HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/11/1985
Port Angeles, Washington
March 11, 1985
Chairman Lewis called the meeting to order at 7:10 P.M.
Members Present: John Lacey, Jim Rexroat, Scott Lewis,
Luc ia l-icPhee.
Members Absent: Steve Pazan.
Staff Present: Paul D. Carr, Dan VanHemert, Craig D.
Mr. Lacey moved to approve the minutes of the February 4,
1985, meeting as written. Ms. McPhee seconded the motion,
which passed unanimously.
V-85(3)5 - JAMES HOPPER. Request for a variance in the
requirements of the Residential Trailer Park District
of one 12 square-foot sign per trailer park, to allow
two 96 square-foot signs. Location: 112 Highway 101
Mr. VanHeffiert reviewed the current and previous Department
Reports on this application, and entered them into the
record. Mr. Carr reviewed a 1981 Department memo on
variance criteria and entered it into the record. Chairman
Lewis opened the public hearing.
Pat Killebrew, representing Mr. Hopper, submitted a drawing
of the Mobile Home Park vicinity. Using the vicinity map,
he explained that the Fairmont Motel sign is one-tenth of a
mile from the Mobile Home Park and the Thunderbird Motel
sign is three-tenths of a mile from the Mobile Home Park,
and both are larger than the requested sign. It is
difficul t for park residents and visitors to see the
entrance to the Mobile Home Park. He submitted two photos
showing damage by vehicles on an existing telephone pole
near the Park entrance. He stated that a number of
accidents have occurred in the area; however, only one in
July, 1984 has been reported. The 12 square- foot sign
requirements are unreasonable. He also submitted a site
March ll, 1985
Page 2
plan of the Park. The proposed signs will be at the corners
of the property to provide better views. Mr. Killebrew
stated that the Mobile Home Park was grand-fathered upon
annexation; it is surrounded by commercial property where
large signs are permitted; and installing a sign on nearby
commercially-zoned property has been explored. Larger signs
would aid the flow of traffic and be better than a
deceleration lane because they do not cost as much. In
response to a question from Mr. Killebrew, Mr. VanHemert
explained that there were five mobile home parks in RTP
districts in the City, including the Welcome Inn. Mr.
Killebrew explained that Mr. Hopper1s was the only one on
a Highway.
Staff distributed a letter from Mike Libera. Chairman Lewis
asked about the County zoning on the three sides of the
Mobile Home Park. Mr. Killebrew explained that County
zoning would permit signs as large as the applicant has
requested. In response to a question, Mr. Killebrew
explained no inquiry has been made with the Washington State
Department of Transportation regarding improved access or
signs. In response to questions from Mr. Rexroat and Mr.
Lacey, Mr. Hopper explained that the property was annexed to
acquire City water and sewer services. Ms. McPhee asked if
the driveway marking could be improved to reduce the traffic
problem. Mr. Killebrew explained that there is a high
turn-over in tenants. Mr. Hopper explained that during the
summer months, the Park receives between 50 and 75 visitors
a day. Ms. McPhee asked about creating a vehicle holding
area at the entrance-way, to which Mr. Killebrew explained
it was too close to the applicant's home. Ms. McPhee asked
if they wanted the larger signs for advertising or safety.
Mr. Killebrew stated for both reasons.
The Board, staff and Mr. Killebrew explored moving the
existing signs and rezones as other alternatives. Chairman
Lewis restated the applicant's position. Following no other
comment from the public, Chairman Lewis closed the public
The Board discussed the matter among themselves and with
staff and the applicant. z,,1r. Lacey moved to deny the
variance application because the circumstances have not
changed since the original application in 1984; there has
been no new evidence presented; and the application does not
meet the criteria for a variance. Ms. McPhee seconded the
motion which passed 4 - o. The Board incorporated the
original four findings of fact, as follows:
Nonconforming signs are now too large.
A special privilege would clearly be granted.
March 11, 1985
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3. Recreational vehicles can slow down and turn into the
park without the proposed signs.
4. There are no compelling reasons to grant the variance.
Chairman Lewis continued the meeting to Thursday, March
14th, at 5:15 P.M. in the City Council Chambers to hear the
Breitbach variance application.
Paul D. Carr, Secretary
Port Angeles, Washington
March 14, 1985
Continued March 11, 1985 Meeting
Vice-Chairman Lucia McPhee reconvened the meeting at 5:30 PM
on March 14, 1985, noting that she and John Lacey were
Lacking a quorum, the meeting was recessed until March 18,
1985, at 7:00 PM in the City Council Chambers.
c. D. VanHemert, Asst.Secy.