HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/09/1970
March 5, 1970
Port Angeles Planning Commission
R. P. Willson, Building Inspector
RE: Meeting scheduled for March 9, 1970
Old Business - The request of Graham Ralston and others, for a
zoning change from CSD-Cl to CAD will be brought up for recommendation.
Two of the original signers of the petition have submitted a letter
withdrawing their support of the request.
New Business - Five variances or conditional use permits have been
requested and notices properly posted for hearing at this time.
Delmar E. Ivy, 1115 South Albert Street, has requested a
variance from the setback requirements of an RS-7 zone and the mapped
street ordinance to permit him to construct a double garage closer
to the north margin of Lauridsen Boulevard than permitted.
Epcon Si?n Co., has requested a variance from the maximum
size sign restr1ctions of the RMF zone to permit them to install a
4' x 6' sign at 4th and Laurel Streets for the new Ridgeview Mortuary.
Donald Casner, of 118 West 4th Street, has requested a variance
from the regulations of the RMF zone to permit him to enlarge a pre-
existing single family residence. The existing structure is legal,
but the proposed addition would intrude into the required front yard
The First National Bank has requested a Conditional Use Permit 1It
to enable them to install, maintain and operate off-street parking
facilities at 132 West 8th Street. (CSD-Cl zone)
Merritt Taylor has requested a variance from the setback require-
ments of the RS-7 zone to permit him to construct a single family
residence closer to the side street, on a corner lot, than permitted.
the property involved is lot 10 Block 258 Townsite, located on the
southeast corner of 8th and "0" Streets.
Other Business - The following parties have expressed their intentions
of attending this meeting for discussion of various items.
Enger Construction Co. - inquiring about the need for a variance
from the setback requiremtns along Marine Drive. Propose to construct
an addition for Mal Harper on the north side of his present building
at 518 Marine Drive.
Milton Hunt, arch., for Verne Samuelson will be in for approval
of a proposed layout at Tumwater Access Road and Marine Drive (M-l zone)
Clarence Edwards will be in to discuss the operation of an
accounting office at one of several possible locations.
Frank Rich, building contractor, will be to discuss the
of converting an ~isting garage to living quarters addition to
ing single family residence. The location is on the southeast
of 10th and Cherry.
Mrs. Augustus Swordmaker may be in"to discuss a problem at
S08t East 2nd Street. (Two SFR on one lot; one existing, one moved
on the condition the existing structure would be razed.)
an exist-
Several other persons have made inquiries about variances, but have
not indicated whether they will attend this meeting or not.
As of this date I know of nothing further to be presented at this meeting.
Minutes.of the Port Angeles Planning Commission meeting of March
9, 1970.
Present: Hunt, McHone, Dilling, Anderson, Building Inspector Willson.
Treat (two seats vacant)
The meeting was opened at 7:30 P.M. in the Municipal Chambers.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as received.
Old Business - Mr. Graham Ralston's request for a rezoning of the
CSD-Cl zone along 8th Street east of Peabody Canyon to Race Street
came up for discussion. Mr. Ralston~ attorney, Frank Platt,
pointed out the Planning Commission had three possible alternatives,
other than denial. 1. The request for rezoning from CSD-Cl to CAD
could be approved. 2. The area could be rezoned from CSD-Cl to
CSD-C2, which allows service stations, and the ordinance amended
to allow used car lots in the CSD-C2 zone as a Conditional Use. 3.
The existing ordinances could be amended to allow Used Car Lots in
the CSD-Cl zone on a Conditional Use permit. After discussion, the
members felt they were not satisfied with the proposals and voted
to table the matter for another work session.
New Business - Epcon Sign Company, of 1275 Mercer St., Seattle had
requested a variance from the regulations of an RMF zone to permit
them to erect a 6' x 4' sign on the northwest corner of Fourth and
Laurel Streets for the Ridgeview Mortuary. Following a brief
discussion, the members voted to recommend approval of the request,
with the stipulation the light intensity be subdued enough to be
unobjectionable to residents in the neighborhood.
Delmar E. Ivy, 1115 South Albert Street, had requested a
variance from the setback requirements of a corner lot in an RS-7
zone to permit construction of a double garage with less than the
required setback from the north margin of Lauridsen Boulevard. After
a short discussion the members voted to recommend approval of an
18' setback from the north margin of the Boulevard, measured from
the closest corner of the proposed building.
Donald E. Casner - 118 West 4th Stree~ had requested a
variance from the front yard setback requirements of the RMF zone
to permit him to enlarge an existing single family residence. A
brief discussion followed and the members voted to recommend
approval of the request to allow construction to 20' from the south
margin of 4th Street.
First National Bank - had requested a Conditional Use Permit
in the CSD-Cl zone to permit them to install, maintain and operate
an off-street parking lot in connection with this facility qt 134
West 8th Street. Following a brief discussion it was voted to
recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit. Layout of the
lot, drainage, lighting and driveways are subject to approval of
the Director of Public Works.
Merritt Taylor had requested a variance from the sideyard,
set-back requirements of a corner lot in the RS-7 zone to permit
him to construct a new single family residence on the southeast
corner of 8th and "011 Streets. During the discussion, Mr.
Taylor indicated the old, existing dwelling located on the lot
at present will be razed prior to occupancy of the new structure.
Members of the Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of
a sideyard setback of 15' from the east margin of "0" Street.
Planning Commission
Mar. 9, 1970
page 2.
Other Business
Mr. Larry Enger of Enger Construction Co. and Mal Harper
were in with a proposed layout for the enlargement of Mr. Harpers
wire rope facility at 518 Marine Drive. The area is zoned M-l
and requires Planning Commission approval for any operation or
enlargement. After reviewing the proposed expansion, the Planning
Commission voted approval as per layout submitted.
Mr. Verne Samuelson and Mr. Milton Hunt, architect,
submitted a layout of a proposed operation on the south side at
Marine Drive between Cedar St. and Tumwater Access Road. This
area is in an M-l zone and approval of the Planning Commission
is required. Members examined the proposed layout and voted to
approve it as submitted. Ingress, egress, parking,drainage and
lighting are to be approved by the Director of Public Works prior
to installation.
Mr. Frank Rich, Builder, inquired into the necessity tor a
variance to convert an existing, attached, single-car garage to
a bedroom. The property involved is located at 238 West 10th Street.
The existing buildings do not have required setbacks and the lot
is sub-standard size. Mr. Rich was advised that since there was
no structural work being done, only finishing, no variance would
be required. It was further noted that variance requests for
additional structural work on this property had been denied in
the past since the property is already badly overcrowded.
No further business was presented and the meeting adjourned at
9:00 P.M.
Harry n, hairman
9 Secretary
I think nearly all planners would admit that to really control growth of a city
the one most important single item would be a requirement to be able to hook
into a sewer before any building, either residential or business, was planned.
Actually, in designing a subdivision, sewers are the first item taken into
consideration since they have to flow by gravity.
We have an ordinance requiring anyone within 300 feet of a sanitary sewer
to tap into that sewer, but in existing homes we have not always required it
when it required an inordinate expense or pumping.
I would like to recommend that the Council adopt an ordinance to the effect
that before any bui lding permit is issued for a building requiring a septic
tank, that permission first must be obtained from the Planning Commission.
In this way we could prohibit the building of homes on side hills or valleys
where it is impossible or impracticable to hook into a sewer and in other areas
could limit the density where soils are poor and could assure adequate room
for drainfields .
cc: PIa nning Commis sion