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Port Angeles, Washington
March 9, 1983
Chairman Wight called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M.
Members Present: Patrick Downie, Jerry Cornell, Richard
Anderson, Richard Wight, David Brewer,
Todd Holm
Members Absent: James Hulett
Staff Present: Paul D. Carr, Dan'VanHemert, Gary
Braun, Larry Glenn
Mr. Anderson moved to approve the minutes of the February
9th and 23rd meetings as submitted. Mr. Cornell seconded
this motion, which passed 5 - 0 with Mr. Holm abstaining.
The Planning Commission rescheduled the Agenda to hear
Items 2 through 6 until 8:30, then Items 1, 7, 8 and 9,
in order to accomplish as much of the Agenda as possible.
RESOURCES. Request for a Substantial Development
Permit for renewal of an existing open water disposal
site near Ediz Hook. Location: The Bedlands under
250 feet of water at Longitude 123024'00", Latitude
Mr. Carr reviewed the Department Report, noting that the
Department of Natural Resources is requesting renewal of
their permit first granted in 1978 for a deep-water
spoils disposal site under 250 feet of water north of
Ediz Hook. Chairman Wight opened the public hearing.
Frank Hansen, DNR, explained that the site A has not been
used in the last five years and there are no plans to use
it; DOE must approve requests to use the site. Chairman
Wight closed the public hearing.
March 9, 1983
Page 2
Mr. Cornell moved to recommend approval of Site B, as
requested, for five years, based upon the original
findings. Mr. Brewer seconded the motion, which passed
Petition to vacate a portion of Fifth Street, a
portion of the 5th/6th alley, a 'portion of the
4th/5th alley, a Portion of Fourth Street, and a
portion of Sixth Street. Location: Fourth, Fifth
and Sixth Streets, west of Tumwater Access Road.
No one was present on behalf of the applicants. Accord-
ingly, the Commission moved this item to the end of the
HOSPITAL. Request for a Substantial Development
Permit to construct a heat recovery system and storm
water pipe to include pumps, pipes, and related
equipment, to divert waste water from the existing
ITT Rayonier Mill to the Hospital. Location: The
shoreline between the ITT Rayonier Mill and the
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the Department Report; Chairman
Wight opened the public hearing.
Steve Vorrus from Olympic Memorial Hospital explained the
heat recovery system from the ITT Rayonier Mill to the
Hospital and responded to questions from the Commission
concerning the placing of the pipes in the cliff and
along the shoreline. Chairman Wight closed the public
Following discussion, Mr. Anderson' moved to recommend
granting approval of the Shoreline Hanagement Permit
subject to the following conditions:
1. The construction within the railroad right-of-way be
achieved in a manner that wherever possible no loose
materials be dumped onto existing natural marine
2. That the ravine wall be restored to its natural pre-
construction conditon, including the reseeding of
disturbed soils and the planting of plants and shrubs
suitable for a steep slope.
March 9, 1983
Page 3
3. That prior to construction, a c~rtified soils engin-
eer provide a report to the Public Works Department
to insure protection of the bluff.
Mr. Anderson cited that the proposal would be in the
public interest, and specifically cited the following
findings of fact:
A. The proposed development does not constitute the
introduction of a new use into the shoreline;
therefore, the application does not conflict with
General Regulations C.1, and C.4.
B. With restoration of ground surfaces to their natural
state and the undergrounding of the recovery and
storm drainage lines, the development will not
irreversibly convert resources or be detrimental to
the natural characteristics of a shoreline of
statewide significance in compliance with General
Regulation C.S.
C. The restoration of the bluff complies with Use
Activity 7.a and the undergrounding of the facilities
encourages the maintenance of scenic views and
minimizes damages to the aesthetic quality of the
shoreline area in furtherance of Use Activity policy
D. The storm water collection and diversion system
should reduce the danger of cave-ins and slides in
furtherance of Natural Systems Policy 13.a and c.
E. Since no development will occur on or over waters of
the shoreline, water quality degredation and
interference with Harbor traffic will not occur.
F. Since the proposed wastewater heat recovery system
and storm water drainage system are accessory uses to
existing uses, they are in basic compliance with the
Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Ordinance.
Mr. Cornell seconded the motion, which passed
extension of a Conditional Use Permit for seasonal
sale of bait and tackle as a Home Occupation.
Location: 323 East Thirteenth Street.
Mr. Carr reviewed the Department Report, noting that Mr.
Matthews has had a Conditional Use Permit since 1976.
Chairman Wight opened the public hearing.
March 9, 1983
Page 4
Mr. Matthews stated that he purchased a fire extinguisher
last week. Chairman Wight closed the public hearing.
Mr. Brewer moved to recommend granting a two-year
extension, subject to the original conditions and
findings. Mr. Cornell seconded the motion, which passed
Conditional Use Permit to manufacture and sell sewing
kits as a Home Occupation. Location: 1233 West
Tenth Street.
Mr. Carr reviewed the Department R~port; Chairman Wight
opened the public hearing.
In response to questions from the Commission, Mr. Cline
explained that the proposed busine~s presently occupies
approximately 1200 square feet in a business center in
Redmond and that 90% of their business is mail order
catalogue. He expects to use approximately 700 square
feet of the garage, plus use some storage space in the
house, to store down and finished kits. Shipping of the
materials and the finished products is by UPS. The down
arrives in lOa-pound bulk quantities. He feels he cannot
operate in the home because the down packing machine
which operates like a large vacuum cleaner, is approxi-
mately 5 feet by 5 feet by 7 feet and the cutting table
is 5 by 15 feet. Telephone calls and mail orders will
also be made in the home. Deliveries and shipments will
occur daily. He expects to operate out of his home for
approximately 5 years. He is requesting the Horne Occupa-
tion because commercial lease space is expensive. The
Commission then asked him if he had inquired about com-
mercial space locally. He had not. They produce ap-
proximately 25 kits per day in the busy season, fall and
winter. Kits vary in size from down comforters to vests
and booties. Dave Whitley, a neighbor, said the impact
upon the neighborhood would be minimal compared to Gund
Plaza. Chairman Wight closed the public hearing.
Mr. Cornell recommended approving the Conditional Use
Permit for a Home Occupation for a period of one year,
subject to the following conditions:
1. There be no remodeling of the exterior of the garage
that would change its appearance.
2. The applicants rent a Post Office box for their
prime mailing address for the business.
March 9, 1983
Page 5
3. That all deliveries occur on th~ street.
He cited the following findings of fact:
A. The proposed conditions mitigate the negative aspects
of operating a Home Occupation in an accessory
B. There would be little impact on 'the neighborhood.
C. Some activity occurs in the house.
Mr. Downie seconded the motion, which passed 4 - 2, with
Messrs. Brewer and Anderson voting uNo", because the
proposed operation is contrary to the Home Occupation
policy and is more commercial and larger in scale than
any previously granted Home Occupations.
Request for a Substantial Development Permit for a
fuel oil tank farm and related product handling
facilities. Location: Ediz Hook and Port Angeles
Harbor. (Continued from February 9, 1983.)
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the Department Report. In response
to a question from the Conunission, 'Fire Chief Glenn ex-
plained that a 30 to 35-foot fire boat was adequate to
meet their needs. He also explained that as-minute
response time means the boat could be maintained within
the Port Angeles Harbor, such as in'the Marina. Chairman
Wight opened the public hearing.
Bob Morgan of Crown Zellerbach addressed two items in
their proposal. First, a new trestle will be construc-
ted, and they have reapplied to the Army Corps for a new
permi t. Secondly, the proposed hike and bike trail
presents some difficulties because .i t is close to areas
of high traffic and other Mill activities. Crown Z would
like that condition deleted. Mr. Carr explained that the
Urban Waterfront Trail Plan is an adopted Plan of the
City. Additionally, one purpose of the Shoreline Manage-
ment Act is to promote public access on the shorelines.
Mr. Morgan said he is aware of the Plan but it is too
general and too many other factors are involved to
require it now.
Bill Pruitt, British Petroleum, reviewed recent trends in
Harbor traffic and bunkering and compared the fire and
explosion characteristics of bunker fuel to crude oil.
Hattie Berglund stated that a shoreline location for the
tank fuel yard is not necessary; an increase in Harbor
March 9, 1983
Page 6
traffic will occur, as will the potential for a major oil
spill. The public bicycle trail should be a condition of
approval. In response to a question from the Commission,
Mr. Morgan explained that the log dumping and handling
facility east of the current site will not be constructed
because of the current economy. The area around the
existing tank site is leased from the City. It is used
occasionally by fishermen and sightseers. Rosemary
Cockrill submitted written comments. She objected to
locating the fuel yard on the shoreline, to its height,
and to the loss of undeveloped shoreline. She further
stated that the bike and hike trail should be required.
There being no further comments from the public, Chairman
Wight closed the public hearing.
In response to questions from the Commission, the Staff
and Ed Ingham, representing Crown Zellerbach, then deter-
mined that the height of the tanks was 44 feet from their
base and approximately 40 feet as viewed from the road.
Mr. Ingham also explained the amount of air pollution and
odor that would occur from fixed roof design. Mr. Pruitt
stated that odor would occur when the tanks were filled,
not during draw-down. The Commission further inquired of
the applicant's concern regarding the bike and hiking
trail. Mr. Morgan explained that" they are concerned
because the full cost of the trail is unknown; however,
they were agreeable to work with the City if the trail is
not required. In response to a qu~stion regarding oil
spills, Mr. Pruitt explained that human error tends to be
the biggest problem. He does not consider booming war-
ranted, but would work with the City to determine the
best operational procedures. Dick Stone of Western
Transportation explained that their barges in Oregon
carry booms on them and they do have some clean-up
equipment as well.
Mr. Downie moved to recommend approval of the Shoreline
Substantial Development Permit provided the following
conditions were attached:
1. That an additional fire hydrant be provided on the
Ediz Hook Road at the east end of the project site.
2. That the Uniform Fire Code, 1979 Edition, NFPA, and
guidelines of the Fire Department shall be followed
in the design, construction and operation of the
3. That a boat, approximately 30 to 35 feet in length
and equipped with marine firefighting equipment as
required by the Fire Department, be made available by
the applicant within a five-minute call time.
March 9, 1983
Page 7
4. That a finished texture and color for the tanks and
retaining wall which are compatible with the
surrounding environment be selected to reduce the
visual impact of the storage tank site.
5. That provisions for the construction and maintenance
of a joint biking and hiking trail between the
storage facility and the rip-rap adjacent to the
Strait of Juan de Fuca, or an aiternate route through
the Mill site, acceptable to the City, be completed
within one year of operation, following the first
year of operation.
6. That the operational procedures for handling and
storage of bunker fuel and the spill contingency plan
be submitted for City review in,order to minimize
accidental spillage and provide satisfactory means of
handling spills that do occur.
He then cited the following findings of fact:
A. The proposed bunker fuel facility partially complies
with General Regulation C.1, Land Use Element D.1.a
and Use Activity F.1.a, in that it is not a
shoreline-dependent but a water~related and
water-oriented use and is being located on a
developed site in an already developed area.
B. Because development exposes only a small portion of
the undeveloped shoreline to us~ and represents the
redevelopment and upgrading of the storage facility
site, it substantially complies,with General
Regulation C.4 and it would reduce the exposure to
development of a Shoreline of Statewide Significance.
C. Minimum alteration of the shoreline and environmental
degredation of the Harbor will occur during
construction, reducing adverse impacts of intensive
development. Therefore, the proposal is in
conformance with Use Activity F~8.g and General
Regulation C.4.
D. Because of the distance from the nearest residential
development and the present level of development on
the site, public visual access to the shoreline will
not be significantly obstructed over that now
presently experienced. With the condition of a joint
walking and bicycle trail, there will be greater
physical access to the shoreline on the site than now
is available. Accordingly, the proposal is in
substantial compliance with General Regulation 2 and
Land Use Element 0.2.
March 9, 1983
Page 8
E. The risk of fire and explosion is substantially
reduced by the condition that a-marine fire vessel be
provided and the guidelines of the Fire Department be
adhered to. Therefore, the proposal substantially
complies with Use Activity Policy 7.e.
F. The site and area are planned for industrial uses in
accordance with the City Comprehensive Plan and are
designated M-2 District in the City Zoning Ordinance.
Mr. Anderson seconded the motion, ~hich passed 4 - 1,
with Mr. Holm abstaining and Chair~an Wight voting "No"
because the proposal did not substantially comply with
the Shoreline Master Plan because it tended to expand an
industrial use into a non-industrial area; however, the
other environmental concerns were well-met.
The Commission continued the following hearings to the
April 13th meeting:
Petition to vacate a portion of Fifth Street, a
portion of the 5th/6th alley, a portion of the 4th/5th
alley, a portion of Fourth street, and a portion of
Sixth Street. Location: Fourth, Fifth and Sixth
Streets, west of Tumwater Access Road.
Conditional Use Permit to operate a community-based
training and placement program for disabled adults as
a Home Occupation. Location: 610 West 11th Street.
for a Temporary Use Permit to patk a trailer on site
for 7 days once every 5 months. "Location: 1714
South "N" street.
M-1 PERMIT HEARING - DEL HUR, INC. Request for an
M-1 Permit to expand an equipment and material
storage area for an existing contractor's shop and
office. Location: 4333 Tumwater Access Road.
Interpretation - welding Shop in the CSD-C1 District.
The Commission and Rosemary Cockrill discussed the prob-
lems with juggling Agendas and the impact it has upon
citizens. Lorraine Ross echoed Ms.' Cockrill's concerns.
March 9, 1983
Page 9
Mr. Hulett was elected vice-chairman until May, to
replace Mr. Ranta.
The meeting adjourned at approximat~ly 11:15 P.M.
~{i ·
Chairman ~
Tape condition: Satisfactory
Type of Meeting: .PLANNING cm1MISSION
Date: March 9, 1983
134 East Front Street
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