HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/13/1996
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles. W A 98362
March 13, 1996
7:00 p.m.
m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 14, and 28, 1996
1. NORTH OLYMPIC LffiRARY SYSTEM - 2210 South Peabody Street:
Proposal to develop a 30.800 square foot combined public library and service
A. Conditional Use Permit - CUP 96(03)02: To allow a library use in
the CO, Commercial Office, zone.
B. Parking Variance Request - PKV 96(03)01: Reduction from the
required 189 spaces to 140 spaces.
c. Street Vacation Request - STV 96(03)01: Portion of Or cas Street
between Chase Street and Peabody Street.
PLANNING COMMISSION: Linda Nutlef,OIair, run Gmnan (Vice). Cindy Souders, BobPhiJpon, Bob King..
STAFF: Brad Collins, Direclor, Sue Roberds Office Spc<:Wis~ and DaWi Sawyer, Senior Planner.
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
March 13, 1996
7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Linda Nutter, Bob King, Bob Philpott,
Tim German. Dean Reed
Members Excused:
Cindy Souders
Staff Present:
Brad Collins. David Sawyer, Sue Roberds, Mac
Public Present:
Bill Lindberg, James eurett, Larry Haas, Joan
Ducceschi) Sarah Matthews, Don eorson, Jeff
Hedlund, Jeff Abram) Susan Skaggst
Commissioner Philpott noted the need to record that Commissioner King seconded the
motion on page 3 regarding the recommendation of approval of Municipal eode Amendment
MCA 96(02)01. Following correction of typographical errors. Commissioner Philpott
moved to approve the February 14t 1996t minutes as corrected. Commissioner German
seconded the motion which passed 4 - 0 with Commissioner Reed abstaining.
Following a correction in wording by eommissioner Nutter and typographical errors pointed
out by Commissioner Philpott, Commissioner Philpott moved to approve the February
28t 1996, minutes as corrected. Commissioner Nutter seconded the motiont which
passed 4 - 0 with Commissioner Reed abstaining.
NORTH OLYMPIC LffiRARY SYSTEM. 2210 South Peabodv Street:
Proposal to develop a 30.800 square foot combined public library and service
A. . Conditional Use Permit - CUP 96(03)02: To allow a library
use in the CO, Commercial Office, zone.
B. Parking Variance Request - PKV 96(03)01: Reduction
from the required 189 spaces to 140 spaces.
Street Vacation Request - STY 96(03)01: Portion of Or cas
Street between Chase Street and Peabody Street.
Pfenning Commis3ion Mimde3' March 13, J 996
Senior Planner David Sawyer indicated that the staffs information on these three pennit
applications was prepared concurrently and therefore the public hearing will be conducted as
one, but asked that the issues be determined by independent motions for clarity. Following
review of the collective staff report, Chair King opened the public hearing.
Public Works Director Jack Pittis, 321 East. Fifth Street, thanked the Planning
Commission for its consideration of the North Olympic Library System application proposals
and noted that members of the library board and citizen group were present to answer any
questions the Commission or staff might have. By use of a visual display presentation, he
described some of the major elements of the project's design as being an outside book drop,
covered pedestrian area at the entrance, meeting rooms, study rooms, and unisex restrooms
for aid to the handicapped.
It is hoped that the eity will approve the requested right-of-way vacation as proposed to
accommodate design elements which include the location of the main entrance in the vacated
area (Orcas Street). Additional design elements will include that service deliveries will be
from Lauridsen Boulevard which is the current delivery area for the existing service center,
a shared parking agreement with the church, which will work collectively with the City to
provide a well lit and landscaped parking area for both facilities, school busses or large
vehicles will be handled within the site, and a bicycle/pedestrian facility will be located at the
facility entrance. Unfortunately, transit service will not be available at the site, but will be
available two blocks west at Whidby Street. It is hoped that at a future point the Transit
Service will be able to reconsider the neighboring bus route to enable bus service directly to
the site for the convenience of citizens. Sidewalks will be placed on the south side of
Lauridsen Boulevard by means of a grant that has been awarded to the eity which will allow
the construction of sidewalks to this neighborhood extending to the Port Angeles High
School area. The parking lot has been designed to discourage through traffic.
In specifically addressing concerns that a parking variance may not be required if a mature
stand of evergreen trees on the property were to be removed, Director Pittis stated that the
neighborhood and church are desirous ofleaving the trees which is an important characteristic
of the area and provides a buffer and neighborhood character that is important to the
community. The proposed 140 parking spaces are adequate to service both the library and
church functions as the only time conflict should arise will be when unavoidable uses occur.
such as a funeral. It would not be in the public interest to remove the trees.
Don Corson, 15 Klahane View Lane, represented Holy Trinity Lutheran ehurch. He noted
that there are forty-seven non conforming parking areas located on the street in the event of
a major conflict between the two uses in unavoidable circumstances. The church uses occur
mainly on Sundays when the library is not open for business. The church is very excited
about the construction of the library and is anxious to cooperate in any way possible to
facilitate that use. I
In response to Commissioner Nutter. Director Pittis stated that at some point in the distant
future when Lauridsen Boulevard becomes more of an east/west route for crosstown traffic,
Planning Commission Minlltes -March 13, 1996
Page 3
Peabody Street will need to be realigned and a traffic signal may be required, but that need
is not anticipated to be due to the library use.
There being no further testimony, Chair King closed the public hearing.
The Commission took a break at 8:40 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:50 p.m.
In response to a direct question from Commissioner Philpott in that he was concerned that
the City not restrict the expansion of the library facility by the proposed conditipnal use
pennit conditions, Director Pittis noted that the size of the library facility is restricted by the
public funds allocated to the project. Due to financial reasons in that bonds have already been
sold for the project, expansion of the facility is not likely.
Commissioner Nutter moved to approve Conditional Use Permit No. CUP 96(03)02,
for the North Olympic Library System, with the following conditions, findings and
Conditions of Approval:
I. The proposed use shall meet all requirements of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code including parking, fire and building code requirements.
A detailed landscaping plan and a lighting plan shall be submitted to the
Planning Department for approval. Said plans shall be consistent with P AMC
Section 17.20.230.
3. An approved and recorded short plat of the property establishing the
library/service center as a single legal parcel is required.
4. The Public Works Department shall require appropriate stonnwater treatment
and erosion control measures consistent with the Department of Ecology
Stonnwater Management Manual to reduce and/or control stormwater runoff,
erosion and other water quality related impacts to the surrounding properties
and general area. Such measures may include catch basins, grass swales and
5. The Building Division shall require appropriate construction management
measures to reduce dust and other construction related impacts to the
surrounding area.
The overall site plan, including parking, landscaping, and the location and
design of the building shall incorporate energy conservation elements which
shall include at a minimum, bicycle facilities, and design measures that take
into consideration the advantages and disadvantages of solar gain and loss
through windows and other architectural features.
Planning Commission Minutes -March 13.1996
Page 4
The applicant shall request Clallam Transit System to place a transit bus stop
at the subject location to serve the Port Angeles Branch Library.
8. All aspects of the project shall meet or exceed all Local, State, and Federal
9. Potentially impactive equipment and uses, such as service and delivery areas
shall be located on the site plan so as to minimize any adverse impacts on
adjacent properties.
10. The existing residences on the project site shall be offered for moving prior
to any demolition.
11. The overall site plan, including parking, landscaping, and the location and
design of the building shall be designed to be compatible with a residential
12. All lighting on the site shall be so directed as to reflect away from adjoining
property and public right-of-ways.
13. The site plan shall include a passive recreation area.
It: during excavation cultural artifacts are discovered, further disturbance of
the site shall cease until such time as appropriate archaeological personnel can
detennine the extent of the find and subsequent appropriate measures are
15. The final size of the library service structure shall be within 15% of the size
approved by the Planning Commission.
Based on the information provided in the March 13, 1996 Staff Report for CUP 96(03)02,
(including all of its attachments), comments and information presented during the public
hearing, and the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, the City of Port Angeles
Planning Commission hereby finds that:
I. The applicants, City of Port Angeles and the North Olympic Library System,
(NOLS) has applied for a conditional use permit for the construction of a new
Port Angeles Branch Library and Service Center facility in the Commercial,
Office (CO) zone as proposed in the March 13, 1996 Staff Report for CUP
96(03)02, STY 96(03)01, & PKV 96(03)01 Attachment A~
The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation for the subject property is
Planning Commission Minules - March /;. /996
Page 5
The subject property is zoned Commercial Office.
4. A library is listed as a conditional use in the Commercial Office zone.
5. A Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (#660A) was issued for the
project' on February 26, 1996 and no comments were received during the
comment period.
6. The libraty is a service based use that provides library services to the general
7. The overall site is bounded by Lauridsen Boulevard on the north, Chase Street
and the existing multi-family apartment complex on the west, and with the
exception of the single-family residence located on the southwest corner of
Lopez Avenue and Peabody Street, Peabody Street on the east, and Lopez
Avenue on the south.
8. The overall site consists of23 individual parcels currently owned by either the
City or Holy Trinity Church containing approximately 232,000 square feet
(5.3 acres).
The exi'sting NOLS service center area is located 0 feet from the Peabody
Street property line and was constructed in 1965.
10. The current City's Zoning Ordinance was adopted in 1971.
II. The libraty/service center structure is to be irregular in shape and will consist
of approximately 25,000 square feet of library area and 5,800 square feet of
service center area for a total of 30,800 square feet.
12. The library/service center's hours of operation are not expected to exceed
Monday through Saturday, 8:00 am to 9:00 pm.
13. The proposed library/service center requires 115 parking spaces.
14. There are no environmentally sensitive areas on or near the subject site and
are thus not subject to the regulations of the eity's Environmentally Sensitive
Areas Protection Ordinance.
15. The majority ofthe proposed parking spaces are located on the church portion
of the site.
A street vacation vacating that portion of Or cas Avenue included as part of
the proposed site plan required approval by the City.
Planning Commission Minutes -March 13,1996
Page 6
The final building and site improvement plans for the project may be subject
to final minor revisions due to ongoing design committee discussions.
Based on the information provided in the March 13, 1996 Staff Report for CUP 96(03)02,
STY 96(03)01, & PKV 96(03)01 including aU of its attachments, comments and information
presented during the public hearing, the Planning eommission's discussion and deliberation,
and the above listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby coneIudes
A. As conditioned, the proposed use is consistent with the intent of the
Commercial Comprehensive Plan land use designation and the eomprehensive
Plan's goals, policies and objectives including but not limited to Land Use
Policies 01, 02, E3, E4 and I3, Transportation Policies B14 and B16,
Utilities and Public Services Policies AI, A2, and B2 and Conservation
Policies AI, A3, Bl5 and B17.
B. As conditioned, the proposed use is consistent with the City's Zoning
Ordinance including the intent of the Commercial Office (CO) zone.
C. As conditioned the proposed project is in the public use and interest.
Commissioner Philpott seconded the motion, which passed 5 - O.
Planner Sawyer explained the appeal procedure to those present.
Commissioner Nutter moved to recommend that the City Council approve the
requested vacation of that portion of Orcas Street situated between Peabody and Chase
Streets, with the following condition and citing the following findings and conclusions:
Condition of Approval:
Appropriate utility easements for water, sewer, and electrical facilities shall be
required as requested in the memorandum received February 21, 1996 from the City
Light Department (March 13, 1996 Staff Report for CUP 96(03)02, STY 96(03)01,
& PKV 96(03)01 Attachment I) and the memorandum received February 22, 1996
from the Public Works Department (March 13, 1996 Staff Report for CUP 96(03)02,
STY 96(03)01, & PKV 96(03)01 Attachment G).
Based on the infonnation provided in the March 13, 1996 Staff Report for CUP 96(03}02,
STY 96(03}01, & PKV 96(03}OI (including all of its attachments), comments and
information presented during the public hearing, and the Planning Commission's discussion
and deliberation, the eity of Port Angeles Planning eommission hereby finds that:
Planning Commission Minuter -March 13.1996
Page 7
The applicants, City of Port Angeles and the North Olympic Library System,
(NOLS) has applied for a street vacation to facilitate the construction of a
new Port Angeles Branch Library and Service Center facility in the
Commercial, Office (CO) zone as proposed in the March 13, 1996 Staff
Report for CUP 96(03)02, STY 96(03)01. & PKV 96(03)01 Attachment F~
2. The procedure for vacating rights-of-way is set forth in 35.79 RCW.
3. A valid petition was received requesting vacation of that portion of the
Oreas Street right-of-way abutting Lots 1 and 2, Block 18, Lots 1 through 6,
Block 22 (owned by the Holy Trinity Luthern ehurch), Lots 7 through 10,
Block 22 (owned by the Jamestown Klallam Indian Tribe and JKT
Development Inc.) Of the Puget Sound Cooperative Colony's Second
Addition, Section 10, township 3 ON, Section 6W, Clallam County,
Washington located between Chase Street and Peabody Street.
4. A public hearing before the City Council was set by Resolution No. 3-96,
thereby satisfying 35.79.020 RCW for notification of a hearing on the
The vacation of public rights-of-way is categorically exempt from threshold
determination and environmental impact statement requirements per Section
197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code.
6. Property adjacent to the subject right-of-way is designated Commercial and
Low Deflsity Residential by the City's eomprehensive Plan and is zoned CO.
Commercial Office and RS-7.
7. Reviewing eity departments. Public Works, Fire, and Light. had no comment
regarding the vacation proposal.
Based on the information provided in the March 13, 1996 Staff Report for CUP 96(03)02,
STY 96(03)01, & PKV 96(03)01 including all of its attachments, comments and information
presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation,
and the above listed findings, the eity of Port Angeles Planning eommission hereby concludes
A. As conditioned, the proposed street vacation is consistent with the intent of
the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Policies A2 and Dl, Utilities and
Public Services Policy B2, and Conservation Policies AI, A3, B 15 and B 17.
As conditioned, the proposed vacation of the subject right-of-way is in the
public interest and serves a public purpose.
Planning Commission Minutes - March J 3, 1996
Page 8
Commissioner German seconded the motion, which passed 5 - O.
Planner Sawyer noted' that this is a recommendation to the City Council and will be
considered at a public hearing scheduled for April 2, 1996.
Commissioner German moved to recommend approval of Parking Variance PKV
96(03)01 with the following conditions, and citing the following findings and
Conditions of Approval:
1. The City shall enter into a lease agreement to ensure the shared use of that
portion of the parking area located on the church portion of the site.
2. A street vacation vacating that portion of Or cas Avenue included as part of
the proposed site plan shall be approved by the City.
3. When feasible, the library/service center and the church shall take into
consideration the other's periods of peak use when scheduling their own high
parking demand activities and events.
The number of parking spaces constructed from the proposed project may
vary within 10% from the ratio of the required number of spaces to the
approved number of spaces approved by the parking variance.
5. The minimum number of parking spaces shall be 140.
Based on the infonnation provided in the March 13, 1996 Staff Report for CUP
96(03)02, STY 96(03)01, & PKV 96(03)01 (including all of its attachments),
comments and information presented during the public hearing, and the Planning
Commission's discussion and deliberation, the eity of Port Angeles Planning
Commission hereby finds that:
1. The applicants, City of Port Angeles and the North Olympic Library System,
(NOLS) has applied for a parking variance to facilitate the construction of a
new Port Angeles Branch Library and Service eenter facility in the
Commercial, Office (CO) zone as proposed in the March 13, 1996 Staff
Report for CUP 96(03)02, STY 96(03)01, & PKV 96(03)01 Attachment J;
The City's Parking Ordinance requires 115 parking spaces for the
library/service center use and 74 parking spaces for the existing church use for
total of 189 spaces.
Planning CommissicmMin"res -March 13.1996
Page 9
The proposed site plan provides 140 parking spaces.
4. The proposed site plan preserves a stand of mature fir trees in park like
5. The majority of parking spaces are located on the Church portion of the site.
6. Reviewing City departments, Public Works, Fire, and Light, had no comment
regarding the vacation proposal.
7. The March 13, 1996 Staff Report for CUP 96(03)02, STY 96(03)01, & PKV
96(03)01 Attachment J identifies the normal and peak uses periods for both
the library/service center and church facilities.
8. The final building and site improvement plans for the project may still be
revised due to ongoing negotiations.
Based on the information provided in the March 13, 1996 Staff Report for for CUP 96(03)02,
STY 96(03)01, & PKV 96(03)01 including all of its attachments, comments and information
presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation,
and the above listed findings, the eity of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes
A. As conditioned, the proposed parking variance is consistent with the intent of
the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Policies E3, E4 and 13, Transportation
Policies: B 14 and B 16. Utilities and Public Services Policy B2 and
Conservation Policies AI, A3, BIS and B17.
B. As conditioned, the high majority of church activities and hours of operation
of the proposed library/service center are non-simultaneous.
C. As conditioned, the proposed parking variance is consistent with the intent of
the City's Parking Ordinance.
Commissioner Reed seconded the motion, which passed 5 - O.
Planner Sawyer indicated that this is a matter that will be finally considered by the City
eouncil at the April 2, 1996, meeting.
Director Pittis wholeheartedly thanked the Commission for their consideration of these
matters on behalf of the library board and the citizens of Port Angeles.
Planning Commission Minutes - March 13. J 996
Page 10
Planning Director Collins reviewed information provided by staff regarding changes that are
required by the State to the eity's local permit process ordinances to bring those processes
into compliance with ESHB 1724 which mandates a uniform local permitting process
throughout the State. Changes to the ordinances are required to be completed by Aprill.
1996. He outlined additional changes to the prepared draft ordinance for final
recommendation to the City Council. One of the most significant changes is that only one
public hearing will be allowed for any permit. Comprehensive Plan amendments. areawide
rezones, or development regulation amendments are exempt from ESHB 1724.
The public notification period for shoreline management permits will be substantially reduced
from a minimum of 37 days to 15 days. For the most part the changes are consistent with
the manner in which permits have been processed in the City of Port Angeles with the
exception of trying to decide where the one public hearing will be heard and whether or not
there should be an open record appeal and who should hear the appeal. The proposed
changes are consistent in four areas: public notice will be extended to 15 days prior to a
public hearing from 10 days, appeals may be submitted within 14 days instead of 10,
predecision hearings are held before the Planning Commission with the exception of final
subdivisions and final. planned residential developments, decisions that are made by the
Planning Director are the only decisions appealable to the City Council at an open record
public hearing, and the City Council will hear all appeals at a closed record appeal hearing
except as noted for the Planning Director's decisions. The required amendments will result
in the permit process taking a little longer to get started, but opportunities for the time of
decisions to be extended will be greatly reduced.
Chair King opened the public hearing. There being no one present to speak to the issue, he
then closed the public hearing.
Commissioners Philpott and Nutter expressed their views that the Planning Commission
should remain the public hearing body as the City Council has so many other items of business
to which to attend. The Planning eommission devotes many hours soliciting and recording
public testimony providing the public opportunities for interaction on land use issues and
applications. In many instances testimony taken by the Planning Commission has resulted
in amendments to proposals that have satisfied both the applicants and neighbors or
concerned citizens before being forwarded to the City Council for final action. Commission
members noted that many times members of the public expressed their appreciation
regarding the amount of time devoted by Commission members to the public hearing process
and expressed concern that the City Council would not be able to devote the same amount
oftirne required for public hearings due to other pressing business matters. The Commission
generally agreed that they could provide the most effective service to the City Council by
acting as the Council's hearing body. Commissioner Nutter felt that for many of the same
reasons the Planning Commission would be the best appeal body for short plats.
Planning Commission Minutes - March 13. 1996
Page Jl
Commissioner German moved to recommend that the City Council approve the Port
Angeles Municipal Code amendment ordinance as drafted together with the changes
stated by the Planning Director. Commissioner Philpott seconded the motion, which
passed 5 - O.
The Chair reordered the remainder of the agenda to allow staff to explain the item that
members of the audience would like to talk about.
Senior Planner David Sawyer explained that an issue has arisen where a property owner has
proposed to construct an accessory structure that exceeds the allowance under the current
Zoning Code. The property owner would like to address the Commission following staffs
presentation. ehapter 17 (Zoning) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code does not allow for
accessory structures to exceed fifty percent of the permitted use which in this case is a single
family residence. The property in question contains a two-story residential structure and a
large accessory structure. The proponent would like to build a second accessory structure
which would put the percentage of accessory use on the property well over the fifty percent
allowance provided for in the Code. He then provided descriptions of situations where
accessory structures might be desired that would exceed the allowable fifty percent and
situations where it may not be desirable. He asked the Commission to detennine if the
restriction is appropriate or deserving of further review as a Zoning Code amendment.
The eommission discussed the pros and cons of an allowance where accessory structures
would be the dominate use of a property resulting in the change in character of an area and
which might encourage uses other than those intended to locate in an area, particularly in
residential neighborhoods.
Commissioner Nutter stated that property owners should be aware of lot coverage
restrictions and adjust their personal needs accordingly, not the other way around.
Following further discussion, Commissioner Nutter moved to concur with the present
allowance as being appropriate with no change. The motion was seconded by
Commissioner Reed.
Commissioner ~nnan moved to set aside the motion until after the "Communications
From The Public" item is heard on the agenda where the proponent would have a
chance to speak to the issue. Commissioner Philpott seconded the motion, which
passed 4.1, with Commissioner Nutter voting in the negative.
The Commission thanked Director Collins for his extra work in assuring that the local permit
process ordinance was reviewed by interested parties in the community and ready in time to
meet the State's mandated timelines. The Commission asked that City Attorney Knutson be
infonned of the appreciation of the Commission members for his work in helping to draft the
amendment ordinance in such a timely manner.
Planning Commission Minutes -March 13. 1996
Page 12
Jeff Abram, 134 Fogarty Street, lives in a modest home and has a motorhome, trucks, and
a boat that he would like to put under cover. He cannot build an accessory structure large
enough to house all of his vehicles given the fifty percent restriction for accessory structures.
He stated that not only would his investments be protected, but the proposed accessory
structure would offer security for his home where at present, when the motorhome is gone
from the property, it is obvious that he is not at home. A garage large enough to house his
vehicles would improve security as it would not be easy to tell if he was away from home.
Under the current regulations, he would have to have an enormous home to allow an
accessory structure large enough to house all his vehicles.
Jeff Hedlund, 2417 West Sixteenth Street, is the property owner previously discussed by
staffunder "Stafl'Reports". He would like to build a second accessory structure in order to
provide a cover for antique cars that he owns and a motorhome and boat. He has a large lot,
and does not believe that the second accessory structure is unreasonable. In telephoning ten
planning departments throughout the Puget Sound area, he reported that in all cases a height
restriction is imposed and a lot coverage allowance is involved but it is not based on the
relationship of the accessory structures to the residence size. He asked for further
consideration and an amendment to the current wording.
The Commission revisited "Staff Reports" at this juncture.
The Chair called for the question on the previous motion made by Commissioner
Nutter and seconded by Commissioner Reed that the present wording regarding
accessory structures within the Zoning Code to be no more than fifty percent of that
of the residential structure be considered appropriate. On call for the question, the
motion died by a vote of 3 - 2, with Commissioners King, Philpott, and German, voting
in the negative.
ComrnissionerNutter noted that as Planning staff time is limited due to a growing work load
and the issue will require a good amount of analysis for review, the review may not be
completed as quickly as the proponent desires. Commissioner Philpott agreed but thought
that some time should be devoted to the review at a future date.
Commissioner Philpott moved to direct stafTto devote time at a future date to the issue.
Commissioner German seconded the motion, which passed 3 - 2, with Commissioners
Nutter and Reed voting in the negative.
Planning Commission Minutes - March 13. 1996
Page 13
Commissioner Nutter stated that she would not be present at the March 27 meeting. She has
been working with p;lanning Director Collins contacting potential members for the non-
motorized route committee.
The members welcomed Commissioner Dean Reed to the Commission and thanked him for
his participation.
Commissioner Philpott moved to note Commissioner Souders as being excused from the
evening's activities as she was called out of town at the last minute. Commissioner
German seconded the motion, which passed 5 - O.
The meeting adjourned at 11 :40 p.m.
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