HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/09/1997
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles, W A 98362
April 9, 1997
7:00 p.m.
S.tred: Request for a demolition permit for a fiber mill located in the ill,
Industrial Heavy zone. Portions of the site extend over water. (This item to
be continued to May 14, 1997.)
2. ~G_Y.ARIAN.CE - PKV 97-01 - ROMIZA, 71 0 So~inco.laSt[e.et:
Request for a reduction in the required parking for a restaurant use in the
CSD, Community Shopping District. (Continued from March 12, 1997.)
3. CONDJ.l10NAL USE PERMIT - CUP 97-04 - UNICARE, 1116 E.
Laurids.en-BlYd: Request to allow a 45-unit assisted living facility in the
RMD, Residential Medium Density zone.
PLANNING COMMISSION: Tim German, (Chair), Dean Reed (Vice), Bob King. Cindy Souders, Linda Nutter, Mary Craver, Martie Lucas.
STAFF: Brad Collins, Director. Suc Roberds Planning Specialist, David Sawyer, Senior Planner.
All correspondence pertaining to a meeting or hearing item received by the Planning Department
at least one day prior to the scheduled meeting/ hearing will be provided to Commission members
at the meeting.
PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURE: Spokesmen for the proponents and opponents will be given an opportunity to speak to
the request. Information submitted should be factual, relevant and not merely duplication of a previous presentation. A
reasonable time (10 minutes) shall be allowed the spokesman; others shall be limited to short supporting remarks (5 minutes).
Other interested parties will be allowed to comment briefly (5 minutes each) or make inquiries, The Chair may allow
additional public testimony if the issue warrants it. Brief rebuttal (5 minutes) for proponents and opponents will be heard
separately and consecutively with presentation limited to their spokesman, Rebuttal shall be limited to factual statements
pertaining to previous testimony, Comments should be directed to the Board, not the City Staff representatives present, unless
directed to do so by the Chair.
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
April 9, 1997
7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Linda Nutter, Cindy Souders, Tim German, Dean
Reed, Mary Craver
Member Excused:
Martie Lucas, Bob King
Staff Present:
David Sawyer, Sue Roberds, Gary Kenworthy,
Dan McKeen
Public Present:
Velma Magner, Prances Cretan, David Cottom,
Eleanor Morehead, R.N. Moorhead, Mary
Morganroth, Gina Romiza, Dan Gase, Joan Sargent,
Yanna Didrickson
Commissioner Craver moved to approve the March 26, 1997, minutes. The motion was
seconded by Commissioner Reed and passed 3- 0 with Commissioner German abstaining due
to his absence at the meeting.
SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT - SMA 97-02, 400 North Ennis s.tre.et.
Request for a demolition permit for a fiber mill located in the ill, Industrial Heavy
zone. Portions of the site extend over water. (This item to be continued to May 14,
Chair German informed those present that the Planning Commission would not be taking any
testimony prior to an environmental threshold determination. Commissioner Reed moved to
continue the public hearing to May 14, 1997, 7 p.m. The motion was seconded by
Commissioner Craver and passed 3 - O.
PARKING---.Y.A.RIANCE - PKV 97-01 - ROMIZA, 710 So. Lincoln Street;
Request for a reduction in the required parking for a restaurant use in the CSD,
Community Shopping District. (Continued from March 12, 1997.)
Planning Commission Minutes - April 9, 1997
Page 2
Chair German requested that staff provide an explanation of the revised proposed parking plan
proposed for the restaurant use. Staff responded that the Fire Department agreed to allow
reorientation of the propane tank if necessary to provide circulation on the site, and using an
overhead projector, showed a parking plan to provide four (4) on-site parking spaces at the west side
of the building. The applicant planned to provide documentation on the percentage of customers
who walk to the site as opposed to those who rely on a vehicle, however, the information has not
been received.
Dan Gase, P.O. Box 2163, Port Angeles, agreed with staffs analysis of the proposed redesign to
the parking lot and concurred that the applicant is in agreement with four of the originally
recommended five conditions of approval. Condition No.3, which would require a parking
agreement with the neighboring property owner is not possible. Although it is the applicant's
intention to pave the parking area, he asked that she be allowed a little more time to have the hard
surfacing done.
Joan Sargent, 309 West Fifteenth Street, supported a reduction of the parking requirements as the
traffic to this restaurant/location is largely pedestrian. A good number of customers to the restaurant
are walk-ins from neighboring businesses. The restaurant is an asset to the City and is the type of
operation that should be encouraged to continue and flourish.
Dave Cotton, 722 South Lincoln, sympathized with the applicant's problem but asked that as the
adjacent property owner ofthe Round The Clock Deli, located to the south and west of the subject
site, his concerns be recognized as well. He felt some resentment toward customers who patronize
the bake shop/restaurant using his property to park while they eat at Gina's. Gina's customers do
use his parking area as it is very convenient. Most of the time people who are parking at the Round
The Clock Deli stay anywhere from twenty minutes to forty minutes and at times block the use of
the main entry area because that is the closest parking to Gina's. Businesses should be required to
provide an appropriate number of parking spaces because when parking is lacking, surrounding and
adjacent businesses are bound to suffer and public street parking is taken up. He asked that if a
reduction in parking found to be appropriate, customers not be allowed to use his property to access
the parking area. He has been a good neighbor and has not complained when Gina's customers use
his parking areas that are closest to the alley, but is concerned that the restaurant does not provide
even a minimum number of parking spaces to operate.
YanDa Didrickson, 731 East Eleventh Street, noted that the location has been a pawn shop, a drug
store, and a furniture store, in the past, and now is a popular eatery. She has never violated any
neighboring property owner's parking areas as there has always been parking available on the public
street when she has visited the restaurant.
Gina Romiza, P.O. Box 274, Port Angeles, thanked the Commission for their time and stated that
in small communities, each business benefits the others. She is trying to conduct a quality business
and supply a need. There is nowhere for her to find additional parking on her property. Ifthere was
a place, there wouldn't be a question. However, due to the size of the property and the area taken
up by the very old structure, no additional parking is available.
Eleanor Moorhead, 232 Fogarty, encouraged approval of the restaurant. It is a central location and
Planning Commission Minutes - April 9, 1997
Page 3
. is good for Port Angeles.
Mary Morganroth, P.O. Box 3228, enjoys visiting Gina's each day. She walks to the restaurant
and believes it to be a wonderful asset to the City and the neighborhood. Parking is not a problem
in her case.
There being no further questions or comments, Chair German closed the public hearing.
Planner Sawyer responded to a question of the Commission that a variance would remain valid for
as long as the same type of use continues whether or not the ownership changes.
Following brief discussion, Commissioner Souders moved to approve the parking variance
subject to four conditions, supported by the following findings and conclusions:
1. The proposed use shall meet all requirements of the Port Angeles Municipal Code
including parking, fire and building code requirements.
A revised parking plan providing four parking spaces (including one handicapped
space) and a service access area consistent with the requirements of the City's Off-
Street Parking Ordinance, shall be approved by the Planning Department.
The parking area shall be improved consistent with the revised parking plan as
approved by the Planning Department and in accordance with the City's
requirements for parking lot improvements.
4. The applicant shall post appropriate signs, to be approved by the Planning
Department, directing customers to the approved parking area and prohibiting
parking in the alley.
Based on the information provided in the March 12, 1997 Staff Report for PKV 97-01,
(including all of its attachments), comments and information presented during the public
hearing, and the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation; the City of Port
Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds that:
I. The applicant and owner of the property is Gina Romiza.
2. The subject property is located at 710 Lincoln Street.
The applicant's proposal is to reduce the number of required parking spaces for a
restaurant use in the CSD zone from 19 spaces to 5 spaces.
The property is designated as Commercial in the City's Comprehensive Plan.
Planning Commission Minutes - Apri/9. 1997
Page 4
The property is zoned Commercial Shopping District (CSD).
6. The proposed use is a permitted use in the CSD zone.
7. The subject site is located in the western portion of the City's North Central Planning
Area. It consists of a 41' by 100' (4,100 sf) lot fronting on Lincoln Street. The site
contains one approximately 2,352 sf structure.
8. Existing land uses adjacent to the subject site are as follows:
To the north:
To the south:
To the east:
To the west:
Commercial uses
Commercial uses
Parking lot for an adjacent business
Commercial uses
9. The proposed variance is categorically exempt from State Environmental Protection
Act threshold determination and environmental impact statement requirements.
10. The subject restaurant is currently in operation and has been for the last six years.
11. No agency reviewing the application identified any potential adverse impact to the
public health, safety, and welfare attributable to the issuance of the variance.
The existing five parking spaces do not meet the City's Off-Street Parking Ordinance
13. Ten members ofthe public spoke in support of the variance request and emphasized
that a majority ofthe customers were walk-ins.
Based on the information provided in the March 12, 1997 Staff Report for PKV 97-01,
(including all of its attachments), comments and information presented during the public
hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed
findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that:
1. The proposed variance as conditioned, is consistent with the City's Comprehensive
Plan, specifically Land Use Element Policies DI and E4, Transportation Element
Policies B14 and B16, and Economic Development Element Policy AS,
2. The proposed variance as conditioned, meets the intent of the City's Off-Street
Parking Ordinance. Specifically, it will not adversely impact the traffic flow on
Lincoln Street or Eighth Street or any nearby properties or businesses.
Based on the testimony, the Planning Commission concluded that a substantial
amount of the applicant's business is generated from walk-in customers.
Planning Commission Minutes - April 9, /997
Page 5
. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reed and passed 4 - O.
CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 97-04 -1JN1CARR, 1116 East Lauridaen
BJllll.e.Yar.d: Request to develop a 45-unit assisted living facility in the RMD,
Residential Medium Density zone.
Chair German noted for the record that he is involved in developing assisted living facility
developments. He offered to stand down from the deliberations if anyone objects to his remaining
during the roceedings, No one objected,
Commissioner Nutter arrived (7:45 p.m.) as scheduled.
Senior Planner David Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's recommendation of approval.
Chair German opened the public hearing.
Robert Gummer, President, PDC Midwest, 700 Walnut Ridge Drive, Hartland, WI, provided
a summary of the amenities that would be offered to residents of the proposed assisted living facility
(ALF). Once completed, the combined convalescent and proposed ALF campus would offer
services ranging from assisted living to skilled nursing care. Most of the staff for the use is already
employed at the existing convalescent center. Residents tend to be between 80 to 85 years of age
but there are no age restrictions. Residents rarely drive. Improvements are planned to Park Avenue
the width of the property including sidewalks, The entry will be off Park Avenue. A high level of
landscaping will be placed particularly around the perimeter consisting of deciduous and evergreen
plants. The rear patio will be landscaped for residents' privacy. Deliveries will be from the rear, in
the area where the existing convalescent center receives deliveries at present, and will be screened
from view of surrounding neighbors. Extensive central services programs are used and were
described as being a common dining room, private dining rooms, health care programs, activities
area, beauty shop and lounge. No individual kitchen units will be permitted; however snack centers
will be available in the rooms similar to what are commonly found in hotel accommodations.
Mr. Gummer responded to questions from the Commission: (Commissioner Reed) that PDC
Midwest understands the conditions of approval and is in agreement with those conditions;
(Commissioner Craver) in regard to the parking, Mr. Gummer indicated the areas available on-site
for parking associated with the use.
There being no further questions or testimony, Chair German closed the public hearing.
City Engineer Gary Kenworthy responded to a question from Commissioner Souders regarding
traffic impacts. Mr. Kenworthy stated that the cumulative impact does not warrant further
improvements to Park Avenue than what are being required for approval of the project as proposed.
Commissioner Reed moved to approve the conditional use permit as proposed with the
conditions, findings and conclusions as follows:
. Conditions.:
1. The proposed use shall meet all requirements of the Port Angeles Municipal Code
Planning Commission Minutes -April 9, 1997
Page 6
including fIre and building code requirements.
The applicant shall meet all of the conditions required by the City Engineer in his
memorandums dated March 17 and 19, 1997, attached to the Planning Department
Staff Report for CUP 97-04 dated April 9, 1997 attached as Attachment C.
The applicant shall meet all of the conditions required by the City Light Division
in its memorandum dated February 21, 1997, attached to the Planning Department
Staff Report for CUP 97-04 dated April 9, 1997 attached as Attachment E.
The applicant shall apply for and receive a license to operate the proposed facility
from the State Department of Health and any other appropriate state licenses and/or
The proposed "units" shall not include independent kitchen facilities.
Based on the information provided in the Planning Department Staff Report for CUP 97-04
dated April 9, 1997 including all ofit's attachments, comments and information presented
during the public hearing, the Planning Commission discussion and deliberation, and the
above listed conditions of approval, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby
finds that:
1. The applicant, Unicare Health Facilities (Steve Zenovic-representative), submitted
the subject application to the City on February 18, 1997, and a Determination of
Completeness was published on March 21, 1997. The associated public comment
period ended on April 2, 1997 with one letter of comment received during that period
(please see Attachments A and F of the Planning Department Staff Report dated
April 9, 1997 for CUP 97-04).
2. The application is to construct and operate a 45 "unit" assisted living facility on the
vacant portion of 1116 E. Lauridsen Boulevard which currently contains the existing
112 bed Crestwood Convalescent Center.
3. An Adoption of an Existing Document (#720 adopting DNS #378) was issued for
this proposal on March 27, 1997 (please see Attachment B of the Planning
Department Staff Report dated April 9, 1997 for CUP 97-04).
4. A conditional use permit (CUP 90(04)02) for a 70 unit assisted living facility was
approved for this site in 1990.
The site is zoned Residential Medium Density (RMD) and is designated by the
Comprehensive Plan as Medium Density Residential (MDR).
Existing land uses adjacent to the subject site are as follows:
To the north: single-family residences/the performing arts center
To the south: vacant
Planning Commission Minutes - April 9, 1997
Page 7
To the east:
To the west:
vacantIPUD right-of-way
single-family residences/vacant
7. The current RMD zoning allows the development of up to 56 multi-family dwelling
units on the subject property with no restriction on the number of bedrooms per unit.
8, The proposed "units" do not include kitchen facilities.
9. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Policies AI-2, and CI-2, and Housing
Element Policy Al are most relevant to the proposed project.
10. An assisted living facility is listed as a conditionally pennitted use in the RMD zone.
II. The 1990 Federal Census indicates 2.34 persons per household in the City of Port
12. A conditional use permit is valid for a one year period from the time of approval. At
the end of such period the pennit expires unless extended for an additional period of
time as permitted in Section 17.96.070(f) ofthe Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Based on the information provided in the Planning Department Staff Report for CUP 97-04
dated April 9, 1997 including all of its attachments, conunents and information presented
during the public hearing, the Planning Conunission's discussion and deliberation, and the
above listed conditions of approval and the above listed findings, the City of Port Angeles
Planning Commission hereby concludes that:
A. As conditioned, the proposed use is consistent with the City's
Comprehensive Plan including but not limited to Land Use Element Policies
AI-2, and CI-2, and Housing Element Policy AI.
B. As conditioned, the "units" do not meet the Zoning Ordinance definition of
a "dwelling unit" .
C. , As conditioned, the proposed use is consistent with the City's Zoning
Ordinance including Chapter 17.14 and the purpose of the RMD zone.
D, As conditioned the proposed project is not contrary to the public use and
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nutter and passed 5 - o.
Planning Commission Minutes - April 9, 1997
Page 8
Planner Sawyer updated the Commission on the status of the Rayonier shoreline management permit
proosal. The applicant is not delaying the project intentionally. Staff expects to be able to make a
threshold determination by April 13, following which the scheduled May 14 meeting will take place. .
Commissioners Craver, Reed, and Nutter attended the short course in planning sponsored by
DCTED and Clallam County. The course was well run and worth the effort. Commissioner Craver
noted that she especially appreciated the professional atmosphere.
The meeting adjourned at 8: 15 p.m.
~~~rnry -
Tim German, Chair
Planning Commission Attendance Roster
MeetingDate:~ C;; L99'l
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