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Port Angeles, Washington
April 8, 1981
Chairman Brewer called the meeting to order at 7 PM.
Members Present: Jean Thompson, Charles Whidden, David
Brewer, Patrick Downie, Richard Anderson
Milton E. Ranta
Members Absent: Colin Bennett
Staff Present: Paul D. Carr, Dan VanHemert, Louise
Mr. Anderson moved to approve the Minutes of the March 25th
meeting as presented. Mr. Ranta seconded the motion, which
. passed unanimously.
PARKING VARIANCE ~ TERRILL. Request for reduction
in off-street parking spaces from 50 required for
expanded restaurant/living quarters to 7 spaces.
Location: 408 South Lincoln Street. (Remanded
from City Council on Change in proposal; continued
from Februa"rY 25, 1981; March 11, 19"81})
Mr. Carr reviewed the present status of this application;
and said that he had received informal word from the County
that there was a possibility of leasing spaces in the satel-
lite lot to Ms. Terrill. Chairman Brewer opened the public
Marjorie Terrill said that the County Commissioners voted
to approve leasing all or a portion of the satellite park-
ing lot for use by the barbershop and the Jury's In-n Rest-
aurant. Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Mike Chinn was to in-
form Mr. Carr of this decision. Mr. Carr explained that
he had not heard from Mr. Chinn.
Following a discussion on the appropriate number of spaces
in the satellite parking lot to be utilized, Mr. Whidden
asked if the necessary evaluation could be made in time for
the April 22nd Planning Commission meeting. Mr. Carr said
Planning Commission
April 8, 1981
Page 2
Brooke Taylor, attorney for Ms. Terrill, asked why a de-
cision could not be made that night. Chairman Brewer ex-
plained that neither the Commission nor the Staff had re-
ceived any evidence of the County's action prior to Ms.
Terrill's statement. Both the commission and the Staff
need time to respond to significant changes in applications.
He then closed the public hearing.
Mr. Downie moved to continue the hearing until April 22nd;
Mr. Anderson seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
tension of a Conditional Use Permit to construct
a duplex in an RS-7 Zone. Location: Whidby Avenue
and Vine Street.
There was no representative of the applicant present, so
this matter was rescheduled to the end of the agenda.
for extension of reduction in required parking
spaces from 150 to 135; for expansion of sales area.
Location: 602 East First Street.
Mr. VanHernert reviewed the request for extension and the
prior action taken by the Commission and Council. Chairman
Brewer opened the public hearing.
The Swain's representative said that a building permit had
just been applied for, and they are now ready to proceed
with the store expansion, so will not require the full six
months' extension. Chairman Brewer closed the public hear-
Mr. Anderson moved to recommend granting a six-month exten-
sion on the parking variance, subject to the same conditions.
Mr. Ranta seconded this motion, which passed unanimously.
to vacate Euclid Avenue, north of Spruce Street and
south of Lauridsen Boulevard. Location: Euclid
Avenue, north .of Spruce and s.outh of the Boulevard.
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the staff report, recommending denial
of the street vacation. Chairman Brewer opened the public
Mark Leffers, I039 Spruce, said one reason for vacation was
to eliminate the possibility of a street going through,
which the adjoining property owners consider would create
a hazard for the small children in the neighborhood. They
Planning Commission
April 8, 1981
Page 3
cannot see any use for the right-of-way except for power,
sewer or water, for which easements could be granted. Mr.
Ranta asked if there are any plans to open the street; and
Mr. VanHemert replied that there were neither definite
plans nor allocated funds to open the street at this time.
Harry Pollard, 1122 West Boulevard, said that the right-
of-way had already been vacated. Mr. VanHemert reviewed
the 1890 legislation relating to such streets. Mr. Whidden
asked what course of action the petitioners could take if
vacation were denied; and Mr. Carr said they were entitled
to take a quiet title action to court. He then said that
other City Departments have concerns about future access
for the right-of-way. Mr. Pollard said that if Euclid,Avenue
were opened, it would create a very dangerous situation at
its intersection with the Boulevard, due to the terrain.
For southerly access off the Boulevard, tiC" Street Extension
and Fairmount Avenue are both open and do an adequate job.
The vacation will be beneficial to the abutting property
owners, thereby granting benefits to the City through the
increased tax base.
Mr. Downie asked the adjoining property owners what they in-
tended to do with their portions of the vacated right-of-way.
Mr. Leffers would remove the debris and trash to improve the
appearance. He does not intend to construct any building on
the vacated portion. Mr. Whidden asked if the petitioners
were willing to grant an easement to the City for the instal-
lation and maintenance of utilitiesi and Mr. Leffers said
"yes". Chairman Brewer closed the public hearing.
Following additional discussion, Mr. Downie recommended that
the right-of-way be vacated, citing the following findings:
1. Vacation will be beneficial to the general public by
reducing potential traffic hazards.
2. The property will be returned to the tax rolls, there-
by bringing revenue into the City.
3. There is some question as to the status of the right-
of-way, considering the old State law.
And with a condition reserving limited easements to the City
for utilities, those easements to be so delineated as to
have a minimal impact on the abutting property owners. Mr.
Ranta seconded this motion, which passed unanimously.
Planning Commission
April 8, 1981
Page 4
a Conditional Use Permit to establish and operate
a veterinary medical clinic in a CAD Zone. Lo-
cation: 1134 East Front Street.
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the staff report; Chairman Brewer
opened the public hearing.
Dr. Wilcox said that the entire caging area, including the
run area in the back would be totally soundproofed. The
operation will be connected to the City sewer, and the
Humane society will take care of dead animals. Mr. Downie
asked Staff for clarification of the parking space require-
ments; and Mr. VanHemert explained that the lot must be
hard-surfaced, with striping and a minimum of six spaces.
Access to the parking area will be determined by the Pub-
lic Works Department. Mr. Downie then asked if the present
building would be removed; and Dr. Wilcox said that the ex-
terior only would be completely redone. Chairman Brewer
closed the public hearing.
Mr. Anderson moved to recommend approval of the Conditional
Use Permit to establish and operate a veterinary medical
clinic in a CAD Zone, subject to the following conditions:
1. That the main structure and animal run be sound-
proofed satisfactorily to the requirements of the
Building Inspector.
2. That the method of waste disposal be reviewed by
the County Health Department.
3. That off-street parking be constructed in accord-
ance with the Parking Ordinance and requirements of
the Public Works Department.
As findings, Mr. Anderson cited the following:
A. The veterinary clinic, as proposed and conditioned,
meets the requirements of the zoning Ordinance.
B. The facility is compatible with the immediate vicinity,
with the above cited conditions. .
Mr. Downie seconded this motion, which passed unanimously.
Planning Commission
April B, 1981
Page 5
Request to rezone 42,000 square feet from RS-7,
(Residential Single-Family) to OC (Office Commer-
cial District). Location: North side of 800 block
of East Georgiana Street.
Mr. Carr said that Staff had made a positive threshold deter-
mination, requiring preparation of an environmental impact
statement, which had been discussed with the applicant. If
any members of the audience wished more information, he would
explain the reasons for asking for more environmental in-
formation. He recommended that the matter be tabled until
May 13th to see if the proposal is modified sufficiently that
the threshold determination could be changed; or to allow the
applicant to withdraw the application. The May 13th hearing
would be reposted for the benefit of the surrounding neigh-
Mr. Ranta moved to table consideration of this matter to May
13th. Mr~ Anderson seconded this motion, which passed unani-
REZONE HEARING - MARTIN. Request to rezone 15,000
square feet from RS-7 (Single-Family Residential)
to RMF (Residential Multi-Family). Location:
Northeast corner, Fourth and Francis Streets.
Mr. Carr reviewed the staff report, recommending denial of
the rezone request. Chairman Brewer opened the public hear-
George Crawford, 414 South Francis, stated there is already
too much on-street parking in the area. One major concern
is that large trucks are parked with insufficient clearance
at the alleys. Mrs. Crawford asked how many units were con-
templated and how much off-street parking would be provided.
Thomas Martin said that he intended to construct a triplex.
He also said that his parcel is not in the middle of a resi-
dential area. with respect to the Staff statement that the
alley north of his parcel has not been vacated, all of the
County tax records show that it is; and the owner of the par-
cel to the north of the alley is also paying taxes on that
Mr. Martin proposes to construct a three-unit building, fac-
ing toward the mountains, with a parking garage in the rear
providing at. least two spaces per unit. Mr. Crawford said
there are already too many apartments in the area. Wesley
Garling, 810 East Fourth, is also concerned about the pro-
liferation of apartments in the area. Chairman Brewer
closed the public hearing.
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April 8, 1981
Page 6
Mr. Ranta observed that the parcel does not appear to be a
desirable site for a single-family home; that multi-family
would appear to be advantageous because of its proximity
to many amenities. The Commission and Staff discussed il-
legal spot rezones and contract rezones. Mr. Downie said
that there are many areas of the City which seem to be
saturated with multi-family dwellings. Mr. Whidden noted
that Mr. Martin could construct a duplex on the site with-
out a rezone, needing only a conditional use permit. Mr.
Martin responded that a triplex would fit the area better
than a duplex.
Following additional discussion, Mr. Whidden moved to recom-
mend denial of the rezone request, citing the following as
1. The request, if granted, will constitute a spot re-
zone, because of the small 'size, the location of
the property and the surrounding zoning; and it is
primarily for the benefit of the applicant.
2. Granting this rezone could result in an apartment
intrusion into a single-family residential zone.
3. This rezone is primarily beneficial to the property
owner, rather than to the community as a whole.
4. This rezone is not in the interest of the general
public or for the general welfare of the community.
Mr. Downie seconded this motion. On call for the question,
the rnotion.passed 5 - I, with Mr. Ranta voting "no" because
this rezone is similar to previous small area rezones that
were approved.
tension of a Conditional Use Permit to construct a
duplex in an RS-7 Zone. Location: Whidby Avenue
and vine Stree"t.
There still being no representative of the applicant present,
Mr. Anderson moved to table this matter to May 13th. Mr.
Whidden seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Planning Commission
April 8, 1981
Page 7
Mr. Carr commented briefly on the letter from the Police
Department to Pay IN Save regarding the used cars for sale
on that parking lot.
Mr. Carr distributed copies of the County Comprehensive Plan
and called attention to the proposal to classify a large
area south and west of the City as industrial; and further
suggested that the Commission look at the intentions for
commercial usage, i.e., would there be a strip of commer-
cial on the Highway between Sequim and Port Angeles.
Mrs. Thompson: Nothing.
Mr. Whidden: Asked how the County could permit private en-
terprises to use the satellite parking lot, when the County
had been granted a large reduction in required parking in
order to construct the new Court House. Mr. Carr said be-
fore the County can give up any of its spaces, the City
will have to be involved.
Chairman Brewer: Nothing.
Mr. Downie: Asked for status of EIS on rezone request on
the west side. Mr. Carr said it should be available in
about two weeks.
Mr. Anderson: Commented on the Staff report presentations
and the Commission procedure.
Mr. Ranta: Nothing.
The meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M.
P D. arr, Secretary
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