 1968.
Present: Hunt, McHone, Dilling, Driscoll, Treat.
Absent: Hankins
Minutes of previous meeting were approved as published.
Old Business-
The case of Mr. Robert Hurford, who has constructed a new house
on property that has been proposed for additional right of way
o~ East Street, in the Mapped Street Ordinance, was brought up
for discussion. The Director of Public Works reported on his
findin~s that one of three courses of action could be followed:
1. No action taken, 2. Delete East Street from t he mapped
street ordiance, 3. Purchase the property. In either of
the three procedures, when the time comes to acquire the addi-
tional right of way width, purchase or condemnation will be
required. It was finally recommended by the Planning Commission
on a split vote, that East Street be deleted from the Mapped
Street Ordinance.
Mr. Ed Ranta's proposal for establishinq a rental storage
facility for lo~ging trucks on the west side of Tumwater Access
Road between 6th and 7th streets was next brought up. After a
brief discussion, Mr. Ranta was advised to prepare a plan of the
site and proposed building and parking area for submission with
a formal request.
New Business- Three variance requests had been received and
prorerly posted for hearing at this time.
A variance request from Mrs Eva Miller for a change of location
for the variance lranted her on February 15, 1968 was received.
Mrs. Miller found most of her property under the original
variance lay in Tumwater Creek. The new request, for the east
side of Valley Street between 5th and 6th streets had been
properly posted. After determining that Mrs. Miller proposes
nothinq but a 301x40. building with electric service only and
to be used solely for the storage of rummage items, it was
recommended that she be granted: 1. Conditional Use Permit to
conduct this operation in an M-l zone. 2. Variance from 25' set-
back requirement on Valley Street to allow construction to 15'
from east margin of Valley Street. 3. Variance f rom side yard
requirements to allow construction to 5' from east property line.
Mr. H. B. Stepp of 1112 East Front Street had requested a
variance from the zoning regulations of the CAD zone which would
permit him to enlarge an existinq garage that is now a non-
conforming building under the revised zoning ordinance. It was
recommended th~t the reque~t be approved.
Minutes-Planning Commission
March 5, 1968
Page 2
DelGuzzi Realty Company had requested a variance from the alley
setback requirements of an RS-7 zone which would permit con-
struction of a single family residence with attached double
carport 20 feet from the alley margin instead of the required
25 feet. The property concerned is lot 3 Block 35 N.R.Smith
subdivision, located west of Eunice Street on the bluff. It
was recommended that the request be approved.
No further business was presented and the meeting adiourned at
8:30 P.M.
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Ha rry H t, a i rma n
Cl ing Secretary