HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/01/1985
Port Angeles, Washington
April 1, 1985
Chairman Lewis called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Members Present: John Lacey, Scott Lewis, Lucia McPhee.
Members Absent: Jim Rexroat, Steve Pazan.
Staff Present: Paul D. Carr.
Mr. Lacey moved to approve the minutes of the March 11,
1985, meeting as written. Ms. McPhee seconded the motion,
which passed unanimously.
Ms. McPhee moved to approve the minutes of March l4, 1985.
Mr. Lacey seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Mr. Lacey moved to approve the minutes of March l8, 1985, as
corrected. Ms. McPhee seconded the motion, which passed
The Board decided to review the letter from Dan and Janet
Gouin at the end of the meeting.
V-84(11)20 - RICHARD SCHOENFELDT. A request for a
reduction in the reqsuired side yard setback from 7' to
3r; and an increase in the maximum fence height from 6'
to 81. Location: 435 East Park.
Mr. Carr reviewed the Department Report. Chairman Lewis
opened the public hearing.
John Spiess, representing the applicant, explained that the
8-foot fence is needed because school children cut across
the yard. The Board, the applicant and Mr. Spiess also
discussed property lines, easements and sewer lines. Mr.
Schoenfeldt stated that an 8-foot fence would not block any
views. Chairman Lewis closed the public hearing.
April 1, 1985
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Following discussion among the Board, Mr. Lacey moved to
deny the variance applications for a building within three
feet of the side property line and the tl-foot fence because
there were no special circumstances of the property; other
alternatives are available; and granting a variance would be
a special privilege. Ms. McPhee seconded the motion, which
passed 3 - O.
V-85(4)7 - DANA SIEBEL. Request for a reduction of the
required 25' front yard setback to 14', to permit the
construction of an attached garage to an existing house
located in the RS-7, Single-Family Residential
District. Location: 819 South "G" Street.
Mr. Carr reviewed the Department Report. Chairman Lewis
read the Siebel letter into the record. Chairman Lewis then
opened the public hearing.
Glen Peters, representing Ms. Siebel, stated a variance
would not be detrimental to the public and south of the
house is a logical place for the garage. The Board, staff,
Mr. Peters and Ms. Siebel discussed the location of the
garage to the house and to traffic. Chairman Lewis closed
the public hearing.
Ms. McPhee moved to grant a reduction of the required
25-foot front yard setback to 14 feet to permit the construc-
tion of an attached garage because the corner lot is a
special circumstance, and it would not be detrimental to the
public. Mr. Lacey seconded the motion, which passed
V-85(4)8 - WILLIAM R. DOTY. Request for a reduction of
the required 25' front yard setback to 20' in the RS-7,
Single-Family Residential District, to permit an
addition to an existing single-family home. Location:
1117 West 7th Street.
Mr. Carr reviewed the Department Report. Chairman Lewis
opened the public hearing.
Darrell Wood, representing the applicants, explained the
purpose of the addition. He also noted that the applicants
would not mind consolidating the two lots, although the one-
hour fire protection wall may be a quicker and cheaper
solution to the Public Works Department's concerns. Chair-
man Lewis closed the public hearing.
Mr. Lacey moved to grant a variance for reduction of the
required 25-foot front yard setback to 20 feet to permit an
April 1, 19~5
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addi tion to an existing single-family home, and calling
attention to the Public Works Department memo regarding lot
boundaries and fire protection; stating that such variance
would not be detrimental to the general public and would not
confer a special privilege. Ms. McPhee seconded the motion,
which passed unanimously.
V-85(4)9 - R. C. SAVAGE. Request for a variance of the
required 35' setback from a public right-of-way to 101,
in the PBP, Public Buildings and Parks District, to
allow the construction of a single-family residence.
Location: 836 East Tenth street.
Mr. Carr reviewed the Department Report. Chairman Lewis
opened the public hearing.
R. C. Savage, applicant, explained that the house is 50
years old and it is cheaper to raze the house rather than
rebuild it piece-meal over time, which would be permitted.
Chairman Lewis closed the public hearing.
Ms. McPhee moved to grant a variance to reduce the required
35-foot setback from a public right-of-way to 10 feet to
allow the construction of a single-family residence, citing
that the topography, location and rights-of-way constitu~e
special circumstances; granting a variance would not be
detrimental to the public; and it would not confer a special
privilege because he can rebuild the building over time.
Mr. Lacey seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
V-85(4)lO - TOM McCABE. Request for a reduction of the
required 25' front yard setback to 19.5', to permit the
construction of a two-story addition, including a
one-car garage and additional living space, to an
existing single-family residence, located in the RS-7,
Single-Family Residential District. Location: 314
West 15th Street.
Mr. Carr reviewed the Department Report. Chairman Lewis
opened the public hearing.
Tom McCabe explained the need for the house and noted that a
soils test indicated that a structure could be built in that
area. Chairman Lewis closed the public hearing.
Mr. Lacey moved to grant the variance to reduce the required
25-foot front yard setback to 19.5 feet to permit the
construction of a two-story addition, citing the following
April l, 1985
Page 4
1. Lot topography and the Ravine are special circumstances
of the parcel which deny it the use right of
residential living space and covered off-street parking
unless the variance is granted.
2. The variance will not be a grant of special privilege
lnconsistent with the use of other properties in the
vicinity or zone.
3. The proposed addition will not be materially
detrimental to the general public or injurious to
properties and utilities in this vicinity or district.
Ms. McPhee seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Following discussion, Mr. McPhee moved to table to the next
meeting the Gouins letter and have the Gouins present to
discuss reconsideration. Mr. Lacey seconded the motion,
which passed 3 - O. Staff will review applicable codes
governing reconsideration.
Mr. Lacey moved to table this item until all members were
present. Ms. McPhee seconded the motion, which passed
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
Paul D. Carr, Secretary
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