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Port Angeles, Washington
April 14, 1982
Chairman Anderson called the meeting to order at 7 PM.
Members Present: Richard Wight, Jerry Cornell, Richard
Anderson, James Hulett, David Brewer,
Mickey Ranta, Patrick Downie [arrived
at 7:10 PM]
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Paul D. Carr, Dan VanHemert, Louise
Frost, Larry Glenn, Gary Braun, Andy
Mr. Ranta moved to approve the minutes of the March lOth
meeting as submitted. Mr. Brewer seconded the motion,
which passed unanimously.
Chairman Anderson announced that no minutes had been pre-
pared for the March 24th meeting, which had been itA Short
Course on Local Planning."
Application for a Conditional Use Permit to operate
the "Weenie Wagon" as a Retail Stand. Location:
Northeast corner of First and Lincoln Streets.
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the Department report; Chairman
Anderson opened the public hearing.
Don Alexander introduced Mr. and Mrs. Thanheiser, who will
be operating the "Weenie Wagont1 this year. Chairman Anderson
closed the public hearing.
Mr. Wight moved to recommend approval of the Conditional Use
Permit to operate a Retail Stand for the maximum 8-month
period, subject to the following conditions:
1. The power source approved by the City Fire Chief shall
be as follows:
Planning Commission
April 14, 1982
Page 2
a. One dry chemical fire extinguisher with a 10
B.C. rating.
b. All propane tanks must be filled at the bulk
plant, or any other site which has the capa-
bility of a bottle-fill site. No.L.P. delivery
truck shall stop to fill any L.P. bottle at
this location.
2. The applicant sign a hold-harmless agreement with
the City, if deemed necessary.
3. If the retail stand proves to be an impediment to
pedestrian traffic, the use will vacate the site
on inspection by and order of the City Engineer.
Mr. Wight cited the following findings of fact:
A. The proposed stand will not create a pedestrian or
vehicular hazard.
B. The location is compatible with existing businesses.
C. It will promote and complement the pedestrian nature
of the general area.
D. The stand will not endanger the public health, morals,
safety and welfare.
Mr. Cornell seconded this motion, which passed unanimously.
[Mr. Downie arrived at the meeting.]
Mr. Carr announced that the representative for Agenda Items
10, 11 and 12 requested a continuance of all three.
Request to consider a proposed Planned Residential
Development on approximately 4.84 acres. Location:
Between 14th and 16th Streets, approximately 820
feet west of "Nil Street and immediately east of
Kedter Woods. (Continued from March lO, 1982.)
Mr. Brewer moved to continue this matter to June 9th. Mr.
Ranta seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Planning Commission
April 14, 1982
Page 3
REZONE HEARING - ELIA. Request to rezone 8.75 acres
from RS-9 (Single-Family Residential) to RMF (Resi-
dential Multi-Family). Location: Midway between
"M" and "N" Streets, and lying between 12th and 14th
Streets. (Continued from March 10, 1982.)
quest to consider a Planned Residential Development
on approximately 8.75 acres. Location: Midway be-
tween "M" and liNn Streets, and lying between 12th and
14th Streets. (Continued from March 10, 1982.)
Mr. Brewer moved to continue these matters to June 9th. Mr.
Ranta seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Conditional Use Permit to establish and operate a
retail lumber sales establishment in the CAD Dis-
trict. Location: 724 East First Street.
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the Department Report. Chairman
Anderson opened the public hearing.
Ken Rose said this site is ample for a lumber yard. Noise
will be minor, as there is minimal heavy equipment involved.
Mr. Cornell asked where trucks would be unloaded; and Mr.
Rose said within the site. His proposed hours of operation
are from 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM, Monday through Saturday. De-
liveries will not be before 7:30 AM nor after 7 PM. Chair-
man Anderson closed the public hearing.
Mr. Brewer moved to recommend approval of the Conditional
Use Permit to establish and operate a lumber yard, subject
to the following conditions:
1. That a l6-space off-street parking area be installed
in accordance with the requirements of the Public
Works Department.
2. That provision for fire protection be made in accor-
dance with the requirements of the Fire Marshall.
3. That a visual screen of wood slats be incorporated
into the existing chain-link fence.
4. That all materials delivered be unloaded within the
property boundaries.
He then cited the following findings of fact:
A. The lumber yard is generally compatible with existing
commercial development along First and Front Streets,
and complies with Commercial Policy No.7.
Planning Commission
April 14, 1982
Page 4
B. The site and existing structures are suited for a
lumber yard.
C. The reuse of the property for this commercial pur-
pose is in the best interest of the community.
Mr. Downie seconded this motion, which passed unanimously.
AUTHORITY. Application for a Conditional Use Permit
to establish and operate a Public Transportation
Passenger Transfer Site/Terminal in the M-2 Heavy
Industrial District. Location: Immediately west of
Oak Street, between Front Street and Railroad Avenue.
Mr. Carr reviewed the Department Report; Chairman Anderson
opened the public hearing.
Bill MacCully, representing Clallam Transit System Authority,
displayed a site plan and illustration of the shelters. Mr.
Cornell asked if a fence would be installed adjacent to the
parking lot to the west; and was told that when the Port im-
proves that property, buffering will be a part of that design.
Mr. wight asked why the busses were not being routed through
the present parking loti and was told that the cost for ad-
ditional land was prohibitive.
Charles Friedman objected to removal of the existing parking
spaces on the west side of Oak Street. Mr. MacCully said 4
parking spaces on Laurel Street would be returned when the
terminal is moved, while approximately 9 spaces on Oak Street
will be eliminated. Mr. Downie suggested the City parking
lot be designated for public use on weekends and after 5 PM.
Mr. Cornell suggested that the Downtown Parking Association
could lease a portion of the present parking area from the
Port. Chairman Anderson closed the public hearing.
Mr. Downie moved to recommend approval of the Conditional Use
Permit, subject to the following conditions:
1. The landscaping identified in the submitted site plan
be provided in conjunction with the Downtown Improve-
ment project this summer.
2. The shelters be constructed immediately adjacent to
the Oak Street right-of-way.
3. The shelters have clear side and back walls, constructed
of lexan plastic or a similar material.
4. That the City, in conjunction with Clal1arn Transit
System Authority, provide signs to permit public park-
ing in the private parking lot located at the north-
east corner of Front and Oak Streets on Saturdays and
Planning Commission
April 14, 1982
Page 5
Sundays and after 5 PM; and that the appropriate City
agency survey that lot to assure the maximum number of
stalls are provided.
He cited the following findings of fact for this motion:
A. The proposed use is compatible with the purpose and in-
tent of the M-2 Heavy Industrial District.
B. It complies with Comprehensive Plan Circulation Policy
No. 15 (p . 3 8) .
C. It is compatible with the Waterfront Trail Plan.
D. It will promote the general health, safety and welfare
of the Downtown, the Transit System users, and the
general community.
E. It is for the community good, and will make a positive
contribution to Downtown development.
Mr. Brewer seconded this motion, which passed unanimously.
SYSTEM AUTHORITY. Application for a Shoreline Man-
agement Substantial Development Permit for construc-
tion of four portable passenger shelters as part of
a Downtown Public Transportation Passenger Transfer
Site/Terminal. Location: Immediately west of Oak
Street, between Front Street and Railroad Avenue.
Mr. Carr reviewed the Department Report; Chairman Anderson
opened the public hearing.
No additional comments were received on this application,
so Chairman Anderson closed the public hearing.
Mr. Ranta moved to recommend approval of the Shoreline Sub-
stantial Development Permit, because the proposed use com-
plies with the Shoreline Master Program, specifically the
Use Activities, F.16 (a) (p. 6l) and F.16(h) (p. 62).
Mr. Brewer seconded this motion, which passed unanimously.
INTERPRETATION - PAYNE. Determination of the appro-
priateness of a beauty shop as a Conditional Use in
the Office. Commercial District.
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the request for reconsideration of
the interpretation made by the Commission on January 27th,
and the Department report. Mr. Downie asked if any con-
ditions had changed, and was told "no". Chairman Anderson
opened the public hearing.
Planning Commission
April 14, 1982
Page 6
Ken Williams, representing the applicant, said the location
is ideal for a beauty shop. The intent of the OC Zone is
to provide personal services, and such uses are compatible
with professional offices.
Mr. Downie mentioned that there is available property in
other commercial zones, and asked if all other alternatives
had been explored. Mrs. Payne said she has not found other
Mr. Cornell moved to allow beauty shops as a conditional use
in the Office Commercial (OC) Zone, due to their similarity
to other professional uses, and they do not create additional
traffic impacts. Mr. Wight seconded this motion.
Mr. Downie said the OC District is new, and since beauty shops
were not included as either permitted or conditional uses,
their exclusion was intentional.
On call for the question, Messrs. Wight, Cornell, Hulett
and Ranta voted "yes", with Messrs. Downie and Brewer voting
CONDITIONAL USE HEARING - PAYNE. If found appropriate,
consider an application for a Conditional Use Permit to
operate a beauty shop in the Office Commercial District.
Location: 408 East Boulevard.
The public hearing on the Conditional Use Permit application
was opened.
Ken Williams said that the beauty shop would be a three-chair
operation. Mr. Downie asked about the hours of operation: and
Melene wilhelm, the operator, said the hours would be 7:30 or
8 AM until 7 PM, by appointment only. Mr. Cornell asked if
any buffering would be provided to protect.the adjoining resi-
dence from noise; and was told that the noise would be mini-
mal. The existing structure will be remodeled. Chairman
Anderson closed the public hearing.
Mr. Wight moved to recommend approval of the Conditional Use
Permit for a beauty shop, citing the following findings of
1. The Commission has interpreted that a beauty shop can
be a conditional use in the Office Commercial (OC) Dis-
He made his motion subject to the following conditions:
A. That the Applicant comply with the City codes regarding
off-street parking.
Planning Commission
April 14, 1982
Page 7
B. That the requirements for a fire extinguisher be met,
pursuant to the Fire Marshall.
C. That the operation be limited to three operators.
D. That if the property is sold or leased to a different
beauty operator that a new Conditional Use Permit hear-
ing will be required.
Mr. Cornell seconded this motion, which passed unanimously.
a Conditional Use Permit to operate
Broker and Vessel Agent business as
Location: 1804 West Fourth Street.
Application for
a Marine Customs
a Home Occupation.
Mr. Carr reviewed the Department Report.; Chairman Anderson
opened the public hearing.
Clay Betting explained that he has been in business for 17
years, the last two at his home. His business consists of
processing the paper work associated with shipping products
by sea. The business left the old Foss Tug Dock because the
lessor (Port of Port Angeles) would not install exterior
lights so it was impossible to get tugs in at night. The
home location is very good because the Strait and incoming
vessels are highly visible. Although it is a 24-hour-a-day
business, not everyone works at the same time. He has two
part-time employees, one in a wheelchair. There is a small
wooden sign with a picture of a ship at the residence.
Chairman Anderson closed the public hearing.
Mr. Downie expressed concern with taking business from the
Downtown area. Mr. Cornell noted that there appear to be
some advantages in operating the business from the home.
Mr. Downie moved to recommend approval of the Conditional
Use Permit, subject to the following conditions: .
1. That development standard liE" of Section 17.86.040 be
modified to permit two non-family members working in
the Home Occupation because the additional non-family
member will not change the basic residential character
of the dwelling unit nor detract in any way from the
residential character of the neighborhood.
2. At least one 2AIOBC dry chemical fire extinguisher be
installed in a conspicuous location, subject to an on-
site inspection by the Fire Marshall.
He cited the following findings of fact:
A. The proposed office use involving phone and paperwork
does not introduce noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibra-
tions, odors, or other hazards in excess of those nor-
mally Jound in residential areas.
Planning Commission
April 14, 1982
Page 8
B. It will not significantly increase local vehicle traf-
fic because most of the work is done by phone.
c. The small scale of the operation will not cause injury
nor be detrimental to the adjoining or abutting prop-
D. Marine customs broker and vessel agent office Home Oc-
cupation will not endanger the public health, morals,
safety and welfare, and it would be in the public in-
terest to enable this service to be provided in the
Mr. Ranta seconded this motion, which passed unanimously.
REZONE HEARING - ADAMSON, et al. Application to re-
zone 7,000 square feet from RS-7 (Single-Family Resi-
dential) to CSD-C2 (Community Shopping District) .
Location: Southwest corner of Ninth and Lincoln
Mr. VanHemert reviewed the Department Report. Chairman
Anderson opened the public hearing.
Sharon Adamson said the existing gas station structure is
unused, and cannot be converted to a residential use. The
noise and traffic impacts will not be any greater than those
of the service station which existed at the site for 20 years.
The residential neighborhood is already divided by the exist-
ing structure, and re-use of that structure would not cause
further division. The structure pre-existed the Zoning Or-
dinance, and the parcel should have been commercially zoned.
Chairman Anderson closed the public hearing.
Following a discussion, Mr. Hulett moved to recommend denial
of the rezone for the following reasons:
1. The site is too small and too close to the Commercial
liT" to result in a cluster development, or adequately
provide a buffer for adjacent residential development.
Therefore, the rezone does not comply with Commercial
Policies Nos. 2 and 3.
2. The rezone may promote the creation of a strip commer-
cial area adjacent to South Lincoln Street, which is
contrary to Commercial Policy No.4.
3. Such development may cause the division of an estab-
lished residential neighborhood, contrary to Social Ob-
jective No.2.
4. It may weaken the economic vitality of the Lincoln Street
commercial area and the Commercial "T".
Planning Commission
April 14, 1982
Page 9
Mr. Downie seconded this motion. On call for the ques-
tion, Messrs. Downie, Cornell, Hulett, Brewer and Ranta
voted "yes", with Mr. Wight voting "no", because the
property will not be used for residential purposes.
tional Use Permit for a roller skating rink as a rec-
reational use in a residential zone (Family Skate Cen-
ter). Location: 703-707 South Chase Street.
It being after 10 PM, Mr. Brewer moved to continue this
item to the April 28th meeting. Mr. Ranta seconded this
motion, which passed unanimously.
quest to consider a proposed Planned Residential De-
velopment on approximately 25 acres. Location:
South of Campbell Avenue; east of Mount Angeles
Road; bordering white Creek on the east. (Continued
from March 10, 1982.)
Mr. Brewer moved to continue this item to May 12th. Mr.
Downie seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Mr. Carr will attend the planning conference in Spokane next
week; and together with the Jefferson and Clallam County
Planning Directors, will develop the fall planning confer-
ence to be held in Port Townsend in September.
Messrs. Downie, Wight, Cornell and Hulett had no comments.
Chairman Anderson: Observed that vehicles for sale are in
the Pay IN Save lot again. He also suggested that the
Planning Department investigate protection of solar rights.
Mr. Brewer: Asked about the Board of Adjustment's decision
on the Gau duplex variance. Mr. Carr said the Board de-
nied the application.
Mr. Ranta: Asked if bicycles were allowed to be ridden
across the Eighth Street bridges. Mr. Rose said they
could not be ridden on the sidewalk, so had to use the
Planning Commission
April 14, 1982
Page 10
The meeting adjourned at 10:35 PM.
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