HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/10/1991
City Council Chambers
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles, W A 98362
April 10, 1991
7:00 P.M.
m. APPROV AL OF MINUTES: Meeting of March 27, 1991
GALLACCI. 1010 East Front Street: Request to allow continuation of a day
care center in the ACD, Arterial Commercial District.
2. REZONE REOUEST - REZ 91(04)01 - KNELLER. 800 Block East Caroline:
Request to rezone property presently designated RS-7, Residential Single-Family,
WASTE SYSTEMS. Airport Industrial Park: Request to allow a recycling
facility in the LI, Light Industrial.
to OC, Office Commercial.
1. Set public hearing for filling and grading ordinance for August 14, 1991,
All correspondence pertaining to a hearing item received by the Planning Department at least one day prior to the
scheduled hearing will he provided to Commission members before the hearing.
Planning Commission: Larry LeOlUlro, Chair; Ray Gruver. Vice-Chair; Bill Anabel; Roger Calls; Cindy Souders; lim Hulett; Bob Philpott.
Planning Staff: Brad Collins, Planning Direl:tor; Sue Roberds, Planning Office Specialist, John Jimerson, Associate Planner.
Planning Commission Agenda
Page 2
Spokesmen for the proponents and opponents will be given an opportunity to speak to the
request. lnformation submitted should be factual, relevant and not merely duplication of a
previous presentation. A reasonable time (10 minutes) shall be allowed the spokesman; others
shall be limited to short supporting remarks (5 minutes). Other interested parties will be allowed
to comment briefly (5 minutes each) or make inquiries. The Chairman may allow additional
public testimony if the issue warrants it. Brief rebuttal (5 minutes) for proponents and opponents
heard separately and consecutively with presentation limited to their spokesman. Rebuttal shall
be limited to factual statements pertaining to previous testimony. Comments should be directed
to the Planning Commission, not the City Staff representatives present, unless directed to do so
by the Chairman.
Port Angeles, washington
April 10, 1991
Vice-Chairman Souders called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Members Present:
Roger Catts, Bob Philpott, Bill Anabel,
Larry Leonard, Cindy Souders, Jim Hulett.
Members Excused:
Ray Gruver.
Staff Present:
John Jimerson, Sue Roberds, Brad collins,
Bruce Becker, Ken Ridout.
Mr. Philpott moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of
March 27, 1991, as written. Mr. Anabel seconded the motion,
which passed 4 0, with Messrs. Leonard and Hulett
GALLACCI, 1010 East Front Street:
continuation of a day care center in
Commercial District.
- CUP-90(04)03 -
Request to allow
the ACD, Arterial
Ms. Roberds reviewed the Department memo, explaining the
history of the Conditional Use Permit extension request and
answered questions from the Commission concerning the parking
situation and the applicant's efforts to comply with the
conditions previously placed on the permit. Ms. Roberds
answered that the applicant had made some effort at resolving
the situation, but to date, a firm resolution had not been
Vice-Chairman Souders opened the public hearing.
Val Gallacci, 1010 East Front Street, stated that she has been
allowed to use dual parking situations for 19 years, allowing
co-mingling of parked cars and children's play areas. Due to
recent incidents, the Department of Social and Health Services
(DSHS) now requires separate parking and play areas for all
day care uses. There is no more space available at this
facility to allow for the additional five parking spaces for
the use. Four approved parking spaces are presently available
at the rear of the site. A use agreement for parking on
adjacent property was submitted; however, the property is
April 10, 1991
Page 2
presently for sale. Ms. Gallacci noted the City's requirement
that the adjacent parking area proposed for the additional
five spaces be paved, which is not possible due to financial
constraints. The applicant requested the extension be allowed
in order to continue the day care service, which provides a
very needed service to the community, until such time as the
adjacent parking is no longer available. The applicant stated
she understood that if parking is not available for the use,
the use cannot continue at this location. The applicant
answered questions from the Commission concerning the parking
situation and the history of the day care site.
There being no further comment from the audience, Vice-
Chairman Souders closed the public hearing.
In response to a question from Mr. Catts, Ms. Roberds answered
there have been no complaints received during the past year
from either the neighbor or general public.
The Commission discussed the testimony given by the applicant
as well as various alternatives to the parking situation.
Following that discussion, Mr. Leonard moved to approve the
extension for a one-year period, subject to the following
conditions, and citing the following findings and conclusions:
1. The parking and access be per Public Works and Ordinance
No. 1588 requirements. within one month from the date
of extension, the applicant shall provide a parking plan
for the off-site parking area proposed, to the Planning
and Public Works Departments for approval. The approved
plan shall be instituted no later than May 20, 1991-
Further, the applicant understands that continued opera-
tion of the day care is dependent upon the provision of
approved parking for the duration of the use.
2. The applicant shall submit a letter of agreement from the
adjacent property owner in support of the proposed use
of the paved area directly adj acent to the day care
facility which is in accord with ordinance requirements.
3. The facility be licensed by DSHS and all licensing
requirements be strictly observed.
4. All requirements of the Fire Department be complied with.
The applicant has requested a conditional use permit to
continue operation of a day care at 1010 East Front
2. There have been no complaints received during the past
year of operation.
April 10, 1991
Page 3
3 .
The day care facility is licensed by the Department of
Social and Health Services for up to 65 children.
4. The day care use has seven (7) employees, which requires
a total of nine (9) parking spaces (one for each employee
and two for the users).
5. The applicant's original parking plan has not been
approved by DSHS due to the co-mingling of vehicles and
children's play area.
6. The present site layout does not provide for the required
7. A parking reduction cannot be allowed unless a parking
variance has been granted.
8. The applicant has submitted a use agreement with a
neighboring property owner for an undetermined period of
time to provide the required parking.
9. Continuation of the use is dependent on resolution of the
parking arrangement and compl iance with city regulations.
A. As conditioned, the use should not adversely affect the
public health, safety, or welfare, or contribute to the
depreciation of neighboring properties.
B. As conditioned, the use complies with standards set forth
for approval of conditional use permits as noted in
Ordinance No. 1709, as amended (Article XI).
c. The use, as conditioned, complies with Ordinance No. 1588
(Parking Ordinance) .
Mr. Philpott seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
REZONE REQUEST - REZ-9l(04)Ol - KNELLER, 800 Block East
Caroline: Request to rezone property presently
designated RS-7, Residential Single-Family, to OC, Office
c, : <. ~Conunercial.
Mr. Jimerson reviewed the Department Report and answered ques-
tions from the Commission on the proposal and its proximity
to other Office Commercial-zoned properties in the area.
Vice-Chairman Souders opened the public hearing.
Dr. Kneller, 9805 Parkwood Drive, Bethesda, Maryland, stated
he had purchased the property in 1961 to be used as his
residence while serving a residency at the nearby hospital.
April 10, 1991
Page 4
Over the years, his plans have changed and he is now request-
ing that the property be rezoned to allow for a residence and
small office use, which would not involve visitation by
patients, but be mainly a bookkeeping and office base for his
Chuck Turner, 1207 East Second Street, real estate broker
representing Olympic Memorial Hospital in the purchase of the
property adjacent to Dr. Kneller's property, also included in
the rezone request (824 Caroline), stated the Hospital's
intent to purchase the adjacent property as parking for the
Hospital's planned expansion. There is very little Office
Commercial-zoned property close enough to the Hospital for use
by the Hospital. Office Commercial zoning is to the east and
south of the proposed rezone area, with the bluff and Harbor
to the north. Mr. Turner encouraged approval of the rezone
Following discussion with staff, it was determined that a
"stand alone" parking lot would not be allowed in the Office
Commercial District as a permitted or conditional use. Mr.
Turner indicated he understood and still supported the rezone.
Ann Madsen, owner of Lots 11, 12, and 13, Block 37, Norman R.
Smith's Subdivision (adjacent property to the southwest of the
si te), stated a concern that the rezone would disrupt the
quiet residential atmosphere to the south and southwest of
this property. She noted that although Dr. Kneller's request
appears to be an innocuous one, plans can be changed, as well
as circumstances, and can result in any use allowed in the
Office Commercial District being permitted at this site.
Caroline Street at this location is a dead-end, and access and
traffic flow could be disrupted. She was concerned with
devaluation of her property.
There being no further public comment, Vice-Chairman Souders
closed the public hearing.
In response to the Commission, Ms. Roberds stated she had
discussed in detail the Home Occupation Conditional Use
process with the applicant; however, it was the applicant's
decision to request a rezone of the property.
Following discussion, Mr. Anabel moved to recommend denial of
the rezone reguest, as.proposed,..citi:qg_the.,following findings
and conclusions:
There are approximately 11.2 acres of OC-zoned land in
the immediate proximity of the Hospital.
There is potential for conversion of less intensive uses,
namely single-family residential and vacant land, to
medical offices to serve the needs of the Hospital.
April 10, 1991
Page 5
There are 24 single-family houses on about 4.2 acres and
about .9 acres of vacant land zoned OC.
3. Single-family residential units can, and have been,
converted to medical offices.
4. Single-family residential units can, and have been,
demolished to make room for new medical offices.
5. There are 5 houses to the north of this site, on property
zoned RS-7, which would be isolated from other RS-7 areas
if the rezone is approved.
6. The future traffic impacts from the conversion of exist-
ing residential and vacant land uses to offices on nearby
residences is unknown. The proposed rezone would
increase the potential for traffic impacts.
7. There is no evidence that the amount of property zoned
OC is inadequate to serve the Hospital.
8. The property is located on a one-block dead-end residen-
tial street.
The proposal is consistent with, but not necessary to
achieve, the Comprehensive Plan Commercial policy No. 16.
B. No circumstances have changed in the area which would
indicate the original zoning of the property is no longer
C. There are adequate amounts of land zoned OC to meet the
needs of the Hospital for the foreseeable future.
D. The rezone is not in the public use or interest.
Mr. Hulett seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
WASTE SYSTEMS, Airport Industrial Park: Request to allow
a :r:eqycling _ facility ~in. _ the ._LI, ...Light Industrial,
Mr. Jimerson reviewed the Department Report and answered
questions from the Commission as to the location of the site
and the use.
Ken Ridout, Deputy Director of Public Works, stated that the
Public Works Department had inadvertently not reviewed this
application request, and stated more time would be necessary
in order to answer questions of the Commission concerning
April 10, 1991
Page 6
access to the site and improvements which may be required to
access the site.
Vice-Chairman Souders opened the public hearing.
Robert King, 1007 South Albert street, stated there is a 2,500
square-foot pole building, presently on-site, that he would
like included in this request. He noted that cold storage
(stacked cardboard and newspapers) of bundled material would
be contained in the pole building area. The intent of the
applicant is to operate a well-maintained, contained process-
ing and transferring facility for recycled products. Non-
ferrous material will be in an enclosed building to eliminate
the theft factor. No car body parts will be accepted or
stored, other than heavy iron metals, such as engine blocks.
White goods (dishwashers, washers, refrigerators, etc.), will
not be accepted. Forty-yard drop boxes will be filled with
items such as glass and plastics. Drop boxes will remain
closed, except when serviced. Drop boxes will not be in
covered areas. In response to Commissioner Catts, Mr. King
said there is not much of a rodent problem, due to the quick
movement of material. The applicant answered that there is
adequate paving around the buildings to adequately handle
truck and car traffic at the present time. The entrance to
the site may need upgrading. No burning will be done on-site.
In response to a question about a recycling operation east of
town, the applicant said that the proposed facility would be
very clean and well maintained.
The applicant closed by saying "the object in recycling is to
move it or lose it". As soon as truck-load quantities are
met, the material is moved.
There being no further comment, Vice-Chairman Souders closed
the public hearing.
Mr. Leonard questioned staff on the concern expressed over
open sided buildings and uncovered storage area.
Mr. Jimerson answered that the circulation plan required
should show locations of drop boxes as well as how many drop
boxes may be on site at one time. He also noted that the
Light Industrial District is not a heavy manufacturing
district and as such, should be..kept .clean.and storage should
be contained indoors. The marketability of the Industrial
Park towards quality businesses that generate employment is
dependent upon the attractiveness of the park. He suggested
the pole barn be enclosed be constructing walls around the
Following a short discussion, Mr. Leonard moved to approve the
Conditional Use Permit as requested, subject to the fallowing
conditions, and citing the following findings and conclusions:
April 10, 1991
Page 7
1. A circulation plan indicating circulation, loading areas,
paved and unpaved areas, parking, drop boxes, buildings,
and identification of the contents in each building be
submitted to the Planning Department for approval prior
to the issuance of a building permit.
2. No materials may be stored outside. If the business
expands beyond the capacity of the existing buildings,
a new Conditional Use Permit will be required.
3. All local and State building and fire Codes shall be
complied with.
4~ All unsightly on-site debris must be cleaned up within
one month of commencement of the use.
5. The pole barn shall contain only bundled materials.
The proposal is for a collection center for recyclable
materials which are compacted and bundled for shipment
to another location for recycling.
The storage and processing of materials will occur
entirely within the existing Qi1-sife buildings~-
C. The LI Zone District conditionally allows uses found to
comply with the purpose of the District.
D. The site is located within an existing industrial park
for light industrial uses.
1. The proposed use, as conditioned, can comply with the
purpose of the Light Industrial District.
2. Design review of the required site/circulation plan will
ensure that adequate on-site circulation will be provided
to meet the needs of the different types of vehicles
using the facility.
3. The use, as conditioned, is compatible with the surround-
ing properties and land uses.
4. The use is in the public benefit.
Mr. Anabel seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
April 10, 1991
Page 8
Ms. Roberds noted that in a phone conversation with Jean
Fairchild of the Downtown Parking Association, Ms. Fairchild
requested the Parking Ordinance Amendment previously submitted
by the Downtown Association for the PBIA be continued
indefinitely. Ms. Roberds added that the Downtown Association
is looking at a more detailed amendment proposal.
Mr. Leonard moved to remove the PBIA Parking Ordinance No.
1588 amendment proposal from the April 24th meeting agenda.
Mr. Hulett seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
It was noted that the proposed fill ordinance being prepared
by the Public Works Department is not ready for hearings.
Therefore, following discussion, Mr. Leonard moved to remove
the fill ordinance from the public hearing docket scheduled
for the April lOth agenda. Mr. Hulett seconded the motion,
which passed unanimously.
Mr. ColI ins noted that the Growth Management Act sessions
being conducted by the American Planning Association will be
held in May (29th, 30th, and 31st) in Wenatchee. Mr. Collins
encouraged Commission members who are able to attend to
contact staff.
Mr. Collins requested the Planning Commission refrain from
making interpretations without staff reports being prepared
for the issue. It was noted that an applicant recently
requested an interpretation be made, which request was brought
to the Commission for review and acted upon by the Commission
without a report prepared by staff.
The Commission concurred that in the future the pOlicy would
be not to act on interpretations until staff review has been
completed. The procedur.e would. be to..take the applicant r s
testimony, refer the item to staff, at which time a written
staff report would be prepared, and consider the request at
a following meeting.
Mr. Collins gave a brief report on his recent visit to New
Orleans to the APA Planning Conference.
April 10, 1991
Page 9
Mr. Philpott asked if staff had checked into the salvage
storage occurring at Second and Eunice Streets. Ms. Roberds
indicated she had visited the site on two different occasions
and noted stacked, bundled cardboard and a fork-lift outside
the facility. Mr. Philpott questioned if this was permitted.
Ms. Roberds answered that it appeared to be awaiting collec-
tion and was not being stored.
Mr. Catts questioned the apparent junk yard or unpermitted
home occupation located on the corner of Tenth and Eunice
Streets. Staff answered that this site has been a nuisance
problem for some time and the city Council had taken steps at
a previous meeting to strengthen the nuisance ordinance
violation provisions.
The Commissioners briefly reviewed
trative Hearings held during the p
Administrative Hearing Officer.
inutes of the Adminis-
si ' months by the City's
The meeting adjourned at
ns, Secretary
PLAN 454
Attendance Roster
Type of Meetin~. '::.~nin~ Commission
Date (; ';J /~ 199 J
Location 321 ,5th Street - City Hall
9tJc;) . S. li~I/4
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