HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/01/1969
Minutes of the Port Angeles Planning Commission meeting of April
1, 1969.
Present: Hunt, Anderson, Dilling, Treat, McHone, Hankins, Building
Inspector Willson.
Absent: Driscoll
Meeting was opened at 7:30 P.M. Minutes of the previous meeting
were approved as received.
Mr. Stanley A. Palmer, newly appointed Director of Central Services
for the City of Port Angeles, was in attendance and was introduced
to the members of the Planning Commission.
New Business - Three variance requests had been received and
properly posted for hearing at this time.
Independent Bible Church, southeast corner of First and Vine
Streets, had requested a variance from the zoning regulations of
the CAD zone to permit them to construct a 751 x 481 building on
the rear portion of their property closer to the alley right-of-way
and east margin of Vine street than permitted. Discussion centered
around the long-range plans of the church congregation, percentage
of lot coverage, off-street parking provisions and type of building
construction. Following the discussion,the Planning Commission
voted to recommend the following:
1. The building be permitted with an alley setback of five
feet instead of the required 15 feet. The only opening onto the
alley will be fire exi.ts, openable only from~e inside.
2. Setback from the east margin of Vine Street of 4l feet be
3. Percent-of-lot-coverage of 67% be accepted temporatrly.
The removal of the 44' x 25' building on the west 30 feet of Lot 8
will bring this percentage under the 60% allowable, as the plans of
the congregation develope.
4. The current off-street parking arrangements appear to be
satisfactory for the present. However, when the necessity arises,
the building on Lot 12 Block 27 N.R.Smith isto be razed and the
property developed for off-street parking. Additional construction
in the future will undoubtedly require the acquisition of more land
for parking purposes.
Charlp.s E. Huff, 332 East Lopez, had requested a variance from
the regulations of an RS-7 zone to permit him to enclose an existing
non-conforming carport and convert it to a bedroom. After a briet
discussion the Planning Commission voted to recommend the request be
denied, since there is ample area on the south side of the house for
an addition without any variances, and also that the abutting pro-
perties are becoming undesirably congested.
Joseph Kilmer, 818 South "L" Street, had requested a variance
from the regulations of an RS-7 zone to permit him to enlarge his
existing sinqle family residence to 16 feet from the alley right-ot-
way line instead of the required 25 foet setback. Following a brief
discussion it was voted to recommend approval of the request.
Minutes - Planning Commission
Ap r ill, 1969
page 2
Old Business -
Mr. E. L. McWilliams was present for the public hearing on
the preliminary platting of his proposed "Seamount Estatesl1.
The property had been posted by the developer as required, and
the developer had paid the necessary fees for that portion (part
of Suburban Lot 28) currently under consideration. The Planning
Commission approved the preliminary plat.
Mr. Max Ainsworth, owner of the grocery store at Mount
Angeles Road and Campbell Avenue was present and requested an
extension on the non-conforming use status of this property. The
members voted to recommend approval.
Mr. FIOrd McRevey,of Uptown Motel Enterprises, was present
for a joint Panning Commission;-City Council meeting, to discuss
his variance requests in connection with the proposed construction
of his multi-purpose building, abutting the present three-story
unit on the southwest corner of the 2nd and Laurel Street inter-
section. A lengthy discussion followed, during which the following
points were considered; primarily, the erection of the building on
the west property lin~, and provisions for offstreet parking of
non-patrons of the motel who might be attending activities held
in the proposed structure. Mr. McRevey indicated th4 building
was to be one-story, entirely of masonry construction and that he
had an excess of possibly nine offstreet parking spaces above
what were required for his motel units. From the sketch of the
building proposed (70 x 241) it appears that 28 offstreet parking
places would be required under Ordinance 1588.
In connection with this discussion Mr. McRevey was queried
as to any change in plans he might have made in the building on
the west side of Laurel Street, north of 2nd (minutes of 1/7/69).
Mr. McRevey advised the members that he had reduced the building
from 8 units, on three stories, plus one penthouse, to 5 units on
two stories, plus a penthouse. The west wall of this building is
to be of masonry construction.
The discussion of Mr. McRevey's proposed projects concluded
when all members felt they had no further questions to ask. The
Council advised Mr.McRevey that they would consider his request in
light of the evenings discussion and the matter would be brought
up at the next meeting of the City Council.
No further business was presented and t.he meeting adjourned at
9:30 PM.
~~ fldW
Harry n, C airman
G(fp vA.'
March 27, 1969
Port Angeles Planning Commission
RE: Meeting scheduled for April 1, 1969
Old Business
Floyd McRevey- multi-purpose building on southwest corner 2nd
and Laurel Streets. The City Council tabled this request and
plan to meet with the Planning Commission and Mr. McRevey at the
April 1 meeting for a joint discussion of the application.
New Business
Independent Bible Church, southeast corner of First and Vine
have requested a variance from the regulations of the CAD zone to
permit construction of a 481 x 75~1 church building closer to the
rear property line than the required 15' setback. This may also
involve a question of off-street parking and percentage of lot
Charles E. Huff, 332 East Lopez has requested a variance
from the regulations of an RS-7 zone to permit them to convert an
existing carport to a bedroom. The east wall of the carport is
apparently on their east property line.
Joseph Kilmer, 818 South "L" Street has requested a variance
from the regulations of an RS-7 zone which would allow him to
enlarge his existing single family residence and extend it closer 4It
to the alley property line than the 25 foot setback required.
~ Business
E. L. McWilliams has provided me with a copy of his posting
notice setting April I as the date for the preliminary hearing
on his Seamount Estate plat.
L. N. Jungman is preparing a replat of a portion of Block
1 Highland View Acre Tracts on East Street across from Bonneville
substation. Whether he will attend this meeting I do not know.
Del-Hor Inc., 1020 East Front St., has submitted an application
to the City Council for rezoning the north half ot the north half
of Suburban Lot 75 (15th and "M") from RS-9 to M-2 (M-l?) to
permit operation of a gravel pit. This item will probably come
up April 15.
As of this date, I know of nothing else to be presented at this
R. P. Willson, Recording Secretary