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~inut~s of the meet1n~ of the Port'n ,el~s Planninq Commission
March 21st 1967.
'4embers pn'sent were Anderson, Dil1inq, Driscoll,
Hankins, Hunt, Treat and Strange. Alia present was Director
of Public horks John D. Warder.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Two hearin18 on varlan~e requests had been scheduled
for this Meeting. Under first order of business, Chairman
read a letter from Mr. M. D. Parrett. Manager of rubIic
Utilltr Di5tr~of ClaIlam Count~, 8tatln~ they wIshed to
withdraw their request for a Lonin1 JAriance on their
property at DoulevaTo and Oak Streets.
The withdrawal w~s accepted and the matter explained
to the 1roUP of r eople who had attendtd t~e meeting to prote.t.
The QTOUP Wn! assured the matter was now termLnated and their
oetitLons of protest would be placed on file.
The s~cond h~arinJ involved an IPplication of Ri.hard
G. "I",lrlron of 1224 CilIroline <;trpet for f'erml!'sion to operate
a prlntlnl shop and cosmetic agency, tn and ~xistlnJ buildin9
on the r~Rr of his property. Chairman announced there were
several prote~t. on file from ~d~acent prop~rty owners.
The Commission then "isctlssed the proble1':l with Mr. 0. Mrs.
u"ldron "ho Wf"rf" pr!'!sf!nt at the meetinrJ. After pursuinQ
the matter at ~ome lenlth, & motion was p~ssed statin], in
vipw of the protf"sts and other matters the Com~i5s1on
r!'!commend. to the City Council the application be denied.
A leneral discussion on the problem of Public Hou.in~
for the Elderly followed.
Chairnan advised the Commission Mr. Robert A. Mahar,
Pro1e,t Planner had visited our City and stated plans were
to carryon with the project in the near future.
No further businp.ss er.pearing meetin1 ad10urned at
8:30 P.M.
Respe'ctfully submitted,
f"red .,;. -5" t ran]f!. Chai rman
HUJh Hankins. Secretary