HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/01/1952
The City Planning Coramieion met at city ball in regular
ee3sion Apri..Ll J 1952. : i nute!! of the previ 0 us mept ing were appro'i!t"d,
l.1emberfl present:otrange, Heinere, L&moureux, .::>tewart, bmith,
Ha'l1pton Ctnd Engineer Ahlvere. ~beent, John Gort.
Membere informally discussed the arterial paving prof!r~ with
Chairr,an strange explai~ing it should be c~rried out before
the T umwater ro ute because of the degil.l stepe invo lved. He
asked ~th in a telephone QOversation to inform the city
cODlmi 8 sien of the co unci 1... elect' e wi shes corferni ng the en@:ileer-
ing' department'e work to gather data. B~ih ~ppe~ring at the
fl1~eting later eaid. the councilm~Xl haf3 recommended the engi.neer.
ing department l1go ahead" on the paiT j ng program data. He said
he would 80 advise the city commission the foUowing Mond~at
it15 regular meeting. Chirmil-n strange said if no B.ction VlllI'e
fort.heoming he would api'ear before the omm115sion to urge
1~edi2te action.
stewart made a rr:otion that the planning commi5sion int QrID the
city commi~sion it is opposed to ~ny further dRM~~Mm~~X
actton on rebuilding the Laurel etreet stepe in view of 'further,
deve lopmBt of the street or the po Eel IH..l..1."tY at' using the ale8.
ae it futu.re billlding site. Seconded by Lamoureux. Unani.mous1y
Reinere discussed the pBlSSibili ty of the C1 ty furni shing gra'rel
from the Uorse creek pit for the paving program but Chairman
8trill.n,ze explaj ned the gr"'.'\Tel wi 11 not pas! inspection for Port land
cement pa.vi.r..g but would for aphal.lt.
There rJeing no further busine6s the meeting adjourned..
Respectfully s~