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Minutes of the Port Angeles Planning Commission meeting of April 15,
Present: Hunt, McHone, Treat, Dilling, Anderson, Driscoll, Building
Inspector Willson.
Meeting was opened at 7:30 P.M. in the Municipal Chambers. Minutes of
the previous meeting were approved as received.
Old Business - There was no old business to be considered.
New Business
The request of Del-Hur for a rezoning in the 13th and 11M" Street
area to permit enlargement of the existing gravel pit had been referred
to the Planning Commission from the City Council for its recommendation.
After considerable discussion it was voted to recommend the request be
denied. In the Commission1s opinion, this would merely expand an exist-
ing situation which is very likely to present many problems in the
future. Most of the members also reported having received numerous ob-
jections to the request from property owners in this vicinity, and
further recalled that this has also been the past history of the exist-
ing operation. Some members also felt that this might be construed as
IIspotll zoning.
Mr. L. N. Jungman, 319 W. 8th, presented his proposed replat of
lots 18, 19 and 20 Block 1 Highland View Acre tracts. Memos from the
various City Departments were read relative to the proposed replatting.
Following a short discussion the Planning Commission voted to accept
the Preliminary Plat as submitted.
Other Business
Mr. Lester Larrivee, P.O. Box 646, was present to discuss his
proposed operation of a lunch counter at Park Avenue and Peabody Street.
This is the site of the former grocery store - gas station - lunch counter
operated by Frank Donahue. A brief discussion followed, during which
Mr. Larrivee's plans for the future development of the property were re-
viewed. It was noted that pin ball machines have long been a part of
this operation and no objection had been raised by the high school ad-
ministration. The Planning Commission members felt that Mr. Larrivee
intended to operate this business in a satisfactory manner and could
see no reason for objecting to re-opening this as a pre-existing noncon-
forming operation in an RS-7 zone.
The remainder of the meeting was devoted to a study session on reVlSlon
to the present zoning ordinance. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
April 10, 1969
TO: Port Angeles Planning Commission
RE: Meeting scheduled for April 15, 1969
Old Business - There is no old business.
New Business
No new variance applications have been received.
The City Council has referred the re-zoning request of Del-Hur '
for the "M" Street gravel pit area to the Planning Commission for
recommendation. No date has been set for the hearing yet.
L.N.Jungman plans to have his repiat of the Highland View Acre
tracts area ready for presentation at this meeting.
~ Business
A Mr. Lara~ee expects to be into discuss the operation of a
lunch counter, teen-age gathering spot at the corner of Park Ave.
and Peabody St. {Previous business concerning this location
first received 8/23/67 from Darrell Vincent)j
Study session on revisions ????
Council Action - At its meeting of April 3, 1969 the City Council
took the following action on items referred to it from the Planning
Commission meeting of April 1, 1969:
Independent Bible Church - approved as recommended
Chas. E. Huff, 332 E. Lopez - denied
Joseph Kilmer, 818 So. "L" St - approved as recommended
McWilliams, Seamount Estates, preliminary plat - approved
Max Ainsworth, Mt.Angeles Road and Campbell Ave., extension
of non-conforming use, approved for siy. months.
McRevey, multi-purpose building at Uptown Motel, denied, with
recommendation proposed structure be modified to restrict
capacity, set back from West property line be increased, and
application be resubmitted for consideration.
As of this date I know of nothing else to be presented at this
R. P. Willson, Recording Secretary