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April 9, 1970
Port Angeles Planning Commission
R. P. Willson; Secretary'
RE: Meeting scheduled for April 13,,1~70
Old Business - 8th and Race, rezone request still tabled for
work shop.
Saint Andrews Episcopal Church request for variance and
Conditional Use Permit. Tabled for work shop.
New Business -
Mr. Wm B. Dennis, 1803 W. 4th St., has requested the
vacation of "L1I Street north of 4th Street abutting Lot 20
Block 145 Townsite.
Mr. Jerry Steinman has requested a variance from the
regulations of the CSD-Cl zone which would permit him to pre-
assemble modelssof single family residences on the northwest
corner of 16th and lIClI Streets for transport elsewhere.
Mr. Harvey Hussey has requested a variance from the setback
requirements abutting an arterial street in an RS-7 zone to permit
him to build a single family residence on the northwest corner
of 10th and lIA" Streets with a setback of 29t instead of the 30'
required, from "All Street.
Mr. Ken Erickson has requested a variance from the setback ~
requirements in the CaD zone and from the off-street parking
ordinance to permit him to construct a new building on the east
half of Lot 17 and all of Lot 18 Block 14 Townsite (located at
approximately 209 West 1st St.)
Other Business -
Steilacoom, Wash.
Correspondence from citizens group in
No action required.
Council Action - At the meeting of April 7, the City Council
took the following action on Planning Commission business.
Appointed Mrs Agnes Sannes, 1019 West 16th and Mr. Gerald
Young, 229 West 13th Street to the vacancies on the Planning
Commission effective March I, 1970 to March 1, 1976.
Set April 20, 1970 at 7:30 P.M. as a date for a joint
study session.
Requests from Planning Commission meeting of March 23, 1970
Frank Thompson - tabled for work shop, additional protests
had been submitted to the council
Edward L Hutchinson - approved as per recommendations and
restrictions imposed by Planning Commission.
Earl B. Miller - approved as per Planning Commission
As of this date I know of nothing else to be presented at this
Minutes of the Port Angeles Planning Commission meeting of April
13, 1970. . .
Present: Hunt, Sannes, McHone, Young, Dilling, Treat, Anderson
and Buildi.ng InspectorWitlson.
Absent: None.
The meeting was opened at 7:30 P.M. in the Municipal Chambers.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as received.
Mrs. Agnes Sannes and Mr. Jerry Young were welcomed to the
Commission as the newly appointed members. Their terms of
office are six years and will expire March 1, 1976.
Old Business - All old business was left tabled until after
the study session scheduled for April 20, 1970.
New Business - Three variance requests had been received and
properly posted for hearing at this ~me.
Mr. Jerry Steinman had requested a variance to allow
him to construct module homes on the northwest corner of 16th
and "Cn streets for transport elsewhere. Atter discussing
the proposed operation, Mr. Steinman was advised that the
operation more properly belongs in an M-l or an M-2 zone and
a variance for this would not be in keeping with the zoning
ordinance. The members also expressed the sentiment that
rezoning this property to an Industrial zone would constitute
"spot zoningll and they would be epposed to such a rezone.
Mr. Steinman then withdrew his request and the secretary was
directed to refund the application fee.
Mr. Harvey Hussey of 526 E. 7th Street had requested
a variance from the setback requirements in an RS-7 zone abutting
an arterial street. The property is located on the northwest
corner of 10th and II All streets. After examining the proposed
plot plan, the members voted to recommend the variance be granted
as per request.
Mr. Ken Erickson had requested a variance trom the alley
setback requirements in the CaD zone and relief from the offstreet
parking requirements for a retail sales building, to be located
at 209 West First Street. The members considered Mr. Ericksons
proposed layout and discussed both requests at length. Following
the discussion, the Commission voted to recommend the applicant
be granted a variance to allow the construction ot a building to
the alley right-ot-way line provided there will be no openings
onto the alley, an on-property loading area is to be included
and curbing is to be installed to prevent trucks from extending
from the loading area into the alley. Relief from the off-street
parking requirements was recommended with the provision that the
applicant provide and maintain a minimum ot twenty eight usable
stalls and adequate access be provided along the west side of the
proposed building to the public parking lot north of the alley.
. -
Minutes - Planning Commission
April 13, 1970
page 2.
Mr. William B. Dennis, 1803 West 4th Street had
requested that 1TL1T Street north of 4th St. abutting his ~
property ( Lot 20, Block 144 Townsite) be vacated so he
can clean the area up and landscape it. Following a dis-
cussion the members voted to recommend the vacation be
denied and directed the secretary to advise Mr. Dennis
that they have no objections to his landscaping the area
and using it as part of his yard until such time as the
City has need to utilize it.
Other Business - a short discussion period followed on
various items members brought up, and the meeting adjourned
at 9:00 P.M.
~~{J ~
Harry t, Chalrman