HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/18/1952
Thecity -pli n; ng CO miE'! 'itrl ynet iri r~vuJ,['-r eeeeon at city hall
r "'-roh 18, 19'52. }[inut ee of the prev 10 (.u~ meet 1ng read and approved.
;.'embere pr~. eent: Stewart ,Lamoureux, Reiner,e , Strange. Ham:gton.
Gort and City rngineep 11.hd.ve,re. 'Aoaent, lvor S....ith.
TTieitore: Joseph '::olfe, coucj lman d.ect. Poli,e C'1i.'eF R. O. Ide
and four ml'mh:>rs of HIe un1cipal Le: gue. 1 o...qr-t WOOdllury.
Ted E,rowne, Sheila Astley .end H:t~. ~st(1er Yaple.
1- After diecussion by Chnir'1an stl'an~e of the need for tbe
var::ution ot' M street at the county ai.rport to comply v.ith
C i 1711 Aeronaut ice Adm~'6Jstntion rule e LilnoL'T€uX raov':ld that
I'the plallning commi~~ion has l"IO objection to vacnti.ng 1.1: ~treet
at t"r1e co uty airport ":t<<X<<mr.X :rot io n secnded by !\einere and
unanjmouely carried.
2- Caairruan Strtl,nge reported he has asked the city engineering
dewtment to gather as much data as po estble on !}aving E.rterial
etreete to get ~e pro~ram underway as soon as posable. COmmieeion~
er Tay lor said he bas no objection and wi.Ll. do whatever the
incoming council wants to expedite ~ matter. 8tra6ne ~uggeeted
the planningcomrnission meet with t~e city commilSsion and
counc1.1-elect the following lJonday night to expla,tn the etreet
paving progrQ,m a.nd eteps neces3ary to expedite it.
3-Vi~e Aetley, spokesman for the UunicipRl League, asked the
commJ!ssionere1 opinion of the new plans for il. city jail and
explai.ned the le~ue obj ect 5 to construction of a j ai 1 at thle
time thul!l limiting the neVI council .in the amount oU'unde
av~i la~: Ie for construct j on and ma.kj ng the city's bonded indebt-
edness aloee to ita maximum.
Lamo ureux I at strli,nge' 5 req ue st, traced the hi !Story of the
jail plane iLnd funds availahle eince their inception nine
yeare ago. strQnge and Chief Ide further explained the choice
of locfation and coate. Chairman Stran,;e ex~ained the planning
comrniseion was not asked to study the newest jail plane but
Q long time ago went on record as favoring a new jail for the
city. He flITther expl&ined that as a body the commiseion hae
no official opinion as the matter was not referred to it.
4- Stewart eugge~ed the cOIT~iesion investigate the C03tS, etc.,
of votjng machines for Port Angeele and Strange volunteered to
get such i nformat ion.
'ikxxaxxKi:1'll l!'or information letters read concerned a requeet
for the vacation of ~ etreet, a lette~ from the f inieterial
ABsociation about the Tumwater logging route Q,nd etreet pavini
program and the oommiesione' reply to the latter.
There be~ng no futher bus1neee the meeti~ adjourned..
Re1~~:t~)ir tted,