HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/11/1992
. 1.
City Council Chambers
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles, W A 98362
March 11, 1992
7:00 P.M.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting of February 26, 1992
STREET V ACA TION REQUEST - STY 92(03)03 - TODNEM. portion of
West Fourth Street: Request for vacation of that portion of West Fourth Street
abutting Lots 4 and 5, Block 119, TPA.
COMMUNITIES. Melody Lane; Request for a Planned Residential Development
which includes approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow uses permitted in
Section 17.91 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code (Homes for the Elderly,
Nursiug and Group Care Homes) and subdivision approval.
wide: Proposal to amend the City's Parking Ordinance to include provisions for
community centers.
All correspondence pertaining to a hearing item received by the Planning Depanment at least
one day prior to the scheduled hearing will be provided to Commission members before the
Planning Commission: Ray Gruver, Chair; Cindy Souders, Vice-Chair; Jim Hulen; Roger Catts; Larry Leonsrd; Bob Philpott; Bill Anabel.
Planning Staff: Brad Collins, Planning Director; Sue Roberds, Planning Office Specialist; John Jimerson, Associate Planner; David Sawyer,
Senior Planner.
Planning Commission Agenda
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1. Clarification of Clearing and Grading Permit Exemptions
Spokesmen for the proponents and opponents will be given an opportunity to speak to the
request. Information submitted should be factual, relevant and not merely duplication of a
previous presentation. A reasonable time (10 minutes) shall be allowed the spokesman; others
shall be limited to short supporting remarks (5 minutes). Other interested parties will be allowed
to comment briefly (5 minutes each) or make inquiries. The Chairman may allow additional
public testimony if the issue warrants it. Brief rebuttal (5 minutes) for proponents and opponents
heard separately and consecutively with presentation limited to their spokesman. Rebuttal shall
be limited to factual statements pertaining to previous testimony. Comments should be directed
to the Planning Commission, not the City Staff representatives present, unless directed to do so
by the Chairman.
All correspondence penaining to a hearing item received by the Planning Department at least
one day prior to the scheduled hearing will be provided to Commission members before the
Planning Commission: Ray Gruver, Chair; Cindy Souders, Vice-Chair; Jim Hulen; Roger CallS; Larry Leonard; Bob Philpoll; Bill Anabel.
Planning Staff: Brad Collins, Planning Direclor; Sue Roberda, Planning Office Specialist; John J,meraon, Associate Planner; David Sawyer.
Senior Planner.
Port Angeles, Washington
March 11, 1992
Chairman Souders called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M.
Members Present: Ray Gruver, Bob Philpott, Bill Anabel, Larry Leonard, Roger
Catts, Bob Winters and Cindy Souders
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Brad Collins, John Jimerson, Bruce Becker
Commissioner Philpott moved to approve the minutes of the February 26, 1992, meeting of the
Commission as submitted. Commissioner Gruver seconded the motion, which passed 6-0, with
Commissioner Winters abstaining.
Chairman Souders announced there was a suggestion to switch public hearings two and three on
the agenda. The Commission agreed to the change.
STREET VACATION REQUEST - STY 92(03)03 - TODNEM, portion of West
Fourth Street: Request for vacation of that portion of West Fourth Street abutting
Lots 4 and 5, Block 119, TPA.
Commissioner Gruver stepped down from the dais for reasons of conflict of interest.
John Jimerson reviewed the Department Report. Commissioner Philpott asked which lot the
applicant lives on. Mr. Jimerson responded a house is on Lot 5, Lot 4 is vacant.
Chairman Souders opened the public hearing at 7: 15 P.M.
Willard Todnem, 1827 west 7th Street, responded to the staff report. He did not believe
vacating the street would be inconsistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan
and Environmentally Sensitive Areas Protection. Ordinance. He proposed a deed restriction be
placed on the vacated street to protect the environmentally sensitive area.
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Commissioner Philpott asked why the street vacation was requested. Mr. Todnem stated the
existing lot is developed to the maximum 30% lot coverage. He would like to expand the size
of the house.
Jim Reed, 1460 Blue Mountain Road, stated the vacation would create a win-win situation for
the City and the applicant. The City would receive the fee from sale and added property on the
tax rolls, the applicant could make the addition to the house.
There being no further public testimony, Chairman Souders closed the public hearing at 7:30
Commissioner Leonard asked staff if deed restrictions proposed by the applicant would provide
adequate protection of the bluff area. Mr. Jimerson responded that deed restrictions are not
enforceable by the City. A more acceptable option would be for the applicant to grant a
conservation easement to the City. Mr. Collins added that to vacate a street there must be no
public use of the right-of-way. The conservation easement would provide a way to protect the
public use.
Commissioner Leonard moved to forward a recommendation to the City Council to approve
the street vacation subject to one condition, citing the following fmdings and conclusions:
. Conditions:
A. A conservation easement in favor of the City and acceptable to the City Attorney shall
be provided for open space preservation of the environmentally sensitive area in the
vacated portion of the Fourth Street right-of-way.
1. The request is to vacate 2600 square feet of the West 4th Street right-of-way.
2. The right-of-way terminates at the northeast comer of Lot 4, Block 119.
3. There are no roadway or utility improvements in the right-of-way, however, the 4th
Street right-of-way provides the only public street frontage to Lot 5 of the ItFIt Street
Harborview Subdivision.
4. There are two property owners abutting the right-of-way. Public Works has noted that
the abutting property owned by Merrill-Ring is not eligible for obtaining half of the right-
of-way as it is a part of another subdivision.
The site is located adjacent to the bluff above Marine Drive which is zoned PBP. The
PBP zone along the bluff is for property not suitable for development by reason of its
topography, geology, or some unusual condition or situation.
March 11, 1992
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The site is as close as 10 feet to the top of the bluff. Roughly two-thirds of the site is
within the 50 foot buffer required by the Environmentally Sensitive Areas Protection
7. There are several Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies specifically addressing the
protection of environmentally sensitive areas and open space including Residential
Policies Nos. 6, 12 and 12; Open Space Policy No.4; and Land Use Objective No.3.
8. Sale of the vacated street would result in $3,510 being added to the City's treasury.
9. Sale of the vacated street would add $7,020 of assessed valuation to the City's tax rolls.
A. As conditioned, vacation of this portion of the west Fourth Street right-of-way is in the
public use and interest and would be a public benefit.
B. As conditioned, the vacation is consistent with the Goals, Policies and Objectives of the
Comprehensive Plan, specifically those listed in Finding No.7.
As .conditioned, the vacation is consistent with the intent of the PBP zoning on the bluff
and the intent of the Environmentally Sensitive Areas Protection Ordinance.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Philpott and carried 6-0.
Commissioner Gruver returned to the dais.
Proposal to amend the City's Parking Ordinance to include provisions for
community centers.
John Jimerson reviewed the Department report. Commissioner Leonard asked why the Senior
Center is asking to revise the code rather than seeking a variance. Mr. Jimerson responded that
the code does not contain a standard for Senior Centers. A variance would be one potential
solution if there was already a Senior Center standard in the ordinance.
Chairman Souders opened the public hearing at 7:35 P.M.
Rex Bond, ARC Architects, Seattle, explained the survey of other Senior Centers in other
communities which shows that 1 parking space for every 135 s.f. of floor area has been found
to be adequate.
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There being no further public testimony, Chairman Souders closed the public hearing at 7:40
Commissioner Philpott moved to forward a recommendation to the City Council to approve
the proposed parking ordinance amendment, citing the following fmdings and conclusions:
1. The existing parking ordinance does not contain a standard for Senior Centers.
2. The City is in the process of designing a Senior Center facility.
3. The survey of Seattle area Senior Centers shows six existing centers with parking ratios
ranging between 1:133 s.f. and 1:208 s.f. The operators of the centers with ratios near
1: 135 s.f. have stated they have adequate parking.
. B,
The proposed amendment will provide an appropriate parking standard for Senior
The proposed amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies.
The proposed amendment is in the public use and iriterest.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Anabel and carried unanimously.
Melody Lane: Request for a Planned Residential Development which includes
approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow uses permitted in Chapter 17.91
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code (Homes for the Elderly, Nursing and Group
Care Homes) and subdivision approval.
Commissioner Philpott excused himself from the meeting for reasons of.~ppearance of fairness.
John Jimerson reviewed the Department Report. Commissioner Winters asked for clarification
on the parking ratio proposed. for the condominium building. Mr. Jimerson explained that
originally one space per unit was noted on the plan, but the applicant has modified their request
to 1. 5 spaces per unit.
In response to questions from the Commission, Fire Marshall Bruce Becker stated that the 74
foot height of the condominium building would not be precluded based on fire suppression
concerns. The City Standard for cul-de-sacs requires a minimum 90' diameter paved. bulb unless
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~. the houses are sprinkled, in which case the paved bulb may be reduced to 80'.
Commissioner Leonard asked where the wetlands are located on the site. Mr. Collins explained
their location on Figure 1 and summarized the findings and conclusions made by the wetlands
consultant. The City has not yet determined if they agree with the consultants report.
Chairman Souders opened the Public Hearing at 8:20 P.M.
Tim German, 123 E 9th Street, stated they chose to pursue this development concept because
it provides needed types of housing, it is economically viable and it would fit in with the existing
development in the vicinity. The density is only half that is allowed. The congregate care would
have the least impact on utilities.
Barbara Pickins, 4D Architects Bellevue, explained the design process in which a number of
concepts were reviewed. This concept was selected for its creative means of meeting a
community need. She noted refinements of the design have been made based on a neighborhood
meeting and meetings with the City staff.
Ms. Pickins presented a plan displaying the proposed improvements on the site, explaining the
design and target populations for the different phases of the project. The circulation pattern
deliberately prohibits access between Melody Lane and Lauridsen Boulevard to minimize traffic
impacts in the neighborhood. The design of the PRO is superior to the "barracks" appearing
apartments originally proposed for the Uplands, which was not subject to discretionary approval
by the City. It is their intent to enhance the drainage ditch by constructing a footbridge over it
near the southwest comer of the site. That area contains the most significant natural features
including a knoll and trees.
Commissioner Anabel asked where the market study was conducted. Tim German responded
that 8000 questionnaire's were mailed to residents in Clallam County and Port Townsend.
Commissioner Leonard asked if the bus service would be available for all residents of the
project. Ms. Pickins said the service would be available for the patio homes, congregate care,
condominiums and cottages.
Ms. Pickins added that the congregate care would employ up to 26 persons on the peak shift.
She did not know what staffing requirements for a nursing home would be. They would like to
keep the option open to develop a nursing home should the market warrant. They are currently
looking for a partner to operate the facility.
The Commission took a break at 8:50 P.M. and reconvened at 9:05 P.M.
Jay Petersen, NTI, 717 S. Peabody, stated urban services such as water, sewer, roads etc. are
available to serve the project. He explained the wetlands report. After researching historical
documents, they do not know if the ditch was a wetland prior to being a ditch. The ditch carries
stonn drain from as far away as the golf course. They propose maintaining its drainage function
and enhance its bio-filtration abilities.
March 11, 1992
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. Joe Melton, 1503 West 7th Street, stated the community needs affordable housing. There is
a shortage of small lots available for development. He expressed his confidence in the
developer's ability to create a quality project.
Floyd Taggart, 1830 Melody Lane, stated the traffic impacts have not been addressed in the
public testimony. Golf Course Road provides the only major exit from the site. He estimates
that there will be about 250 cars, each making up to about 3 trips per day. Congestion would
be a problem at bottom of Golf Course Road.
Commissioner Leonard asked staff how many units the zoning on the site would allow. Mr.
Collins responded that an 11 acre site in the RMF district could have about 43 d. u.l acre. The
PRD maximum is 28 d.u.lacre.
Werner Childress, 1813 Lauridsen Boulevard, expressed concern with ground water flows and
the impact of increased impervious surface area. There would be at least 100 additional vehicles
making 1 to 3 trips per day.
Dennis Ferrie, 736 Christman Place, stated he had lived next to the site for 14 years. There
has always been a pond located near the southeast comer of the site. A ditch was dredged a year
and half ago which drained the pond.
Albert Mangan, 1724 East 6th, concurred that there has been a duck pond on the site for a
number of years. He added the location of the condominiums at the high point will impact the
vicinity including blocking views.
Roberta Lawson, 710 Elizabeth Place, stated that at the neighborhood meeting the residents
were told intensive evergreen planting would be placed between the project and the existing
single family homes. That planting is not evident on the site plan being presented by the
architect. The short rear yard setbacks of the patio homes would result in those homes being
close to the existing single family homes.
Rick Anderson, View Ridge Drive #19, responded to several of the issues raised in public
testimony. The Draft SEIS addresses traffic on pages 118-119, including peak hour flows. A
storm water drainage system has been designed to collect and disperse subsurface water to the
northwest comer of the site to White's Creek. This system would relieve the existing storm
water problems experienced by homes in the vicinity. They have documentation showing the
ditch has existed for a number of years. A view impact analysis will be prepared. Intensive
planting was not proposed near the existing homes as the architect was being sensitive to
. protecting views. .
Barbara Pickins, 4D Architects, pointed out the site plan is conceptual in nature. Their intent
is to prepare the more specific plans related to landscaping after the City has approved the
general concept. At that point, they are willing to negotiate the landscape design with the
neighborhood .
Jay Peterson, NTI, explained wetland areas have been identified in the southeast comer and
have provided documentation on the nature and history of the wet areas. He explained the
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storm water drainage system.
Joe Melton, NTI, responded to Commissioner Winters question as to where the material from
the ditch was disposed. The ditch was dug 15 years ago and the material was piled on the north
side of the site. One and a half years ago the property owner cleaned out the removing organic
material in the ditch.
Commissioner Leonard moved to continue the public hearing to April 8, 1991. The motion was
seconded by Commissioner Gruver. The motion and second were withdrawn after discussion so
that the Planning Commission could discuss the matter and provide direction to the applicant and
staff. Commissioner Gruver moved to close the public hearing. The motion was seconded
by Commissioner Catts and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Gruver stated that more detailed information should be provided addressing the
following: a landscape plan, heights of buildings, specific recreation plan, on-street parking
availability, phasing of utilities, fencing. Other Commissioners added to this list: storage of
boats and R.V.s, view analysis, guarantee that the development will serve senior residents,
common useable open space, required recreational areas and open space phasing.
Commissioner Leonard moved to reopen the public hearing and continue to April 8, 1992.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Anabel and carried unanimously.
John Jimerson infonned the Planning Commission that the Planning Department was in receipt
of a zoning interpretation request that was received too late to be on tonight's agenda. The
applicant is requesting that the Commission review it at their March 25, 1992 meeting. The
Planning Commission agreed to review the request on that date.
Commissioner Leonard asked the Planning Commission for a clarification of Clearing and
. .Grading~Permit exemptions. Mr. Collins reviewed the changes that had occurred between
revisions of the ordinance noting that the appropriate threshold for grading and filling should be
based on amount of material moved and the appropriate threshold for clearing is based on land
After considerable discussion, Commissioner Leonard moved to modify Exemption "Fu by
deleting "Clearing of". Exemption "pit now reads: "Land that is one acre or less, except where
an adjacent area has been similarly exempted and erosion control has not been reestablished."
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Catts and carried 4-1, with Commissioner Winters
March 11, 1992
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abstaining and Chairman Souders voting "no". Ms. Souders explained that it was not her intent
to have a one acre threshold for exempting grading and filling activities.
Commissioner Leonard noted that the Attorney General has recently released an opinion on the
takings issue and suggested that the Planning Department distribute copies of the opinion to the
members of the Commission.
There being no additional business, the Planning Commission adjourned at 10:50 P.M.
Brad Collins, Planning Director
Prepared by: John Jimel1lon
Attendance Roster
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