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Minutes of the regular meeting of the City of Port Ange~ s Planning
Commission, March 16th, 1954.
Members present were Lamoureux, Stewart, Gort, Reiners, McGee and
Strange. Also present was City Engineer Ahlvers.
Minutes of the special meeting of January 26th were read and approved as
Chaiaman drew attention to the members of the amended zoning ordinance
which in the future will allow variances under certain conditions and
also establishes first district restrictions on unzoned portions of the
An application for variance which had been received by the Chainman thru
Mr. Dodge, Building Inspector, from Mr. Paul L. Loyle was read and denied.
After a discussion, it was felt by the members that we should establish a
policy on variances and so advise the Building Inspector for his future
guidance, therefor, the following policy was unanimously adopted: "It shall
be the policy of the Planning Commission, not to deviate from the provisions
of the present zoning ordinance on density of PQ~ulation, side-yards and
The nect order of business was the conside ation of an application by
Mr. Frank Christman for the approval of a re-platt of property adjacent
to the eastern boundary of the City. After a considerable discussion with
Mr. Jack #right, representing Mr. Christman, and the adoption by Mr.
Wright of minor adjustments as suggested by the Planning Commission, the
application was unanimously approved and the Chairman was instructed to
notify the County Engineer.
The next order of business was the consideration of an application of
School District #17 for the vacation of certain streets and alleys in the
vicinity of ~th Street and "L" Street; An area in which school District
#17 has acquired property for the construction of a school on the west
side of our City. After a thorough.a discussion, the Commission, with one
descenting vote, approved the application ror the vacation of said certain
streets and alleys as set forth in the resolution adopted by the ~oard of
Directors of School District #17 and dated February 9th, 1954.
The chairman called attention to the members of the Commission that there
is still a certain amount of agitation for the cutting thru of Laurel
Street from First Street to the alley between Second and Third Streets
and asked that a ruling by the Commission be made at this time in order
that our position may be made clear. After ~ lengthy discussion, the
following pOlicy was unanimously passed: llThat this project is of not
sufi'icient importance and benefit to be considered at this time, that
if an effort were made to attach this project to any of our overall
projects now under consideration it might tend to jeopardize the entire
SCheme, that the project itself as proposed is of questionable merit,
therefor, the matter shall be indefinitely tabled.ll
No further business appearing, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M.
RespectfUlly submitted,
cc to G. S. Vergeer
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