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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Port Angeles Planning Commission
March 19, 1963.
Members present were Anderson, DEiscoll, Hunt, Reiners and strange. Also
present was City Engineer John Warder.
Minutes or the preglous meeting were read and approved.
First order of business was consideration of application or Mr. Edward
L. Galarneau for a variance from the 20ning ordinance to permit him to
operate a small radio repair shop in his home at 817 West 13th St. Mr.
Galerneau, again being present, assured the Commission that his operation
would be rather small and in no way would he interfere with neighbors
reception etc. After disnuesionJ it was the unanimous opinion of the
Commission that we recommend to the Council, Mr. Galerneau be issued a
revocable permit which would allow him to prooeed and at the same time
protect the City.
Ne<<t matter under consideration was the application for permission to
dub-divide suburban Lot l, Government Townsite. Application by Roats
Engineering Co. in behalf of owners Carl Konopaski and Fred P. Johnson
The application had been before our Commission at our last meeting, but
the proposed plat had been returned to make some suggested changes.
During the discussion, the membe~s did not approve of some two so called
Itprivate roads" as shown on the plat. They also questioned the platting
of the so called "hog back" on the North West corner of the property.
Mr. Roats and Mr. Konopaskl, both being present, agreed to delete these
items. Mr. Donald Morrison, sanitarian, being present, gave tentative
approval for septic tank disposal of sewage, saing that perculator tests
taken in the area indicated septic tank drain fields would suffice.
Taking the above corredtions into consideration, the Commission, 1n order
to expedite the matter, gave tentative approval to the application and
recommends the City Council do also.
The matter of the petitions for annexation to the City of the area
in the Scribner road vioinity again came up for discussion. Mr. Ferguson,
one of the principal workers forkthe project was present. After much
disuussion, Mr. Ferguson was informed the matter would again be tabled
until more information could be secured as to the exact location and
residence of some of the signers. Mr. Ferguson was also informed that
the Commission did not approve of the inclusion of great blooks of acreage,
included in this petition.
Next order of busios-ss was the consideration of the application of Mr.
Douglas Baker for permission to re-plat suburban Lots 30 and 3~, being
1n the vicinity of 6th and "Nn S~reets adjacent to the top of he bluff
Inthat area. It is the opinion of the Planning Commission that Mr. Baker's
proposal is a decided improvement to the area. His agreement to build
the necessary streets, install sewers etc. just about completes the project
as far as Mr. Baker is able to do at this time. It probably will be
Necessary for the City to assist in securing a wider street Right of
.Way in front of the Barnes property. It was the unanimous vote of
the Planning Commission that the City tentatively accept the proposed
plat and also the application to vacate those portions of "N" Street
and 4th street as shown on the accompaning plat.
No further business appearing, meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
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Acting cretary
cc to M. W. Slankard
John Warder
Paul Reed