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321 East Fifth Street
March 14,2001
7 p.m.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting of February 28,2001.
NORDSTROMlBEUTLER. Industrial Light zones City wide: A proposal to
amend the Port Angeles Municipal Code to allow portable sawmill operations of
less than one-half acre in size in the Industrial Light zone.
ELECTIONS - 2001-02
PLANNING COMM ISSIONERS: Fred Hewins(Chair,), Linda Nutter (Vice Chair); Fred Norton, Bob Philpott, Charles Sehramm, Mary Craver, WJI1e Doly
PLANNING STAFF: Brad Collins, Planning Director; Sue Roberds, Planning Speeialist.
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
March 14,2001
7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Bob Philpott, Fred Norton, Linda Nutter, Fred Hewins,
Wayne Doty, Chuck Schramm
Members Excused:
Mary Craver
Staff Present:
Brad Collins, Debra Barnes
Public Present:
Al Nordstrom, Frank Beutler
Commissioner Philpott moved to approve the February 28,2001, meeting minutes. The
motion was seconded by Commissioner Norton. Commissioner Philpott amended the
motion to allow a typographical correction on Page 2. Commissioner Norton seconded
the amendment which passed 6-0. The main motion passed 5-0 with Commissioner
Doty abstaining due to absence at the meeting.
Industrial Light zones City wide: A proposal to amend the Port Angeles Municipal
Code to allow portable sawmill operations of less than one-half acre in size in the
Industrial Light zone.
Staff provided the staff report. Following questions by the Conunissioners regarding the
differences between a permitted and conditional use, types of trucks for log hauling, and
location ofIndustrial Light zones, Chair Hewins opened the public hearing
Frank Beutler, P. O. Box 193, Port Angeles conunented that small trucks or flatbeds bring
the logs to the site and remove the cut lumber. He added that generally there are two loads
of logs stacked at the site. The logs are generally short, less than 40-feet in length. The
applicant answered several questions of the Commission. The applicant stated that they
mostly cut orders by others but often cut their own logs for resale. The applicant stated that
they had no concern with the proposed conditions under Option 2 of the staff report, adding
that they could not operate within a building, that their hours of operation were generally
between 8-2, that they allow free pick up of sawdust and firewood, and that the size limit of
Yz acre would not be restrictive. The applicant described the sawmill, including the motor
and trailer length.
Planning Commission Minutes
March f4, 200f
Page 2
There being no further testimony, Chair Hewins closed the public hearing.
Director Collins stated that currently, the Zoning Code does not list conditions for certain
permitted uses. A lengthy discussion was made on what a portable sawmill could entail,
including the trailer length, size of saw, and size oflogs that could be milled. In addition,
several commissioners noted that a conditional use approval would be the only avenue to
ensure that environmental impacts and compatibility could be addressed, some adding that
the CUP process could adequately address the size of the operations. The Commissioners
asked the applicant for additional clarification relating to the size of portable sawmills. The
Commissioners discussed using 'small scaled' instead of 'portable' when describing the use,
adding that a definition was probably in order to adequately address the size of such a use.
A draft definition of small scale sawmill was discussed, as follows: A small scale sawmill
occurs on an area of one-half acre or less and with the gross weight of the sawmill no
greater than J 0, 000 pounds.
Commissioner Schramm moved to approve MCAOl-Ol following Option 2 ofthe staff
report and adding a definition for small scale saw mills, based on the findings and
conclusions listed below. Commissioner Nutter seconded the motion. Commissioner
Nutter motioned to amend the main motion with two corrections in the bulleted text in
Option 2. Commissioner Norton seconded, which passed 5-1 with Commissioner Doty
voting against the motion stating that the listed conditions are not necessary. The main
motion passed 4-2 with Commissioners Doty and Hewins voting against, reiterating
earlier comments made by Commissioner Doty.
MCAOI-0l Amend PAMC 17.32 as follows:
Allow "Small Scale sawmills" as a conditional use within the IL zone under P AMC
17 .32.040(B)(l 0) with the following standards:
· Hours of operation are limited from 7 am to 6 pm Monday-Friday
All lighting shall be directed away from residential areas
· Noise levels shall comply with WAC 173-60, as applicable
· Proper management of wood waste shall be conducted to avoid excessive
accumulation of wood waste
· The site and total area of operations, shall not exceed one-half acre in area,
including the storage of logs and finished products.
Add a definition in PAMC 17.08 as follows: Small scale sawmill. A small scale sawmill
occurs on an area of one-half acre or less and with the gross weight of the sawmill no
greater than 10,000 pounds.
. Findings and Conclusions:
1. An application for a municipal code amendment was filed on February 5, 200] by Beutler
and Nordstrom, Inc. that proposed an amendment to PAMC Title 17, Zoning Code. The
Planning Commission Minutes
March 14,2001
Page 3
application proposed the allowance of a 'sawmill operation under one-half acre in size' as
a permitted use in the Industrial, Light Zone under P AMC 17.32.
The application states that portable sawmills are generally operated by one to two persons
and require less than one-half acre of area to operate. Portable sawmills normally cut
specialty wood products to custom specifications. Average board lengths are 8-20 feet. The
portable sawmills are on trailers and can be easily moved. Minimal public utilities are
required to operate a small planer or joiner. Logs are delivered in small trucks and are not
stored for lengthy periods of time on site. Most finished products are picked up or hauled
to customers on a flatbed trailer. Mill scraps can be used as firewood and sawdust is given
to livestock/horse owners.
The portable sawmill can be placed within an enclosed building, an open building that
provides cover, or be operated outside. Logs to be milled are brought to the site by log
trucks and maneuvering the logs onto the saw, and stacking the milled lumber requires a
forklift or other heavy equipment.
The Industrial, Light zone is designated on properties located north of the Fairchild Airport
and south of18th Street, near the intersection of Lauridsen and "B" Streets, east of Red Lion
motel adj acent to the Port Angeles Harbor, and near the intersection of 2nd Street with both
Tumwater Truck Route and Valley Street.
Within the IL zone, wood product manufacturing, such as cabinets and prefab building
components within a building is a permitted use. In addition, retail of building materials is
a permitted use, as is wholesale buildings and yards, and storage yards for builders and
contractors. These uses address the sale and storage of lumber products but not production
or manufacturing of them. Allowed by conditional use approval, manufacturing buildings
for specialized small tools and parts may be proposed within the IL zone. In reviewing the
uses allowed in this zone, outside storage of materials is permitted, but the processing and
manufacturing of materials should be contained within buildings.
6. Within the Industrial, Heavy zone, wood products manufacturing and sawmills are permitted
uses and are not required to be within a building. This zone does not differentiate between
a large scale or small scale sawmill. The IH zone is located south ofthe Fairchild Airport,
and along the waterfront.
The potential negative impacts of such an operation would include dust and noise from the
sawmill, truck traffic or heavy equipment, light and glare, aesthetics and accumulation and
disposal of wood waste. Noise can be mitigated by buffering, such as enclosure ofthe use
within a building and sufficient trees and vegetation, as well as hours of operation. In
addition, compliance with WAC 173-60 Maximum Environmental Noise Levels would be
required. If located outside and not under cover, the hours of operation would be limited by
daylight, the ability of outside lighting and also weather conditions. Light and glare can be
mitigated by lighting design, landscaping, and hours of operation. Aesthetics can be
addressed by buffers and vegetation. Dust could be mitigated by watering and by wind
barriers. Wood waste accumulation and disposal can be addressed by best management
Planning Commission Minutes
March /4,200/
Page 4
practices to include operation and storage of materials on a concrete foundation, as well as
through systematic removal and proper disposal of waste accumulation.
The entire Comprehensive Plan was reviewed) and the following Comprehensive Plan
policies are most relevant to the proposed amendment Land Use Element Goal "A", Land
Use Element Objective "Al" , Land Use Element Goal "H" , Land Use Element Policy
"H3 ", Land Use Element Policy "H4 ", Conservation Policy "A2", Economic Development
Goal "A ", Economic Development Policy "A2", and Economic Development Policy "A5".
A smaller-scaled portable sawmill could be a permitted use within the IL zone if contained
within a building under P AMC 17.32.020(A)(l0), as long as other nuisance factors can be
adequately addressed.
'Portable sawmills' could be allowed as a conditional use within the IL zone under PAMC
17 .32.040(B)(1 0) with certain standards to address noise, light and glare, accumulation of
wood waste, and overall compatibility with adjacent residential uses. As an alternative, they
could be a permitted use under PAMC 17.96.040(F) with several standard conditions.
The purpose of the Industrial) Light Zone under P AMC 17.32.010 is as follows: This is an
industrial zone intended to create and preserve areas for industrial uses in close proximity
to aitports and highways. Permitted uses are largely devoid of exterior nuisance factors, such
as noise, glare, air and water pollution, and fire and safety hazards on adjacent non-industrial
property, and do not have an exceptional demand on public facilities. These types of
indus'trial uses typically involve the manufacture of finished products from pre-fabricated
materials, product wholesaling, and material storage. Buffering measures to reduce the
impact of industrial uses on nearby residential uses may be required.
12. Requirements for Zoning Code amendments are specified in PAMe 17.96.100.
13. A Determination of NonSignificance was issued for MCAOI-0l on March 7,2001. This
SEP A action constitutes the final decision of the lead agency and satisfies the requirements
of the State Environmental Policy Act.
14. Agency comments received on the proposal include: a) Fire Department requirements for
compliance with the Uniform Fire Code that includes annual safety inspections, and b)
Building Division requirements for any subsequent construction. No objections on the
proposal were received.
15. In accordance with the Port Angeles Municipal Code, legal notice ofthe public hearing was
made. No written public comments on the proposal were received.
The proposal, MCAOI-OI, would allow small scale, portable sawmills to operate within the
Industrial, Light zone on properties or portions of properties less than one-half acre in size.
Planning Commission Mimtles
March 14. 2001
Page 5
Due to potential environmental affects and compatibility issues, small scale portable
sawmills should require a conditional use permit approval in order to address potential
impacts on surrounding uses.
3. The proposal, MCA 01-01, as recommended, would be consistent with the Port Angeles
Comprehensive Plan.
4. The proposal, MCA 01-01, as recommended, would be consistent with the Port Angeles
Zoning Code and purpose and intent of the Industrial, Light zone.
5. The proposal, MCA 01-01, as recommended, is consistent with the requirements for Zoning
Code Amendments as specified in PAMC 17.96.100.
Commissioner Norton nominated Commissioner Nutter as Chair; Commissioner Schranun
seconded the motion. Being no other nominations were submitted, the motion passed
unanimously. Commissioner Philpott nominated Commissioner Schramm as Vice Chair;
Commissioner Norton seconded the motion. Being no other nominations, the motion passed
Director Collins mentioned that the boards and commissions night is still being planned. It
may be held at one of the Council's regular meetings in April. Planner Barnes requested a
hand count of who would attend the March 22 short course. Barnes also gave a brief
overview of the list of proposed comprehensive plan amendments that need to be filed by
March 3pl.
Commissioner Schramm asked for an update on the ferry dock upgrades which was provided
by Director Collins.
Commissioner Nutter stated that she would not be at the March 28th meeting. Commissioner
Norton commended Chair Hewins for a job well done.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
B ad Collms, Secretary
F dH . C~h'
re ewms, air
Meeting Agenda of: >;:J~t) /1;' ,;:0 () I
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