HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/19/1966
Minutes of the regular Deeting of the Port Angeles Planning
Commission April 19th 19660
Members present were Anderson, Driscoll, DillingD
Hankins, Huntj Treat and Strangeo Also present were Director
of Public Work. John Bo Warder and Building Inspector Robert
Minute. of the previous aeeting were read and approvedo
First matter taken up for consideration was a request
for the vacation of An alley in McGill! Addition. The request
was signed by Mr. and Mr'cWi1liaa Cogburn owners of lots 45,
46, 47, 48 and 49 McGills Addition and Mr. and Mrso William Ko
Thomas Sro owners of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 McGills Addition,
the alley referred to adjoins the above propertieso In as
much as no public good wou~d be served by the requ~lt and
further it being against the policy of the Planning CommissIon
to vacate any str~etB or alleys, a motion was passed recommend-
ing to the City Council the request be deniedo
Next under consideration was the application of Mel Dc
~ for a variance from the zoning regulations on lots 14 and
~and 12 feet of lot 13 B!ock 50 Townsite located approximately
at 427 We~t 3rd Streetc The request is fOT permission to allow
a carport to extend within 11 feet of 3rd Street instead of the
required 25 feet hold backo Upon examination of the site it
was determined this was the last possible construction that
could be made on the north side of 3rd Street it being at the
brink of the Valley Gulch, and would not hinder any other
propertyo A Dotion w~s passed recommending to the City Council
the application be approvedo
A letter from Mro Lc D. Solomonson requesting the
vacation of a short alley in th~ Penn Street area, "a. read
and placed on file for future studyo
The balance of the meeting was given over to the study
of the proposed oft-street parkin1 ordinance, a matter that
has been under consideration for some time. After a few minor
changes 1n wordinq the proposal was approv~d and a public
hearing on the proposaL was set for May 3rd 1966.
No further business appearin1 meeting adiourned at 9 P.Mo
Respectfully submitted,
Hugh Hankins, Secretary
Fred C. Strange, Chairman