HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/07/1964
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'.1inut!'lS of the regular r:1 letina; of tho Port 1\11r"0103 Planning COMmission
April 7th, 1 961~.
::embers present wore Anderson, Driscoll, Ha:lkins, Hunt, McGee J
Reiners and Strange.
Also pronent were Director of Public /Jorks John 9. .JHrder, :IntoI' Supt.
Paul Reed and Ass't City Engineer Robert Willson.
Minutos or the previous meetin~ wero reed and apnroved.
First order of business was a henring on the appli~ation of Mr.
Everett Kosar of 1016 Nest 7th St. (Lot 6, Qock 241) for permission
to operate u radio repair businoss frem a gflrnr;o bui..ldlnr' on the rear
of his lot. Aftor a discussion, durin,,; "vi1ich Mr. Kosar ~tntod ~is
nuelifteat10ns as a radio repair ~an unrl th~t hiR nroposnl was for a
small ono MBn operHtion, a motiorl wa~ passed rAco~mendin~ to the City
Council that Mr. Kosar bo r"iven a conditional p'Jrr.1it. T~o condition
being that ho cause no radio or rolevision interference in the
ne i p;hborhood .
Next VLS the hoarin~ on a variance an~licotion of L. F. Klin~e on
Lots 11, I.:?, 13 ~c 14, BlOCK 145 townsite, cornor of hth ano lhn Streots.
The application 1s for less than the r~quired ?5 fwot ~old-back on
these lots inasmuch as they Bre only about 100 feot in 1Cll[';th due to
the railroad right of wny and 31.:10 they Hro 10cnted [It tho top of tho
bluff. A motion ','fas passed rec Or.l'TIonti inr', to' tho C 1 ty Coune 11 the
8pn1"'ov9.1 of' fl 10 foot sot-back .lith tho pl'ovis i on that? lots he llsod
as one build1n'~ nito, tl1ut is to say in thin instunce Lots 11 ~ 12.
'rho c hair~en then rHad fi VA ap"licat ions for vHrie 'cos f1"'ol':1 the zoning
or~inance as follows:
1. r.'ro'1l r,frs. Janet CO'1loron b,'! ,I. ,,1. Maddux for the locfltiml or a '71obilo
horne on lots 9 9(. 10, Block 439 boinr at the corner of 16th and "P" Stroet'
~~rom ~'r. Arnoln Hirse:<orn fop por'1ission to sell I; feet or Lot 13,
Plock 344, CBusing his present home to be wi torn 5 roet of tbo proporty
line instead of the rocnliI'ed 7 foot. Loeat'; on 1)1 :/o.t l?ttJi St.
3. "'r0ffi hfr. Georre H. Stovens to ch:.ln,"o Lot 13, Hlock ??3 from seco'1d
residence to second businoss to nuintRln an of rice for the practice of
ohyslcal therapy. Location 913 East 'Ith.
40 ^pp1ication of (~r. :J: l,1rfl Jarno~ C-. Prflthflr ror a 10 foot hold-back
on Lots 15 Bnt] l(), .J1oek 145. Lo(:atloll LIt') ano "~V' 8tr!"l ltS. This
location is adjacent to prcpert;,r of' tw. lninr~8 noted above in t'lO~e
5. /loplicfltion of Strc'\"'1borr Jluildi!lr~ [o;ntorpri:'les, Inc. ror Dorr.lisslon
to b'l i ld a i'oilrteen unit apart"lont houso nt II th nnd Oak streets.
APDlict1tton is for ofJrl1insl.nn for let.H than tho S foot siie~rarn roqlJired.
~!9!:lr1n~s on :111 tho ahovo iJplJlicati,ol19 ,m5 sot for' 7: 10 i . '1. J\or11 21st.
Chair un rend rosolutto'] pEtssed hy City COllcil r~ivin,": oxplra.ticn catas
of tOi'nn of ,nombors of tho Pl[mn' tn,,: Gomml:1sion.
'1i'111tOB 0" th<1 I"w-l1nr l108tin' 0'" tbe ?Ol't l\n"llo~ P1';minr, Commission
Air; 1 7tb, l'Jhh--~-Pa~fl # 2.
r,lGnb~rs flr'reed to ""\f>At ,"11th Clty Council nt. 7:30 t.1. lipril 9th
nn 1 also to r: noon '1l';ptl'.' Vlit~l Pro M, ';, PLO])O londny Anril ?7th.
r.'ll'1ncn of tho ffioetiTll! ,'Hl~ ,-Iv HI oVrJr to flt iJy cf r'~:.llotion of
locat1{n on ,ohile i[0mO[" (is th"l:r 'Jr'o pro'criod by tho I,ssocintion of
Jasnington Citins.
dO rlJI't-l'~r bllsineS3 aYDO!il'tr~, "1eotinr; [lrl,jollrno,j [It 9:30 T'.~~.
Ii H ~m' let f' l 11 Y fP I b r:1 i t to! ,
FrQcf C, -~l:r7iil '9 ~ :';-notr-:I;n-
-r:-;--. -:{:<lr] ,{ ins, So cr ,; t r, ~. y