HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/13/1991
City Council Chambers
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles, W A 98362
March 13, 1991
7:00 P.M.
ill. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting of February 23, 1991
Parking Ordinance No. 1588, as amended, requested by the Downtown Parking
Business Improvement Area. (Applicant requests continuation until March 27,
2. SEPA APPEAL - CHILDERS: Appeal of a Determination of Non-Significance
(DNS) made in association with a proposal for a day care center in the RS-7,
Residential Single-Family District.
corner of Eunice/Georeiana Streets: Request to allow a day care center in the
RS-7, Residential Single-Family District. (Continued from February 13, 1991.)
All correspondence pertaining to a hearing item received by the Planning Depanment at least one day prior to the
scheduW hearing will be provided to Commission members before the hearing.
Planning Commission: Larry Leonard, Chair; Ray Grover, Vice-Chair; Bill Anabel; Roger Catts; Cindy Souders; lim Hulett; Bob Philpott,
Planning Staff: Brad Collins, Planning Director; Sue Roberds, Planning Office Specialist, John Jimerson, Associate Planner.
Planning Commission Agenda
Page 2
CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 91(03)04 - WGHRY. 1137 Highway
101 West: Request to allow gasoline islands in association with the remodel of
a convenience store in the CSD-C 1 District.
RMF District: Request to amend the RMF, Residential Multi-Family, District of
the City's Zoning Ordinance, No, 1709, as amended, to conditionally allow
professional offices,
Request to amend the CSD-C Community Shopping, District to allow small
. appliance repair uses.
Spokesmen for the proponents and opponents will be given an opportunity to speak to the
request. Information submitted should be factual, relevant and not merely duplication of a
previous presentation. A reasonable time (10 minutes) shall be allowed the spokesman; others
shall be limited to short supporting remarks (5 minutes). Other interested parties will be allowed
to comment briefly (5 minutes each) or make inquiries. The Chairman may allow additional
public testimony if the issue warrants it. Brief rebuttal (5 minutes) for proponents and opponents
heard separately and consecutively with presentation limited to their spokesman. Rebuttal shall
be limited to factual statements pertaining to previous testimony. Comments should be directed
to the Planning Commission, not the City Staff representatives present, unless directed to do so
by the Chairman.
Planning Commission
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
March 13, 1991
Chairman Gruver called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Members Present:
Jim Hulett, Larry Leonard, Bob
Philpott, Cindy Souders, Bill
Anabel, Ray Gruver
Members Excused:
Roger Catts
Staff Present:
Brad Collins, John Jimerson, Bruce
Mr. Philpott moved to approve the February 27, 1991, Minutes
as submitted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Anabel, which
passed unanimously.
to Parkinq Ordinance No. 1588. as amended. requested by
the Downtown parkinq Business Improvement Area.
Mr. Philpott moved to continue the hearing on this proposal to
the April 10, 1991, meeting of the Commission, in the city
Council Chambers, at the applicant's request. Larry Leonard
seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Non-Significance (DNS)
proposal for a day care
Single-FamilY District.
Appeal of a Determination of
made in association with a
center in the RS-7. Residential
- '--Chairman-Gruver.excused~himself"during discussion and action
for both the SEPA Appeal proceeding and the Childers
Conditional Use Permit consideration. Vice Chairman Cindy
Souders assumed the Chair and opened the public hearing at
7:10 P.M.
Mr. 'Collins, the Port Angeles SEPA Responsible Official, was
sworn in by Vice Chairman Souders. Mr. Collins referenced the
staff report prepared in response to the SEPA Appeal, noting
Planning commission
March 13, 1991
Page 2 .
there were several potential impacts but the critical issues
were noise and traffic. He stated that in his judgment, the
noise and traffic increases would be significant but not
significantly adverse. Since making this initial
determination, no additional information has been brought
forth which would lead him to reverse the determination of
non-significance. He explained that the Commission had three
options in the matter: (1) to uphold the Determination of
Non-Significance (ONS); (2) modification of the DNSj or (3) to
overturn the DNS and require an environmental impact statement
(EIS) be prepared.
commissioner Hulett asked what the average daily traffic
levels were in the area. Mr. Collins responded that there
were no specific traffic counts in this neighborhood, but that
in making the initial determination, he had relied on the city
Engineer's and Public Works Department's expertise. He
pointed out that given the zoning of the property, the
alternative land use for the site could be three residences,
and that those three residences could generate up to thirty
tr ips per day, compared to the one hundred thirty to one
hundred seventy trips per day which could be generated by the
day care use. In his judgment he believed the street capacity
could handle the additional traffic without affecting the
Level Of Service. He believed that the Level Of Service is
currently at "A" and that the proposal would not drop the
Level Of Service below a level of "C".
commissioner Hulett asked if the Level Of Service is based on
average daily traffic counts (ADTs). Mr. Collins answered
"no", and explained some of the factors and standards involved
in making a determination of Level Of Service. He noted that
he made no calculations of what the Level Of Service is for
this particular project. commissioner Leonard asked if the
Determination was made on his experience. Mr. Collins
responded "yes". Mr. Leonard further asked if the Public
Works Department commented on the Level Of Service, and asked
if they foresaw any problem. Mr. Collins answered that the
Department had not commented but that if there was a potential
problem, a traffic study would have been required of the
Vice Chairman Souders swore in Gary Colley, 1303 O'Brien Road,
.- -- -attorney""for"'the...three'''appellants. "'He stated that he did not
believe there were any errors in procedures with the DNS, but
he was more concerned with the facts. He added that the main
concern is with the traffic, noise and safety hazards in the
area. He referenced the Planning Department staff report
which noted that there would be an increase in traffic and
that there is a potential for traffic associated hazards. Mr.
Colley explained that the site has limited access for
automobiles, noting that roadways dead end to the north, and
Planning commission
March 13, 1991
. Page 3
the only exi t would be by making a U-turn on Eunice or
Georgiana Streets. Nothing in the report addressed mitigation
of potential hazards. He stated that noise would be a
significant factor with this neighborhood, pointing out that
the neighborhood is isolated and that the staff report failed
to provide adequate information on the noise impact. He
questioned how the noise impact can be quantif ied. This
residential neighborhood will be disturbed by this proposal;
therefore, noise impacts need to be studied further. He also
expressed concern with potential economic impacts, which may
not be significant but should be considered in the review. He
understood that it is not an element to be considered in
making the threshold determination.
commissioner Philpott asked if the appellants are requesting
a full environmental impact statement (EIS) be prepared. Mr.
Colley responded "yes", and that it would be appropriate to
focus the EIS review on traffic and noise, if possible.
commissioner Leonard asked if the traffic hazard is more at
this site than at other sites. Mr. colley responded that he
believes it is because of the limited access for automobiles.
vice-Chairman Souders swore in Peggy Hayward, who read a
written statement from her husband, Daniel Hayward, appellant.
The statement noted that the average age of residents in the
neighborhood is fifty-five; the proposal would result in an
increased demand in the already stressed school bus system;
the neighborhood is quiet and other properties would be better
suited for the proposed day care center. He was concerned
with the impact of the day care center on the existing bed and
breakfast in the area and would result in a deterioration of
the neighborhood.
Glenndia Witherow, 318 North Eunice, was sworn in. Mrs.
Witherow expressed concern that the additional noise and
traffic would adversely impact her bed and breakfast. She
pointed out that a quiet neighborhood is a key element in
maintaining a successful bed and breakfast business.
Gary Childers, speaking for the applicant, was sworn in. Mr.
Childers said that he believed staff had adequately dealt with
the proposal and pointed out that the speed of traffic will be
- - -"-sl:ow;-'thereby"m"inimizing the hazards "and 'noise.' Alternative
land uses for the now vacant site would have impacts too,
noting that single-family homes could cause up to thirty trips
per day, and that the residential users create noise.
commissioner Leonard questioned if the applicant has received
any complaints resulting from the operation of the applicant IS
other two day care centers which are located adjacent to, and
in, residential areas. Mr. Childers responded "no".
Planning Commission
March 13, 1991
. Page 4
Commissioner Leonard asked if there had been complaints
concerning traffic. Mr. Childers answered "non, that traffic
is generally not a problem as trips are scattered over time
and automobiles are traveling at a moderate speed as they
deliver and pick up their children. Had there been any
automobile related accidents at the other two day care
centers. Mr. Childers responded "no".
Jane Childers, applicant, was sworn in by Vice Chairman
Souders. Mrs. Childers provided traffic counts for a one week
period at her Bo Baggin's Day Center, which is licensed for
seventy children. On a Monday there were 101 trips; Tuesday,
110; Wednesday, 108i Thursday, 116; and Friday, 97. She noted
that there are five school busses which stop at the
intersection already, and she did not believe noise would be
a significant problem.
commissioner Philpott asked if Bo Baggin's Day Care Center is
licensed for seventy children. The applicant responded "72".
Mr. Philpott asked how many children would be on the
playground at anyone time. Mrs. Childers answered that it
varies. Each child is required to be in the playground three
times a day, and the staffing will dictate how many are in the
area at one time. She noted that at the Bo Baggin's Center,
there are twenty children in the playground area at a time,
but it can reach from 30 to 50.
Vice Chairman Souders asked what times of day most traffic
trips are made. Mrs. Childers responded that 4 P.M. to 5 P.M.
are peak hours with relatively few trips generated in the
earlier morning hours.
Commissioner Leonard asked how many children is the Olympic
Day Care Center licensed for. Mrs. Childers answered tt42".
She read a letter into the record from Dorothy Gribble, a
neighbor on Georgiana Street, indicating the use is not a
bother to her.
Mr. Collins provided rebuttal to testimony given by the
appellants and their representatives noting that there is no
significant disagreement between staff and Mr. colley's
comments. -He stated that the question is, will the proposal
resul t in a probable significant adverse impact. Another
- ---importa"nt-question- is," what ti'lggers-~the' need "for additional
analysis. Mr. Collins explained the difference between
mitigating measures for the purposes of SEPA versus conditions
of approval for a conditional use permit to make the uses more
compatible with the neighborhood. He stated that it is not a
normal procedure to prepare noise and traffic studies in every
environmental review. The normal procedure is to use expert
judgment. He pointed out that day care centers are not
considered a normal commercial use any more than they are
Planning Commission
March 13, 1991
Page 5
considered a normal residential use, citing the fact that the
only zoning district in the City that allows day cares as
permitted uses is the CSD-C2 District. other districts
require conditional use permits for day care centers.
Commissioner Leonard asked if the Planning commission upheld
the appeal requiring an EIS to be prepared, what would be the
effect of that action? Mr. Collins responded that an EIS
would result in the preparation of a traff ic study, which
would be the main focus of the EIS. He believed that a study
of the noise impacts would indicate that there would not be a
significant adverse impact. It would be difficult to measure
the change in noise resulting from the children.
Gary Colley said that he disagreed that mitigation and
conditions of approval are different, stating that the fact
that there were conditions of approval is an admission that
there would be adverse impacts. How do you quanitify whether
something is adverse or not? The impacts are adverse to this
neighborhood and believed that traffic and noise studies are
Commissioner Leonard asked how an EIS would help quantify what
is an acceptable level of noise? Mr. colley answered that the
city's Noise Ordinance is a document which provides objective
Vice Chairman Souders asked if an EIS should be prepared
because there are conditions attached to a permit? Mr. Colley
responded that the conditions can be read as an admission that
there are adverse impacts.
commissioner Philpott asked what would be involved in
preparation of a traffic and noise study. Mr. Collins
answered that the DNS would have to be withdrawn, with a
request from the Planning Commission for additional
information regarding traffic and noise. The applicant would
be required to provide that information and present it to
staff. If mitigation or a Determination of Significance (DS)
is warranted, the Planning commission would then determine
that an EIS be prepared.
Mr. Collins stated that the Planning Commission must make the
determination whether mitigation measures or a DS is
warranted. Commissioner Philpott asked if the Commission
could recommend additional mitigation measures. Mr. Collins
responded "yes".
Gary Childers stated that if additional information is
required, it would be an added expense to the applicant.
vice chairman Souders closed the public hearing at 8:20 P.M.
Planning Commission
March 13, 1991
. Page 6
Commissioner Hulett stated that a noise study would be
difficult to prepare noting the difficulties in measuring the
impact of noise created by the children over the ambient noise
commissioner Leonard moved to uphold the DNS. The motion was
seconded by Commissioner HUlett, followinq clarification that
concurrence with the DNS is not the same as approval for the
condi tional use permit for the day care center. Motion
carried unanimOUSly.
The Commission took a break at 8:25 P.M. Meeting reconvened
at 8:35 P.M.
Northeast corner of Eunice/Georqiana streets: Request
to allow a day care center in the RS-7. Residential
Sinqle-Family District. (Continued from Februarv 13.
1991. )
Vice Chairman Souders noted that the public hearing on this
item was closed at the February 13, 1991, meeting, and that no
further public testimony would be taken.
commissioner Hulett questioned whether the condition that the
use permit be reviewed following one-year is appropriate.
Commissioner Leonard added that the only condition that would
be evaluated would be Condition A, which limits the hours of
operation. Mr. Collins answered that the Planning Commission
is not required by the Zoning Ordinance to add the one-year
review condition.
Mr. Hulett questioned the appropriateness in placing a
building designed solely for business in a residential
location, not on an arterial roadway. He felt that perhaps
better standards are needed for determin _ locations of
businesses in residential areas.
Commissioner Anabel indicated that the proposal is a
considerable commercial enterprise in a residential area. He
did not feel it is compatible with other residential uses.
-Mr.-Leonard-stated'he 'believes day' cares in general are
compatible. He would rather have day cares located in
residential areas than on commercial streets. Noise is not a
signif icant problem. He asked whether the state distinguishes
between mini day cares and other day cares. Jane Childers
answered that there are three classifications: (1) home day
cares which serve one to six children; (2) mini day care
centers which serve seven to twelve children; and (3) standard
day care center which serves thirteen or more children. She
Planning commission
March 13, 1991
Page 7
stated that mini and mid sized centers which serve twelve to
thirty children are not financially feasible.
commissioner Philpott asked what other conditional uses are
allowed in the RS-7, Residential single-Family District. Mr.
Collins read from the Zoning Ordinance those conditional uses
which are allowed in the RS-7 District.
Mr. Anabel stated that this neighborhood is unique because of
its quiet nature with relatively little traffic. The noise
would be significant for the neighborhood.
commissioner Leonard moved to approve the conditional use
permit, citing the conditions, findings and conclusions stated
in the staff report. Commissioner Philpott seconded the
Mr. Leonard asked how Condition No.1, regarding the hours of
oper.ation could be enforced. Mr. Collins responded that there
is a standard procedure whereby once a complaint is received,
staff would contact the owner and inform them of the
violation. If there are subsequent complaints, or it is
observed that the violation is continuing, action would be
taken which could result in revocation of the permit. Mr.
Philpott noted that the applicant has a good record with the
operation of her other two day care centers.
Commissioner Hulett said it would be difficult to blend the
commercial structure in with the existing residential uses in
the area. He questioned whether conditions could be created
which would ensure compatibility. He added that the
conditional use permit would expand commercial uses in the
area~ng that there are existing office commercial uses to
the of the site. Mr. Philpott said the site is within
two hundred feet of the commercial (ACD) district located
along Front street.
Mr. Anabel noted that the proposed use is not in the ACD
commissioner Souders asked how
detrimental to the neighborhood.
the center's size and number
.'-compati'bl'e .-
the day care would be
Jim Hulett responded that
of children would not be
Bob Philpott asked if there were other actions other than the
conditional use permit to achieve the same end. Mr. Collins
answered that the only other alternative would be a rezone,
but added that staff would consider such a request a spot
rezone, and something to be avoided.
Planning Commission
March 13, 1991
. Page 8
The question was called for and the motion failed 3 - 2, with
B9b Phrlpu~l-and Larry Leonard voting in favor of the motion.
Commissioner Hulett moved to continue consideration of the
ite~ to Karch 27, 1991, and directed staff to prepare findings
and conclusions to support denial of the conditional use
permit. commissioner Anabel seconded the motion, which passed
4-1, with Mr. Leonard voting against the motion.
Mr. Gruver resumed the Chair.
Hiqhwav 101 West: Request to allow qasoline islands in
association with the remodel of a convenience store in
the CSD-C1 District.
Chairman Gruver noted the memorandum from staff indicating the
permit was not required, and the application had been
withdrawn. The Commission accepted the withdrawal.
ENGINEERING. RMF District: Reauest to amend the RMF.
Residential Multi-Familv. District of the City's Zoning
Ordinance. No. 1709. as amended. to conditionally allow
professional offices.
Chairman Gruver opened the public hearing at 9:30 P.M. John
Jimerson reviewed the Department Report.
stephen zenovic, 111 West Third street, (check) explained that
it was their intent to limit the conditional use to
professional offices and explained that there is a need for
professional offices to be located in the general vicinity of
the County Courthouse and City Hall. He did not feel a rezone
to OC, Office Commercial, would be appropriate, as there have
been several recent rezones to OC, which may constitute spot
zoning. There is a shortage of available office space for
professional users. Apartments could generate as much, if not
more, traffic than professional office users.
. -Larry-Leonard ~'asked "if' the ._"C" .street +extension . would be a
possible location for professional offices. Mr. Zenovic
responded that he didn't think that area would be appropriate
for the proposed use.
David Stalheim, a City resident, stated he believed a
conditional use permit is an inappropriate means to achieve
the objective. It would be more appropriate to rezone
property to office commercial. The intent of the mUlti-family
Planning Commission
March 13, 1991
Page 9
district is to allow for multi-family uses. He expressed
concern over the commercial impacts on historic and
residential districts. There is a need for multi-family
housing and the proposal may further limit the amount of land
available for such development.
The applicant, stephen zenovic, said that the OC, Office
Commercial District, is a more intense use and rezone to that
district designation may have more impacts than allowing
professional offices as a conditionally permitted use.
There being no further testmony, Chairman Gruver closed the
pUblic hearing 10 P.M.
Commissioner Hulett stated that rezoning would be the more
appropriate method of allowing for the use, and he was
concerned over the spot zoning issue.
cindy Souders moved to oontinue the item to March 27, 1991,
and to direct staff to prepare findings and conclusions in
support of denial of the request. Larry Leonard seconded the
motion, which passed unanimously.
District: Request to amend the CSD-C Community Shoppinq.
District to allow small appliance repair uses.
Chairman Gruver opened the public hearing at 10:08 P.M. John
Jimerson reviewed the Department Report.
The applicant, John Sadler, 2010 South Oak street, had nothing
further to add to the Department's report.
There beingA ~blic testimony, Chairman Gruver closed the
public hearlng at 10:12 P.M.
Commissioner Philpott moved to support the staff
recommendation to recommend approval of the proposed amendment
citing the following findings and oonolusions:
-1.' -The-st:ated-purpose-of-the~CSD"'C1~and'C2 Districts is to
allow businesses which provide goods and services
required daily by the surrounding residential uses.
2 .
The CSD-C1 and C2 Districts specifically allow shoe
repair shops.
Planning Commission
March 13, 1991
. Page 10
3. The permitted uses in the ACD and CBD Districts include
a more general category for repair shops, which lists
shoe and appliance repair as specific examples.
A. The proposed use is similar to and compatible with uses
contained in the CSD-C1 and C2 Districts.
B. Rather than list every conceivable type of repair shop
oriented to residential needs, it is more appropriate to
generally list repair shops, under which different types
of household-oriented repair shops may fit.
C. The proposed amendment is not only appropriate for the
CSD-C2 District as requested, but for the CSD-C1 District
as well.
D. The proposed amendment is consistent wi th the
Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies.
E. The proposed amendment is consistent with the intent of
the CSD-C1 and C2 zoning Districts.
The proposed amendment is in the public use and interest.
The motion was seconded by Jim Hulett and carried unanimously.
Brad Collins informed the Commission that he would not be in
town for the March 27, 1991, meeting. There will be a state
planning conference in Wenatchee, May 29-31, 1991, dealing
with the Growth Management Act. He also pointed out that May
16-17 a seminar on model subdivision regulations will be held
in Seattle. He encouraged those who are able to attend those
meetings to let the Department know. The Planning Department
is preparing a housekeeping ordinance to be presented to the
Commission for its consideration at the March 27, 1991,
--meeting." . .__4. - -- .
Cindy Souders gave an update on the neighborhood public
meetings being conducted as part of the Growth Management Act.
She stated that the feedback has been good and that there had
been a number of significant issues discussed including multi-
family, transportation, environment and the Downtown.
Jim Hulett reported that there are parking lot lights at 118
Planning commission
March 13, 1991
. Page 11
East Eighth street glaring into the street which may be a
traffic hazard. He also pointed out that eastbound on Eighth
Street/Eunice, there is a significant bump in the road. Near
Birney's Restaurant, a green pickup and trailer loaded with
debris is parked on the roadway which has been there for some
time. A truck and large boat are parked in the public right-
of-way between 8th/9th and "I" and ilK" Streets.
Ray Gruver noted that the American planning Association (APA)
is requesting nominations for outstanding efforts for planning
in the community. There is an APA position statement in the
Planning Northwest magazine on the Growth Management Act. He
pointed out that any questions of staff and the audience must
be made while the pUblic hearing is in progress. Once the
public hearing is closed, it becomes more difficult to ask
questions without the questions being direct, and allowing for
rebuttal from the public. He also noted that items on the
evening's agenda such as the zoning code amendment for the
multi-family district is a reflection of staff's efforts to
try to find alternative solutions to the needs of the
community. He appreciated the help staff is providing to the
Bob Philpott noted that findings and conclusions in support of
and for denial of a proposal have been given to the Planning
Commission in the past in order to speed up the process in the
event the Commission's decision differs J from staff's
recommendation. Mr. Collins responded that it' his preference
to provide findings and conclusions only for the staff's
recommendation, unless otherwise directed by the Commission.
Larry Leonard stated that a recent Attorney General's
determination makes it illegal to hold a secret vote by a
public board. Mr. Leonard moved to unanimously elect cindy
Souders as Vice Chairman for the 1991-92 term. The motion was
seconded by Jim Hulett ana passed unanim s
The meeting adjourned at 11 P.M.
Brad Collins, Secretary
. JJ:sr
Attendance Roster
Type of Meeting ~~ ~mmiss~n
Date '-~ , / /99/
Location 321 E. 5th Street - City all
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Attendance Roster
Type of Meeting Planning Commission
Location 321 E. 5th Street - City Hall
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