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Minutes of Port Angeles Planning Commission meeting of April
16 , 1968 .
Present: Anderson (acting chairman), McHone, Treat, Dilling,
Hankins, Director of Public Works Warder, Building
Inspector Willson.
Hunt, Driscoll
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as published.
Old Business
Clallam County Library Board had inquired about the
acceptability of enlarging their bookmobile stalls to 3 feet
6 inches from their west property line if the construction
had no openinas on the west wall and were entirely of brick.
The variance lranted July 20th, 1967 had been for a five foot
sideyard instead of the seven foot required. The letter dated
June 2, 1967 requesting the variance originally, had been for
the same 3 foot 6 inch sideyard. It was recommended by the
Planning Commission that the conditions of the variance as
originally granted be the minimum that should be accepted,
namely. that a sideyard clearance of 5 feet be maintained.
_ Anderson Ford had not supplied the additional information
r~quested by the Planning Commission concerning their request
for an alley vacation, presented at the April 2nd meeting.
The City Light Department had submitted a memo stating the
reasons why they were apposed to vacating this alley. Lacking
any further information from Anderson Ford supporting their
request, the matter was tabled until such time as additional
infromation is provided.
It was noted that Mr. Ed Ranta had brought in no
additional information in regard to his project on Tumwater
Access Road since the March 5, 1968 meeting.
New Business - Five variance requests had been received and
properly postpd for hearing at this time.
Robp.rt J. Lieby of 224 West 9th Street had requested a
variance which would permit him to enlarge an existinq single
family residence at thf> above arlrlrp!'i.s... The property is a
normal 7000 square foot fot and contains a main single family
residence, used as thp parsonage, an additional single family
residence on the alley, used by the church secretary for
living quarters and an office, one 121 x 24' garBle and one
17' x 20' carport. The present lot coverage is approximately
2683 sq.ft. and the proposed addition would raisp it to about
2800 sq.ft. The maximum 30 per cent allowable lot coverage
in an RS-7 zone would be 2100 sq.ft. After considerable
discussion it was voted to recommend that the request be denied
because of the overcrowding which alread~exists on this property.
A request was received from Madge Olson of 906 West
14th Street for a variance which would permit enlargement of
an existing non-conforming single family residence. The
Minutes-Planning Commission
April 16, 1968
page 2.
request was for a side yard clearance of five feet. After
considerable discussion, a motion was made to allow construction
to a ten foot setback. Before a vote was taken, further
discussion arose concerning possible alternatives. The matter
was finally tabled and Mrs Olson was goinq to investigate other
possible solutions. On the morning of April 17th Mrs. Olson
telephoned the Building Inspector and informed him that the ten
foot setback would be acceptable and wondered if it would be
possible to process the request on through the City Council
without waiting for another Planning Commission meeting. The
Building Inspector then contacted those members, who had been
prp.sent at the Planning Commission meeting, individually, and
explained the situation. All five members contacted indicated
that their vote on this motion would have bep.n for approval
and felt that it would be proper to include such a recommendation
in the minutes of the me~ting. Thpreforp., it was recommended
that a v~riance be granted Mrs Olson to enlarge her existing
single family residence by extending the dininJ area to a
point ten feet from the west margin of "B" Street.
Mr. Ted Cooper, 1111 South nB" Strp.et hi'ld requested a
variance which would allow him to enlarge an existing non-
conforming sinqle family residence by extending it into his
front yard. The front setback would still be about 76 feet 50
this presented no problem. It was voted to recommend that
the request he approved.
Vern Grall & Harold Green hod requested a condi ti onal
use permit and variance to allow them to construct an automobile
car was~at 921 Ea~t Front Street, in an RB zone. One property
owner was present and spoke in opposition. The objection of
he and his neighbors was not to the proposed business, but to
the traffic which it would ~enerate in the alley abutting
their residential zone. The neighbors felt that if the property
were fenced si~ilar to the n~w service station on the north-
east corner of Front and Race Streets, and all vehicular ingress
and egress through to the alley be denied, this would solve
the problAm and they would have no obiections. The Planning
Commission questioned Mr. 3rall and Mr. Green, who were in the
audience, about fencing th~ property to eliminate this through
traffic. Mr. Grall stated that they would prefer to retain the
accessibility to the alley but he could sympathize with the
neighbors and the operation of the proposed car wash could be
modifip.d to meet th,sr requireMent if necessary. It was then
proposed th'1t approval be recommended with the stipulation that
a 5 - 6 foot high, site-obsurinq fence be erected on the pro-
perty line abutting the residential properties and alley; also
that no vp.hicular ingress or egress be nrovided to the alley
from the lot under consideration.
Before a vote was taken, a legal technicality was brought
up as to whether this land use could even be granted a condition-
al use ~ermit on this lot and in this particular zone. The
problem centered around the manner of interpretinq two different
paragraphs in the zoning ordinance. The secretary was advised
to contact the City Attorney for an opinion, and if the permit
could legally be lranted, apprnval recommendation was to be
Minutes-Planning Com~ission
A P r i 1 16, 196 8
page 3.
written in thp. minutes, subject to the restrictions contained
in the proposal by the Planning Commission (site-obscuring
fence 5 - 6 feet high shielding the operation from the neigh-
boring residential properties and no vehicular in]ress or egress
between the lot and the alley). The City Attorney was contacted
and was of the opinion that the request could be granted, and
the restrictions, as stated, be made a condition of the condition-
al use permit subiect to the above restrictions.
The Port Angeles Evening News had requested a variance
from the allAY set-back requirements of the CBD to allow them
to construct a building 45 feet by 140 feet on the northwest
corner of First and Cherry streets. The north wall, along the
all~y, would havP. no openings and parking and loading area is
to he provided on thA west side of th~ building. After a brief
discDssion it was voted to rp.commend approv~l of the request
since there will be no access to the alley from the building
and parking and loadinl facilities, in compliance with the off-
street parking ordinance, are to be provided 0n the applicants
property on the west side of the proposed structure.
A proposed subdivision plat, from E. L. McWilliams,
in Suburban Lot 48 ( at 10th and IlNlI Streets) was received.
A letter from the abutting property owner on the east was also
acknowledged. Both letters were tabled for further study.
The secretary was directed to obtain memos from all city
departments, which would have any cohcern in providing utilities
or service to this area, with com~ents as to the workability of
the proposed property layout.
No further business was received and the meeting adjourned
at 9:00 P.M.
~~~Acting Chairman
New Business A preliminary plot for a subdivision of pnrt of
Suburban Lot 48 has been rereived from E. L. McWilliams.
This is on west 10th Street iust east of "NIl Stn~et.
Council .l\ction
action on items
The City Council -on April 4th took the following
covered at the April 2nd meeting:
E. A. Jensen - sign - approved as recommended
Richard Sharnbroich - 12th 8. !lGII - approved as recommended, and
expressed the thought the the 25 foot set back requirement on a
corner lot in an RS-7 zone might bear further consideration,
possible revision.
R~chard L~ Miller - Park Knoll - approved as recommended.
This is all the business presented as of this date. Two other
variance requests which were anticipated for this meeting failed
to materialize.
R. P. Wi 11 son
Apri 1 11, 1968
TO: Members of Port A~eles Planning Commission
RE: Meeting scheduled for April 16, 1968
I have received five variance requests which have been properly
posted for hearing at this meeting.
Port Angeles Evening News has requested a variance from the setback
requi reme nts f rom the a lley in the cao zone which wo uld permi t them
to construct a building to the south margin of the alley between
Front and First Streets, on the northwest corner of First and
Cherry Streets.
Ted Cooper of 1111 South IIB'I Street has requested a variance to
enlarge his existing single family residence by extending it north.
The present building was legal under the old ordinance but is not
set back far enough from IISIl Street to meet the requirements of
the new ordinance.
Madge 01son,906 West 14th, has requested a variance to allow her to
enlarge her house but extending it to the east. The present build-
ing sets back twelve feet from the west margin of l1afT Street
and was legal under the old ordinance. The addition would extend
the building to five feet from be west margin of IIBn Street.
Robert J. Lieby has requested a variance f or the property at 224 e
West 9th Street. He wishes to enlarge a small house, on the alley.
Under the old ordinance there was noi setback r~quired for this part
of the lot. The new ordinance specifies 25 feet from the alley
for a residence in an RS-7 zone. This will also increase the
pell"cent of lot cove rage to 40%.
Vern Grall and Harold Green have requested a variance (or conditional
use permit) to permit them to install and operate an automatic car
was at 921 East Front street. This is in an RB zone.
Under old business, I neglected to ~ing up an inquiry at the April
2nd meeting. The Clallam County Library is still in hopes of obtain-
ing some additional property on 'the west side of their building at
Boulevard and Peabody. However, they have inquired as to the accepta-
bility of building to 3 teet 6 inches from the west property line, with
their book mobile storage, instead of the five foot granted in their
variance, if the west wall of the addition has no openings and is
entirely brick.
Also, Anderson Ford was notified on April 4. 1968 by telephone that
additional information was necessary pertinent to their request for
the vacation of the alley Detween Front and Gerogiana on the east
side of White's Creek. As of this date, no further information
has been received. The City LiJht Department has presented a memo~
stating their reasons for objecting to this vacation. ..
Nothing further has been received from Mr. Ed Ranta pertinent to his
truck garage project, proposed on Tumwater Access Road.