HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/05/1966
Minutes of thp. regular meeting of the Port Angeles Planning
Commission April 5th 1966.
Members present were Anderson, Driscoll, Dilling, Hunt, Treat
and Strange.
Minutes of two previous meetings were read and approved.
There were four hearings on zoning variances scheduled for
this meeting:
First was the application of Elmore Boom Company~. for per-
mission to install a Mobile Home on their leased property identified
as City Lease lot #5 Edlz Hook. The request is for permission to
use the mobIle home as a place where employees may change clothes,
to provide office space and a place to lock up tools. On a motion
the Plannin~ Commission recommends to the City Council the application
be approved, with the following provisions - that the UnIt is not
to be used as lIving quarters, that a time limit of two years be
established and the permit be non-transferable.
Second to be considered was the application of Rev. Robert J.
~y for permisRion to construct a carport closer to the property
line than permitted in a First Residental Zone located at 224 West
9th Street. Upon examination of the site is was noted most ot the
area involved falls within the legal requirements of the ordinance,
all but seven feet of the area bein? on the rear one third of the
property, and the proposed improvement generally fits in to the
layout as is on the ground. A motion was passed recommending to the
City Council the application be approved.
Third application to be heard was that of Arthur T. Griffin of
130 East 9th Street, Lot 2 Block 291~ Mr. ~rif1Tns request rs-lor
permission to construct 8 carport on the east side of his property~
the structure to extend within 15 feet of 9th Street instead of the
hold back required of 25 feet. Upon examin~tion of thearea it was
noted all the homes In the bLock on 9th Street from Lincoln to
Laurel have observed the hold back regulation and are pretty much
in perfect line. In addition is was noted Mr. Sriffin has no hard-
ship in making any improvements he desires on the rear of his pro-
perty, there being ample room for any t~pe of construction.With
these facts in mind a motion was passed recommending to the City
Council the application be denied.
Fourth application wa.. that of Elmer Wenko of 2107 West 16th
Street, Lot 15 Grandvlew Heights Addition (Trailer Park). Mr.
Wenko's application is for petmission to construct a shop, utIlity
room and car port as accessory buildin1 for a Mobile Home. The
proposed improvements would be within 3 feet of the property lIne
instead of the 7 feet required~ In as much as the mobile home is
only 18 teet wide, and the lot on which it is situated has a width
of 60 feet, it appears to the Planning Commission, there is ample
room on the property if properly utilized, therefor a motion was
passed recommending to the City Council the application be denied.
Minutes - Port Angeles Planning Commission
April 5th, 19615
page 2
A verbal request by Arthur Waldron for r.ermisslon to erect a
directory board on the corner of 18th and IIN1 Streets to carry the
names of the residents in the Grandview Heights area, was considered.
The idea meetlnl with the approval of the group, they recommend to
the Council a revocable permit be issued for the installation of
the board.
The group welcomed Russell L. Treat as a new member of the
No further business appearln~ meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Fred C. Strange, Chairman
Acting Secretary