HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/26/2003
321 East Fifth Street
March 26, 2003
7 p.m.
III. APPROV AL OF MINUTES: Meeting of March 12, 2003
DAISHOWA AMERICA. 1902 Marine Drive: Request to allow repair of the
wastewater outfall from an on-site wastewater treatment plant in the Industrial, Heavy
zone within the shoreline area.
Streets west of"O" Street: Proposal to develop a 19-unit single-family subdivision in
the RS-9, Residential Single Family zone.
PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Linda Nutler (Chair),Fred Hcwins (Viec Chair), Chuck Schramm, Fred Norton, Bob Philpott, Len Rasmussen, Jack Pittis
PLANNING STAFF: Brad Collins, Director; Scott Johns, Associate Planner; Sue Roberds, Assistant Planner.
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
March 26, 2003
7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Fred Norton, Fred Hewins, Linda Nutter, Chuck Schramm,
Jack Pittis
Members Excused:
Bob Philpott, Leonard Rasmussen
Staff Present:
Brad Collins, Scott Johns, Ken Dubuc
Public Present:
Connie Christensen, Melinda Szatlocky, Mike Szatlocky,
Alan Carman, Dean Reed, Peter Granum, Greg Granum
Chair Nutter pointed out that a copying error had been made and that two page #2s were
included in the minutes sent to Commissioners. Chair Nutter asked for clarification that only a
change to Conditions #3 for CUP 01-10 - Serenity House, and not the entire Conditional Use
approval was under consideration at the March 12,2003 meeting. Staff confirmed that to be the case
and that the findings only are in support of the change to condition #3.
Commissioner Schramm moved to approve the March 12, 2003, regular meeting
minutes as corrected. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nutter and passed 2 - 0-
3 with Commissioners Norton, Hewins, and Pittis abstaining due to their absence from that
Chair Nutter indicated that those who intend to testify must sign the "Sign In" log and affirm that
their testimony will be truthful to the best of their knowledge prior to testifying before the
DAISHOW A AMERICA. 1902 Marine Drive: Request to allow repair ofthe wastewater
outfall from an on-site wastewater treatment plant in the Industrial, Heavy zone within the
shoreline area.
Associate Planner Scott Johns presented the Department's staff report recommending
approval of the repair to the existing effluent outfall pipe from the Daishowa wastewater treatment
plant. Chair Nutter opened the public hearing.
Planning Commission Minutes
March 16. 2003
Page 1
. Dean Reed, 1902 Marine Drive, Port Angeles, W A 98362, representative for Daishowa America
spoke in favor ofthe project, stating that the work would be done the week of June 2,2003, when
the tides were lowest and the plant would be working at a low capacity. He also stated that the
temporary patch to the existing pipe, referred to in the staff report, had been made under a previous
There being no further testimony, Chair Nutter closed the public hearing. Commissioner
Schramm moved to approve SMA 03-02, citing the following Findings and Conclusions in
support of the action:
Ifthe subject site has not been previously inventoried, evaluated, and reviewed to the
satisfaction of the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, the subject site shall be evaluated by
a cultural review team which shall include a professional archaeologist, a
representative of the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, the site owner, and the Port
Angeles Department of Community Development. This team shall determine the
extent of excavation monitoring for the project during the permit review process. As
an alternative, the applicant may volunteer to have an approved archaeologist on site
during any excavation in lieu of a review by the aforementioned cultural team. If
during an excavation that by decision ofthe cultural review team occurs without an
approved archaeologist on~site, any phenomena of possible archaeological interest
are uncovered, the developer shall stop such work and provide for a site inspection
and evaluation by a professional archaeologist to ensure that all possible valuable
archaeological data is properly salvaged.
Best management practices shall be utilized to prevent erosion from any exposed
soils during the repair.
An application for a shoreline permit was submitted by Daishowa America, on
February 6,2003 for the repair ofthe outfall pipe from their wastewater treatment
plant. The application indicates that excavation work will occur within 200 feet of
both the shorelines of the Strait of Juan de Fuca and the lagoon located at the south
end ofEdiz Hook on the harbor side.
A Determination of Non-Significance was issued by the City of Port Angeles SEP A
Responsible Official for the proposal on March 18,2003.
The Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program, Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance
and critical areas ordinances have been reviewed with respect to this application.
The site is designated Industrial in the City's Comprehensive Plan, Industrial, Heavy
in the City's Zoning Ordinance, and Urban-Harbor and Aquatic Conservancy in the
City's Shoreline Master Program.
Chapter 5 ofthe City's Shoreline Master Program indicates industries are permitted
uses in the U-H designation and encourages giving priority to existing industries and
continued efforts by private industries to improve the quality of the air and water.
The wastewater treatment facility's outfall is located in the shoreline area designated
as Aquatic Conservancy. Sewer outfalls are defined as water-dependent uses and
water-dependent uses are listed as permitted in areas designated as Aquatic
Planning Commission MinI/res
March 26. 2003
Page 3
The following adopted City policies are most relevant to the proposed project:
Comprehensive Plan Conservation Element Policies A-I, B-1, 10.
A. The proposed proj ect as conditioned, is consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan
and Shoreline Master Program.
B. The project will not be detrimental to the shoreline.
C. As conditioned, the proposed project will not interfere with public use of lands or
Commissioner Norton seconded the motion which passed 5 - O.
west of "0" Street: Proposal to develop a 19-unit single-family subdivision in the RS-9,
Residential Single Family zone.
Commissioner Norton indicated that he knew the project engineer, stating that their association had
been several years ago and that he felt that he could make an unbiased decision on this matter. He
asked if anyone felt that he should not be involved in making a decision on this matter? No one
stated any objection.
Associate Planner Johns presented the Department's staffreport recommending approval of
the subdivision with 18 lots. Director Collins added that staffhas been working with the applicants
and that conceptual changes are being made so that a 19th lot, as originally proposed by the applicant,
might be approved. He also indicated that staff was not opposed to approval of a 19th lot, as long
as drainage and activity space issues were dealt with. Chair Nutter opened the public hearing.
Melinda Szatlocky, 32 Southridge Road, Port Angeles, W A 98362 representing the Clallam
County Housing Authority, described the involvement ofthe Housing Authority, HUD and how the
project would be funded. She stated that the project needed 20 lots to work financially and that the
Housing Authority would be purchasing additional lots from the Eagle's Lair subdivision on the west
side of "0" Street. The project is aimed at low to moderate income persons who will be required
to contribute 30 hours per week of 'sweat equity' into their new homes, with a licenced contractor
having oversight of the construction and that some subcontracting will be expected. There are
currently 35 applicants interested in the project.
Ms. Szatlocky stated that conditions 1, 3, 4, 6, and 7 were completely acceptable to them.
Condition 2 will be supported by CC&Rs that will prohibit access to 161h Street, and that fire
sprinklers required by Condition 5 will add expense to the houses, but the condition is acceptable.
Conditions 8 and 9, requiring that the drainage facility be located on a separate tract and that a play
area be dedicated are acceptable if they can still create 19 lots.
Mike Szatlocky, 32 South ridge Road, Port Angeles, W A 98362, the project design engineer,
explained the possible reconfiguration ofthe lots and how drainage facilities and a play area might
be arranged and combined. He stated that the drainage facility will be designed to meet the
Washington State Department of Ecology Stormwater Manual.
Planning Commission Minutes
March 26. 2003
. Commissioner Pittis asked if the applicants had been working with Public Works and
Utilities Department on the underground stormwater design. Mr. SzatIocky stated that they were
working with PW &U on drainage design. He also indicated that the Housing Authority needed to
get all 19 lots in order for the proiect to be successful and that they were in the process of
redesigning the configuration of the lots so that the drainage area would be a separate tract and be
large enough and configured in such a way to serve the dual purpose of providing a play area as well
as a drainage area.
Commissioner Pittis asked who would mow the grass in the common area. Mr. Szatlocky
stated that the issue would be covered in the CC&Rs or in Articles of Incorporation of a
Homeowner's Association.
Commissioner Norton asked ifthe Commission were to delay their action on this matter if
it would cause the applicant problems. Mr. Szatlocky said that if they could keep the tentative City
Council date of April 14, 2003 would not be a problem. Director Collins pointed out how difficult
that would be for staff, however it could be done.
Commissioner Pittis asked how the improvements to 16th Street were to be set up.
Specifically, will all 19 lot owners will pay even if they have no frontage on 16th, or will just those
with frontage on 16th be required to pay? He also asked if the applicant had considered simply
grading and graveling 16th Street. Mr. SzatIocky indicated that all lot owners in the subdivision will
be asked to contribute to 16th Street improvements and that at this time the cost of grading and
graveling 16th Street will be too high considering their current funding. Chair Nutter asked if the
existing trees along the south and east borders of the site are going to be protected by the CC&Rs.
Ms. Szatlocky confirmed that tree protection would be included in CC&Rs and that in addition new
trees will be planted by the Garden Club as an Arbor Day project.
Commissioner Pittis asked how the applicant will respond to comments tTomPublic Works
and Utilities Department. Those comments included redesigning Arbutus Lane without the "bulb"
shown on the south side of the street and removal ofthe one-foot 'no access' strip located adiacent
to 16th Street. Mr. Szatlocky stated that the original design of Arbutus Lane included the bulb so that
the minimum lot width could be met. He pointed out that it was originally thought that the minimum
lot width was measured at the street edge. not the setback line and that the "bulb" would not be
necessary to achieve the minimum lot width. and he will redesign the street layout. Mr. Szatlocky
then indicated that the Housing Authoritv had included the one-foot 'no access' strip in the hope of
creating a true neighborhood atmosphere where all the homes faced inward, toward Arbutus Lane.
The intent of the restriction was to keep the back yards from accumulating vehicles. Mr. Szatlocky
agreed to remove the no access strip from the face of the plat.
Connie Christensen, 511 Kemp Street, Port Angeles W A 98362, stated that she is a prospective
participant for the housing program and that she and her four children are very excited about it. She
said that as a resident she will leave all the trees and that her eldest son will be wining to help with
lawn maintenance of the common areas.
Planning Commission Minutes
March 26. 2003
Page 5
There being no further testimony, Chair Nutter closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner
Hewins stated that he thought that there is enough information for the Commission to move ahead
with a recommendation to the City Council. Commissioner Pittis felt that the only issue is the
provision of a play area. He pointed out that there is no specific threshold for requiring a play area
to be included in a subdivision and that this subdivision was smaller than the 20 lots where staff had
usually begun to require a play area. He added that he had grown up living on a cuI de sac and that
was where the kids congregated and that the cul de sac shown on the preliminary subdivision did
provide an area for children to play. Commissioner Hewins agreed, stating that he too had grown
up on a cuI de sac and it was the area that the kids played in. He also said that if the drainage facility
will be a grassed area that could provide an activity area, that requiring a security fence will be
counter to its use for recreation and should be required only if the facility presents a clear public
safety hazard.
Commissioner Schramm moved to send a recommendation for approval to the City
Council for Madrona Woods Subdivision for 19 lots, with 8 conditions, citing 21 findings and
6 conclusions.
All necessary easements for access, drainage, and utilities shall be shown on the final plat.
The applicant shall participate in future improvements to 16lh Street by signing a no protest
agreement to the formation of and participation in a Local Improvement District (LID) for
the improvement of 16th Street.
The stormwater drainage improvements shall be installed per the City's Urban Services
Standards and Guidelines. Storm drainage facilities shall be installed prior to or concurrently
with other infrastructure development.
Both 18th Street and "0" Street adjacent to this subdivision shall be improved to the center
line plus 10 feet to meet City standards.
The fire sprinkler system as required by the Fire Department shall be a condition of any new
residential building permit.
Electrical, telecommunications, and street lighting shall be installed or bonded per the Light
Division standards. All power Jines serving this subdivision shall be installed underground
per City Light design and easement requirements.
Address numbers shall be identified and placed on the final plat as provided by the City.
Drainage facilities located on Lot 19 (piping and infiltration basin) shall be locat~d on a
separate tract and a utility easement a minimum of20 feet in width centered on property Jines
shall be created. The infiltration basin shall be enclosed by a security fence if the drainage
facility poses a threat to public safety.
1. Chapter 16.08 ofthe Port Angeles Municipal Code (P AMC) sets forth local requirements for
the approval of subdivisions.
2. The Revised Code of Washington RCW 58.17 contains the State's guidelines for the uniform
division of land within the State of Washington. Section 58.17.110 requires a city to inquire
into the public use and interest proposed to be served by the establishment of a subdivision.
Planning Commission Minutes
March 26, 2003
Page 6
It shall determine if appropriate provisions are made for, but not limited to, the public health,
safety, and general welfare, for open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other
public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation,
playgrounds, schools and schoolgrounds, and shall consider all other relevant facts including
sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who
only walk to and from school and whether the public interest will be served by the -
subdivision. A proposed subdivision shall not be approved unless the city can make written
findings that these provisions are made.
Section 16.08.050(B)(1) PAMC provides that the Planning Commission shall examine the
proposed plat, along with written recommendations of the City Departments, and shall either
approve or disapprove the submittal. A recommendation thereon shall be forwarded to the
City Council within a period of90 days after a preliminary plat has been submitted to the
Ci ty Planning Department. The Ci ty Counci I shall either approve or disapprove the propo sed
preliminary plat at a public meeting.
The preliminary plat subdivides the 5.23 acres ofland into 19 residential lots. The 19
residential building lots range in size from 9,000 to 9,612 square feet. A tract for stonnwater
facilities will also be created.
The preliminary plat application includes a drawing received and dated February 21,2003,
prepared for the Housing Authority of C]allam County by The Cedarwood Group, provided
in Attachment B to the staff report which was used as the basis for the preliminary plat
review. The final plat will be entitled Madrona Woods Subdivision.
The proposed Madrona Woods Subdivision site is located along "0" Street at its intersection
with 18th Street and is legally described as a portion of Block 101, Suburban Lot of Port
Angeles, WAin a portion of Section 6, Township 30 North, Range 6 West, W.M..
Surrounding properties are developed with low density single family residential uses to the
north and west, and light industrial use to the south. Property adjacent to the east contains
a single family residence and property to the east is also is being developed as an adult family
shelter with three multi-family developments continuing to the east. The area south of 18th
Street is partially developed as the Fairchild Airport Industrial Park. Several other parcels
in the vicinity are undeveloped.
The site is currently served by 18th Street and "0" Street, neither of which is fully developed
to City street standards for collector arterial streets. The interior 12 lots will gain access from
Arbutus Lane, a cuI de sac interior to the subdivision. Transit service is available along both
"0" Street and 18th Street with a bus stop at property directly east of the site.
The proposed preliminary plat was reviewed by the City's Fire, Public Works, Parks and
Recreation, and Community Development Departments.
Public notice of the subdivision application was published on March 9, 2003, in the
Peninsula Daily News and posted on the site and mailed to property owners within 300 feet
of the proposed subdivision on March 5, 2003.
The proposal has been reviewed with respect to the Comprehensive Plan. The subject
property is identified as Low Density Residential (LDR) on the Port Angeles Comprehensive
Plan Land Use Map. The following Comprehensive Plan policies are found to be most
relevant to the proposal: Growth Management Element Goal A; Land Use Element Goal A,
Policy A2, Goal B, Policies B.l-B.4, Goal I, Policies I.1-I.4, Objective I.1; Transportation
Element Goal A, Policies A.3 and A6; Utilities and Public Services Element Policy 2.C and
P!lII/ning Commission Minutes
March 26. 2003
PlIge 7
. 20.
D.l; Housing Element Goal A; Capital Facilities Element Goal A, Policies A2, A9-A 11,
Goal B, Policies 8.6-8.7, Goal C, Policies C.3- CA.
12. The Comprehensive Plan requires concurrency for streets, water service, sanitary sewer
service, and electrical service (Capital Facilities Element Policy A9).
13. The Comprehensive Plan recommends concurrency for solid waste collection, stormwater
management, telecommunications service, and emergency services (police, fire and
emergency medical response) (Capital Facilities Element Policy A I 0).
14. The City's Comprehensive Plan (Land Use Element Goal B) states the intention to have a
community where residential development and use ofthe land are done in a manner that is
compatible with the environment, the characteristics ofthe use and the users, and the desired
urban design of the City.
15. The subject property is identified by the Port Angeles Zoning Map as Single Family
Residential (RS-9), which allows a density of up to 6.22 units per acre. The proposed
drawing indicates that each lot in the proposed subdivision will be at least 9,000 square feet
in size and that the average size ofthe lots is 9,333 square feet.
All required utility improvements including potable water, sanitary waste, electrical, and
refuse collection have been provided to the subdivision or are available in the area.
The Port Angeles School District No. 121 serves the area, and school capacity is currently
not an issue with the present trend in declining enrollments.
The site is currently served by the City's Police, Fire, and Public Works Departments.
Building permits are required for all structures on any approved building lots. All local
Building and Fire Codes apply to any new construction on the subject property.
Clearing and grading permits are not required for any initial site development on sites less
than one acre in size and not designated as an environmentally sensitive area by the City.
The City's State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Official issued a Determination of
N onSignificance (DNS # 1 023) on March 21 , 2003, satisfying the City's SEP A responsibility.
A. The conditions of the Madrona Woods Subdivision are required by the Subdivision
Ordinance and necessary to implement the Comprehensive Plan goals and policies.
B. The site is zoned RS-9, which allows less than 5 units per acre and is intended to be for the
development of single family homes. The configuration of the proposed subdivision lots and
street layout conform to the desired urban design of the City for the RS-9 Zone. The subject
site is located in an area with a grid street system and should be developed with low density
housing units to achieve the desired urban design of the City.
C. As conditioned, the preliminary plat is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning
D. As conditioned, the preliminary plat is in conformance with the Port Angeles Subdivision
Ordinance, Chapter 16.08 P AMC, and the Washington State Subdivi sion Act, Chapter 58.17
E. As conditioned, appropriate provisions have been made for the public health, safety and
general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public
ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation,
playgrounds, schools and school grounds, sidewalks and other planning features that assure
safe walking conditions for students who only walk to and from school.
Planning Commission Minutes
March 26, 2003
Page 8
As conditioned, the public interest is served in the platting of this subdivision as articulated
in the City's Comprehensive Plan, Subdivision, and Zoning Ordinances. The subdivision
provides for development of new homes within the City of Port Angeles consistent with the
Growth Management Act and beneficial to the City's tax base.
Commissioner Norton seconded the motion which passed 5 - o.
Associate Planner Johns asked Commission members if they would submit their e-mail addresses
for staffuse. He stated that the addresses would remain confidential and would be used by staff to
provide information to the Commissioners. Commissioner Pittis pointed out that they must be
provided if the public requested them.
Director Collins said that the staff was working on Comprehensive Plan amendments and that there
would be several for the Commission to review in late April or early May.
Commissioner Norton reported that Port Angeles Forward had met and that they were sending
representatives to Olympia to lobby against SB 6050 which would place limits on the use of the
graving dock between WSDOT bridge projects.
Chair Nutter asked for information on the activities going on at the Aggie's Motel site. Associate
Planner Johns indicated that new owners had inquired about the uses and parking issues on the site.
They were told that any residential use would be limited to those aged 55 orolderifno other parking
area was acquired for their use.
The meeting adjourned at 8:33
Bra Collms, Secretary
~h f1{f
Li da Nutter, C alr
T:\M INUTES\2003 pc\032603. wpd
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
March 26, 2003
7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Bob Philpott, Fred Hewins, Linda Nutter, Chuck Schramm,
Jack Pittis
Members Excused:
Fred Norton, Leonard Rasmussen
Staff Present:
Brad Collins, Scott Johns, Ken Dubuc
Public Present:
Connie Christensen, Melinda SzatIocky, Mike Szatlocky,
Alan Carman, Dean Reed, Peter Granum, Greg Granum
Chair Nutter pointed out that a copying error had been made and that two page #2s were
included in the minutes sent to Commissioners. Chair Nutter asked for clarification that only a
change to Conditions #3 for CUP 01-10 - Serenity House, and not the entire Conditional Use
approval was under consideration at the March 12,2003 meeting. Staff confirmed that to be the case
and that the findings only are in support ofthe change to condition #3.
Commissioner Schramm moved to approve the March 12, 2003, regular meeting
minutes as corrected. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nutter and passed 2 - 0-
3 with Commissioners Norton, Hewins, and Pittis abstaining due to their absence from that
meetin g.
Chair Nutter indicated that those who intend to testify must sign the "Sign In" log and affirm that
their testimony will be truthful to the best of their knowledge prior to testifying before the
DAISHOW A AMERICA. 1902 Marine Drive: Request to allow repair ofthe wastewater
outfall from an on-site wastewater treatment plant in the Industrial, Heavy zone within the
shoreline area.
Associate Planner Scott Johns presented the Department's staff report recommending
approval ofthe repair to the existing effluent outfall pipe from the Daishowa wastewater treatment
plant. Chair Nutter opened the public hearing.
Planning Commission Millllles
MlIrch 26, 20a]
Page 2
. Dean Reed, 1902 Marine Drive, Port Angeles, W A 98362, representative for Daishowa America
spoke in favor of the project, stating that the work would be done the week of June 2, 2003, when
the tides were lowest and the plant would be working at a low capacity. He also stated that the
temporary patch to the existing pipe, referred to in the staff report, had been made under a previous
There being no further testimony, Chair Nutter closed the public hearing. Commissioner
Schramm moved to approve SMA 03-02, citing the following Findings and Conclusions in
support of the action:
If the subj ect site has not been previously inventoried, evaluated, and reviewed to the
satisfaction of the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, the subject site shall be evaluated by
a cultural review team which shall include a professional archaeologist, a
representative of the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, the site owner, and the Port
Angeles Department of Community Development. This team shall determine the
extent of excavation monitoring for the project during the permit review process. As
an alternative, the applicant may volunteer to have an approved archaeologist on site
during any excavation in lieu of a review by the aforementioned cultural team. If
during an excavation that by decision ofthe cultural review team occurs without an
approved archaeologist on-site, any phenomena of possible archaeological interest
are uncovered, the developer shall stop such work and provide for a site inspection
and evaluation by a professional archaeologist to ensure that all possible valuable
archaeological data is properly salvaged.
Best management practices shall be utilized to prevent erosion from any exposed
soils during the repair.
An application for a shoreline permit was submitted by Daishowa America, on
February 6,2003 for the repair of the outfall pipe from their wastewater treatment
plant. The application indicates that excavation work will occur within 200 feet of
both the shorelines ofthe Strait of Juan de Fuca and the lagoon located at the south
end ofEdiz Hook on the harbor side.
A Determination of Non-Significance was issued by the City of Port Angeles SEP A
Responsible Official for the proposal on March 18, 2003.
The Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program, Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance
and critical areas ordinances have been reviewed with respect to this application.
The site is designated Industrial in the City's Comprehensive Plan, Industrial, Heavy
in the City's Zoning Ordinance, and Urban-Harbor and Aquatic Conservancy in the
City's Shoreline Master Program.
Chapter 5 ofthe City's Shoreline Master Program indicates industries are permitted
uses in the U-H designation and encourages giving priority to existing industries and
continued efforts by private industries to improve the quality of the air and water.
The wastewater treatment facility's outfall is located in the shoreline area designated
as Aquatic Conservancy. Sewer outfalls are defined as water-dependent uses and
water-dependent uses are listed as permitted in areas designated as Aquatic
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Planning Commission Minllles
March 26. 2003
Page 3
The following adopted City policies are most relevant to the proposed project:
Comprehensive Plan Conservation Element Policies A-I, B-1, 10.
\ ~y
.~,.~ .~
, \"
The proposed proj ect as condi tioned, is consistent wi th the City Comprehensi ve Pl~I;l
and Shoreline Master Program.
The project will not be detrimental to the shoreline.
As conditioned, the proposed project will not interfere with public use oflands or
Commissioner Norton seconded the motion which passed 5 - o.
west 0["0" Street: Proposal to develop a 19-unit single-family subdivision in the RS-9,
Residential Single Family zone.
Commissioner Norton indicated that he knew the project engineer, stating that their association had
been several years ago and that he felt that he could make an unbiased decision on this matter, He
asked if anyone felt that he should not be involved in making a decision on this matter? No one
stated any objection.
Associate Planner Johns presented the Department's staff report recommending approval of
the subdivision with 18 lots. Director Collins added that staff has been working with the applicants
and that conceptual changes are being made so that a 19th lot, as originaIl y proposed by the applicant,
might be approved. He also indicated that staff was not opposed to approval of a 19th lot, as long
as drainage and activity space issues were dealt with. Chair Nutter opened the public hearing.
Melinda Szatlocky, 32 South ridge Road, Port Angeles, W A 98362 representing the Clallam
County Housing Authority, described the involvement ofthe Housing Authority, HUD and how the
project would be funded. She stated that the project needed 20 lots to work financially and that the
Housing Authority would be purchasing additional lots from the Eagle's Lair subdivision on the west
side of "0" Street. The project is aimed at low to moderate income persons who will be required
to contribute 30 hours per week of 'sweat equity' into their new homes, with a licenced contractor
having oversight of the construction and that some subcontracting will be expected. There are
currently 35 applicants interested in the project.
Ms. Szatlocky stated that conditions 1, 3, 4, 6, and 7 were completely acceptable to them. .
Condition 2 will be supported by CC&Rs that will prohibit access to 16th Street, and that fire"
sprinklers required by Condition 5 will add expense to the houses, but the condition is acceptable.
Conditions 8 and 9, requiring that the drainage facility be located on a separate tract and that a play
area be dedicated are acceptable if they can still create 19 lots.
Mike Szatlocky, 32 South ridge Road, Port Angeles, W A 98362, the project design engineer,
explained the possible reconfiguration ofthe lots and how drainage facilities and a play area might
be arranged and combined. He stated that the drainage facility will be designed to meet the
Washington State Department of Ecology Stormwater Manual.
Planning Commission Minl/tes
March 26. 2003
Page 4
Commissioner Pittis asked if the applicants had been working with Public Works and
Utilities Department on the underground stormwater design. Mr. Szatlocky stated that they were
working with PW &U. Commissioner Pittis also asked who would mow the grass in the common
area. Mr. Szatlocky stated that the issue would be covered in the CC&Rs or in Articles of
Incorporation of a Homeowner's Association.
Commissioner Norton asked if the Commission were to delay their action on this matter if
it would cause the applicant problems. Mr. Szatlocky said that if they could keep the tentative City
Council date of April 14, 2003 would not be a problem. . Director Collins pointed out how difficult
that would be for staff, however it could be done.
Commissioner Pittis asked how the improvements to 16th Street were to be set up.
Specifically, will all 19 lot owners will pay even if they have no frontage on 16t\ or will just those
with frontage on 16th be required to pay? He also asked if the applicant had considered simply
grading and graveling 16th Street. Mr. Szatlocky indicated that all lot owners in the subdivision will
be asked to contribute to 16th Street improvements and that at this time the cost of grading and
graveling 16th Street will be too high considering their current funding. Chair Nutter asked if the
existing trees along the south and east borders ofthe site are going to be protected by the CC&Rs.
Ms. Szatlockyconfinned that tree protection would be included in CC&Rs and that in addition new
trees will be planted by the Garden Club as an Arbor Day project.
Connie Christensen, 511 Kemp Street, Port Angeles W A 98362, stated that she is a prospecti ve
participant for the housing program and that she and her four children are very excited about it. She
said that as a resident she will leave all the trees and that her eldest son will be willing to help with
lawn maintenance of the common areas.
There being no further testimony, Chair Nutter closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner
Hewins stated that he thought that there is enough information for the Commission to move ahead
with a recommendation to the City Council. Commissioner Pittis felt that the only issue is the
provision of a play area. He pointed out that there is no specific threshold for requiring a play area
to be included in a subdivision and that this subdivision was smaller than the 20 lots where staffhad
usually begun to require a play area. He added that he had grown up living on a cui de sac and that
was where the kids congregated and that the cuI de sac shown on the preliminary subdivision did
provide an area for children to play. Commissioner Hewins agreed, stating that he too had grown
up on a cuI de sac and it was the area that the kids played in. He also said that if the drainage facility
will be a grassed area that could provide an activity area, that requiring a security fence will be
counter to its use for recreation and should be required only if the facility presents a clear public
safety hazard.
Commissioner Schramm moved to send a recommendation for approval to the City
Council for Madrona Woods Subdivision for 191015, with 8 conditions, citing 21 findings and
6 conclusions.
Planning Commission Minutes
March 26, 2003
Page 5
1. All necessary easements for access, drainage, and utilities shall be shown on the final plat.
2. The applicant shall participate in future improvements to 16th Street by signing a no protest
agreement to the formation of and participation in a Local Improvement District (LID) for
the improvement of 16th Street.
3. The stormwater drainage improvements shall be installed per the City's Urban Services
Standards and Guidelines. Storm drainage facilities shall be installed prior to or concurrently
with other infrastructure development.
4. Both 18th Street and "0" Street adjacent to this subdivision shall be improved to the center
line plus 10 feet to meet City standards.
5. The fire sprinkler system as required by the Fire Department shall be a condition of any new
residential building permit.
6. Electrical, telecommunications, and street lighting shall be installed or bonded per the Light
Division standards. All power lines serving this subdivision shall be installed underground
per City Light design and easement requirements.
7. Address numbers shall be identified and placed on the final plat as provided by the City.
8. Drainage facilities located on Lot 19 (piping and infiltration basin) shall be located on a
separate tract and a utility easement a minimum of20 feet in width centered on property lines
shall be created. The infiltration basin shall be enclosed by a security fence jfthe drainage
facility poses a threat to public safety.
1. Chapter 16.08 ofthe Port Angeles Municipal Code (P AMC) sets forth local requirements for
the approval of subdivisions.
2. The Revised Code of Washington RCW 58.17 contains the State's guidelines for the uniform
division ofland within the State of Washington. Section 58.17.110 requires a city to inquire
into the public use and interest proposed to be served by the establishment of a subdivision.
It shall determine if appropriate provisions are made for, but not limited to, the public health,
safety, and general welfare, for open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other
public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation,
playgrounds, schools and schoolgrounds, and shall consider all other relevant facts including
sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who
only walk to and from school and whether the public interest will be served by the
subdivision. A proposed subdivision shall not be approved unless the city can make written
findings that these provisions are made.
3. Section 16.08.050(B)(1) P AMC provides that the Planning Commission shall examine the
proposed plat, along with written recommendations of the City Departments, and shall either
approve or disapprove the submittal. A recommendation thereon shall be forwarded to the
City Council within a period of 90 days after a preliminary plat has been submitted to the
City Planning Department. The City Council shall either approve or disapprove the proposed
preliminary plat at a public meeting.
4. The preliminary plat subdivides the 5.23 acres of land into 19 residential lots. The 19
residential building lots range in size from 9,000 to 9,612 square feet. A tract for storrnwater
facilities will also be created.
Planning Commission Minmes
March 26, 2003
Page 6
The preliminary plat application includes a drawing received and dated February 21,2003,
prepared for the Housing Authority of Clallam County by The Cedarwood Group, provided
in Attachment B to the staff report which was used as the basis for the preliminary plat
review. The final plat will be entitled Madrona Woods Subdivision.
The proposed Madrona Woods S u bdivi sian site is located along "0" Street at its intersection
with 18th Street and is legally described as a portion of Block 101, Suburban Lot of Port
Angeles, WA in a portion of Section 6, Township 30 North, Range 6 West, W.M..
Surrounding properties are developed with low density single family residential uses to the
north and west, and light industrial use to the south. Property adjacent to the east contains
a single family residence and property to the east is also is being developed as an adult family
shelter with three multi-family developments continuing to the east. The area south of ISth
Street is partially developed as the Fairchild Airport Industrial Park. Several other parcels
in the vicinity are undeveloped.
The site is currently served by 18th Street and "0" Street, neither of which is fully developed
to City street standards for collector arterial streets. The interior 12 lots will gain access from
Arbutus Lane, a cuI de sac interior to the subdivision. Transit service is available along both
"0" Street and ISIh Street with a bus stop at property directly east of the site.
The proposed preliminary plat was reviewed by the City's Fire, Public Works, Parks and
Recreation, and Community Development Departments.
Public notice of the subdivision application was published on March 9, 2003, in the
Peninsula Daily News and posted on the site and mailed to property owners within 300 feet
of the proposed subdivision on March 5, 2003.
The proposal has been reviewed with respect to the Comprehensive Plan. The subject
property is identified as Low Density Residential (LDR) on the Port Angeles Comprehensive
Plan Land Use Map. The following Comprehensive Plan policies are found to be most
relevant to the proposal: Growth Management Element Goal A; Land Use Element Goal A,
Policy A2, Goal B, Policies B.1-BA, Goal I, Policies 11-14, Objective 11; Transportation
Element Goal A, Policies A3 and A6; Utilities and Public Services Element Policy 2.C and
D.1; Housing Element Goal A; Capital Facilities Element Goal A, Policies A2, A.9-All,
Goal B, Policies B.6-B.7, Goal C, Policies C.3- CA.
The Comprehensive Plan requires concurrency for streets, water service, sanitary sewer
service, and electrical service (Capital Facilities Element Policy A9).
The Comprehensive Plan recommends concurrency for solid waste collection, stormwater
management, telecommunications service, and emergency services (police, fire and
emergency medical response) (Capital Facilities Element Policy Al 0).
The City's Comprehensive Plan (Land Use Element Goal B) states the intention to have a
community where residential development and use of the land are done in a manner that is
compatible with the environment, the characteristics ofthe use and the users, and the desired
urban design of the City.
The subject property is identified by the Port Angeles Zoning Map as Single Family
Residential (RS-9), which allows a density of up to 6.22 units per acre. The proposed
drawing indicates that each lot in the proposed subdivision will be at least 9,000 square feet
in size and that the average size of the lots is 9,333 square feet.
All required utility improvements including potable water, sanitary waste, electrical, and
refuse collection have been provided to the subdivision or are available in the area.
Planning Commission Mimttes
March 26, 2003
Page 7
The Port Angeles School District No. 121 serves the area, and school capacity is currently
not an issue with the present trend in declining enrollments.
The site is currently served by the City's Police, Fire, and Public Works Dep"artments.
Building permits are required for all structures on any approved building lots. All local
Building and Fire Codes apply to any new construction on the subject property.
Clearing and grading permits are not required for any initial site development on sites less
than one acre in size and not designated as an enviromnentally sensitive area by the City.
The City's State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Official issued a Determination of
NonSignificance (DNS # 1 023) on March 21 , 2003, satisfying the City's SEP A responsibi lity.
A. The conditions of the Madrona Woods Subdivision are required by the Subdivision
Ordinance and necessary to implement the Comprehensive Plan goals and policies.
B. The site is zoned RS-9, which allows less than 5 units per acre and is intended to be for the
development of single family homes. The configuration ofthe proposed subdivision lots and
street layout conform to the desired urban design ofthe City for the RS-9 Zone. The subject
site is located in an area with a grid street system and should be developed with low density
housing units to achieve the desired urban design ofthe City.
C. As conditioned, the preliminary plat is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning
D. As conditioned, the preliminary plat is in conformance with the Port Angeles Subdivision
Ordinance, Chapter 16.08 P AMC, and the Washington State Subdivision Act, Chapter 58.17
E. As conditioned, appropriate provisions have been made for the public health, safety and
general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public
ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation,
playgrounds, schools and school grounds, sidewalks and other planning features that assure
safe walking conditions for students who only walk to and from school.
F. As conditioned, the public interest is served in the platting of this subdivision as articulated
in the City's Comprehensive Plan, Subdivision, and Zoning Ordinances. The subdivision
provides for development of new homes within the City of Port Angeles consistent with the
Growth Management Act and beneficial to the City's tax base.
Commissioner Norton seconded the motion which passed 5 - O.
Associate Planner Johns asked Commission members if they would submit their e-mail addresses
for staff use. He stated that the addresses would remain confidential and would be used by staff to
provide information to the Commissioners. Commissioner Pittis pointed out that they must be
provided if the public requested them.
Planning Commission Minutes
MlIrch 26. 2003
Page 8
. Director Collins said that the staffwas working on Comprehensive Plan amendments and that there
would be several for the Commission to review in late April or early May.
Commissioner Norton reported that Port Angeles Forward had met and that they were sending
representatives to Olympia to lobby against SB 6050 which would place limits on the use of the
graving dock between WSDOT bridge projects.
Chair Nutter asked for information on the activities going on at the Aggie's Motel site. Associate
Planner Johns indicated that new owners had inquired about the uses and parking issues on the site.
They were told that any residential use would be limited to those aged 55 or older ifno other parking
area was acquired for their use.
The meeting adjourned at 8:33
T:\M in utes\2003]lc \032603. WJld
WAS H I N G TON, U. 5. A.
Meeting Agenda of: ('(\AKCH d.&} ~.3
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