HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/11/1990
321 East Fifth street
Port Angeles, WA 98362
April 11, 1990
7:00 P.M.
III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meeting of March 28, 1990
et.al.. Tumwater Truck Route area: Request for
annexation of approximately 26.21 acres of property
south of the present city limits.
2. REZONE REOUEST - REZ 90(02)1 - SCHNEIDER. et.al..
Tumwater Truck Route area: Request for rezone of
property designated RS-9, Single-Family
Residential, to LI, Light Industrial.
1116 East Lauridsen Boulevard: Request for a
conditional use permit to allow the expansion of a
nursing facility and the addition of assisted
living units to the site.
1010 East Front street: Request for a conditional
use permit to allow a daycare facility for 60
children to operate in the ACD, Arterial Commercial
Arterial Commercial and Central Business Districts:
Request for an amendment to language in the ACD and
CBD Districts dealing with mixed
commercial/residential development with commercial
use fronting an arterial street.
April 11, 1990
Page 2
6. STREET VACATION REQUEST - STV 90(04)1 - portion of
East sixth street: Request to vacate a portion of
city right-ot-way.
The Planning Commission will not commence a new hearing
beyond 10 P.M. Any item not started prior to that time
will automatically be continued to the next current
planning meeting of the Commission.
Port Angeles, Washington
April 11, 1990
Chairman Leonard called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M.
Members Present:
Jim Hulett, Bob Philpott, Larry Leonard,
Donna Davison, Ray Gruver, Roger Catts.
Members Absent:
william Anabel (excused).
Staff Present:
Grant Beck, Sue Roberds, Bruce Becker.
Chairman Leonard introduced Roger Catts, the new Commission
member appointed by the city Council April 3, 1990, to fill
the vacancy left by the resignation of past Chairman Jerry
Cornell. The Commission members welcomed Mr. Catts to the
Ms. Davison moved to approve the minutes of the March 28,
1990, meeting as written. Mr. Philpott noted correction of
a typographical error in the minutes. Mr. Gruver seconded
the motion, which carried 5 - 0, with Mr. Catts abstaining.
Chairman Leonard explained the public hearing procedure to
those present in the audience.
Tumwater Truck Route area: Request for annexation of
approximately 26.21 acres of property south of the
present city limits.
Mr. Beck rev iewed the Department Report, which recommended
approval of the annexation request. Chairman Leonard opened
the pUblic hearing.
Richard Schneider, 130 Bellfield Avenue, Sequim, indicated
that the Department Report had adequately summarized his
proposal, and he had nothing further to add.
Commission members questioned Mr. SChneider as to the intent
of the annexation request and whether the applicant understood
the procedure to inittally annex property to the City of Port
Angeles as RS-9, Sin~le-Family Residential. Mr. Schneider
explained that he understood the procedure.
April 11, 1990
Page 2
There being no further questions or comments from the
audience, Chairman Leonard closed the public hearing.
Following discussion, Ms. Davison moved to recommend approval
of the annexation request, citing the following findings and
1. Public notice of public hearing as required by the Port
Angeles Zoning Code and the Revised Code of Washington
has been given.
2. The Port Angeles SEPA Responsible Official has issued a
Determination of Non-Significance for the proposed
annexation, fulfilling the city's responsibility under
the State Environmental Policy Act.
3. The proposal would annex approximately 23.21 acres along
the southern end of the Tumwater Truck Route into the
city of Port Angeles.
The proposed annexation area is bordered on three sides
by the City of Port Angeles.
The annexation area includes a portion of the Tumwater
Creek Ravine, which is identified by the Port Angeles
Environmental policy Ordinance as a sensitive area.
6. The annexation area is currently zoned Light Industrial
(M-2) and Urban Residential 1 (UR-1) by Clallam County.
7. The Port Angeles Department of Public Works has stated
that the city's sanitary sewer system would have to be
extended to the annexation area and that the existing
water and road system may have to be upgraded prior to
issuance of building permits in the area.
8. One hundred percent of the property owners within the
proposed annexation area signed the petition for
A. The proposed annexation is consistent with the Policies
of the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan.
B. The proposed annexation is consistent with the Policies
of Chapter 35A.14 ReW.
Mr. Hulett seconded the motion, which passed 6 - o.
April 11, 1990
Page 3
REZONE REQUEST - REZ-90 (02) 1 - SCHNEIDER, et aI, Tumwater
Truck Route Area: Request for rezone of property
designated RS-9, single-Family Residential, to LI, Light
Mr. Beck reviewed the Department Report, and answered ques-
tions from Commissioners pertaining to the environmentally
sensitive designation of the area west of the Tumwater Truck
Route. Mr. Beck explained that the areas shown on the map as
environmentally sensitive are proposed by staff to not be
rezoned from RS-9 to LI to protect those environmentally
sensitive areas. The areas proposed by staff to remain RS-9,
Single-Family Residential, are listed under one ownership
(Gilbertson property). Chairman Leonard opened the public
Richard Schneider, 130 Bellfield Avenue, Sequim, stated there
were no objections to the rezone boundaries as proposed by
staff. Mr. Schneider had nothing further to add to the
Department Report.
Michael Grooms, 4108 Newell Road, an applicant in the rezone
request, stated that he had no objection to the rezone
proposal as amended by staff.
Chairman Leonard asked those in the audience if there were any
other applicants/general public present who objected to the
proposed rezone boundaries, as proposed by staff. There being
no one present, Chairman Leonard closed the public hearing.
Following discussion on property lines and zoning designa-
tions, Mr. Philpott moved to recommend approval of the rezone
as requested by staff, citing the following findings and
1. A portion of the property proposed for rezone ~s
currently being annexed into the city of Port Angeles,
at which time it will be zoned RS-9, Residential Single-
2. -The 'portion .of .the property proposed for rezone currently
being annexed into the city is now identified by the
Clallam County Zoning Code as M2 (light industrial) and
URl (Urban Residential 1).
The portion of the property currently within the City
limits is zoned RS-9 (Residential Single-Family).
4. The area is characterized by light industrial uses along
a major industrial truck route.
April 11, 1990
Page 4
5. A portion of the property proposed for rezone is
identified by the Port Angeles Environmental policy Code
(Chapter 15.04 PAMC) as an environmentally sensitive
6. Areas to the north of the property are currently zoned
LI (Light Industrial) and property to the west is zoned
RS-9 (Residential Single-Family) and RMF (Residential
Multi-Family) .
7. Public notice of public hearing was given by publication
in the peninsula Dailv News and by posting the sUbject
property and surrounding areas.
8. The Port Angeles SEPA Responsible Official has issued a
Mitigated Determination of Non-significance to the
The proposal, as amended, is consistent with the Goals,
POlicies, and Objectives of the Port Angeles Compre-
hensive Plan.
Public Notice, as required by the Port Angeles Zoning
Code, has been given, and a public hearing before the
Port Angeles Planning Commission has been held.
C. The city's responsibility under the state Environmental
Policy Act, Chapter 43.21C RCW, has been fulfilled.
Mr. Gruver seconded the motion, which passed 6 - o.
East Lauridsen Boulevard: Request for a Conditional Use
Permit to allow the expansion of a nursing facility and
the addition of assisted livinq units to the site.
Mr. Beck reviewed the Department Report, and expanded on the
conditions proposed by staff to help minimize impacts of the
development to the area. There was considerable discussion
-'-'Concerning' a'-possible' LID for .improvements to the area, or a
non-protest agreement for future development in the area.
Chairman Leonard opened the public hearing.
Tim Haley, 1738 West Ninth street, representing the applicant,
presented visual aids to explain the property location and the
proposed development of the site. Mr. Haley further stated
that the 65 to 70 year old age group at present has a popula-
tion of 17,000,000 people, and it is predicted by the year
2010 that the age group will number 28,000,000. He felt that
it was important to note that studies show Port.Angeles.is
April 11, 1990
Page 5
noted as the tenth most likely area to retire to in the United
States, and by the year 2010, Clallam County and Port Angeles
will feel the increase dramatically in the older age groups.
Crestwood Convalescent Center was established in 1968. Fol-
lowing the addition, the establishment should have a total of
112 beds (15 new beds), including a child care area for staff.
Seventy to 80 assisted living units are proposed for the
addition in this permit request.
Mr. Haley was mainly concerned with the City's required
improvements to Park Avenue and Lauridsen Blvd. He stated
the applicant would not object to a non-protest agreement for
upgrade to those streets. Mr. Haley explained the differences
between assisted living/minimal care/nursing homes, and
distributed information distinguishing the various types of
assisted unit facilities. Mr. Haley explained the phasing of
the project.
Bill Folden, 1116 East Lauridsen Blvd., the applicant, stated
that he agreed with the Department Report, but did have ques-
tions on upgrade to the roads in the vicinity: specifically,
Lauridsen Boulevard and Park Avenue.
Mr. Beck explained that requirements for upgrade are imposed
by the City Council, which include paving to the middle of
the road, plus 10 feet, with curb and gutter on the develop-
ment side.
In response to a question from Ms. Davison concerning the
extent of nursing care available in the proposed addition, Mr.
Folden explained that this is a minimum support housing
facility, which houses active elderly people who may need some
supervision but can look after themselves with a minimum of
Mr. Haley explained the parking lot arrangement and the
circulation within the site.
There being no further comments, Chairman Leonard closed the
public hearing.
There was further discussion concerning road improvements.
Mr. Gruver moved to recommend. approval of the Conditional Use
Permit, as requested, subject to the following conditions, and
citing the following findings, and conclusions:
Prior to issuancE;!.. of a building permit for the proposal,
the applicant.shall prepare a landscaping plan designed
to ensure that the development is aesthetically compat-
ible with the surrounding uses. The plan shall be
approved by the "'Planning Department and implemented by
April 11, 1990
Page 6
the applicant prior to issuance of an occupancy permit
for the structures.
b. Prior to issuance of a building permit for the proposal,
the applicant shall sign a non-protest agreement for the
formation of a Local Improvement District for the
improvement of Lauridsen Boulevard and Park Avenue.
c. Prior to issuance of a building permit the applicant
shall resolve the conflict in the building plan with the
City's three-phase primary overhead line south of the
existing convalescent center.
1. The Port Angeles Zoning Code requires that prior to
acting on a Conditional Use Permit, the Planning
Commission must hold a duly advertised public hearing.
2. Public notice, as required by the Port Angeles Zoning
Code, has been given.
The property subject to the permit application is
described as Blocks 2, 3, and 11 of Campbell's Addition
to Port Angeles, together with portions of vacated
streets and alleys, and is located within an RS-9 Zoning
4. The Port Angeles Zoning Code allows "nursing and con-
valescent homes" as a conditional use in the RS-9 Zoning
5. The Port Angeles Zoning Code states that the Planning
Commission shall consider all applications for Con-
ditional Use Permits and may grant said permits for such
uses as by the Zoning Regulations are required to be
reviewed and which can be permitted only upon granting
of a Conditional Use Permit.
6. The Zoning Code states that the purpose of the Condi-
tional Use Permit shall be to assure that the maximum
degree of compatibility between uses shall be attained.
7. The Department of Public Works has indicated during
review of the proposal that Park Avenue and Lauridsen
Boulevard are not improved to current standards and
should be updated.
The Light Department has indicated, during review of the
proposal, that no structure can be constructed beneath
the existing three-phase power line owned by the City of
Port Angeles.
April 11, 1990
Page 7
A. The proposed activity can be permitted through the
granting of a Conditional Use Permit.
B. The proposal, as conditioned, is consistent with the
tests for issuance of a Conditional Use Permit, as found
in Article XI, Section 5 of the Port Angeles Zoning Code.
C. Procedural requirements relating to public notice and
public hearing have been accomplished.
Mr. Hulett seconded the motion, which passed 6 - O.
The Commission took a 5-minute break at 8:24 P.M.
East Front street: Request for a Conditional Use Permit
to allow a daycare facility for 60 children to operate
in the ACD. Arterial Commercial District.
Ms. Roberds reviewed the Department Report, recommending
approval of the daycare use, with conditions as proposed, to
mitigate impacts to the area, and noted a letter received
April 11, 1990, from the property owner to the west, stating
parking concerns and previous impacts. The Department Report
also outlined the history of the previous Conditional Use
Permit for the site. Chairman Leonard opened the pUblic
Ken Williams, 2504 South Oak Street, representing the appli-
cant, stated there is a need for daycare in Port Angeles, as
well as Clallam County. He read a letter in favor of the
daycare use from Virginia Leffers, 1039 Spruce street. Mr.
Williams further stated that the applicant has gone out of her
way to educate daycare patrons as to the use of the available
parking areas, concerning ingress and egress routes.
Val Gallacci, 2185 Freshwater Bay Road, the applicant, stated
that the site meets playground area requirements, as required
by DSHS (not including the parking area to the south of the
building, which presently has eight spaces noted on the site
plan as employee parking). Ms. Gallacci stated that the most
northerly fenced-off paved area is sufficient to meet play-
ground requirements set by DSHS. However, the entire paved
area to the west and south, a portion of which is required to
meet minimum parking requirements, is more functional as a
playground area and is sometimes used as such.
Mr. Philpott asked whether the rear fenced parking area could
be used as a playground, in light of the hazards that auto-
mobiles and children can present in a mixed use situation.
April 11, 1990
Page 8
Ms. Roberds noted that in a conversation with the applicant,
the applicant stated that DSHS approved the parking layout
with the mixed use and with the fence situation.
Ms. Davison noted that backing into an alley is not permitted,
and asked the applicant if she was aware of that fact. Ms.
Gallacci indicated there are many situations in town where
there is backing occurring onto an alley.
Renee Cochrun, 978 West Scribner Road,
daycare use. Ms. Cochrun noted Ms.
comply with the parking requirements,
previously stated.
spoke in favor of the
Gallacci 1 s effort to
as Ms. Gallacci
A letter was submitted by Jana Payne, 317 Ahlvers Road, in
support of the daycare use.
There being no further comments, Chairman Leonard closed the
public hearing.
The Commission discussed the parking situation, as well as
emergency exits, ingress and egress to the property, and
alternatives to the parking situation.
Ms. Davison moved to recommend approval of the Conditional Use
Permit as requested, subject to the following conditions, and
based on the following findings and conclusions:
1. Within thirty days of the date of approval of the Condi-
tional Use Permit, the applicant shall submit a parking
plan to the Port Angeles Planning and Public Works
Departments for approval. The plan shall be fully
implemented by the applicant within thirty days of
approval of the plan by the Washington state Department
of Social and Health Services.
2. The facility is continuously licensed by DSHS and all
licensing requirements be strictly observed.
3. All requirements of the Fire and Light Departments be
complied with.
4. If, after one year, the permittee does not comply with
the permit requirements and conditions, the permit may
be reviewed and action taken, including revocation of the
A. The applicant has requested a Conditional Use Permit to
continue operation of a day care at 1010 East Front
April 11, 1990
Page 9
B. The applicant has operated a day care at this facility
for the past five years.
c. A public hearing has been scheduled, per Article XI,
section 7, of Ordinance No. 1709, as amended.
D. The day care facility is licensed by the Department of
Social and Health Services for up to 65 children.
E. There have been complaints received from a neighboring
property owner concerning parking for this use.
F. The applicant has stated that the hours of operation are
5:30 AM to 6:30 PM.
G. There have been no complaints regarding the use, other
than parking.
As conditioned, the use should not adversely affect the
public health, safety, or welfare, or contribute to the
depreciation of any neighboring properties.
2. As conditioned and licensed by DSHS, the day care center
should offer a safe and healthy environment for children,
as well as a convenient commercial location for working
parents to leave their children.
3. As conditioned, the parking for the facility should not
adversely impact the neighboring properties.
4. As proposed, the facility meets standards set forth for
approval of Conditional Use Permits (Article XI, Sections
5 and 7, Ordinance No. 1709, as amended).
Mr. Gruver seconded the motion, noting that a statement be
placed in the file from the Department of Social and Health
Services that commingling of cars and a play area for the
children is consistent with DSHS policies, or the permit be
brought back to the Planning commission for further review.
The question was called and the motion carried 6 - O.
Commercial and Central Business Districts: Request for
an amendment to language in the ACD and CBD Districts
dealing with mixed commercial/residential development
with commercial use frontinG an arterial street.
Mr. Beck reviewed tha Department Report. He answered ques-
tions from the Commissioners regarding the proposal and the
current residential tises allowed in the Arterial Commercial
and Central Business Districts of the city.
April 11, 1990
Page 10
Chairman Leonard opened the public hearing.
Tim Haley, 1738 West Ninth Street, presented background on the
Zoning Code Amendment request. He explained in detail the
mixed commercial/residential concept proposed and its advan-
tages to hillsides within the Arterial Commercial District.
Mr. Haley stated that the proposal gives clarification to the
Arterial Commercial District and a definition for mixed uses.
Mr. Beck explained that the proposal, as presented by the
Planning Department, allows both commercial and residential
uses in the Arterial Commercial District, provided that in the
mixed residential/commercial use, there is a minimum of 500
square feet devoted to commercial activity and 50% commercial
use fronting on the street, on each site.
There being no further comment from the audience, Chairman
Leonard closed the public hearing.
The Commission discussed the intent of the Arterial Commercial
and Central Business Districts, as well as the proposed Zoning
Code Amendment and its benefits to those districts.
Following discussion, Mr. Gruver moved to recommend approval
of the Zoning Code Amendment as proposed, to allow mixed
commercial/apartment use developments, with a minimum of 500
square feet devoted to commercial activity and 50% commercial
use fronting on the street. Further, the standards of the
Zoning Code should be amended to require a 7-foot side yard
setback for residential structures (as required in the RMF,
Residential MUlti-Family, Zoning District). He cited the
following findings and conclusions:
1. An application for a Zoning Code Amendment has been
received, to allow mixed commercial/residential develop-
ment with commercial use fronting arterial street, in the
Arterial Commercial District and Central Business Dis-
trict zones.
2. The Zoning Code requires the Planning Commission hold a
duly advertised public hearing prior to taking action on
'Zoning Code "amendments.
The Port Angeles SEPA Responsible Official has issued a
Determination of Non-Significance for the proposal. This
determination is final and fulfills the City's responsi-
bilities pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act,
Chapter 43.21C RCW.
April 11, 1990
<.page 11
The Arterial Commercial District and Central Business
District zones are primarily commercial in nature and
encourage commercial developments at the street level.
The Arterial Commercial
District zones currently
floor or above, which
development on the first
District and Central Business
allow apartments on the second
does not require commercial
A. The Zoning Code Amendment would encourage commercial
development along fronting streets in the Arterial
Commercial District and Central Business District zones.
B. The Zoning Code amendment would allow residential
development on the first floor of structures, provided
commercial development is provided along the fronting
C. Procedural requirements of the Zoning Code relating to
public notice of public hearing have been completed.
Ms. Davison seconded the motion, which passed 6 - o.
Mr. Gruver moved to continue the public hearings beyond the
10 P.M. ruling. Mr. Hulett seconded the motion, which passed
STREET VACATION REQUEST - STV-90(04)1 - Portion of East
Sixth Street: Request to vacate a portion of City right-
Mr. Gruver stated a possible appearance of fairness problem,
in that he knew the parties involved and could have business
dealings with them in the future, and asked if anyone in the
audience had objection to his acting on the proposal. No one
in the audience objected.
Ms. Davison stated she lives near this proposal and also asked
if anyone had a problem with the appearance of fairness
'doctrine, . vOlunteering to step down. No one in the audience
Chairman Leonard said he would be stepping down from the Chair
due to an appearance of fairness problem, and left the meeting
room. Mr. Gruver, as Vice-Chairman, assumed the Chair.
Mr. Beck reviewed the Department Report, recommending approval
of vacation of a portion of City right-of-way along East Sixth
April 11, 1990
Page 12
Doris Lee, 1235 East Sixth Street, and Richard L. Grimsley,
1301 East sixth Street, applicants, were present. They
expressed the wish to have East Sixth street vacated adjacent
to their properties, noting that they had reviewed the
Department Report and had no further comments.
Mr. Beck exolained that Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Thomas, neighbor-
ing property owners, had expressed concern over the vacation.
Garrett Thomas, 2522 South Cherry street, indicated that he
is an adjacent property owner (Lot 4, Block C, Cresthaven).
Mr. Thomas said he had not been approached when the petition
was circulated, but would be interested in joining in the
petition effort for that portion of East sixth Street abutting
his property.
Mr. Beck noted that the Department of Public Works had stated
it would be logical to include Mr. Thomas' property in the
petition request, as it would make a more logical boundary.
There being no further comments from the audience, Chairman
Gruver closed the public hearing.
Mr. Catts moved to recommend that portion of East Sixth street
abutting Mr. Thomas' property (Lot 4, Block C, Cresthaven) be
added to the street vacation petition. The applicants con-
curred with this motion. Ms. Davison seconded the motion,
which passed 5 - o.
Chairman Leonard resumed the Chair.
Mr. Beck gave background regarding confusion surrounding an
application for a Conditional Use Permit request for Pat
Downie/George Gund. He asked the Commission if they would
consider hearing the request at the long-range (April 25,
1990) meeting. It was the consensus of the Commission that
they would hold the public hearing at the April 25, 1990,
meeting, due to the circumstances.
Mr. Beck indicated that the Board of Adjustment had recom-
mended review of the RS-7 and RS-9 Single-Family Residential
District side yard setbacks, and noted that information would
be submitted to the Planning Commission at a later date.
Mr. Beck referred to a memo from the City Attorney's Office
dated April 10, 1990, concerning Ediz Hook Services' Shoreline
application, SMA-89(08}101, which was appealed by the Depart-
ment of Ecology to the Shorelines Hearings Board. He noted
April II, 1990
Page 13
the agreed order which would result in dismissal of the
appeal. The city Attorney stated that a condition of
dismissal of the appeal would be that a row of old wooden
pil ings be cut down to a height of three feet above mean high
tide to improve the public views along Ediz Hook. The City
Attorney requested staff present the condition to the Planning
commission at an open public meeting, for their thoughts. It
was the consensus of the Planning commission that the
condition would be appropriate.
The meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M.
ins, secretary
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