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321 East Fifth Street
March 24, 1999
7 p.m.
III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting of March 10, 1999.
Francis Street' Public housing office use and maintenance structures in the RS-7,
Residential Single Family zone.
2. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 99-06 - McPHEE, 719 South Rac.e
Street: Construct a grocery store with gasoline islands in the CN, Commercial
Neighborhood zone.
1. Census Public Awareness Program
PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Mary Craver (Chair); Fred Hewins (Vice Chair); Bob King, Linda Nutter, Dean Reed ( Two Vacancies)
PLANNING STAFF: Brad Collins, Planning Director; David Sawyer, Senior Planner, Sue Roberds, Planning Specialist.
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
March 24,1999
7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Dean Reed, Mary Craver, Bob King, Linda Nutter
Members Excused:
Fred Hewins (Two Vacancies)
Staff Present:
Brad Collins, David Sawyer, Sue Roberds
Public Present:
Jack Anderson, Susan McPhee, Pamela Tietz, Chris Thomas
(arrived at 7:50 p.m.)
Commissioner Reed moved to approve the March 10, 1999, meeting minutes as
presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner King and passed 3-0.
Commissioner Nutter abstained due to absence at that meeting.
South Francis Street: Public housing office use and maintenance structures
in the RS-7, Residential Single Family zone.
Senior Planner Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's staff report recommending
approval of the pennit as requested. He answered questions regarding the floor plan
submitted by the applicant. Chair Craver opened the public hearing.
Pamela Tietz, Executive Director, ClaUam County Housing Authority, 2603 South Francis
Street, agreed with staff's report. The proposed office expansion is needed due to the
increased Housing Authority programs over the past two years. Eight new programs have
been added which require space to sustain. No new staff hires are expected in the near
future. Staff is doubling up in available areas. The second floor expansion will occur
entirely within the current footprint.
There being no further comment, Chair Craver closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Nutter moved to approve the conditional use permit with the following
conditions and citing the following findings and conclusions:
Approval of CUP 99-02 is limited to the proposal as contained in Attachment B of
the March 24, 1999 Staff Report for CUP 99-02.
All aspects ofthe project shall meet or exceed all Local, State, and Federal codes.
Planning Commis$ion Minuta
March 24, 1999
Page 2
Based on information provided in the March 24, 1999, Staff Report for CUP 99-02,
(including all of its attachments), comments and infonnation presented during the March 24,
1999, public hearing, and the Planning Commissionls discussion and deliberation, the City
of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds:
1. The applicant, Housing Authority of Clallam County applied for a conditional use
permit to construct a second story addition to an existing office building and approve
the entire office use as associated with a Housing Authority housing development.
The application is identified as Attachment B to the March 24, 1999, Staff Report for
CUP 99-02;
2. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation for the site is Low Density
Residential (LDR);
3. The site is zoned Residential Single Family (RS-7);
4. A Determination of Non-Significance was issued for the proposal on March 17,
The site is located near the south end of Francis Street in the southern portion of the
Authority's mixed density campus;
6. The overall campus contains approximately 18 acres and this building is located
approximately 119' from the site's east property line;
7. Access to the site is from Francis Street;
8. The site is level and contains 98 residential units, an office building, maintenance
buildings and a Boys and Girls Club;
9. The residential and office uses have operated at this location for over 50 years;
10. Peabody Creek ravine is adj acent to the site's east property line;
11. An office use associated with a Housing Authority housing development is a
conditionally permitted use in the RS-7 zone;
12. The proposed addition will generate the need for four parking spaces;
13. The site currently has a surplus of seven spaces;
The Public Works Department and Fire Department did nnt recommend any specific
conditions of approval; and
Planning Commission Minutes
March 14. 1999
Page 3
No comments were recieved from the public.
Based on information provided in the March 24, 1999, Staff Report for CUP 99-02,
(including all of its attaclunents), comments and information presented during the March 24,
1999, public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above
listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes:
A. The proposed office use is associated with a Housing Authority housing
B. The proposed project is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, Zoning
Ordinance and Parking Ordinance;
C. The proposed project is compatible with the adjacent Comprehensive Plan and
Zoning designations and existing land uses;
The proposed project design and location meet the intent of the City's
Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Parking Ordinance. Specifically,
Comprehensive Plan Land Use Policies Cl, Dl, and El-4, Transportation Policies
B 14, and Housing Policy B6; and
The proposed project is in the public interest.
Commissioner King seconded the motion which passed 4 - O.
S1re.eJ:. Construct a grocery store with gasoline islands in the eN,
Commercial Neighborhood zone.
Planner Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's report recommending approval of the
conditional use pennit. He responded to Commissioner Reed with regard to the site layout
preferred by the applicant and a revised layout suggested by staff. The applicant's preferred
site plan shows a reduction in the east side yard setback to 5'. Such a reduction would have
to be approved by the City's Board of Adjustment. As there is soil contamination on the site,
a condition of approval will be that the soils are remediated to the satisfaction ofthe State
Department of Ecology.
Commissioner Nutter expressed concern regarding the parking layout and access to and from
the site. Planner Sawyer responded that the applicant's proposed site plan does not meet the
City's parking requirements. A proposed condition of approval is that the applicant submit
a revised site plan designed to address on-site circulation and ingress/egress issues that must
be approved by the City's Engineer prior to issuance of a building permit. Commissioner
Nutter noted that Race Street is a designated bicycle route, not a proposed route.
Mr. Collins noted that the final site plan will show landscaping, ingress/egress circulation,
sidewalk placement, and approved parking.
Planning o,mmission Minutes
March 14. /999
Page 4
Chair Craver opened the public hearing.
Susan McPhee, 911 East Race Street, asked that the wording of Condition No.8 be revised
to indicate that the soils may be remediated as required by the Department of Ecology rather
than removed from the site. Condition No.1 requires that the 8th Street right-of-way
adj acent to the site be identified by signage and red paint as a no parking area, She asked
that the condition be eliminated, as well as Condition No. 12, which requires demolition of
a pre-existing nonconforming structure.
There being no further comment, Chair Craver closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Nutter did not feel comfortable reviewing an incomplete site plan as
Commissioner Reed moved to approve the conditional use permit with the following
conditions, and cited the following findings and conclusions:
Conditions of Approyal:
1. Per its memorandum dated March 4, 1999, the Public Works Department requires the
A fully dimensioned parking site plan meeting City Standards for the
number of required spaces and driveway widthsllocations will be
required for building pennit approval. Only one driveway allowed on
Race Street. Exit to Race Street will be right turn only;
. Catch basins with oil separation "T"s connecting to existing storm
drain will be required to intercept parking lot drainage. An oil
separation tank will be required to intercept spillage at gas pumps;
. Remove and replace damaged sidewalk on Eighth Street . City to
paint curb on Eighth Street red and install appropriate no parking
2. Per its memorandum dated March 8, 1999, the Fire Department requires the
. The building along with gas storage and dispensing shall comply with
the 1997 Uniform Fire Code.
All aspects of the project shall meet or exceed all Local, State, and Federal codes
including all permit requirements regarding the installation of underground storage
tanks and the regulations of the Commercial Neighborhood zone.
A demolition permit shall be obtained and complied with prior to the demolition of
any existing structure.
Planning Commission Minutes
March 24. /999
Page 5
Potentially impactive equipment and uses, including the location of the gas pumps
and storage tanks shall be located on the site plan so as to minimize any adverse
impacts on adjacent properties.
6. The applicant shall submit a revised site plan, which meets the requirements of the
Port Angeles Municipal Code including but not limited to Section 17.21.200 [CN
zone - Development Standards], Section 17.21.230 [CN zone - Design and
Landscaping Requirements], Section 17.95.030 [Nonconforming Building or
Structure] and Chapter 14.40 [Off-Street Parking Ordinance].
7. The design ofthe facility shall be compatible with a residential environment.
8. All contaminated soil shall be remediated to a level approved by the Department of
Ecology prior to the installation of new underground storage tanks.
9. All required improvements and approvals, including a certificate of occupancy for
the proposed food store shall be completed or obtained prior to operation of the
gasoline pumps.
10. The gasoline islands shall be subordinate to the food store.
A Zoning Lot Covenant is required to combine the two individual lots of record into
one zoning lot and shall be recorded prior to the issuance of building permits.
12. All structures on the site shall comply with the CN zone's development regulations
including setback requirements.
Based on the information provided in the March 24, 1999, Staff Report for CUP 99-05,
(including all of its attachments), comments and information presented during the March 24,
1999, public hearing, and the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, the City
of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds:
1. The applicant, Frank and Susan McPhee applied for a conditional use permit to
operate two gasoline pumps as an accessory use to a food store as proposed on
February 19, 1999. The application is identified as Attachment B to the March 24,
1999 Staff Report for CUP 99-05;
2. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation for the site is Commercial (C);
3. The site is zoned Commercial, Neighborhood (CN);
A Determination of Non-Significance was issued for the proposal on March 17,
5. The site is located on the northeast comer of Race Street and 8th Street in the City's
North Central Planning Area;
Planning Ccmmission Minutes
March 24,1999
Page Ii
6. The site is 1001 wide and 140' deep with the narrow portion along 811l Street;
7. Access to the site is from Race Street and 8th Street;
8. The site is generally level and contains two structures;
9. One of the existing structures is located in the required east side yard setback. It is
the remaining portion of a building which was destroyed by fire and represents less
than 25% of the original building's assessed value;
10. A gasoline island is a conditionally permitted use in the eN zone as an accessory
use to a food store;
11. Approximately 300 cubic yards of soil in the west half of the site is contaminated;
12. The contaminated soil is a result of fuel that leaked from underground tanks
previously located on the site;
13. The old fuel tanks have been removed along with contaminated soil in the east half
of the site;
The proposed site plan indicates the food store will contain approximately 2,200
square feet;
15. The subject property's east (side) lot line is adjacent to a residentially zoned lot (RS-
7) and the north (rear) lot line is adjacent to an alley;
16. PAMC Section 17.21.200 A, 3 states "Minimum Yard Requirements - No structure
shall be built within J 5 feet of an alley or any property that has a residential zoning
classification, OJ;
17. PAMC Section 17.21.230 C states "The side yard abutting a residentially zoned lot
shall be landscaped in a manner that is complementary or similar to residential
landscaping. In other words. such landscaping shall be complementary or similar
to shrubs of 3 foot to 6 foot mature height interspersed with evergreen, deciduous
and/or ornamental trees. Five feet of the rear yard setback area abutting a
residentially zoned lot shall be landscaped in a similar manner. u;
A Planning Department Policy Determination was made in February of 1994 which
states "a business with a drive through window may count the number of stacking
spaces leading to and in front of the drive through window toward meeting the
required parking as long as the stacking spaces do not extend into a public right-of-
way or block internal on-site vehicular circulation.";
19. The Public Works and Fire Departments recommended four conditions of approval
which address site design and access, stormwater and street improvements, and Fire
Code compliance; and
Planning Commission Minutes
March 14, J 999
Page 7
20. Dr. Denise Clarke, an adjacent property owner, expressed concern about the project's
impact on traffic and the use of nonconforming signs on the property.
21. The 1996 City of Port Angeles Transportation Services and Facilities Plan (Figure
5.5, page 519) identifies Race Street as a designated bicycle route.
22. The City Engineer's comments regarding the project's impact on the use of Race
Street as a bicycle route are as follows: "The bike route designation adjacent to the
subject CUP is along the Race Street frontage only. The access to and from Race
Street will be restricted to a single driveway and the exit shall be right turn only per
the attached comments of March 4, 1999. This will be an improvement over the
existing two driveways on Race Street."
Based on the information provided in the March 24, 1999, Staff Report for CUP 99-05,
(including all of its attachments), comments and infonnation presented during the March 24,
1999, public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above
listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes:
As conditioned, the proposed gasoline islands are an accessory use to the proposed
food store;
B. A gasoline island and its associated stacking spaces are similar to a drive through
window and its associated stacking spaces.;
C. The intent of the CN zone's required 15 foot landscaped side yard adjacent to a
residentially zoned lot is to help buffer the impacts of commercial uses permitted in
the CN zone on adjacent residentially zoned lots;
D. As conditioned and properly redesigned, the proposed project's design and location
meets the intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Parking
Ordinance. Specifically, Comprehensive Plan Land Use Policies 01 and EI-4,
Transportation Policies B14 and 15, and Capital Facilities Policies Bl and C2 relate
to commercial developments; and
E. As conditioned and properly redesigned, the proposed project is in the public use and
F. As conditioned, the proposed project will not have a negative impact on Race Street
as a designated bicycle route.
Planning Director Collins noted as a point of order that Condition No. 12 would preclude the
Board of Adjustment from approving a reduction ofthe east side yard setback as suggested
by the applicant.
Planning Commission Minutes
March U. t999
Page 8
Commissioner Reed stated that he realized the restriction and it was his intent as maker of
the motion.
Commissioner King seconded the motion which passed 3 a 1, with Commissioner Nutter
voting in the negative. Commissioner Nutter explained that her negative vote was due to
the incomplete site plan not the project itself. The incomplete site plan leaves too many
opportunities for confusion.
[Chair Craver reordered the agenda at this time at the request of Planning Director Collins who noted
that a member of the public who was expected had not arrived.]
Census Public Awareness Program
Planning Director Collins asked what role the Planning Commission wishes to take in the
2000 Census. Following brief discussion, it was the general consensus that the Planning
Commission members that it is not necessary to become a lead committee but rather to be
kept informed of progress and City programs. It was unanimously agreed that this issue
would be one where the City Council should take the lead agency position.
Commissioner Nutter reported that the Nonmotorized Committee has been meeting and
working toward having a bicycle awareness month to promote bicycle and pedestrian safety.
A 308 member tandem bicycle group is planning a tour through Port Angeles in the near
Discussion regarding challenge to a Commissioner's participation in approval of Shoreline
Substantial Development Permit - SMA 99-02:
Commissioner Reed was not able to leave the room as without his presence there would not
be a quorum of the Planning Commission. Planning Director Collins offered to confer with
Attorney Knutson during the break regarding procedure.
The Commission took a IS-minute break at 8:00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:15 p.m.
Director Collins noted that under the laws ofthe State of Washington, an Appearance of
Fairness disclosure can be challenged by a member of the audience. If loss of the
Commission member causes lack of a quorum, the Commissioner may need to remain to
retain a quorum for action. Since the matter before the Commission is not to take an action,
Planning Ccmmission Minutes
March 24, /999
Page 9
an alternate procedure is to ask the members who were at the May 14, 1997, meeting, what
their intentions were. This can be done outside of a fonnal meeting.
Commissioner Reed disclosed for the record that he has a conflict of interest with regard to
Rayonier, Inc. Based on that disclosure, he preferred to leave the meeting. He then left the
The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Brad Collins, Secretary
ary Cr /' ChaIr
For the items listed on the Agenda of: '/7Z-A d /::X t /99 9-
Please read the following: If I testify, by signature below, I certify that my testimony is
true and correct under penalty of perjury by the laws of the State of Washington.
Signature Print Name Address Agenda
Item #
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