HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/18/1967
I' i nut e S 0 f the , e e ti n 1 0 f the Po r tAn leI e s P h n n i n l Co nm 1 S 5 ion
'artl lAth, 19~7.
'~el!lher<; UY~'ient wen" A.ndeY50n, f)illinJ, Driscoll. Ifunt,
TreAt And ':;tranJe; ah5~nt Hankins. Usa prf'~~nt "'ere ,1itector
of ~u 1 ic .,orks Tohn !.i. ,i.irder ,lInd t!ulldin 1 Inspector lobert
IHnutes of the previous mf'ettn'] wpre read and approved.
The r ewer e no he'" r i. n 1 5 set e d u 1 e d for t his m (> e t.i n J.
Mr. Ken Price was oresent to asr~rtain,if pos5ible, the
street location!! in the Peabody IleL}hts area. Mr. ;jdrder
olscussed this matt~r with ~r. Price.
Rohert ,Yill son l rou'Jht copie" of tne ne~1 lonin J
RE! Julations which hdd been cOr.lpiled and co pleted 1n t.he
I rqineerin J nf>prrrt1enL Fach l'r1e1'"lher of tt e ,'ofJl!:Ii~sion was
liv~(\ 0 copy. A Tf!nentl discussion follo",erl ~HUI the mf'mbers
e ~ or-I! sin J approval dnd cOMpi imentin I ~'r. ~;arder on the final
Oiscussion of procedure for thl" ~doption of thr ; onin J
Ordinance followed. A motion was pass~d /'15 follo"/s: "That
th(! Port An Jel~ Pli'lnl lng CO::l!1tssion hold a public heldnJ on
t ~,(' l' Y' n p 0 5 e d t Z 0 n i n q R e T U 1 a t ion st. 11 He it r i n'l tab p 11 e 1 din the
Roosl!vf'lt Tllnior Hi::lh ichool .\uditot'"illM at 7:3n t'. . I~ay ..J...S-th,
19") 1 . ,~ 0
p . .~ .
No fur t 11 e r h h sin ~ 5 !!I a p pea r 1 n q m ~ ~ tin J it d ; 0 u rn e d II t 8: 30
Respectfully 5Ul.r,1tted
t=1"~d--C:--;trange, Chairmau
Actin l 3ecre'tilry